FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter Bast Guards so I Can Knight Sleep

A knock at the door revealed Sebastian Bodane on the doorstep.

“Sebastian.” Nora greeted. Her gaze lingering on him despite herself.

“Hello Miss Bishop.”

“I haven’t seen Deragan all morning.”

“I’d heard he wasn’t feeling well.” Bast remarked.

“Oh, did you want to go check on him?”

“No need. With you here, I’m sure he’ll be well-tended if he has any needs.”

Her face softened into a smile. “You are charming.”

“I can be.” He walked in by her. Inviting himself. “On occasion. May I join you today? I fear my house is perilously lonely with my friend so far away.” He gestured above.

“Certainly. Please join us for the eve. We have a spare chamber Lily and Mary prepared upstairs. You’re welcome to it.”

“Thank you.” He tipped his head.

Upstairs Deragan was deathly still. His body shedding layers of black scales which worked to heal his body from any wounds while he slumbered. Blue light emanated from him in a thin layer.

Even through the fog of sleep, Deragan hated being so vulnerable. It usually wasn’t peaceful rest because he slept in fear something would happen.

And I’ll be too drowsy to rouse.

He did kill her in the bed next to me before. Deragan vividly recalled that wedding night.

Deragan had nightmares about the many things he’d seen like a replay of so many awful moments. He envisioned Anastacia dying in his arms. Blue skinned and purple lipped as she quaked in pain.

Then Radix still as a statue. Surrounded by clover and Cimmerii.

Then came the cry of a dragon, Deragan saw the green dragon plummeting in the distance. He prayed the dragon would catch himself. Instead he landed violently. Body jouncing inward before folding open limply.

Next, a white dragon fell at the demon’s feet, shaking the earth as he landed. It panted desperately. Trying several times to rise, but Radix unleashed a torrent of strikes to the massive body.

Radix sent repeated blows into the dragon on the ground until its body gave out, reducing into a naked man.


He shouted for them all to stay back moments before Cimmerii collected him and drug him off.

Radix’s harsh laughter was painfully mocking. Seemingly going on forever while his beard danced like some skeletal caricature.

No revenge that day. Only more anguish. Deragan huffed restlessly, but his body was too drugged with the Knight Sleep’s healing energy, to move.

Closing his eyes and blowing a long breath he saw Nora’s face in his mind’s eye. Offering comforting reassurances that this lifetime would be different.

The visions blurred and his memory darkened. Awaking from the dream hot and sweating, he still felt the hollow sense of loss that’d overcome him right after the Great Battle.

It’s my fault. Rolling to his feet, he tossed a candle-holder across the room, embedding it in the wall. Slumping into the chair next to his bed he scrubbed his face with his palms a moment before strolling to the mantle and sloshing water on his face. Though he was aware there was a frosty sheen to it, he felt nothing. Only her touch offers me sensation. Nothing more.

Using a towel, he wiped away the water and shook it from the curls of black hair along his forehead. Sighing as he sat on the edge of the bed to pull on his boots.

He consoled himself by reminding it wouldn’t be much longer before she turned back to him. She’s already progressively more curious.

Her questions were becoming deeper and he’d noticed she tended to linger where he was.

She wants to be near me.

Taking the stairs, he still blinked drowsily. But as he crossed the Dining Hall, his gait was already resuming its animalistic roll. When a mouse scurried over the floor, he whipped so reflexively that Nora started behind him. Gasping.

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