Forever Friends

Chapter 7: Diana and Clyde

The choir sings in the cathedral, as though the angels are descending upon the earth. It’s beautiful and captivating. However, it’s also got a sense of melancholy etched into the seam of every note, which together with its beautiful tone, brings tears to the eyes of a young girl. Her chestnut hair shields parts of her face, but the tears can still be seen dripping down her cheeks. Her green eyes glimmer, nearly as beautiful as the song. Her light skin gives her an extra holy aura, almost as though she could be an angel herself. She’s beautiful and Clyde could spend every moment just staring at her beauty, which shines through from her soul. However, he can also see the pain behind her eyes. The pain of betrayal, rejection and self-loathing. He wishes he could say something, do something, change something, but he can’t. He’s just a droid after all.

A priest approaches the girl and with a smile warm enough to defrost even the coldest of hearts, says, “you seem troubled my child. Would you like to share your burden with me?”

She looks up with a start, as though just realizing he was there. She quickly jumps up and backs away. She trembles like a newborn lamb and fresh tears form in her eyes. The priest looks at her alarmed, not understanding her reaction. She shouldn’t have come. She should have never come here. She was foolish to believe she could ever find salvation here. “I’m sorry!” She says only this, before running down the aisles and bolting through the heavy cathedral doors.

The priest is alarmed and quickly pulls up the missing minors database on his tablet. He searches for girls in age ranges of fourteen to eighteen and looks for any matching that girl’s appearance. He scans for several minutes with no luck, but then he catches her in his sights. That girl, with her gentle eyes and timid demeanor, it was her. He’s certain of this. “Diana. Oh, my dear Diana. What is your story? What is it that you seek? Why do you run from the light?”

“Father Chamberlin!” A young altar boy comes running up to his pulpit. “That girl….”

“What is it David?” He asks intrigued. “Do you know that girl? Where did she go?”

“I don’t Father, but I saw her run into the Granbul’s area. She might be in danger.”

“Oh dear, this is serious. I’ve just discovered her identity myself as of a moment ago. That area is not a place a sixteen-year-old girl should be roaming unaccompanied at such a late hour. I will follow behind her. She can’t have ventured too far in yet. Take care of things here.”

“I think I should accompany you father. You shouldn’t be going alone either.”

He places a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Never fear David, for I am never alone. God is always with me. He will lead me in this trial. I shall return. I promise.” He embraces the boy.

“Very well Father. Then I shall wait for your return. God be with you Father.”

“And you my son.” He kisses his forehead lovingly and grabbing his coat, he goes.

David looks at the tablet and examines the girl’s profile. “God be with you too, Diana.”


Diana lies on the ground, the rain that just began to pour, drenching her to the very core in every sense. She cries, her head filling with visions of long ago, when she became a murderer. Clyde watches her from the darkness, wishing to console her, but she was quite clear on wanting him to stay away, but never so far that he’s out of reach. She wants to be loved, but she doesn’t think she deserves it, so she pushes it away. She pushes him away and it hurts him deeply.

Diana! Upon hearing her name, Diana becomes alert. Diana! She gets to her feet and starts to run again. She’s been found out. Even though she’s tried so hard to stay hidden. She’ll be caught.

She runs, with no specific direction in mind. Just the desire to escape. She won’t go back to them. She won’t be their burden. She runs until her legs give out and she falls on her knees to the ground. She continues to cry and begins to scream, her agony evident with every wail. Broken.

Once she’s got no voice left, she lies silently and eventually drags herself to an abandoned building she frequents. In Granbul’s area, buildings such as these are a dime a dozen, as this is the last place that remains of the old world. Everything outside this ancient area, is new and technologically managed. There’s not a person left in the country who doesn’t answer to a device, monitored by the Providence government. In just six short years, this country had been revolutionized and reworked, such that it’s become a nearly perfect utopia.

No one’s starving, no one’s homeless, no one’s suffering from crippling poverty. The final measure that made this all possible and secured a nation of unified minds and ideals, was the implementation of Forever Friends nationwide. With the newly developed neural linking technology, Project Harmony became a roaring success. The bright minds behind the program became infamous icons overnight and made millions in just the first 24 hours of launch. The dream Tessa and Lena Carmike wished for finally came through in a spectacular fashion, but as with all drastic changes, there was opposition. Behind the scenes, acts of rebellion are frequent.

