Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 52

The next day, I go to visit Delilah who is, thankfully, feeling much better. James brings us tea while we are snuggled into blankets on the sofa in their living room. "Kas, Lady Camille would like to come here to speak with Beta Milo and Beta Lenora to help with the premonition...umm...situation," she says the last part quietly with her tea cup held close to her mouth. Her breath makes steam billow off the top of her cup.

I think for a moment about what Delilah just said, "She doesn't want to speak with Bronx?" "Kas, we mean no disrespect to Alpha Bronx, but think that Beta Lenora will be the best person to explain the premonition to him. Specifically because of their relationship. He will accept it better from her," she pauses, then sighes, "We also think it is best if we dont tell either of you when it is supposed to happen, so neither of you tries to change it. The people who surround you two, the ones who truly love and care about you the most, will be the ones to protect you and stop it." It sounded a bit cryptic, but Delilah has never given me a reason to question her before. "Alright, I will speak to Beta Milo. When should we expect Lady Camille? I will make sure she gets the suite with the big balcony. I know how she likes to do sun salutations in the mornings."

"Two days time," she confirmed, "Thank you for your understanding, Kas. I-II don't want you to think there is any sort of subterfuge against you or Alpha Bronx. This situation is very complex."

"Oh Delilah, I don't think that at all. I am truly grateful to have you as a friend and an ally through all of this."

We spend the rest of the afternoon watching a holiday baking competition and drinking herbal tea.

When it was close to time for dinner, I head back to the packhouse but not before giving Delilah a big hug, "I meant it when I said I am grateful to have you as a friend, Delilah. If you ever need anything, just say the word." Milo, Lenora, and Bronx got home from the MasonCo office and I let them know to prepare for Lady Camille. I pull Bronx aside and tell him about what Delilah said. Lady Camille will discuss the situation with Milo and Lenora and she will have Lenora speak with him separately about the premonition. I also tell him that he and I are not allowed to know when it is supposed to happen, but she and Delilah would prepare the people around us, so they can protect us. This news makes him extremely grumpy. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and mutters something about going to the weight room before he sulks away.

As soon as Lady Camille arrives, his attitude changes. He treats her like the most important guest we have ever had at Blood River. We spend the first day letting her spend time with Delilah and James. Knowing Lady Camille is not one for fanfare, we plan a small get together for dinner. Just her, the ranked members, Delilah, James and Marco. Bronx begrudgingly lets me cook the entire thing. He would much prefer if I let the kitchen staff handle it. He says that is what they're there for but I enjoy cooking so much. I am happy I can make a meal that the people I love the most will enjoy.

The next day, Lady Camille, Delilah, Lenora, and Milo spend most of the day in Bronx's office. They even have breakfast and lunch brought into them. Bronx makes himself scarce by spending most of the day on the training grounds. I keep finding reasons to casually walk past the door. Maybe I would happen to overhear something...anything. No such luck. Dang it.

I guess I'm not as casual as I thought because Ashley pulls me away and gives me a few chores that omegas could use my supervision on, out in the greenhouse.

It's late afternoon when an omega comes to fetch me. Lady Camille is ready to speak with Bronx and me. I hurry as fast as I can without looking like I'm being chased.° Bronx arrives at the same time. As we approach the office, Lenora and Milo are just leaving. Lenora looks like she's been crying. "Lenora, are you okay?" I take her by the hands and look up at her watery eyes.

She grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me in for a tight hug.

"I love you, Kas," she whispers, "Please always remember that. No matter what the future holds, I love you."

"Umm, okay? I love you too, Lenora," I pat her back so she will release me.

No sooner than she lets me go, Milo lifts me off the ground in a bear hug that I can't escape even if I wanted to.

"Little Sister, you're always safe with us. Always. You're never alone, okay?" his breath hitches as he speaks.

"I know, Milo. I know," I squeak out from inside his crushing hug. A low growl comes from behind us.

"Sorry, Bronx," Milo apologizes as he sets me down.

I look over to see Lenora standing close to Bronx, telling him she would speak to him after dinner.

"What on earth was that all about?" I ask as they walk away.

