Forever Friends

Chapter 9: Revolutionists

“Target spotted, permission to engage?” A man with a bandana around his face and dark glasses covering his eyes, crouches behind the cover of a dumpster and speaks in a walkie talkie.

After a moment of delay, a mildly deep voice responds. “You’re certain you don’t see her droid anywhere? You’ll be immediately eliminated if he spots you. Trust me, you do not want to underestimate him just because he’s generally passive. He’s a monster when he feels Diana is being threatened in any way. If he’s not with her, this is probably your only chance, so act fast.”

“He’s not here, I guarantee it.” The masked man jumps up, startled by the unexpected voice. Before him, stands his very target, with a smirk. “Weren’t expecting me, were you?”

The man quickly whips out his knife. “I won’t hesitate to cut you if you try me!”

“Relax, put that thing away. I’m here willingly to let you take me where you want me.”

“Huh? You mean, you’re willingly allowing me to kidnap you? Don’t screw with me!”

“I’m not. I’m completely serious. You clearly must have been following me around the last few days for a reason, so I had Clyde stay home today so you’d have your chance.”

“How do I know if you’re setting me up? Is he going to jump out at any moment?”

“No, he has no idea I’m doing this. Do you think he’d let me do something so reckless if he did? He is home playing the newest Hunters of War game, so he’ll be occupied for quite some time. It’ll be…hmm…I’d say about three more hours before he realizes I’m not home yet and comes looking. Once he can’t find me, you can best believe he’s going to turn up this town looking until he does and if he finds you, you’re dead. So, to avoid any of that drama, how about you take me where you want me, let me hear your leader out and then I’m going to go home.”

“What makes you think we’re going to let you go home? We might keep you.”

“Because I know you all want to live, of course. What better reason could there be?”

He looks stumped and so he decides to consult his boss. “Ok, give me a minute.” He walks a good distance away, so that he may speak to him freely. “Hey Boss, there’s been a strange development. The droid’s definitely not with her and get this, she came to me. She’s standing just a few feet away and gave me permission to bring her in, but she expects to be let go within three hours, which is apparently when he’ll come looking. She said if we want to survive, we have to let her go at that point, because he will kill us if he finds us first.”

There’s silence on the other end for several seconds, until finally the voice responds. “Ok, we’ll accept those terms. But make sure she’s not armed or wearing any tracking devices first. If she refuses, then we call it all off and no one gets what they want. Understand?”

“Yes Sir, I’ll take care of it. I should see you within the hour. Over and out.” He pockets his walkie and returns to her. “Ok, we’ve got a deal, but only if I can search you first. Ok?”

“Yea, I figured as much. Search away, though you won’t find much but my laptop and notebook. Neither are bugged, I promise. We’re not linked either, so he’ll be blind also.”

“Well, I’ll be the judge of that.” He searches her bag to find just what she said he would. He then begins to carefully pat her down, deliberately missing her chest and backside.

“Shouldn’t you check those places too? You never know what I could be hiding. She smirks and the guy turns red, embarrassed at her forwardness. Knowing she’s messing with him; he clears his throat and informs her of what’s next.

“Ok, I’m sure you’re free of anything bad, so here what’s going to happen next.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to check?” She taunts him with a devilish smile.

“I’m sure! Now, as I was saying, here’s how it’s going to work. I’m going to blindfold you and escort you to our base. Only when we’re in a secure place, will I remove the blindfold. Then our leader will come in and talk with you, his identity concealed of course. Only once he’s satisfied and gives the ok, will you be released, and that means being blindfolded and returned here. After that, you are free to go on your way as you please. You got all of that?”

“Yes, I’m not deaf, of course. Let’s just go already. You’re losing precious time.”

“Fine, let’s get to it then. Turn around, I’m going to blindfold you now.” She does as she’s told, and he promptly wraps a blindfold around her eyes and behind her head. He then steps in front of her and waves around, but she doesn’t respond, so he’s confident she can’t see. “Alright, I’m going to take your arm and lead you to my jeep now. No funny business.”