There were many who felt this new system was oppressive and pushed censorship of free thinking and inhibited free will. They felt that by having this link, there mind would never be their own again and they became paranoid that “big brother” would always be watching. So, they revolted, but as this was a mandated measure by the new President herself, they were met with the mighty force of the military and lost. They were exiled to this single area, free from all legal mandates, but also without the benefits that the remainder of Providence brings. There’s no technology, there’s no support, there’s no protection, there’s not much of anything but darkness.

All that resides here are the poor, sickly, starving rebels against the new order. They were left this spot to serve as an example to the rest of Providence of what they were liberated from. What Project Harmony and the previous mandates have blessed them with. The people are happy, no longer longing for a companion. At last, they have someone to understand them, love them and protect them unconditionally. They have someone who will get them inside and out and literally be their other halves. It’s a match made in heaven and many have found true happiness. The children matched to a Forever Friend at the age of one; now five, have shown astonishing differences in their emotional levels and aggression has decreased exponentially, along with depression, suicidal tendencies and overall negative thinking. It all seems so perfect.

However, Diana can feel no satisfaction. She’s conflicted, wanting to be happy that the world has gotten better, but she can’t help but wonder if they’ve made any progress. Has the world truly become a better place, or have they simply traded in their steel prisons for padded ones? Above all, she can never forget that everything is her fault. She started this chain of fire and now she’s being burned for it. It’s what she deserves; she’s a murderer after all. Diana!

She retreats further in to the dark, ignoring the priest’s alarmed cries for her. Soon, she can hear him just outside the building, but he doesn’t seem to know she’s there. He stands silently for a while, looking around bit by bit and listening. He finally remains still and soon, starts to smile.

“Diana. I don’t know if you can hear me, but if you can, please listen. I know that things seem hard now, but they won’t be like this forever. I don’t know your situation or what it is you’re running from exactly, but I know that it’s nothing you will be cast out the gates of heaven for. I can tell, I could see it in your eyes, the innocence and purity they hold. I can tell your soul is righteous and loving of your fellow man. I can tell god is there in your heart, you just must be brave enough to let him consume you. Let him take your burdens and be free. Please, Diana.”

Diana begins to cry again, but she stifles her sobs. She can’t believe his words, because god could never love someone who could kill with no hesitation. She’s a sinner to her core.

“Your parents. They are surely waiting for you to come home. I’m sure they want to see you. Don’t you want to see them Diana? Don’t you want to be in their warm embrace? I can help you Diana. Let me help you. I can bring you home to them. I can reunite you and free you from the lonely, lost life you lead now. This is a forsaken place, cast from god’s light. There’s nothing here for such a young girl as you. You’ve got a bright future ahead of you. You will make something of yourself, surely. It’s in your blood, it’s in your soul. You will overcome this hardship. So, take my hand Diana. Come with me and let me lead you back to the holy land. Back into god’s light and blessings. Diana! I know you can hear me. I know you’re there. Please show yourself!”

Diana struggles within herself, wanting to believe in the kind priest’s words, but being unable to allow herself that choice. She won’t seek salvation, when she’s hurt so many, so much.

Clyde continues watching from the shadows, watching as Diana struggles with herself. He wants to shout and tell her she can let go. That she should follow that man and return to the arms of a mother who loves her. He wants to see her smile again, since it’s been so long. But, it’s not his place to say these things. He is simply meant to be her guardian and keep her safe wherever they may wander. It’s how they’ve lived for the last two years, surviving in the shadows. With only each other to hold at night and to feel safe with. That comfort is his duty and he will not turn away from it. He will protect Diana with his life, he will love her with his heart, and he will save her from herself. Nothing or no one will get in his way.

“Diana….” Father Chamberlin begins to lose hope that she’ll come out, but then he hears footsteps from behind. “Oh, have you finally come to be liberated from your binds? I will-.”

He stops short when he comes to realize the footsteps did not belong to Diana. Instead, they are the footsteps of a couple of thugs. The tallest one speaks with a smirk. “No Father, I’m not Diana, but I’d like to be saved too. Would you help me, dear Father?” Both thugs laugh lightly.

Father Chamberlin frowns. “I’m sorry boys, but my services may be beyond your level of need. You will have to face God directly and ask him for atonement of your sins. Now, please excuse me. I’m looking for a very important person.” He begins to walk away but is pulled back.