"I don't know. Hopefully she tells me more when she and I talk tonight," Bronx says watching the Betas head down the stairs before he places his hand on the small of my back and guides me into his office.

Lady Camille and Delilah are sitting at the conference table, sipping tea, waiting patiently for us.

"Ah Alpha Bronx, Luna lokaste. I apologize for taking so much of your Betas' time but we had an extremely fruitful conversation. Most of which was about the two of you and what we can do about Luna lokaste's premonition," Lady Camille greets us.

"Luna lokaste, we also discussed in depth your journey and the things we learned about you in the first month you were at the coven," Delilah says, giving me a knowing look.

"Oh, I see. That would explain the the hallway hugs," I look down at my hands.

In the first month I was at the coven, we spent a lot of time focusing on meditation, soul searching and I guess what you could call therapy related to my current life, but it was all using magic. The witches would connect with my emotions and were able to sense what I was feeling about events I would describe to them, even if I didn't realize I was feeling it. In two weeks, I had worked with five different witches. All of whom were overwhelmed and had to respectfully stop working with me. Almost all my experiences in my life at that point were all based out of isolation, depression, fear, and dispair. Ultimately, Lady Camille took charge of the sessions and was able to help me look past all those emotions so I could progress to more a more positive mindset. 2 I can only imagine what Milo and Lenora thought about hearing about my past. We hadn't really discuss it much. I mean, they know about my scars and how I got them, but I don't really like having to rehash the past traumatic events of my life. :

We speak for about an hour about how I felt before and after the premonition, how I have been since, and discuss the progress of my other abilities. Lady Camille takes some notes in a small leather bound book as ❘ speak.

"Well, Alpha Bronx, if it is alright with you, I would like to spend the rest of the evening meditating with Luna lokaste and Delilah. It seems like both of their spirits could use a little alignment. Do you have an area where we can do this?" she requests.

"Of course, Lady Camille, we have a meditation room, downstairs next to the weight room," Bronx confirms, looking down at his fidgety fingers. I see a small blush on his cheeks," I'll have everyone clear out of the weight room so it will be quiet for you." "We have a meditation room?" I look at Bronx quizzically, "You never told me. I have been meditating in our apartment.

"Well, yeah, Kas. At any given time there are forty sweaty warriors down there, most of which are not wearing shirts and I've seen what you wear when you meditate. I'm not sending you down there to get ogled by my men," he growls protectively.

I roll my eyes at my mate. Lady Camille and Delilah giggle at us.

"Thank you, Alpha Bronx," Lady Camille says still chuckling at our interaction, "You seem hesitant beyond the protective mate bond." "I-, Lady Camille," Bronx clears his throat, "Do you think it would be alright i I join you? Since my wolf came back, I've been having trouble communicating with him. I promised my Luna I would meditate with her several times a week, so this could be good practice for me. I mean, if it is okay with you, obviously. I can let Beta Lenora know I will speak with her later."

It is the most romantic thing I have ever seen or heard. Bronx admitting to having a problem and asking for help from someone he barely knows because he made a promise to me. I take his hand and pull it to my mouth for a quick kiss. Our hands glow lightly at the touch.

"Ahh. I see. Well, Alpha Bronx, I would never deny someone the opportunity to align their spirit with the universe through meditation," Lady Camille says respectfully, "and excuse me if your reputation does not represent your true nature, but I hear you have a tendency to be impatient. Please know that meditation practice does not always provide instant gratification."

"I understand and I won't let you down," he sighs with a look of relief.

The four of us spend the rest of the evening meditating, with Lady Camille's guidance. I feel so relaxed and my mind feels so much more clear after. It is well past eleven p.m. when Bronx goes to speak to Lenora. I don't even hear him come home.

When it's time for her to leave in the morning, she and Delilah both cry and say a blessing over each other. I give Lady Camille a big hug and assure her we will see her in April. She leaves for the airport with Lenora who had postponed her work trip to be home for her visit.

"You ready to get back to our regularly programmed life, Baby?" Bronx pulls me close and gives me alittle kiss.

"Yes! I have so much planning to do for the Winter Solstice!"

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