Forever Friends

Chapter 3: Project Harmony

The streets bustle with several people making their way around the city. Some are headed to work, some to school, some out for leisure, but many to the expo center, where the official press conference and launch of Project Harmony is set to occur. Many travel there on foot, but for those less inclined, the city provides a multitude of alternative options. The solar powered buses and trains reach every corner of the city, the electric powered cars and taxis easily navigate the streets without risk of pollution, as all electricity is generated by solar and wind powered means and at the pier, mechanically run ferries allow for intercounty travel. For those wishing to travel outside the state or country, there are commercial airlines that utilize wind and chemical energy. Through these advanced methods, pollution has been wiped from the earth and allowed it to revive to its natural state. It has once again become a green utopia and all living organisms have since flourished, able to live peacefully as they cohabitate the earth together.

Outside the Providence Expo Center, thousands line up to enter the main hall, where the press conference will take place. It’s an open event that all may attend on a first come, first served basis, but only ticket holders get front row access and the chance to directly interact with the presenters. These VIP guests also get the first chance to access all the Project Harmony products and services. They also get an exclusive tour of the processing facility where the Forever Friends are made and will be mass produced going forward. Among these VIPs is Victor Durant, an investigative journalist for the Providence News Journal. He’s been dying to have a chance at this story since the news of it first leaked five years earlier, when the President had signed off on it. Everything was kept very quiet since then, but at last, they’re revealing this project to the world and Victor is determined to expose everything it entails, even the things they don’t want the public to know. With such a revolutionary breakthrough, there must be secrets.

“Well, if it isn’t Victor, the shamed joke himself. Come to fabricate more lies?” Victor turns to see a well-dressed man in a beige suit approaching him. His slicked back, maple hair and sky-blue eyes both glisten in the sunlight, but it does nothing for his pale skin. He’s older than he looks, but his attitude is vastly underdeveloped. “I thought they kicked you off the journal.”

Victor is already peeved by his presence, but manages to grin in amusement before replying, “they definitely considered it, but then they realized I was too valuable an asset to let go. Unlike certain people, they realized how good they had it and weren’t going to be foolish enough to let me go.” He focuses his eyes directly on the man, whose eyes narrow slightly.

“Well, sometimes the fools get a lucky break and realize that the only foolish thing they did was not cut ties binding them sooner. You gloat like you’re irreplaceable, yet I’m the one who’s skyrocketed in popularity and landed a gig at the best news network in all of Providence. I don’t have to look for news anymore, because it now comes to me. This only happened for me though because I finally saw past your luxurious shine. As they say, not all that glitters is gold. However now, I’ve got more gold than I know what to do with. What about you Vic?” He grins.

“I may not be rolling in the lap of luxury, but I at least still have my dignity. I know who I am, who I’ve always been and who I’ll continue to be. I’m happy with myself and the stories I report on. I may not report the most glamorous stories, but they are real and ones that need to be told. I have never once reported lies, contrary to what everyone thinks, but scapegoating and blacklisting is to be expected when you uncover the scandals of the highest officials. I may have had my wings clipped, but you will see very soon Percival. Icarus will fly high again and when I reach my castle in the sky, I’ll be looking down on all those fools who didn’t appreciate me, and you will be the biggest fool of all. Then again, I’m the fool who still loves you anyway.”

With that final statement hanging in the air, an announcement is made over the intercom. “All VIP ticket holders for the Project Harmony Event, please report to the main hall at once.”

“Well, I guess we should be heading inside. Good luck with your story Percy.” Victor walks away, not looking at him again, as he seals the lock on the feelings he almost released.

Percy frowns, as he watches that mahogany-haired man and his broad shoulders walk away, feeling as though he’s still lost somehow, despite having everything he’s always wanted. “How is it you can still blind me, even though you’ve lost your shine?” He walks away, grim.


“I can’t do this. I think I’ll just stay here and let you handle the rest.” Tessa stands behind the door trembling. However, she is quickly relieved when she feels a pair of warm arms embrace her from behind. “I’m really scared Lena. What if we fail? I can’t handle this pressure.”