“I’m not in the business of being funny, so you’re safe.” She giggles and the man just shakes his head, unsure what to make of this woman. She doesn’t appear like the boss said.


After a short drive, Diana can feel herself being led to down a slope and the she can feel the ground change from gravel and dirt, to metal and the splashing sounds of their feet indicate they are in a place with water. The sewers obviously, though she’s sure there is an impressive maze of pipes down here, so escape would be hard without seeing where she’s going. They eventually reach level ground and Diana can now hear various voices. They whisper amongst themselves and although she can’t hear much, she can make out the expected, “is that her?” and the “wow, the princess is actually here.” or her favorite, “there she is, the scum.” She just smiles and lets herself be led, until they finally reach a quiet place. He sits her down in a chair and leaves her alone.

After several minutes, she hears more footsteps and voices. “There she is Boss. But, are you sure about going in without a mask? If she sees you, it’ll put your identity at risk.”

Diana can feel someone approach her and for a minute, they stand silent in front of her. Finally, she feels someone’s hands pull at the blindfold knot behind her head and seconds later, it’s removed, revealing an open cavern. As her eyes adjust, she can start to make out the man in front of her. He’s got square, deep blue eyes, apricot skin, spiked, short, dark brown hair and a light stubble goatee. He wears three earrings on his left ear and a necklace that has an interesting symbol. Although he appears to have a masculine body and appearance, his facial features seem very soft and feminine and the longer she stares, the more she feels like she’s seen him before.

“It’s been a long time Diana. You sure did become a beauty. We always knew you would.”

“Thanks…but just who might you-.” She has a sudden realization and shouts, “No way! Lisa? Is that really you? Holy…you’re the good looking one. I’d never have thought it was you.”

He laughs. “Well, I too have changed quite a bit since then. I now look the way I’ve always felt, though I also looked like a boy as a child, so seeing me now shouldn’t be so different. You missed me going through puberty though. That would have been a huge change if you’d seen me then versus now. Those were the most awkward years of my life. I still have nightmares.”

“Wow, Lisa, this is amazing. I’m happy for you. I remember you sometimes saying that you wished you could look like Leo and have a tinkle winkle too.”

He turns red. “Ugh, please don’t bring that up, it was so embarrassing. I was five and no one told me the correct word for it. I still don’t have it though and I probably never will.”

“Why? Is it because you’re cut off from the Providence health services due to exile?”

“Well, that might be a bit of a factor, but honestly, I don’t mind it. I used to think I needed one to really be a man, but then saw your Mom’s interview about her condition and I always remembered a key statement she made. “We are not defined by our parts, but our souls.” I know it applied not just to her own situation, but to the FFs too. She’s always believed in the heart and soul of everyone and judges that, rather than their appearance or belief. She was honestly inspirational. She gave me the courage to start transitioning at fourteen. Testosterone was easy to come by, but obviously having the top surgery done took longer. I was twenty when I could finally get it done in the illegal market. The doctor was surprisingly good considering. So, yea, I finally feel like I’m comfortable in my own skin and I go by Lee now. Lisa is dead.”

“Oh yes, I remember that interview. It was the same day they revealed they were my real parents and the day I ran away. I’m glad it was a motivator for you though. So, how about we meet again, as your true self? Nice to meet you Lee.” She holds out her hand and he shakes it. “So, I’m happy that you survived after all. I honestly wasn’t sure, since you were so young when you and Morgan ran away. Where is Morgan actually? Is she still with you?”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too Diana. Yes, we were certainly young when we left the orphanage and honestly, I’d rather not talk about the things we saw or the things we had to endure. It’s honestly too painful and I’m still suffering from nightmares about it. Though in retrospect, Morgan is far worse off than I. Her mind is all but broken and there are some days where she’s just an empty shell. She barely ever leaves her room, still decorated with children’s décor, as her mind is still stuck in that time. It’s as though she’s blocked everything out from the day we ran away, till the day we found our place among the Revolutionists. I don’t know how to help her, and she won’t let me. We got married right when we turned eighteen, as a vow to always stick together no matter what, but it’s been years now since she’s shown me any affection or intimacy.”