“No Father, I think you’ve got exactly what we need. That necklace looks pricey. We need money, so give it to us, would you Father? Please be a good sport. Hand it over, ok?”

“This is a cross Sir and an expensive one at that. I could not possibly part with it. Besides, money isn’t what you need. Now again, please excuse me. I don’t have time to waste on you.”

“Oh really?” The main thug grabs the priest again and pulls him, spinning him around. “Well, then I guess I’ll just be taking it from you.” He pulls out a knife and quickly stabs Father Chamberlin in the stomach, several times. He lets out a grunt and the thug laughs. “You don’t have time to waste on me, right? Well, I’ll just have to waste you, won’t I?” He stabs him again several times, causing him to finally shout out and fall to his knees. The thug grabs the cross from his neck, breaking the chain. “See if your god will save you now Father.” They both laugh and then the thugs run off into the darkness, leaving him with a bleeding gut.

Father falls to the ground, clutching his stomach as he does, grunting in pain. Diana has her hands clasped against her mouth, to stop herself from screaming. She can see the pool of blood forming beneath him and she may not be a doctor, but she knows he’s going to die soon. Against her better judgement, she finds the strength to leave her nest and finally reveal herself. “I, I….” She can’t get the words out, but she desperately wants to say she’s sorry. It was her fault, again.

He smiles weakly. “Ah, there you are. You really are a beautiful soul Diana. I don’t need god to see that. I can also see that you blame yourself, but don’t Diana. It’s not your fault. This was just my duty as God’s disciple. I believe he sent me here to save you from this fate. I was meant to cross the path of those misguided men and take their sins onto me, so that you could live to see another day. This was your sign Diana. It’s time for you to stop running away. You must face your pain, your fear, your life. It’s YOUR life, not anyone else’s. So, live. Make the most of it. Own it. Become the person you wish to be. Don’t let this temporary darkness bar you from the light. This is not your fault. This is not your fault. This is not your fault. Say it until you believe it. I am not suffering. I have lived a good life and I have no regrets to keep me from going on to the next life. So, do not cry for me Diana. Dry your eyes. I am not sad, for I will now be with god.”

Diana falls to her knees and falls onto his back, her sobs becoming silent screams as the tears stream down her face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Father, I’m….”

He manages to raise an arm to place on her head and pat it gently. “Repeat after me. This is not my fault. This is not my fault. This is not my fault. This is not my fault. This is not my fault.”

“This is not my fault, this is not my fault, this is not my fault,” he smiles and as his hand falls, he closes his eyes. Even though she wants to scream, she doesn’t stop and continues chanting, “This is not my fault, this is not my fault, this is not my fault, this is not my fault, this is….”

Clyde watches as she chants this, as she cries over a dead man, the last bit of light fading from her eyes. It brings back memories of that night, when that light first began to dim. She had no choice. It was a matter of life and death. It was him or he. She chose him. It’s a choice she shouldn’t have had to make, but she did and now she’s punishing herself for it. If anyone should be given the blame, it’d be him. But she refuses to allow him to take it. She’s taken all the sin into herself, leaving no room for god or anyone really. Only at her lowest points, does she let him in.

She chants until she has no voice and then it falls silent for a long time. When she finally does stand, she’s like a corpse. She squats down and grabs the Father’s arms. She begins to pull and soon he’s propped against her back. She’s surprised he’s as light as this. She then proceeds to carry him, though it’s more of a lifted drag, back towards the light. She knows Clyde is in the shadows ready to take over if she only calls him, but she won’t. He isn’t her slave, but her friend and lover. She will not burden him with her sins. She endures and carries him back to the entrance of the cathedral, which is empty sans a single boy, dressed in white, trembling by the altar.

She stops just before the entrance and eases him to the ground. She and the boy stare at each other for the longest time, until finally he snaps out of his shock and rushes to the Father’s side. “Father Chamberlin! Father Chamberlin!” He falls to his knees and tries to shake him, but he knows that no matter how much he shakes him, he will not ever wake again. “No! What have you done? You devil! What have you done?!” The boy, no older than her, begins to cry, losing all composure. Diana simply watches the sight, silent and lifeless, unable to say a word. So, she says nothing and instead gets back on her feet and starts walking away. “He believed you to be good you know. But I don’t think you are. You’re a devil and I hope you burn in hell for this.”