Lena rests her head on Tessa’s shoulder. “You have never failed at anything Tessa, so you’re not going to fail now. You’re a genius and the smartest person I know. You’ve had a knack for engineering since we were children and you’re the only reason I even took an interest. Even then, this is still all you. I may have designed the models and assisted you with the build, but it was your programming and coding skills that brought Simon and all the new models to life and made them appear so human. So, don’t you ever doubt yourself, because you are amazing. And you know, even if you were to fail, it wouldn’t be your failure alone. This was a dream we came up with together and started together and so will end with together. If you fail, I fail and so we can cry together. Then we can pick ourselves back up and start again. All that matters is we’re always together. Just the two of us, now and forever, right? Like we always promised?” Lena hugs Tessa tighter. “You are the only thing that’s ever been right in my life Tessa.”

Tessa raises her arms to embraces Lena’s and leans her head against hers. She smiles and says, “it’s the same for me Lena. I don’t think I would’ve had anything to aspire to if you weren’t there encouraging me every step of the way, just as you are now. You kept me from having to endure a lifetime of loneliness and shame and never let me completely retreat into myself when I wanted to hide from the world. You’ve kept me going all these years and have helped me achieve the level of social competence I have now, though I’ll always be extremely awkward. You’ve always been the outspoken and confident one and it was your strength that inspired me to push myself to be worthy of your friendship and love. I love you so much Lena and I pray that you’ll never grow tired of me, because I don’t think I know how to live without you anymore. I don’t think I can. You’re the only one for me now. So, please say you’ll all-.”

Lena silences her with a kiss, which she accepts graciously, after a moment of surprise. Once they pull apart, Lena replies, “you already know you’re my one and only love Tessa, so don’t you worry. I’m never going to leave you and I won’t let you run away from me either, no matter what. We are in this together, bound for life. These rings on our fingers are symbolic of that. It’s this bond between us that was the framework for Forever Friends, was it not?” Tessa nods. “So, there you have it. Project Harmony and the Forever Friends are our baby and our legacy all in one, that is a culmination of our eternal bond. Everyone deserves to have that kind of bond with another, and so that is what Forever Friends will provide all the children of this nation and soon the world. That’s what we’re selling, is it not? A brighter future for all.” Tessa turns around to reveal her grey jeans, black sweatshirt and sneakers. It’s a basic outfit, but very much her and seeing her bright smile, Lena feels as though she’s fallen for her all over again.

“You’re right, as usual. Let’s do this together ok?” Lena nods and they kiss again. Soon after, Lena’s elegant black dress drops to the floor as she falls into Tessa’s warm embrace.


“The day the first fully functional humanoid was created, the mechanical engineering field became a hot topic across the globe. Everyone wanted one to use for a variety of tasks, such as construction, mass manufacturing and of course, lifestyle activities. They became the maids, gardeners and nannies of many of the world’s wealthiest families, but the problem lied in that single word; wealthy. These humanoids were so advanced, that they were being sold at astronomical prices because the engineers knew the demand was there. In addition, as real as these humanoids were, in the end, they were still just androids who couldn’t really think or feel with their own conscious or emotions. They were no more than slaves, made to serve their masters without hesitation. It was a relationship based on ownership and servitude. This only further darkened the human hearts and made them selfish and uncaring for their fellow man.”

“It was because of such results, that those humanoids of the old world failed and were destroyed along with much of the planet. However, once the new world came into existence and once the Treaty of Equality found its footing, these humanoids became a topic of interest again and were developed with a better functionality. They also were only sold to professional organizations that would use them for productive means and personal ownership of these models were banned. These changes have allowed The Unites States of Providence and the other countries of the world to find peace and prosperity and surely will ensure we will have a future, but there is one thing that is still unaccounted for completely. That is, the human nature.”

“It’s a well-known fact that humans are imperfect creatures. We are born with our unique traits, desires and innate values, that are shaped by our upbringing, experiences and personal choices. Having such free will and individuality is the beauty of being human and is a blessing, but it can also be a curse, if the cards we are dealt are damaged before life even begins for us.”

