Forever Golden: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 3)

Forever Golden: Chapter 37


With the looks I’ve been getting today, you’d think I walked through the doors of Cypress Prep stark naked, wearing a sign around my neck that reads ‘Cum Dumpster’. If I thought these assholes were hard on me before, now that I’ve allegedly betrayed their king, my rep is shot to hell.


Which is super fun.

The only good thing about today is that I have Lexi. Well, kind of. She’s a bit standoffish with me because, apparently, not calling to check in on her even once during her two-week suspension didn’t go unnoticed. If she only knew all the shit I have on my plate, she’d give me a pass. However, not knowing if she’s Pandora, I’m not even thinking about sharing. As badly as I don’t want to hurt her, I have to stay focused on the goal in mind.

Keep Scar safe, bring down Vin.

“So, are we gonna talk about the pics or just pretend nothing’s changed?” she asks, poking around at her lunch.

“Not sure what you mean.”

She shoots me a look now, as if to remind me she’s not as mindless as the other robots at this school.

“You’re not sure what pics I’m talking about? Like, the ones of you and your ex Pandora posted last night?”

I sip my drink and meet her gaze. “We’re friends and we were hanging out. You know Pandora’s known for making something out of nothing. The whole situation’s just been blown way out of proportion.”

Lexi glances over to where the triplets and Joss are seated, then looks at me again.

“Sure about that? Because last time I saw you, you were so deep in love it was hard to stomach. And from what I hear, he’s not doing too good with all this,” she adds, nodding toward West, giving me an excuse to sneak another peek at him.

She isn’t lying. Although all of this is pretend, and mostly his idea, the pain I see on his face is real. And honestly, that kills me a little.

“He’s fine,” I lie.

“Which is why you’re sitting over here with me and he’s all the way over there. Right. Got it,” she adds with a sigh.

I finally tear my eyes away from West and remember the role I’m supposed to play. The word Joss kept throwing at me was ‘indifferent’.

Be… indifferent.

“I’ve just been thinking that, I don’t know… maybe we moved too fast and I wasn’t as ready to settle down with him as I thought.”

Lexi’s expression softens a bit more, now that I’m no longer treating her like a stranger.

“Well, have you told him that?”

I shrug. “How do you tell a guy you’re not sure you still want to be with him?”

Lexi glances over at their table again, then back at me. “Beats me. I don’t do relationships, but I’m pretty blunt about shit. So, I’d say just tell him and see what happens.”

She’s giving the best advice she knows how to give and, whether it’s good advice or not, I feel guilty that she’s trying to help. Seeing as how this whole thing is total B.S.

“Maybe,” I sigh. “Right now, I just want to get through the rest of this week without being tarred and feathered.”

She laughs. “Well, what did you expect? Don’t you know betraying the king is an act of treason?”

I smile at her. “Sure wish this relationship had come with a warning. If it had, I might not have even bothered.”

She’s about to respond, but her expression goes blank. I follow her gaze and it leads straight to West as he strolls this way. Even knowing exactly what his next move is about to be, I’m not quite sure I’m ready to play along.

Here goes, I guess.

He drops down into the seat across from me and meets my gaze with a chilled look in his eyes. I, on the other hand, have zero feeling on my face whatsoever.

“What?” I snap, pretending I’m talking to Mike. It helps when trying to come across as being genuinely unimpressed right now.

“Are we gonna talk? I texted and called all night, and every time I’ve gotten close to you today, you pretend you have somewhere more important to be.”

“I did have someplace important to be, West. It’s called class.”

His jaw tenses with frustration. “Here we go again. More of the same bitch-fest I’ve been getting for the past two weeks,” he groans. “Just fucking tell me if we’re done, so we can both move the fuck on.”

I feel Lexi’s stare as she wonders what I’ll say to that, wonders how West and I went from being so solid, to this.

“Just… I can’t do this. Not in front of everyone.”

I stand then, leaving West at the table with no more clarity than he walked over here with.

“So, I’m just supposed to fucking wait for you? That’s what you think?” he shouts as I storm away.

I don’t look back, don’t respond, just burst through the lunchroom doors and head toward my locker to wait for the bell to ring. My heart’s still racing after that last outburst, but it’s getting easier to pretend. Not once has anyone questioned whether we’re just putting on a show, because why would we? We’re painting a picture where West’s getting walked on like a cheap rug, and I look like a monster.

I make it about halfway to my locker before my phone sounds off. I pause to read West’s text, having to fight a smile as I scroll.

West: Pretty sure Lexi growled at me when you left.

Blue: Probably. I’ve been super skeptical of her lately, but I’m actually starting to think she’s on the level.

West: Maybe. Anyway, is it weird that all this fake fighting is turning me on?

Blue: Yes, it’s weird, but so are you.

West: Fair answer. Send nudes anyway.

Another laugh slips out.

Blue: PTSD won’t let me. The last time I did that, the pic ended up in the hands of some creepy old guy. Maybe you’ve met him?

West: Shit. Forgot about that.

An idea hits me and I’m so close to telling myself it’s too risky, but I’m so, so weak when it comes to him.

Blue: Well, are you busy tonight?

West: I have a thing, but I can work around it. Why?

Blue: Locker room. Twenty minutes after practice ends.

@QweenPandora: As we all watch the demise of everyone’s fav couple, you’d expect to see PrincessParker gloating from the window of her gilded tower, but she’s been far too busy. With what, you ask? Packing boxes.

Yes, you heard right. She—along with her parentals—have been spotted hauling load after load to a moving truck, all while PrincessP looks like her entire world’s crumbled around her.

On second thought, maybe it has.

Not only will she spend the remainder of senior year at an all-girls school halfway across the country, she lost the guy, lost her friends, and lost her scholarship.

Perhaps NewGirl should be taking notes. It’s a long way down when you fall from the king’s good graces.

Later, Peeps.


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