Forever Golden: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 3)

Forever Golden: Chapter 47

One Month Later…


At the risk of being perceived as the resident fun-sucker—that person that sucks all the fun out of life—I’m watching West like a hawk. It has nothing to do with the brunette shooting her best shot while he grabs us drinks, but has everything to do with this being our first real outing since Vin’s arrest. I thought we should continue to lay low for a while, but King Midas insisted that we come out and live a little.

So, here goes, I guess.

A smile touches my lips when West says something to the brunette, then leaves her at the table where she now sulks like someone ran over her puppy. Meanwhile, West is unaffected, weaving through the crowd, making his way back to me.

He drops down onto the couch and my body slumps toward his weight. Then, I’m handed one of the canned drinks he nabbed.

“Looks like you broke her heart.” I point toward the one who tried sinking her claws into him a moment ago.

West glances that way, then leans in because the music’s incredibly loud.

“She’ll get over it. Besides, she knows she doesn’t have a chance, seeing as how I told her we recently married in secret.” When he smirks, I shove his arm a little.

“Great. Now, we can expect that little gem to be plastered all over social media by midnight.”

He shrugs. “Good, it’ll give people something to say about us that doesn’t involve my father.”

I eye him for a second. “You might be on to something.”

He hits me with that killer smile again.

“Seriously, though. Don’t get any ideas. I’d never even consider eloping. We’ve been through hell, so the moment you pop the question, I want the entire world to know.”

He eyes me in a way that makes my stomach feel all knotted, then his smile widens. “Noted.”

“And we can’t forget Aunt Sheryl’s request. She’s calling for a big wedding at Landry Manor, remember?”

West laughs now. “Right. Can’t forget about that.” His eyes flit toward my lips before meeting my gaze again. “You really want that? The big wedding? My crazy family? The media up our asses every day?”

The laugh he lets out is sort of dark.

That part’s been rough on him and his brothers. It was bad enough being stalked by Pandora’s loyal subjects, but now it’s the big boys keeping tabs on his family’s every move. Everyone’s interested in seeing what will come of the sons of the now infamous Vin Golden.

Still, even with all that going on, I’m almost shocked he needs to ask at this point.

“West, with you, I want it all. That’ll never change.”

His lips crash down on mine and who cares that we have an audience. Hell, we’ve had one our entire relationship—through the good, the bad.

Certainly the dirty.

His fingers warm the side of my neck when he touches me there, bringing me closer. Having him back still feels like a dream. Pretending not to love him broke me. Fearing I might lose him killed me.

But this—touching him, kissing him, loving him out in the open—this is where I belong.

“Need to get that?” I ask against his lips. His phone’s vibrated in his pocket about five times now.

West pulls away to check whatever messages have come through.

“Shit. He’s serious.”

My interest piques. “What is it?”

“Fucking Ricky,” he sighs. “He wants me to meet him at the gun range in the morning. He mentioned it a few days ago, something about how he’s ‘not coming to save my ass again’. He hasn’t let up since.”

He’s staring at his phone, but I can’t stop smiling. He does a double-take when meeting my gaze.


“Not sure if you’ve realized this or not, but you two are falling into a pattern. One of you texts the other at least twice a week.”

He shoots me a look, like I’ve lost my mind or something. “You’re exaggerating.”

“Okay, but why can’t you just admit it?” I ask with a shrug. “You like him.”

There goes that look again.

“Whatever, Southside,” he huffs, drawing a laugh out of me. I won’t push the issue, but I know I’m not wrong.

Next, my phone’s the one going off. I unlock the screen to find a pic of Scar and Mike posing like idiots in their 3D glasses in front of a movie poster. Heading to the theater has become part of their weekend ritual. It seems to have taken away the loneliness Scar would’ve felt from having lost Shane.

Scar: Wish you were here!

Blue: Have fun!

Scar: We will. Mike says he loves you.

I stare at that last message and smile a bit before answering.

Blue: Ditto

“Everything cool?” West asks.

I respond by showing him the pic and he laughs just like I did. “She looks happy,” he points out.

“She does. I’m glad I didn’t get in the way of that.”

Sometimes, it scares me to think how close I came to building a wall between them. One that would’ve caused them both undue pain.

West pulls me close and kisses my forehead before rising from the couch. “Let’s find the others.”

I stand when he lifts me to my feet, clinging to his hand as we move through the tightly-packed crowd. Of course, we make several stops because every few steps, someone’s calling his name—mostly just guys he’s played ball with over the years.

“I swear you know everyone,” I say, clinging to his arm.

He shrugs all casual like. “I’ve just run in the same circles as a lot of these kids my whole life.”

“What you mean is that the rich stick together,” I tease, earning myself a playful glare. “It’s true, though, isn’t it? It’s the reason our paths never would’ve crossed if I didn’t get a scholarship.”

“Whatever brought you to me, I’m just glad it happened,” he answers.

Not sure if he’s trying to rack up points or not, but I’m definitely rewarding him for that later.

I spot Dane and Joss first, chilling against a pillar near the patio. He’s talking and she’s smiling, both pretending they don’t wish to be more than they are. Sterling’s got two on his lap, one kissing him, the other… I don’t know. Waiting her turn?

The guy’s wild and single, so who knows what’s going on over there.

All in all, it’s a good night. Everyone’s in their element, having a good time, and I have my guy at my side.

“I love you, West Golden.”

He peers down at me, and I swear I feel his response before the words even leave his mouth. “Love you more. Forever.”

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