Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 122

Katherine's POV

The estate is unusually quiet when I get home from work. I don't notice the usual hustle and bustle, but I chalk it up to coming home later than I normally do.

I push open the door to my darkened office, pour myself a glass of scotch, and make my way over to the desk. I turn on the desk lamp and sit down, taking a deep sip of my drink.

"Hello, lokaste," I lean back in my chair, addressing the woman in the tall wingback seat across the desk, "You look like shit."

"Hello, Katherine. Thank you for the compliment," she snarks at me and leans forward from the shadow, letting me see her pale skin and sunken eyes be more clearly. Her spindly hand supports her chin. The longer I look at her, the more I realize she is way too thin.

"K-Kas. Are-are you alright?" I stammer when I see her true condition.

"Don't worry about me, darling. You never have before. I'm here because I need you to do something for me. I'm going to give you a choice on how you do it," she says, steepling her fingers in front of her face.

I laugh dismissively, "You're going to tell me what to do? Darling, not in this lifetime."

"Well then, your precious Maven, Amari's Giatros, and Tessa's Fuoros will stay with me until the end of their lifetimes," she counts on her fingers casually.

"What are you talking about?" I stand up and try to mind link my sisters.

"No one's here, Katherine," lokaste's voice rings back in my mind, "They came willingly when I asked."

"You're a fucking liar. The Maven won't go any where with you," Islam my hand on the table at her falsehoods.

lokaste leans her head back against the chair and cackles dryly at me, "You're supposed to be so damn smart. You're just as conceited and foolish as the next person, Katherine."

She stands slowly, supporting herself against the arm of the chair.

"You're already-" my eyes grow wide.

"Prepared to force my will on you if you don't comply with my request? Why, yes. Yes, I am," she interrupts, "So which do you choose, Katherine? Compliance or force?"

Inod my head as I look at her in disbelief, "Kas, please let me help you. Whatever got you to this point, I can help you."

"Too little, too late, Katherine. Sit," she commands, rolling her eyes and swiping her fingers downward. I'm compelled to obey as she uses manipulation combined with telekinesis.

"Perhaps you didn't understand me the first time," she leans forward on my desk and tilts her head while she tells me what she wants from me as gently as if she is telling a bedtime story. I feel goosebumps at how calm she is.

"I- How can I agree with that?" I grow] at her when she stands up straight.

"Why? Do you suddenly give a shit about anyone but yourself? Are you going to deny that you haven't done it before? Do I need to compel you?" she shrugs, "Like I said, it's your choice, Katherine."

"Fine, but you can't have my Maven, lokaste. They're mine," I cross my arms in front of me, "When do you want me to leave?"

"How" her cold eyes look into my soul as she claps her hands in front of her.

I feel a dizzying sensation and appear in the middle of a windy, snow-covered field. The moon is low in the clear dark sky. In the distance, I can see glowing red eyes looking at me from the tree line.

I sigh heavily, take off my high heels, and remove my suit, "Seraph, time to shift."

"You're going to do what she wants?"

"Stupid wolf, I'm not listening to that degenerate. I'm going to talk sense into the Agrios," I snap.

"Do you think that's wise, Katherine? There's a reason Agrios means feral."

"Shift, Seraph," I order. My bones crack and elongate and fur sprouts from my skin as we take wolf form. We pad our way to the tree line toward the wolves guarding of their territory.

"Geia sas, adelfés! Psdchno gia tin Cora. [ Hello sisters! I'm looking for Coral," I call through a mind link.

"Hello, Seraph. Kas spoke to Katherine?" Cora steps out from behind a thicket of trees in human form. Her voice is calm and reserved, "She spoke to me.I made my choice. I leave my fate in your hands."

She stands with her hands out to the side and lowers her head, exposing her neck. I look around and see nine sets of red eyes glaring at me from all angles. I can't escape.

"We have to do it, Seraph. Iokaste trapped us. If we don't, they will kill us. If we do, they'll kill us, anyway."

"So you would rather die with blood on your own hands?"

"What's another drop in the bottomless bucket, darling? Just get it over with." Seraph launches herself at Cora, clamping down on her throat. Her body stiffens, but she doesn't fight back. Her windpipe and neck snap in one bite. Seraph releases her grip and stands back, watching the light of Cora's spirit leave her eyes. My only solace in taking my sister's life is knowing lokaste will feel the pain from Cora's death

We shift back into human form and face the Agrios wolves, who are all mere feet away from me. I look around, trying to find an escape, but there is none. I stand tall and look at the wolves surrounding me.

"I accept my fate as well, darlings," I hold my arms out and close my eyes. I can only hope for a better ending in the next lifetime as I feel the first painful bite clamp down on my arm.

Kas's POV

I feel the agonizing crumbling sensation in my chest when Katherine completes her task. I let myself fall into the chair and embrace the pain of Cora's death. A few minutes later, another wave of agony confirms Katherine's demise. I relish her death for different reasons. Her need for control over everyone made it too easy to get her to do my bidding.

