FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter CHAVIAS - Bled Anyway

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border


Chavias was so weak he stumbled through the caves. Okine at his back, shoving him every time he paused to lean on the stone wall. Okine led him into Radix’s expansive chamber where the old man sat on the rickety chair at the lopsided wooden table. Playing a game of chess as he stroked his long beard thoughtfully.

A girl stood in the corner. The floor seemed alive at her feet. She had dark hair and dark eyes and a rather plain face to match her drab brown overdress.

Chavias recognized her as one that often came to try and garner some of the old Demon’s attention. Blinking and letting the yellow eyes of his wolf peer out he could see that the ground around her was littered with dark serpents which writhed lovingly over her bare feet and coiled her ankles like strange stockings.


Chavias was aware who she was. He’d seen her in the Netherwood many times, lurking outside Acharius’ caves.

“Karina.” Radix said without looking at her.

Her head shot up and she beamed. The scales of the serpents at her feet grated as they began to climb over each other faster.

“Fetch me something to drink while I talk to my slave.”

She nodded excitedly and scurried from the chamber. The serpents swelling and crossing her feet as she moved. Somehow staying from her path enough to avoid being stepped on. Easily keeping up with her as she hurried away.

Like one of Radix’s Nonis.

“He failed.” Okine said gleefully. “May I bleed him?”

“He is wounded.” Radix lifted his head to sniff the air in the black cave. Only the dimly burning torch in the far corner cast any light down here. “How bad?”

“Badly.” Chavias supplied dully. Knowing the demon didn’t much care either way.

Save that he’d be out a warlord powerful enough to kill other Forever Knights.

“Stabbed hunting one you order.” Okine said.

“Sevence?” Radix nearly overturned the table as his head shot up to set on Chavias. “It isn’t done yet?”

Chavias looked at him steadily. Lips so tight he knew they whitened around his mouth. Knowing what was coming. “He’s been protected. Hard to get close to.”

“Who is it you cannot fight through?”

Chavias was quiet. Refusing to answer. Knowing Radix would know a lie when he heard one. He’s king of them, afterall.

“Ah, your old friend. The King of the Castle of Water?” Radix smiled evilly. “He is strong enough to kill you, is he? Was it he did that did that to you?” Radix tossed his head toward Chavias’ chest.

Chavias held his silence.

“You prideful creature.” Radix hissed. “Even now…” Radix’s eyes moved to Okine and Chavias could feel the sense of defeat settling into his bones.

“Yes, Okine. You may bleed the creature.”

Okine squealed like a maid, in his delight. Greedily clutching Chavias’ elbow.

As if I’d flee.

Chavias felt numb inside. Where would I go? Who would have me?

Sabine. He knew she would harbor him.

But the demon would merely hunt him down and kill whoever was with him in punishment for his escape.

Chavias would rather die here in these caves, tonight. Rather than ever lead Radix to the unspeakably beautiful treasure he hid in a country manor.

With that last peaceful thought he banished all images and memories of Sabine from his mind, forcing it blank. Aware that whatever he consciously thought of or remembered while he was being bled, Radix learned when he drank Chavias’ blood like fine wine.

But when Chavias Spirit-Ran his mind went with him and left everything in his physical body blank. An empty slate for Radix to consume.

Something the demon found incredibly frustrating.

Chains rattled and the smell of blood, sweat and fecal matter stung Chavias’s senses as he felt the shackles hooked to his wrists and ankles. Heard the rusty scrape of Okine’s blades and the burning rending of his flesh when the musky smell of that dirty blade was put to his skin yet again.

He ran to Sabine. Letting his spirit leave his desolate body to find her.

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