“Oh jeez, I’m sorry Lee. I can only imagine. When I ran away, I was much older, and I had Clyde with me. So, although I can’t say it was easy, it wasn’t as hard as it would’ve ben if I’d been alone. I won’t ask any questions about that, but I do want to say that I think it’s admirable that you haven’t abandoned her. I mean, it must be so hard without any intimacy or even just comfort. Who consoles you when you have nightmares? It’s got to be lonely.”

He suddenly has a look of guilt. “I wish I could say I was that honorable, but honestly, I’m not. It is lonely and having to go through this alone for the last several years has been so hard. Not to mention, having to suddenly care for another life in these rough times, it was too much for me. As though fate made it so, I met an old friend who ended up down here too and while we couldn’t hit it off in the past, it all just seemed to come naturally this time. She gave me the comfort and support I needed and is helping me raise my child. I couldn’t be more grateful to have her in my life, but I also feel immense guilt, knowing I’m moving on without Morgan, who is still my wife, but only the shell she left behind. I can’t abandon her, because it’s my fault she became like this. I convinced her to run away, making her believe that things would be better. I was wrong. Honestly, she would have been better off going to meet Leo in death, rather than live as a corpse.”

“I’m really sorry Lee, truly. You don’t deserve this. Neither of you did.”

“Well, it’s a bit late to be saying that now, don’t you think?” He scowls momentarily.

Diana quickly realizes that Lee still resents her for what she and Clyde did that night and remembers that she wasn’t brought here to catch up on the good old days. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not enough and it’s too late, but still…I am. I know that everything is my fault, everything.”

“Well, as long as you understand. I’ve enjoyed our little chat for the nostalgia it brings, but I think it’s time to get serious now. I’m sure you’ve already guessed it, but I’m still stating it.”

“I have, but it’s still your right to say it, so please continue to do so.”

“I am Lee, leader of the Revolutionists Faction and I’ve requested your presence here as a representative of Carmike Enterprises. This will be our only negotiation meeting, so think wisely about your choices. Do you understand these terms, and do you accept them?”

“I do. But please understand that although I may be an heir, I hold no real power yet.”

“It’s not power I’m after, but influence. You can voice our propositions to those in power.”

“And just what might these propositions be?”

“Freedom. We wish to be given the freedom to live above ground, with the same protections as the citizens of Providence are afforded. However, we want to be exempt from the terms of Project Harmony and generally all things droids. We want to essentially have an independent nation of our own, where we can govern ourselves, but still be under the protection of Providence. If this agreement is accepted, we won’t take more extreme action against you.”

“Wow, don’t you think you’re being a bit greedy? It’s one thing to be allowed to live as an independent nation, but to expect the benefits of a nation you are basically giving your butt to kiss, that’s just downright greedy and I think you know it’s not going to fly.”

“Perhaps not, but will the alternative be better? Disaster is going to befall your precious nation unless you take action. As you said yourself earlier, there is a delicate peace now. Even the slightest snag could send everything and everyone into chaos. Don’t underestimate us.”

“I can tell you’re quite serious, but I still don’t know what you expect me to do. I’m not on a first name basis with the president. She’s not going to listen to me.”

“You may not be, but I believe you are personally acquainted with someone who is?”

“My Mother you mean? Well, yes, they do go drinking together sometimes and I guess could be considered friends, but still not in the deep way you may be thinking. The one thing Lena is not, is a cheater. She’d never do that to my Mom, no matter how bad things get between them. I’ve been a witness to that fact. They really are the real deal, whether I like it or not.”

“Well, I don’t care one way or the other what kind of close relationship the two have, I just care that they are close enough to have your Mother propose our offer to the President.”

“Ok, but what happens when she definitely says no?”

“Well, we do exactly what we stand for, Revolt. We will usher in a new Revolution unlike the one before. We will force this world to change and the people along with it. Trust me.”

“Well, that does sound mildly alarming, but I still don’t think it’s going to intimidate the President. But if all you wanted was to pass on that message, what did you really need me for?”