“Sometimes, children are born different from others. It’s not their fault of course, as we can’t control the science behind gestation and development when they are conceived through natural means. However, the world still has its biases and so will treat these children as outcasts and freaks and so on. This can make these children feel very alone and isolated. Many of these children, even in our nearly utopian society, grow up to be less productive adults and are almost exclusively the ones who are most frequently reported in suicides. Often times, it’s difficult for these children to connect to their peers, because no one can relate to them on a more personal level. No one can truly understand what they feel or can say, “I also feel this way”. It’s not their fault either, but even so, should these unusual children suffer simply because there’s no one to blame? I think not and I can say that with certainty because I’ve seen these negative affects firsthand, despite being blessed to have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I was not born as an unusual child, but my most precious friend was, and I lived the pain through her experiences.”

“It was because I was there that she didn’t grow up isolated or become an outcast to society. Because I endured the suffering together with her, she didn’t have to become another statistic. I was there to hold her hand every day, every moment for the greater portion of our lives and I even gave up everything, just to always remain at her side. It probably seemed foolish to everyone around us at that time, but I didn’t hesitate for a moment because she was my soulmate in every possible way. I can say without any fraction of a doubt, that it was the smartest decision I ever made and is the sole reason for my current happiness and future success. Yes, I’m sure you’ve all gotten it by now, I am referring to my wife, Tessa Carmike. She was born as an unusual child and went through hell for it, but we found each other and developed a bond like no other in this world. A bond that has made us both the best versions of ourselves and it was due to always being together and learning all about each other inside and out. To us, that is the key.”

“So, we began to dream of a world where everyone could share a bond like ours. Starting as best friends, to lovers and ending up lifetime partners as we realized we were soulmates. It’s probably impossible, yet we dared to dream and this lead to the birth of Project Harmony. We needed a way to help every future human born into this world, find a soulmate like that, since it almost never happens on its own. We had to decide what qualities a soulmate had to have to start and so we began naming those between us. A soulmate must be understanding of how the other thinks, feels and acts. They must be perceptive to the other’s emotions, their pain and their desires. They must be committed to the other, refusing to walk away no matter how hard things get or how terrible that person might be at times. They must be determined to help the other, make them better and find a way to make things work for better or for worse, with the mindset that they are in it for life. They must know the other even better than they know themselves.”

“To us, this was what it meant to be soulmates, but we realized one fundamental flaw. Humans are rarely this perfect and even if they exist, they are almost impossible to find and most never do. We realized that at the root of all human nature, there is above all, the desire to be understood on a deeper level than ourselves. We want to connect and so we look for ourselves in others and when we don’t find what we are looking for, we tend to hurt the other person, almost in spite of our own frustration. We take all our anger out on them and this is what causes such terrible heartbreak and pain between many failed couples. It’s what leaves to vengeful acts and mistreatment of others. When we are miserable, we want the rest of the world to be miserable too and this herein lies the biggest flaw of humanity. We want to be greater than what we are.”

“Therefore, we were left with only one more possibility. That is, if we couldn’t easily find these perfect humans, then we’d just have to make the closest thing possible and this led us to create our very first humanoid, Simon.” At the press of a button, Simon’s image appears.

“Simon was the start of this long journey we began, at the young age of fourteen. Tess and I were on our own at this point and living on the streets. It was difficult, but you won’t find either of us ever saying we wish it was any other way because it also holds some of our best memories. We grew up together out there, in many ways, and experienced all the realities of the world. The streets held danger as well as excitement, but more relevant to our mission, it also held a variety of treasures. We could find all kinds of gadgets and gizmos and parts through our wandering and because education and study materials were free, we were able to continue our education even from the streets and learned all about computer programming and engineering on Tessa’s end and mechanical architecture and design and marketing on mine. It was a team effort that paid off when we successfully created our first humanoid six years ago and everything began to change for us. That was the first day we realized our childish dream could really become a reality and it was humbling, but also a bit frightening and exciting at once.”

