Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 130

I sit on the edge of the bed in the silent room. So this is what twenty-five feels like. I wonder if a hundred and twenty-five will feel just as good. What about two hundred and twenty-five? I laugh to myself at the thought as I head into the bathroom.

I look in the mirror and run a brush through my white hair. None of the sparkly gray came back when it grew in four and a half years ago. I examine the mirror closer. It looks like there are some more violet flecks in the light gray of my irises, but maybe that's just me being hopeful. I still don't have any abilities other than being able to shift and mind linking other pack members.

I splash water on my face and brush my teeth. There will be time to shower later before the pack Summer Solstice party and pack run. I pick up some toys that made their way into the closet room and find a dark blue sundress to wear. Once I am changed, I look at myself in the full-length mirror and smile.

When I get into the living room, Marco comes up and gives me a giant hug, lifting me off the ground, "Happy Birthday, Kas."

"Thank you, Marco," I give him a peck on the cheek before he puts me down, "What are you two up to?"

"Nothing for you to worry about, Luna. We will see you two for the pack run tonight," he waves and shows himself out the door.

"Where are the kids?" I ask, heading to their rooms to collect them.

"Delilah has them. They are helping her with the surprise chocolate cake,"

Bronx stands and walks over to me with a big smile. He kisses me deeply, then looks into my eyes, "Another fleck of violet in there, I think."

"Yeah, I thought the same thing," I giggle at him.

He puts his hand over his heart and tilts his head at me, "Forever my favorite sound. Come on, I havea surprise for you."

"Bronx, I asked you not to get anything for me. We're going to have hundreds of years together now. Material things are not worth it," I insist, trying not to whine.

"I didn't buy you anything. I promise," he says as he leads me to the garage and opens the door to his Range Rover. He picks me up and sets me in the seat before he buckles me in and goes to his side.

"Okay, so where are we going?" I lean my head back and ask.

"Leave the driving to me, Kas. Maybe when you are a hundred, you will be interested in learning how to do it yourself," he raises an eyebrow when he looks at me.

I roll my eyes. He's right. I have no desire to learn how to drive. I just need to sit back and relax.

I look out at the lush green landscape as Bronx makes his way to a little restaurant in the middle of nowhere called Jimmy's BBQ. He has taken me here once before. I remember the food was great. When we get inside, the owner!'s wife, Shelly, greets us.

Instead of taking us to the booth she keeps reserved for Bronx, she takes us outside and to the little cabin next to the restaurant where she lives with her husband, who is a werebear/werewolf hybrid.

"When you were gone, Saint kept bringing me back here, and I didn't understand why. He just Kept insisting I would find you here," Bronx explains.

"Okay?" I say, confused, as he leads me into the cabin.

I finally spoke to Shelly and figured it out. Kas, there is someone very special who we would like you to meet," Bronx says to me once we are sitting in the comfortable living room.

Shelly comes out from the hallway from the bedroom, holding a little boy's hand. He has white blond hair and hazel eyes. He is no older than five.

"Kas, I would like you to meet Andy. Andy Latmus Briland," Shelly smiles broadly.°

I feel myself freeze as I look at her. She nods happily and gently puts her hand on his back so he can step forward.

I look back at the little boy, with tears in my eyes, trying to find my voice, "H- hello, Andy. It's a p-p. Sorry, it's a pleasure to meet you, Andy."

"You're very pretty, ma'am. Please don't cry," he tilts his head and uses his sleeve to wipe my tears away. He puts his little hand in mine and smiles. "Remember how I told you that Shelly's husband is a hybrid? Werebear and werewolf?" Bronx says sitting next to me, "and that his werewolf side is dormant?"

"I-uh-yeah, I think I remember that," I sniffle as I admire the little boy who is the reincarnation of my father.

"Well, Andy here went to the doctor last week at Blood River and had some blood work done. Would you believe there is not a drop of werebear blood in his system? He's a pure werewolf, Kas. In fact, we have never seen werewolf DNA so pure. It's almost like he is the first of his kind."

I look at Andy smiling proudly at me, " Mommy said that makes me special." "Oh my Goddess, yes. Your mommy is right, it makes you very special, Andy," I smile and nod at him lovingly.

"Shelly and Dave called me and asked if I would have him tested. When we got the results, they asked me if they thought having Andy become a member of Blood River was a good idea. Werebears are pretty solitary, but Dave knows wolves need to be part of a pack," Bronx explains to me.

I look at Shelly, who is smiling at me, then back Andy again, "Andy, i-is that what you want? To come to Blood River and be part of our pack?"

"Yeah, Alpha Bronx said Mommy and Daddy could visit whenever and I would get to stay with these people called Gammas. They came to visit. They're really nice," Andy beams at me.

"You already spoke to Reggie and Ashley?" I look at Bronx with my mouth wide open.

"Yeah, they love the idea of Andy becoming one of us and we have already talked about having the suite across from their apartment converted so Shelly and Dave can come visit whenever they want. Honorary pack members, if you will," Bronx nods with a warm smile.

"Andy, do you know what today is?" I ask the little boy, taking his other hand in mine.

He shakes his head at me, "Thursday, ma'am?”

I laugh a little and nod, "Yes, it is Thursday, but today is also my birthday, Andy. And this? You coming to be part of our pack is the best present I could ever imagine."

"I'm your present?" He smiles, showing all his teeth.

It takes everything in me to not pull him into my arms right then and there, "Andy, do you think it would be okay for me to give you a hug?"

Andy looks shyly at his Shelly, who nods at him, "Go ahead, Andy. She's your Luna."

Andy steps closer to me and lets me Wilap my arms around him in a tight hug. I can feel already feel the connection between us and I know, in that moment, that all is right in my world.

Copyright Information :

The characters, places, ideas or events mentioned in this book are purely fiction. The places, story settings, surrounding, and other elements are purely my imagination and fictional. Specific real landmarks, people, and brands referenced in this story do not represent familiarity, sponsorship, or support. The characters and events do not relate to any person living or dead. The book deals with adult themes, violence, kidnapping, and other triggers are mentioned.

Stealing of any work or content is considered plagiarism and is a crime. All rights reserved.

Neener Beener


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