Forced To Marry The Ruthless Alpha

Chapter 5

" The union has been accepted.”

Those words burn into my memory like poison, awakening me from the darkness. I wasn't certain on how long I'd been out, but I knew the pain had knocked me unconscious. It's not the first time it's happened, despite this being the first time my brain hurt instead of my body.

Blinking as I strain to open my heavy eyelids, I quickly realise there's a rather sharp ache still pulsing within my skull. Bearable, enough so that I push myself up off the stone slab, slowly. The last thing I want is to go dizzy right now.

"Do you have any idea what you just did?" Alpha Hardin questions me, his tone clipped with anger. Lowering my aching eyes, I give a small shake of my head as I brush tiny stones off of my palms gently. Even if I don't get what the big deal is on his end, I know I have to give some response that shows a flicker of remorse, or guilt. My father never liked it when I didn't take the blame, it made him feel like it was his fault, which it was.

"I didn't mean to." I hoarsely whisper, my throat still rough from screaming.

Hardin exhales sharply, turning from me briefly as if the mere sight of me infuriates him. I didn't understand why he's so angry, other than the fact that I couldn't let him into my mind. I suppose for a Alpha as powerful as him, it's irritating that he can't just jump into my memories as he pleases. The silence is short lived as my shoulder begins to itch, a searing burning sensation filing the bite Hardin gave me. I couldn't help but whimper, gripping my neck in attempt to conceal the pain. Thankfully it didn't last long, only a minute or so before it fades to a dull throb. I didn't have to touch it to know that it's tender.

"They accept you.” Hardin's sudden whisper catches me off guard. It wasn't his words, it was the awe in his voice as he said them, like part of him couldn't believe it himself.

Being fully aware of what comes next, no thanks to Triss, I couldn't help but to edge back a little on the stone. I could move a mile away, and it wouldn't be far enough away from Hardin.

Rough hands grip my shoulders, forcing me to freeze instinctively. I could feel his eyes burning down into my skull, the patient Alpha unwilling to let me get away. Fearing what the rather gentle Alpha is truly capable of if angered, I didn't want to deny him, yet at the same time it would be truly against my nature to give him what he wants.

First the ancestors must accept me, then Hardin himself is to gaze over my naked form and accept me, and thirdly, the pack must also see me worthy of their Alpha. It's a full circle, and somehow I must win them all over even if I don't want any of this. Triss said the pack will make it perfectly clear should they dislike me, if everything runs smoothly then as sunset approaches Hardin will take me to a chosen spot and finalise the mating ritual, and wedding. Willing or not, today is happening.

It'll be easier if you give him what he wants. Triss's words ring through my aching head, a warning that she clearly meant. I see it in his posture, the urge to snap me into place.

I didn't have to look up, to know he’s glaring down at me, a silent warning to not disobey.

Slowly I rise from the stone, Hardin steps back to allow me only enough space to undress. I begin to remove the lemon yellow fabric, the jewels gleaming as the sun shines through the gap above. The sound of the jingling soothes me slightly, a noise that I find quite comforting.

Untying the fabric from my chest, It falls from my back, forcing me to hold the front of the material against my chest. Instinctively I turn away from Hardin's heavy gaze, the action impulsive, one that makes me freeze the second I realise what I did. Turning my back to him is a big no, he's an Alpha, it's disrespectful.

Too prideful to simply face him, I remain tense, unmoving.

"After tonight, you are free to shift on this land as you wish.” Hardin voice is low.

Surprise fills me, his words not quite what I expected. Assuming he'd be angry with me giving him my back, when in reality he's the exact opposite. Somehow he knows that keeping myself covered isn't a confidence thing, or because I don't know him, it's because wolves have no shame with nudity. It's normal, being bare in front of each other, especially chosen mates. The fact that I've only ever shifted three times in the past four years, plays a huge partin mybehaviour. Besides the strength and healing, I don't know how to be a wolf, my parents forbid me to indulge in what I am. I finish undressing, going at my own pace without any signs of irritation or anger from Alpba Hardin. He didn't seem to mind waiting, as patient as a man can be, perhaps he knows at some point I'll be nude anyway.

Hardin's eyes stare boldly at my bare flesh, even with bruises and faint scars, there wasn't any disgust as he stares at me. Still, I wasn't exactly comfortable. Thankfully it lasted only a couple of minutes, before he allows me to get dressed, even going as far as to tie the fabric at the centre of my spine.

I assume his mind hasn't changed in the slightest when he steps aside, telling me to follow him. Which I do, quite silently I might add. Even though I'm doing my best not to show it, it feels humiliating to be be nude in front of a stranger, especially when I'm not exactly willing.

"Come." Alpha Hardin gestures.

My eyes flicker over the ocean of wolves flooding the woods, watching, waiting. The moment I step from the ancient stone building, whispers start to rise as all eyes search my neck.

While the bite is small, the scent of their Alpha seeps from it. As each one of them realise quickly that the ancestors have accepted me, the wolves begin to split like the ocean. I wasn't given utter respect or love, they don't bow to me as they do Alpha Hardin, and I didn’t blame them. Triss made it clear that everything is earned in this pack, including their faith in me.

I merely follow behind Hardin, like a stray dog being tugged behind. All the way through the woods to a large clearing, where many of the wolves add final touches to the seating area built higher than the floor. I didn't need to ask, to see that's where we'll be sitting.