“However, I must make it known that our humanoid is not like any other that has existed before, and it is this that really gives us such a unique opportunity to be standing here before you today. To explain exactly what makes our humanoids so different, please allow me to introduce my wife, Tessa.” Lena waves over a nervous Tessa, while the audience applauds and cheers.

Tessa feels the stage fright quickly taking over, but with a gentle touch of Lena’s hand on her shoulder, her fear seems to melt away and she focuses on telling the world what’s so special about her beloved Simon and the Forever Friends. “Thank you all for being here today, it really means so much to Lena and me. She pretty much covered our entire biographic, so at least you all will understand the reason behind the awkwardness I’ll probably display today.” The crowd laughs and lightens the mood. “Getting to the point though, our humanoids like Simon are very unique and individualized. Like humans, not any one humanoid will be the same as another.”

“Like the humanoids before them, they are intelligent like computers, strong like a titanium machine and essentially indestructible and immortal to a degree, but they are also so much more. They have the ability to truly feel emotions.” She begins to cycle through a slide show of pictures showing Simon experiencing various emotions. “They can feel happiness and cry tears of joy, as Simon did on his 1st birthday. They can fear things, like Simon when he first saw a snake in real life. They can be sad, like Simon when his pet goldfish died a few years ago. They can be angry, like Simon was when someone found out about my condition and called me the derogatory term. They can even feel embarrassed, when they experience new biological functions, like Simon, when he had his first naughty dream. This one is just a face shot out of respect for Simon’s privacy, but I think you get the idea. It was an awkward day for all of us.”

The first audible sounds of awe can be heard in the audience at that final picture. “Yes, you heard right. They can experience biological functions just the same as you or me. They can excrete waste and urine, they can experience pain, pleasure and even arousal, which can lead to real biological reactions and secretions, as is appropriate for their assigned sex. This is all due to their unique, one of a kind nervous systems, which directly link to their brains and allow their bodies to function as any humans would. They have blood flow, beating hearts and functional reproductive organs, though true reproduction is not possible now. Creating this complex system to mimic that of a human was extremely complicated and is what took the most time of all, but once we successfully had it functioning in Simon, it was the most satisfying thing we could’ve ever experienced. It was on that very day that Lena proposed to me, amid our celebration. She actually got quite romantic and emotional, which she rarely does, so it was a nice treat.”

“Yes, Simon was our success story and is even now, our most proud accomplishment. Our dream was to make the perfect humanoid, but Simon, he really is the perfect human.”

She turns off the monitor as the crowd applauds and cheers in excitement. This truly is a revolutionary event that they can witness with their own eyes today. Victor, who had been in the restroom until just now, comes out to the fired-up crowd and wonders why. He turns to the man beside him and asks, “what did I miss? I stepped away for like the last five minutes.”

A clean-cut young man in a suit, with his black hair and green eyes covered by clear glasses smiles and says, “nothing really. Just the memories of a disgraceful man.” He looks away, smiling, yet he’s got a sadness behind his eyes. Victor finds himself intrigued and unable to look away, feeling as though he’s connected with this man somehow, though they just met.

“So, we took things to the next level and began to engineer more like Simon but go even further by making them truly adaptable and the perfect lifetime friends for their assigned children. We were able to create toddler sized humanoids that grew right along with their friends, and learned as they learned, like a real human. Unlike Simon who was born with all his knowledge, these new humanoids learned from the beginning alongside their human, making the experience more real and allowing for that connection to build in the same manner as it did for Lena and me. What we found was that it worked far beyond all our expectations. We began with a few test subjects for our clinical trials and they have bonded in real and personable ways with their forever friends. The VIP ticket holders will get to meet them later today during the tour of our facility, but for now, here’s some of the highlights. We hope you’ll join us on this new endeavor. Thank you.” Tessa starts a video and the crowd is silent as they watch in awe.

Even Victor is shocked at what he sees. When the video ends, the room erupts in more cheers, applause and chatter, as everyone is eager to see the future Project Harmony will bring. However, for all his awe, Victor is also fearful of what this could lead to and thinks he must be the only one, until he looks over at the man from before, who cries through his pained smile.

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