FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter CHAVIAS - Hunting Acharius

Merwood, Dread Hideout


Someone else watched Chastain tonight.

Chavias peered from the darker part of the forest, camouflaged by the intertwining

branches of the tree he stood in. Staring down at her. Where’s Acharius?

The man’s been scarce. Like he knows I’m hunting him. And everytime Chavias had seen him he was with the girl.

A girl I’ve no wish to harm. Chavias had watched the familiar redhead wandering in and out of the caves.

No doubt, to be with him.

But Acharius had hardly emerged. And only long enough to check the few traps near the entrance to his caves and then lumbering back in.

What’s wrong with him?

Is he ill?

He watched the redhead vanish inside tonight and saw her succumb to her sadness and slide down the cave wall to rest on the damp ground. Knees drawn to her chest. Looking very small.

And ready to burst into tears at any minute. As much as Chavias already dreaded what he knew had to be done the last thing he wanted was for the last words either of them said to the other to be harsh ones…

Her sobs echoed through the stone chambers.

And he was taken back instantly to over a decade ago. When her tears had called to me then.

He’d heard them even from within Stone Peak. Sensed her deep grief.

So, when it’d come time for Okine to torture him, he’d trailed the sounds of sobs deep into Battling territory as he’d Spirit-Ran. Still during my earlier attempts.

It’d taken him straight to the makeshift Mushroom Hut. Udora Novavax’s hut.

He’d barely been able to manifest as more than a bluish haze. Visible to only her eyes for some reason.

She’d been impossibly thin.

Frail and weeping deeply. Shivering from the cold.

He’d whispered to her comfortingly and knelt before her.

When her hands covering her face had lowered, as if sensing him, she’d gasped and crawled backward across the wooden floor.

“I won’t hurt you.”

“How’d you get in here?”

“I heard you crying.” He evaded the question. Unsure how to explain to someone so small what he was doing.

In this ghostly form.

“I’m not okay! We are all dying!” She gestured across the room where there were several tiny beds. Little girls huddled on them freezing without blankets.

Who’d do this? He’d wondered in horror. In his dreamlike Spirit-Running state, he was able to see the little girls as something else. To glimpse the white light moving off them like tentacles tangling in water.

This is how Bast sees the light. Chavias had heard him speak of it often enough.

Chavias had slowly stood. Mesmerized. This is how Bast always finds The Fallen.

He’d watched her and the haphazard children she resided with for a few nights. It hadn’t taken me long to determine that, with their gifts, they were the Watcher children.

Chavias had finally fully registered the wonderful truth. They are all Watchers.

They’re not all lost, My Brothers. He’d whispered into the night. And he’d vowed he’d get them out of there.

All his efforts had led to that night. The night little Chastain had led the barefoot girls fleeing through the darkness in their nightdresses. Fighting the wind and rain to get to the cave with the Dread door capable of taking them where I’d known they’d be safe.

Near my former brethren.

Chastain had closed her eyes as she led them. Unaware of tears seeping over her cheeks, knowing she’d be separated from the other girls.

I told her. He remembered. But he also recalled the surprising strength the girl had shown in leading them from the only home they had known and to an unknown future.

Where is all that strength now, Little One? You’ll need it more than ever after I kill your lover. He swallowed the screaming of his conscience at the mere thought.

Acharius and I were close once.

I have no choice. He reminded himself.

Radix will hunt down Sebastian. Like a bloodhound after a quarry.

Unable to bear the thought any longer Chavias moved from the tree to leave the caves. To go back to his underground prison in Battling. But as he turned, he caught a faint whiff. Rhyers.

Damn him! The tracker was already close.

I must’ve left a track. Chavias was usually so careful. For just this reason!

Searching the distance, he looked for any telltale movement. Where are you?

Chavias was well aware Rhyers was beyond skilled. Primal in his ability to track without being noticed. Fading in and out of trees like a wraith.

Chavias’ heart began to throb as he sensed the danger. He’s close.

Unable to catch sight of the hunter, Chavias made a decision. Leave the opposite direction from which I came and get in the trees. High enough he’ll struggle to find a track. Satisfied with the idea he turned, gaze lingering over his shoulder. Afraid he’d miss something.

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