For the rest of the day I am to eat, drink, and begin my bonds with the pack before tonight. Truth be told, I didn’t care for any of it, the pack have no need to like me in my opinion. It'll be easier obviously if they do, but their dislike towards me is uncared for.


Again, that word commands me. I didn't like it, being ordered around like I'm less than a pet to him. The fact that his seat is above mine, only serves to irritate me. The man knows of my lineage, and yet he has the audacity to sit me below him, a simple seating arrangement and yet it has to much meaning.

Joining Alpha Hardin on the small stage, I reluctantly lower myself into the smaller chair. Facing his pack, I quickly feel my heart speed up as I realise just how many wolves he has, each one clearly ready for battle at a moments notice.

I didn't expect to be instantly swarmed by wolves, but I should've known it would happen. The moment that both men and women flock to speak with me, I know I have to man the fuck up, quickly.

"Hil I'm Liza, can I just say how gorgeous you are?" A middle aged female blurts in a bubbly tone, her smile sheepish and her cheeks tinted pink.

Judging by the smell of freshly baked cakes, and the little flour on her clothes, I naturally assume she's a cook, or chef if you prefer. I'd know the smell of food anywhere.

"Thank you, can I just say that I absolutely love your hair?" I smile softly at the older lady as if we've known one another years.

Facades aren't new to me, I've had to smile my way through growing up when all I really wanted to do was cry my eyes out. I suppose my parents did teach me something after all.

"You do?" Her eyes raise in suspense, her hands gently touching her dark frizzy hair.

I nod slightly. "Yes, it's unique, very you."

The lady smiles in thanks, not getting the chance to say another word as another wolf takes her place up front. This time it's a large man, somewhat stiff and not at all friendly.

I stiffen slightly, but it was the way he comes at me that has me nearly falling backwards off my seat in fright. The sudden movement instantly having my wolf rise.

Hands reach for me from every angle as the chair almost tips over, but it's large calloused fingers that press against my exposed flesh to settle me back down. His lethal bark resonating straight at the wolf in warning, and just like that the bulky male steps away.

"My apologies, I tend to be a little clumsy. I simply wish to see our Alphas bride with my own eyes." The most gentle of words echo from the huge hairy wolf.

Even as softly as he attempts to speak to me, my stomach wouldn't stop clenching with nerves. I didn't like him near me, his size being the main reason.

"I hope I don't disappoint.” I respond with the small small friendly smile.

This is wrong, all of it. A voice whispers from the depths of my consciousness, one that I tend to push aside out of fear of what others will do to me if I act on the voice.

"So far you exceed expectations.” The man flashes the slightest smile, completely friendly.

I still couldn't get past the size of him, he's clearly the brute strength within the pack, not built for speed but for pain. Even though Alpha Hardin isn't as huge in muscle, I don't doubt that he is stronger than the beast before me.

Another male pushes forwards, one after another they provide me with words of wisdom, or compliments and questions. In order to keep them as sweet as I can, I do my best to smile and answer them.

When the sky begins to fade from its blue and distant clouds, I'm almost glad. Until I realise what sundown means for me, the final stage of the ceremony.

The loud drums come to an abrupt halt, only adding to the eerie atmosphere that sudden surrounds me. My wolf bristles as all eyes slowly move to us, their silence is patient as they wait expectantly.

Naturally, my entire body becomes tense, thighs clenching, my heart spikes with fear. I'd pretended like this whole day is some kind of nightmare, that any second I'll wake up and be back to my everyday life. The realisation that this is most definitely happening, stiffens me to my core. "Katalayha Slovak, are you prepared to meet your match?" A voice muses from the crowd, the taunting words spoken to make me feel smaller than I am.

I didn't find it funny, only insulting. They assume their Alpha is going to best me?

As a female I'm naturally seen as a joke, even more so because of my birthright. They see a timid, small, quiet she-wolf and instantly assume she's fragile, a damsel. Are they really that naive?

No words are spoken, not even when Alpha Hardin descends the few steps. He doesn't look back, yet somehow I know I have to follow him, again like a pet following it's owner. Sucking up my pride and irritation, I stand from the chair and straighten my spine. Walking with my head high, the last bit of pride I have left, knowing it's about to be snatched from me.

Shades of pink and orange fill the sky, a sight that I couldn't take my eyes from as Hardin looms over me from behind. I felt his presence, around me, suffocating me.

"You cannot tell me no." His rough voice is harsh against the sound of the river.

The place he'd brought me to is rather open, and any other day I might have admired the beauty, the sounds of nature around me. But today wasn't that day, while my eyes remain cast on the fading sunset down the river bank, my body and soul remain cold with fear.

"I can, but you will still force me." I whisper painfully, my terror none existent.

"No, Katalayha ... This mark is given to protect you from such things, once we start ... you won't want me to stop.” Hardin's hot breath fans my neck.

The fresh bite tingles with heat, almost painful. A strange feeling washes over me as I hear his words, and I immediately know them to be true.

The sun had long risen, but Hardin still slept almost soundlessly, like nothing is amiss in the world. For me, sleep is the last thing I could do right now.

I hadn't moved an inch since Hardin passed out, part of me too frightened, too pained to do so. Hardin wasn't lying, I was forced to feel things that I didn't want to, and while it may have made it easier the mating still hurt. I could feel the dull ache within my centre, my thighs feeling bruised, I feel as if I'd been split in half.

Is it always going to hurt?

The pain wasn't the worst part about it, no, the worst part was crying for him to stop, while my body craved him.

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