Forever and Always

Chapter Ten

Felix’s POV Continued...

I awoke in a hospital room, the incessant beeping of machines piercing through my groggy mind. My surroundings blurred into focus, and I felt a rush of panic as I realized I was in a hospital. Memories from the previous night came flooding back – the party, the car, the crash.


As I attempted to get out of the bed, a nurse intervened, gently telling me that I needed to stay put for tests and possibly some questioning. But I was consumed by worry.

“Where’s my girlfriend?” I demanded, my voice edged with urgency. The doctor entered the room, attempting to ease my agitation.

“Settle down, young man. Your girlfriend is alright, just enjoying some chocolates,” he assured me with a hint of amusement. He proceeded to inquire about my condition and perform a series of checks.

“Can I see her now?” I implored, my concern for Alexa outweighing everything else. The doctor nodded, leading me to her room.

As I entered the room, my eyes found her lying in the bed. She was asleep, her face displaying a small cut on her forehead and some minor scratches. Guilt surged within me as I took in her appearance.

Guilt for not listening to her plea.

Guilt for causing her pain.

Guilt for placing her in this dangerous situation.

It was all my fault.

Hours later, I found myself sitting by Alexa’s bedside, my thoughts consumed by the events of the accident. She stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering open. Her gaze met mine, and she seemed momentarily confused.

“Who are you?” she asked in a soft, uncertain voice. My heart skipped a beat at her words.

“W-what?” I stammered, disbelief coloring my tone.

“Do I know you?” she continued, her brow furrowing as she studied me intently. My mind raced as I struggled to comprehend her words.

“You don’t remember me?” I whispered, my heart sinking.

Suddenly, she burst into laughter.

“Y-you should’ve seen your face!” she managed to get out between fits of giggles. I stared at her incredulously before scoffing in response.

“Fuck!” I cursed under my breath before swiftly capturing her lips with mine. Her laughter transformed into a surprised gasp, but she soon reciprocated the kiss with fervor. She held my face between her hands, deepening the kiss until we were both breathless.

“I hate you for doing this to me,” I stated after pulling back, my frustration still evident.

She rolled her eyes playfully but couldn’t suppress her smile. “Oh no, you don’t. You love me.”

I grinned in response. “That I do. I love you.”

Her smile widened, and she pulled me in for another kiss, her lips molding perfectly against mine. I felt my heart swell with affection for this incredible woman.

“Really?” she whispered against my lips as we pulled away. I nodded, pecking her forehead.

“Really,” I confirmed.

Her expression shifted to one of surprise and elation. Without hesitation, she pulled my face back down to hers. “I love you too.”

We shared another sweet kiss, momentarily lost in our feelings for each other.

A knock on the door interrupted our intimate moment, and a nurse walked in, her smile warm as she observed us.

“You two will be discharged tomorrow morning. Make sure to inform your parents,” she informed us.

Realization hit us both simultaneously, and we exchanged a startled glance.

“Shit!” we exclaimed in unison, reaching for our phones to make the necessary calls.

The following day, Alexa and I sat in her hospital room, both feeling better but still in a state of shock from the accident and the unexpected events that followed. The door opened, revealing an officer named Harrison.

“Ms. Parker and Mr. Colton? I’m Officer Harrison,” he introduced himself. We nodded, bracing ourselves for whatever questions he had for us.

“I heard you two were in an accident?” he began. We confirmed this with a nod. Alexa’s grip on my shirt tightened, and I offered her a reassuring smile, placing a comforting hand on her back.

“Can you tell me what happened?” he inquired.

“A car from the opposite direction was coming towards us, but I swerved to avoid it and ended up hitting a tree,” I explained briefly, my responses succinct.

“Where were you coming from?” he asked.

“A friend’s house,” I replied, providing minimal details.

“Who was driving?”

“I was,” I responded.

“Were you drunk?”

I hesitated for a moment, then admitted, “A little. But not above the legal limit.”

Officer Harrison raised an eyebrow at my confession. “Okay, thank you for your cooperation. If we need any further information, we’ll be in touch.”

It was midnight when I woke up, needing to use the restroom. I quietly disentangled myself from Alexa’s sleeping form, not wanting to wake her. As I walked back from the bathroom, I heard muffled voices coming from her room. My heart raced, and I quickened my pace.

Entering the room, I was met with a shocking sight – a figure dressed in black was near Alexa, attempting to do something to her. My adrenaline surged, and without thinking, I lunged at the person, pulling them away from her.

Amidst the struggle, nurses and doctors rushed in to help me restrain the intruder. While they held the person down, I rushed to Alexa’s side, concern etched into my features.

“Hey, baby, wake up, sweetheart,” I pleaded, my voice tinged with worry.

But she didn’t respond.

“Help! She’s not waking up!” I exclaimed in alarm. Another doctor hurried to her side, checking her pulse and heart rate.

“That’s odd,” he murmured.

“Doctor, we found this bottle in the person’s pocket,” a nurse reported. The doctor inspected the bottle before sighing.

“It appears she was exposed to chloroform. Don’t worry, she’ll wake up within a few hours,” he reassured me. A wave of relief washed over me, and I nodded.

“Please call Officer Harrison and ask him to come here as soon as possible,” the doctor instructed the nurse.

As I stood near Alexa, her still form a stark reminder of how close we came to danger, I felt a mixture of emotions – relief, fear, anger. I never thought that such a terrifying incident could occur within a hospital itself.

I turned my attention back to the intruder and my eyes went round.


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