Forever Golden: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 3)

Forever Golden: Chapter 10


You haven’t seen paranoia until you’ve seen the people of Cypress Pointe scared shitless that X’s next post will expose their deepest, darkest secret.

The hallways of CPA have been unusually quiet today, and twice I was nearly bowled over by students with their noses pressed to their phone screens, instead of watching where they’re walking. But one thing the mysterious said that was spot on, is that none of us had any idea who our friends and neighbors are.

An alarming number of the withheld photos were of Lexi—featuring her and her weed guy meeting under the bleachers—which didn’t go unnoticed by West and crew. And as much as I care about her and value our friendship, it doesn’t look good. Lexi’s been shielded from the ugly rumors, the backlash the rest of us have to face, which begs the question… Is Lexi Pandora?

I hate that I’m even thinking about it, but I am.

What if she’s the one who leaked the sex tape after Parker submitted it? What if she’s secretly been making life at CPA just a little harder to navigate, thanks to her constant posting of utter bullshit just for clout?

All of that seems so far off base from who I know Lexi to be, but like X suggested… maybe we don’t all know each other as well as we think we do.

I round the corner, headed to practice… and it’s true what they say. Speak of the devil and he will appear. Or, in this case, she will appear.

“Miss me?” Lexi beams, rushing toward me when our gazes lock.

“Of course. Where’ve you been?”

She shrugs and I wonder if she’ll lie to me. Based on rumors I heard, she wasn’t around at lunch or the last half of the day because Dr. Pryor and Headmaster Harrison called an unscheduled meeting with her parents. I’m guessing they didn’t take too kindly to finding out she’d been using school grounds to score drugs.

“They suspended me,” she admits. “They’re still debating for how long, but the board had an emergency conference call last night and the vote was unanimous. They’re giving me ten minutes to get all my shit, then I’ve gotta meet my parents back in the office.”

Ok, so she didn’t lie. That’s a step in the right direction, I suppose.

“I’m sorry,” is all I can think to say, which makes her laugh.

“You kidding me? I get a head start on Christmas break! I couldn’t have planned this better if I tried. Now, I just have to convince my parents that grounding me on top of being suspended is overkill. All I have to do is remind them how ‘traumatized’ I am that my sister’s in jail and they should go pretty easy on me.”

I smile, but my guard is definitely up.

“Sucky thing about it is, now everyone thinks I’m Pandora. I mean, God forbid that she just withheld those pics because life’s crapped on me enough. Everyone wants to be a detective, though,” she concludes.

I’m quiet because her logic doesn’t quite make sense. Yeah, Lexi’s life’s been tough at times, but in a side-by-side comparison with mine, I’m definitely winning that contest. Yet, Pandora’s shared some terrible truths and lies about me.

She glances over, notices the look on my face, and then laughs. “You’ve gotta be shitting me, Blue! You think I’m her, too, don’t you?”

My response doesn’t come quickly enough, which feeds right into her statement.

“I didn’t say that.”

“And you didn’t not say it,” she counters, grabbing my shoulder to stop me when I get a few steps ahead. “Seriously, Blue? You think I’d post all that shit about you and still pretend to be a friend to your face?”

There’s a moment where I consider telling her that’s exactly what I’m starting to think, but then I remember the importance of keeping my cards close right now. So, instead, I laugh off the sudden seriousness that’s crept into the conversation.

“You’d be stupid to do that, seeing as how we’ve, technically, committed a crime together,” I say, reminding her of the remodeling job we did on one of West’s cars. “Pretty sure you know I’d turn your ass in if I found out you sold me out like that.”

She studies me a moment, but then a smile curves the corners of her mouth.

“Good. Thought I was gonna have to shank a bitch,” she teases.

Meanwhile, I feel fake as hell right now because I don’t know she’s not Pandora.

“Anywho, I better get my stuff and get out of here before Harrison sends the dogs out to find me. Call you later.”

“Cool. Don’t have too much fun,” I call out after her.

She waves without glancing back and I’m relieved I no longer have to pretend. A small part of me hopes Vin is able to flush out whoever Pandora is. At least then I’ll know who to trust and who to bury.

My hand grips the door to the locker room, but before I can pull it open, my phone rings. And seeing as how it’s the new one, which only a handful of people have the number to, it startles me.

“Hey. Hello?” I answer, listening for Scar to respond.

“Did I get it right? Or was I supposed to call your other line, 007?” she asks in a noticeably snarky tone.

The amount of questioning I had to dodge while also convincing her to accept the new phone is unbelievable. But, if this phone call is any indicator, she’s at least obliging. Even if she doesn’t understand.

“Very cute. What’s up?” I ask.

She sighs. “Shane’s texting someone, and I refuse to stand here looking like a loser.”