“I’m glad you asked that, because you are going to be our Plan B. If the negotiations fall through, then you will shut down this program yourself. You will deactivate all the droids and then we’ll take it from there. Their strength is their droids. But if they are gone, they’ll be defenseless and that’s when we’ll attack. We’ll start a civil war between the factions and all sides will destroy each other and the foundation of the society. With no neural control to pacify the humans, the President will have no choice but to give in, unless she wants her precious country to be ruined.”

“Ok, so I get what you want me to do, but what makes you think I’d do it?”

“Because, it’ll be your only choice. Understand that we will be uprising no matter what if negotiations fail, but if you refuse to do your part in Plan B, then Plan C will take affect and the only difference will be the total zombification of your nation.”

“The droids will be triggered to order their humans to cease all violence when our uprising begins, and that will make them easy pickings. Many will die and even once the military manages to pick us off, things will never be the same. But if you turn off the droids, you’ll weaken the President’s defenses and we’ll be able to take her down. With her gone, things can be changed. Project Harmony can be revaluated and changed for the better, the removal of the neural link the first thing to be axed. You’ll be able to have the equalists society you really want, and your Mom’s true dream will be attainable. Ultimately, this would benefit you too Diana. You have the power to change the world for the better, which is all you really wanted to accomplish right?”

“Yes, I did, but not at the cost of losing those important to me. Simon and Clyde are my family. Deactivating the droids would include them and if the system must be rewritten, it’s unlikely that they will retain their memories of us and their lives. It’ll be like a full system reboot, and their programs will start fresh. They’ll be there in body, but it won’t be them anymore. That alone is enough for me to say that I refuse to do it. I will pass on your message, but when it’s inevitably shot down, I will not carry out your plan. Plan C will certainly hurt our nation, but we are stronger than that and we will surely overcome it and be stronger. That is my final answer.”

Lee looks at her with a disappointed expression. “You really don’t know the gravity of the situation. I pity you, being consumed by lies and your false sense of comfort. Clyde may be your everything, but to him, you are no more than the variable of the function he’s programmed to run. You said it yourself just now. Your relationship is only as strong as your memories. Your memories will always stay with you, but Clyde’s would not if a reboot were to occur. Imagine the pain and loneliness you will feel, retaining all the time you spent together, while he must ask you things he should already know. Having memories alone without the other person to recall them with is a hell I’ve had for such a long time now. I know what it’s like and one day you will too.”

“I know what you’re trying to do, but it won’t work. You can’t scare me! Clyde will never forget me or our memories together. Nothing will ever destroy us or our time together.”

“Well, for your sake, I hope you’re right.” There is a sudden tension in the room.

“Daddy!” A young girl’s voice breaks the tension as she runs into the room.

Lee’s expression softens as he takes her into his arms. “Annabelle, didn’t I tell you to wait for me? I was having a very important meeting, but that’s over now. Shall we go see mommy?” She nods with a big smile. He turns to Diana and leaves her with his final word. “Do the right thing Diana, or so many will suffer at your hands once again and you’ll be a murderer once more.”

He exits the room with the little girl in tow and from the doorway, she catches sight of another ghost of her past. “Lori?” The black-haired, blue-eyed woman glares, the hatred burning in her eyes. “So, it was you Lee was talking about. I’m glad to see you were repaired.”

Lori approaches her quickly and with a snarl says, “One day, I will kill you both!” She says nothing more and exits to follow behind Lee and his daughter.

The same man from before returns with the blindfold and a nastier expression. Niceties are officially off it would seem. “Same deal as before. Let’s go.” He grabs her arm and roughly leads her back through the tunnel system, into the jeep and back to the side alley of the café. “If you’re smart, you’ll do as Lee says and keep your mouth shut about everything you heard. Got it?”

“I do. But you should also know I’m a stubborn woman. Be sure and pass that on to Lee.” The man just scoffs and takes his leave. Diana begins to walk home, but as she turns the corner, she runs into a frantic Clyde. He relaxes once he sees her and embraces her, but to his surprise, Diana embraces him and without words exchanged, he knows her pain, as she cries against him.

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