FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter ACHARIUS - My Shame

Merwood, Dread Hideout


Telling Aggie and Mags what he’d done was the most shaming thing Acharius ever had to do. There was no defense for him from the judgment in their eyes.

“Did you take advantage of our girl apurpose?” Mags asked.

“No.” He sighed. “It was never my intent. I truly didn’t…”

“But you did.” Agatha interjected.

He sighed, head falling. “Aye. I did.”

“She’s no little girl.” Mags gave Aggie a chiding look. “She’s a grown woman now for many years. Old enough by far to decide for herself.”

“But she was an innocent!” Aggie objected.

Acharius closed his eyes. Pained at their words. “I was wrong.”

“Yes, you were!” Aggie’s bleary brown eyes narrowed on him.

“I think perhaps you girls would do best to take her from the Merwood. Somewhere safer.”

Mags gasped. “Leave the Merwood? Acharius!”

I didn’t mean I don’t want you here.

“You want us to go?” Aggie was equally as appalled. Brief hurt written over her features.

“No, Aggie.” He looked from her to Margaret who’s bit of gathered fruit was slipping from her skirt. “No Mags. I don’t want anyone to go.”

“Then why would you ask us to?” Mags blinked brown eyes so much like her sister’s.

“To keep her, and you, safe.”

“We’re safer here with you close by to look after us then we ever were anywhere else!” Mags cried out. Reminding him so much of the young girl she’d been when he’d found her.

Now they are my old friends. And I’ve disappointed them.

“You’re right.” He waved his hands before him in surrender. “I will find another way to separate myself from her.”

He retreated from their accusing eyes. I betrayed their trust. And now I’ve hurt them. He was nearly out of the garden gate when Aggie’s stern voice gave him pause.

“And what will you do now, Our Acharius?”

With Chastain?

He was taken aback. “What do you mean?”

“Will you do right by the girl?” Mags queried.

He opened his mouth to speak but found the words came slowly as if from far away. “I’ve nothing to offer her, Margaret.” He swallowed hard.

“Apparently Chastain thought you had everything to offer or she wouldn’t have chosen you.”

“The girl is impetuous. Not foolish.” Aggie added.

“I-” He found there was little he could say just now as he faced judge and jury in the consequence of these sweet old ladies.

“You really have only one choice…” Mags gave him a very disapproving look.

“True.” Aggie crossed her arms over her chest.”

They want me to wed her? He looked from one to the other in horror.

And give her what? A dank cave?

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