It’s impossible to miss how these sudden changes between them are affecting her.

“Well, tell me how school was, since you’re using me,” I tease, leaning against the brick wall near the drinking fountain.

“School was drab as usual. Although, there was a fight in the teachers’ lounge before fourth period.”

“Wait, two students fought in the teacher’s lounge?”

“Nope,” Scar clarifies. “Two teachers fought in the teachers’ lounge.”

I’m speechless, which has her laughing.

“Yeah, that’s pretty much been everyone’s reaction,” she says. “People are making all kinds of jokes about it, but it sounds like Ms. Pritchard’s been sleeping around with Ms. Sanchez’s fiancé.”

“Geez. Glad they’re around to set good examples for you guys,” I say with heavy sarcasm.

“Just another day at South Cypress,” she adds with a laugh.

I hold the phone away from my ear when one of my coaches passes by, pretending Scar’s call isn’t the reason I’m not changed and in the gym. So, as soon as she’s gone, I pick up again.

“I should go. Ricky there to get you guys yet?” I ask, leaning to drink from the fountain before I head in.

“He texted Shane that he’s about a minute away, but don’t hang up. There’s some creepy guy hanging near the curb.”

My heart sinks. On a normal day, this isn’t news I’d want to hear from her. Now, given all that’s happened, I’m even more flustered by Scar’s update.

“Is he in a vehicle? Is he coming toward you guys?”

I’m aware of sounding just as frantic as I feel on the inside when asking, but there’s good reason to be concerned.

“Black van,” she answers. “He isn’t coming over or anything, but he keeps looking this way.”

I instantly go into panic-mode, patting both pockets for my keys. “You need to get inside the building, Scar. Now!”

“Don’t be weird,” she sighs. “Dude’s creepy, but I’m pretty sure it’s unnecessary to duck for cover, Blue. Chill.”

“Scar, I mean it!”

Yelling, I’ve earned the attention of several of my teammates as well as other students still lingering in the halls, but I don’t care.

“Shane’s with me. Relax.”

“Damn it! Why won’t you just listen to me for once!” I scream, running toward an exit now.

There’s silence on the other end and I fear that my headstrong sister just planted her feet even more firmly now that I’ve shouted at her.

“Fine,” she huffs. “I’m dragging Shane toward the door as we speak, but when are you gonna tell me what’s turned you into an insane person?” she whisper-shouts into my ear.

Feels like all she does these days is question me on everything.

“Please, just get inside.”

“Because nothing’s going on with you and everything’s so fucking normal, right?”

In case it isn’t clear, she says those words as sarcastically as humanly possible.


“Ricky’s here, which means there was zero point in running back inside. I need to go,” she interjects just as I hear the door to the school re-opening when she and Shane head back outside.

She isn’t crying, but I’ve definitely upset her, which likely has more to do with the fact that she’s distinctly aware of how she’s being kept in the dark. My heart’s still racing a mile a minute as I brace myself against the door frame just inside the lobby. While I get that she’s pissed, I can’t let her off the line yet.

“We’ll hang up once you’re in the car with Ricky.”

“Whatever,” she scoffs.

I’m winded and trying to settle down now that I know she and Shane aren’t alone. Then, half a minute later, I breathe a sigh of relief at the sound of Ricky’s voice in the background.

“Hanging up now,” Scar announces, right before following through with those words.

With trembling hands, I shoot Ricky a text.

Blue: Clearly, whatever shit you had to do today was more important than being on time, so don’t bother with Scar anymore. I’ll figure something else out.

Distraught and feeling like we just narrowly avoided a tragedy, I fall against the wall to catch my breath. Several who witnessed my meltdown are still watching, and while I’m certain pics of me freaking out will be sent to Pandora, I’m also certain of something else.

I’m done playing it safe.

I have no idea who the hell was in that van watching Scar, but I can’t sit around and wait for something bad to happen. I changed my mind before, but not again. If it comes down to it, it’s a must that I’m equipped to protect her.

By any means necessary.

@QweenPandora: Well, let’s see whose life I can randomly ruin today. That’s what Pandora’s all about, right?

Oh, shit! This one looks fun!

Apparently, things aren’t going so well at the dealership. From the looks of this doc I managed to get my hands on, it appears Laurence Holiday’s downtown Cypress location is experiencing a bit of financial trouble. And for those of you who don’t know, Laurence is none other than Princess P’s wallet/father.

Uh-oh! Looks like the princess isn’t the only one under that roof whose life’s going to shit right now. Guess the whole family’s reputation’s gone down the drain.

Ah, well. Just another day in our beautiful city.

The moment I dig up something else newsworthy, I’ll be back to drag another CP lowlife through the mud.

Later, assholes.


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