Diana turns around and without changing her expression, she only responds with a simple phrase. “Me too.” Then she leaves, not looking back at the men again, hearing only the boy’s pained cries. She feels numb, as she recalls the cries from the others that night. It’s the same.

She walks on and on, deeper into Granbul’s area, not stopping for anything. Even the scoundrels she passes steer clear, seeing that she’s already a dead girl walking and that there’s nothing more they could possibly do to her. She walks until she reaches the sea and only when she’s at the edge, does she stop and say a word. “I’m going to do it. This time, I think I can Clyde.” Finally, upon hearing his name, Clyde makes his appearance. His expression is serious.

“Then I will be right behind you, and we can die together.” His resolve is strong.

She laughs. “You can’t die though. Don’t be silly Clyde. It doesn’t suit you.”

“Neither does this Diana. You were always timid, but cheerful as well. You were always making everyone smile with your warmth and kindness. It’s probably why Leo fell for you in the first place. It’s why I love you too. Even in the end, your kindness saved me. I am thankful.”

“Thankful? To a murderer?! I killed him Clyde, I killed Leo willingly. I stabbed him literally in the back and he bled out while I watched. While we all watched.”

“He was going to kill me! You were only trying to protect me. I begged you to just leave it be. I was willing to die for you. I thought it’d be better that way honestly. That way he’d be free to have you. It’s not like you didn’t love him too, it’s just you were so loyal to me, you couldn’t accept his feelings. It’s because of your kindness, not wanting me, even as nothing more than a droid, to die. That’s the kind of person you are Diana. You are a beautiful soul in and out!”

“I’m not kind! I’m not good! I’m not a hero. I didn’t kill him because I thought he’d really kill you. I just said it, didn’t I? You can’t die Clyde. You were not made that way. You are indestructible. Even if you are damaged, you can always be repaired. That’s the kind of genius Tessa Carmike is. She thought of everything. You would’ve been fine, but I couldn’t accept it. He was going to maim you. My best friend? My lover? My everything? That’s what you are to me Clyde, don’t you know? I don’t need to be linked to you to have that kind of inseverable bond. You are mine and only mine and no one could take you from me. No one could hurt you. But Leo wanted to. He tried to take what was mine, so I took his life instead. He just made it easier for me to pass it off as an accident. I don’t regret what I did, but I can’t live with it either. I’m a murderer. To top it off, I was never even wanted. I was thrown away by everyone who should’ve loved me.”

“I don’t believe that. Maybe you were angry, but it was still on my behalf, so I still feel it’s my responsibility. I didn’t stop you. I knew what you were going to do before you did it. I saw you reach for that knife and even with him having tackled me, I could have easily stopped you, but I didn’t, because I wanted him dead. I was jealous, I was always so jealous of your relationship with him. I knew you loved me, but you loved him too in a way and I hated that I didn’t have all of your heart. Having most of it wasn’t enough, I wanted it all and I knew if he was gone, I’d have it. I’d be your one and only. So, I let you do it. I’m the real murderer here. I’m the real devil.”

For the first time, her expression changes and she smiles. “Clyde….”

“Yea I know. I’m despicable, right?” He looks away in shame. However, he feels her enter his arms embrace and wrap her arms around his shoulders affectionately. “Diana? What are….”

“So, we’re both murders, are we?” She laughs again. “We really are perfectly compatible aren’t we Clyde? We’re both selfish, jealous, murderers. We literally have killed for each other, that’s how strong our love is. Lena is a genius too. Her compatibility algorithm really is perfect.”

Clyde feels a bit unsure about the turn of events but agrees. “Yea, maybe so. Still-.” His speech is cut short when he feels Diana place her lips on his, initiating a passionate kiss. “Diana….” Diana pulls him down to the ground as she deepens their kiss and their bond, soon after.

A while later, the two lay together and as she stares into his chocolate eyes, which match his tan skin and short curly hair, she finally says, “let’s go home. It’s time I face them seriously and take my rightful place. I’m done running, ok Clyde?” He nods in agreement and smiles.

A few hours later, they arrive at a huge compound connected to the biggest laboratory in the world. Diana rings the doorbell and when it opens, she says, “I’m back. Clyde and I, we’re home.” Tessa and Lena feel many things at once, but say nothing, as they embrace their treasure.

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