FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter DERAGAN - What'd the Viking Do?

Rosewynn Manor, Meadowbrook, Grier Country


Deragan was watching out the window when he caught sight of the large wolf pacing near the bushes at the far end of the lawns. Acharius?

Deragan stood and peered out. Confirming his suspicions.

Why’s he here? Deragan crossed the grass under the noon sun. Aiming for the shade of trees to meet him. By the time Deragan reached him he was unfolding from a wolf to a man.

“Who’s at the caves?” Deragan questioned.

He’s right. It is always my first question. Acharius had often said so.


Deragan nodded then looked back at him, eyes huge. “He’ll stay with them?”

“He’s sober.” Acharius reassured. “I discerned from his walk.”

Well that’s something…

He still hasn’t said why he’s here.

“What’s wrong, Acharius?” Deragan queried.

He’d not be here unless he needed help.

“I’ve dishonored our breed.”

Deragan looked at him askance. “You?”

I can think of no one less likely to do so.

“What have you done?” He asked urgently.

“Ruined a woman.”

Said from a Viking…It seems so strange to hear him confess it with such shame in his voice.

“Why would you do such a thing?” Deragan’s voice rose.

That’s tremendously unlike you. There must be more.

“I was drawn to her then I came to care for her. I’m a fool.”

“If you’ve feeling for her, why not offer her something substantial and redeem what you took?”

“I can’t.” He grimaced. “I’ve reason to believe Chavias is hunting me. And even more recently, I was attacked by a Targue.”

“It’s not safe for her.” Deragan shook his head.

“I know.”

“Then why did you do it?”

“I did it before I knew about Chavias. I was thinking on offering her everything. But I can’t ask her to risk her life to be with me.”


You shouldn’t. Deragan agreed with him.

“I see the error in my judgement.” His throat worked convulsively. “You’re the wisest man I know that’s why I came for your guidance.”

Oddly, the Captain’s expression didn’t alter. “Sevence, I know you to be honorable with an acute understanding of duty.” The Captain said. “So, what will you do now?”

Acharius searched for a way to explain himself. “I know. That’s why I’m here. I’m at a loss.”

“Cut ties with her and send her packing.”

“She won’t go.” Acharius blurted. Startled at the Captain’s directness.

No, I’m sure she won’t. My mate wouldn’t. Deragan knew.

“Nonetheless.” Deragan’s tone hardened as he made the command, knowing it was what Acharius needed. “Order her gone. Otherwise you’ll be responsible for killing her.”

If Chavias is after you he’ll go after everyone and everything in the way of that.

“And if I can’t?” Acharius asked. He looked away then and stared at the ground. Ashamed of the choice he had made. The Captain would have cause to be disappointed in him now.

“I trust you to do the right thing.” Deragan spoke again. “Though we are men of a different breed there’s still mortal hearts beating in us. It’s what makes us keep fighting for a cause that’d wither and decompose without us. Man was designed to make mistakes so they may learn from them. But the wise thing is to do waht most protects the girl. Especially if you’re right and she’s a Watcher.”

Acharius gave a quick nod. “I understand, My Captain.”

I know that feeling. But Deragan stamped down his sympathy.

He wouldn’t be asking me unless he already knows it’s what needs doing. He just needs me to make him do it.

Unfortunately, Deragan knew that was his role as alpha more often than not. Telling them to do what they already know they should, but don’t want to.

“You will do it.” Deragan growled. Eyes flashing in the darkness to warn the man that towered over him he was strong enough to make him do as he bid.

“Yes, My Captain.” Acharius lowered his head in deference.

“But first I need you to go to the Isle of Wight.”

“Lucien’s island?” Acharius’ head darted up.

“Yes. They’re competing for the hand of my mate’s best friend. A fine, clever woman. I’ve orchestrated a little game, I’d like you to participate.”

“Yes, My Captain.”

He has no wish to. But it’ll be a temporary reprieve from his thoughts.

So Deragan felt no remorse for sending him after another woman despite his affections for the redhead. He’ll never beat out Lucien in the pursuit anyway, but he can lend a temporary bit of competition.

“Head straight there. Once you’re done there you can return to deal with your current problem.”

The girl.

Acharius nodded slowly and left. Looking despondent.

Deragan watched him go. Sorry for his heartache and deeply sympathizing with that pain. Good luck, Brother.

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