Forever Golden: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 3)

Forever Golden: Chapter 42


Blue: Saw my mom last night and she knows a lot more about my brother’s case than anyone realized. She talked a lot about Paul Ruiz. If you can bring her into the station, she may be willing to give a statement, but I’m not sure what good she’ll be. Looks like she’s started back up with meth.

Roby: I’ll send a patrol car out to look for her, but fair warning, people in her condition are hard to find if they don’t want to be found. You know we’ll do our best, though.

Blue: I’ll let you know if I see or hear anything else.

“Anything you’d like to share with the class?” Uncle Dusty teases when he catches me sneaking a text in between customers.

Embarrassed, I slide it back into my pocket and smile. “Nah, just Jules being Jules.”

“Say no more,” he says with a laugh. “Order’s up for table twelve.”

“On it.” I grab the burger and fries he’s just plated and head across the diner.

No sooner than I deliver the meal, the chime over the door rings and I have a new customer to greet.

“Good morning, Sir. Have a seat wherever you’d like. I’ll be right with you,” I say with a smile. The customer, on the other hand, is stoic and only tips his hat before settling into a corner booth.

I eye him on my way to cash someone out, then I’m standing at the newcomer’s side, waiting to take his order.

His cologne’s strong, but not cheap, and his shoes look like they cost him an arm, a leg, and maybe even an ear.

“Can I start you with something to drink?” I ask, getting some pretty intense vibes from this guy and he has yet to say a single word.

“Just coffee today,” he answers, the depth of his voice sending a chill down my spine.

“Sounds good. Would you like a slice of pie or anything to go with it?”

He peers up with the brim of his hat still casting a shadow over his eyes, an odd grin on his face.

“No thanks. The coffee will be all.”

Feeling creeped out, I offer a smile and head back to the counter to grab a mug. I keep my eyes trained on him the entire time I pour. So intensely that I nearly overflow it and burn my hand. After grabbing a tray, I walk the order back to him.

“Thank you,” he says in that unearthly deep voice of his, and again, I only nod before hightailing it back to the other side of the counter.

“Everything going okay now that Mike’s back?” Dusty asks, drawing my attention from the stranger briefly when I flash a look toward the kitchen.

“It’s… strange, but not as bad as I thought,” I explain.

“I’ve seen less of Scar these days, so I figured she’d been with him mostly after school.”

I nod, confirming Dusty’s assumption. “Yeah, who would’ve ever imagined he’d actually keep his word for once?”

Dusty peers up when I glance at him again, still dividing my attention between him and the stranger.

“No signs of him being back on the booze?”

I shake my head. “Surprisingly, no. From what I can tell, he goes to work, then spends the rest of his afternoon and evening looking after Scar. He’s even been to all my games so far.”

The look of shock on Dusty’s face now says it all. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

“My thoughts precisely,” I answer with a laugh, but then I spot a hand in the air. It’s the weird guy, beckoning me toward his table.

“That’s my cue.”

I push off from the counter and grab the coffee pot on my way over. Chances are, he just wants a refill.

“More coffee?” I force that smile again when asking.

The man meets my gaze and he’s wearing that same hard look that makes me want to run the other way.

“Actually, I’m all set for the day, but I wanted to give you a tip before I go,” he answers, but instead of sliding cash into my hand, he grabs my wrist tight, jerking me closer to his rail-thin body.

A gasp leaves my mouth, but a stern look renders me silent.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he warns, seeming to notice how I’ve brought the scalding hot pot of coffee closer to him. I’m completely willing to dump the entire thing in this asshole’s lap if he doesn’t let go.

“What do you want?” My voice quivers, but I hope he doesn’t take that as a sign of weakness. After all, I am armed with a pot of hot liquid that could change his life in all the worst ways.

He smirks.

“You are a skittish one, aren’t you? Vin had you pegged, I guess.”

At the mention of that name, my heart bottoms out, making me weak in the knees.

“Relax. I just need to ask you a few questions.”

He pauses and glances around to see if we’ve garnered any unwanted attention. Satisfied that no one seems aware, he continues.

“Vin’s curious who you’ve been talking to. He got word that there’s been an agent asking around about him, poking his nose where it doesn’t belong. And I’m sure you can guess, that kind of activity isn’t good for business,” he explains, eyeing me closer. “And it probably isn’t good for you either. Or Scarlett.”

“Leave my sister out of this,” I warn, feeling my grip tighten around the handle.

“Just tell me who you talked to and what you said, and I’ll be on my merry way.” He flashes a wicked smile that does nothing to settle my nerves, and his nails dig deeper into my flesh.

“I haven’t spoken to anyone. Whatever he heard, it’s got nothing to do with me,” I lie.

Those beady eyes of his stay trained on mine, boring into me like two drills, and then the smile’s back.

“Okay,” he says far too casually. “Suit yourself.”

I hold my breath when he reaches into his pocket, only feeling mildly relieved when the only thing he whips out is a phone. I watch as he scrolls through until finding what he’s looking for. When he turns the screen toward me, it’s a pic of Scar walking down the hallway at school. Alone, with no clue that she was even vulnerable. The sight of it leaves me shaken.

“Even where you think we aren’t, we are,” he teases, his grin widening. “Doesn’t matter what you do, your sister is never out of reach,” he adds, letting out a dark chuckle that nauseates me.

Staring at him, hearing those words, I forget to breathe.

“Just a little something you should keep in mind,” he croons.

“I’ve done exactly what Vin asked.” I speak quietly, trying not to shout and alert anyone.

Clearly, the last thing I need to do right now is cause more trouble for myself.

“He wanted me to break his son’s heart, I’ve done that. We’ve been broken up for a week now. What more does he want from me?”

Oh, God. Don’t you dare cry.

I beat back my emotions and stare squarely in this man’s eyes, making him think I feel nothing.

“Maybe so,” he answers, “But the implied part of that deal was that you’d also keep your mouth shut.”

“And I have! I go to school, I work, and I’m home. I don’t go anywhere else, and I’ve talked to no one!”

Despite seeing me get worked up, the man gives a casual shrug.

“Well, that isn’t for either of us to decide, now is it? So, if I were you, I’d make real sure I keep my nose clean. Because as I’m sure you know, our mutual friend is not a man of second chances.”

His stare deepens and my entire body’s shaking, but just like that, he lets go and flashes another smile. When he stands, towering over me, he tips his hat and leaves me with a few parting words.

“See you soon.”

With long strides, he makes it to the door. I keep my eyes trained on him until he’s gone, finally breathing when he leaves the lot driving an indistinct black car. He’s gone too fast to get his license plate number, so I have nothing to even identify who he was. All I can think to do is send Roby one final text.

Blue: Vin’s onto you.

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