I cast the spell to numb the pain, then look around. I send fireballs from my hands into the hallway and around the office. By the time anyone realizes there is a fire, nothing will be left except ashes. As the flames build around me, I create a portal and step into a large room with twenty-seven patiently waiting women in a comfortable green and gray lounge.

"Sisters, it's done," I look solemnly at the sad faces, "I'll give you the evening to mourn the loss of your Luna. I will see you in the morning."

"Kas, we want you to know that we don't blame you," one of the Frouros steps forward and admits, "What you are doing is brave. It's the right thing... for all of us."

Around her, the women nod and smile through their tears while they comfort each other.

"Thank you, Celeste," I nod my head respectfully, "I couldn't do this without all of you. We are going to make things right for all the Manae. The women standing in this room are just as instrumental as the members of the Blood River pack, who are carrying the next generation of Leaders and Guardians. We will leave the Agrios to their own devices. If they choose to join us, we will welcome them with open arms but the rest of us no longer need to operate in segregated factions."

"We will remember your sacrifices for lifetimes, Kas," an auburn-haired woman says. She looks like she wants to take my hand, but thinks better of it. I nod slowly and make my way to my bedroom. There is still so much more work to do and I'm already so exhausted. I lean against the closed door, listening to the din of my sisters trade stories about their lifetimes. Part of me is jealous that I don't have the energy to be out there with them.

The effort and energy it has taken to create the Waiting Room compound has been monumental. Forming the rooms into the places I want them to be, areas of rehabilitation and respite instead of settings for torture, forces me to use magic that no one has performed before. Dark magic transforming a place created for dark magic into a refuge of light and healing was impossible until I did it.

It is a place that repels dark magic and corrupt souls. Any spell attempted within its confines will fall flat before it can hurt anyone. Anyone who goes out and comes back with a corrupt mind or soul won't be able to make it past the threshold. A caring group of women will meet them to help them find their way back to the light.

When we first started building the Waiting Room, Melinoé and I would take brief breaks. In that time, I created a spell to enter the dreams of all the Manae being led by Katherine at the same time. Every single one willingly listened to what I had to say. They agreed we need a change and are amenable to my plan. They all want to help be a part of the solution, so when the time is right, I bring them to the Mavri Magea apartment. While I build, they work together to come up witha rehabilitation program.

With the help of Melinoé, feedback from the Manae, and using the powers I collected from werewolves, gods and goddesses, I create the impossible ten times over and more. A refuge for the Manae to support each other and live their lives outside the prying eyes of the world, if that's what they choose. A safe place that can morph, grow, and become whatever we want. Love, caring, camaraderie, and collaboration will furnish this place, not control, anger, and spite. :

They present me with the rehabilitation program and a charter everyone needs to obey to live in the Waiting Room. All twenty-eight of us agree and sign it. I assure them that once the Mavri Magea are rehabilitated enough, they will also review, add their thoughts, and sign if they want to. We will always welcome anyone who leaves back when they need the support of the rest of the Manae. My sisters also change the name from Waiting Room to Kardia tou Manae, which means Heart of the Manae in Greek. When their leaders, who are being raised by the Blood River pack, are of age and have all their memories, we will take measures to ensure they are not dangerous before we let them sign as well.

The women listen carefully when I explain my concerns about the Mavri Magea. One Manae from each faction agrees to partner up with one of the Mavri Magea and form support groups. They will all live together in their assigned Kardia tou Manae apartments, helping each other heal from eons of being influenced by their leaders, myself included, and finally being allowed to think for themselves.

In the time I've taken to get to know them, I have found each Manae has their own unique, beautiful personality.

They deserve the chance to have relationships with all of their sisters, not just the ones in their assigned factions. I also discover they have all but given up on finding mates. In the rare instance one has found a mate, their leader has ordered them to reject the werewolf our Mother has fated for them. Keeping this in mind, I make sure Kardia tou Manae can expand to include future mates, creating a werewolf pack.

It's been three months since I brought the Manae here and almost four months since I have seen my mate. It has been almost four months since I have had the support of my Blood River pack. Almost four months have passed since there has been any comfort in my life at all. 1understand now why I was put through so many challenges asa child. I would not have been able to make it through this if I had not survived the trials of my childhood. If pressure makes a diamond, I have created an entire mine full of them.

"I'm so proud of you, Kas," Lex coos at me lovingly, sending calming energy to me as I fall asleep on our last night in the apartment, "You have given everything you have and more to help your sisters. They wil remember this for the rest of their spirits journeys."

"Lex, I hope you will understand if I don't feel like I can continue this lifetime after... mean, I'll try, but I'm just so tired," I sigh.

"We will be okay once we get back to our mate, Kas. Have faith in our Mother."

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