Forced To Marry The Ruthless Alpha

Chapter 3

"This pink would look great on you."

The fabric is fitted, sequins designed to have eyeson every aspect of my body, exposing my flesh to the hounds. I didn't like the idea, nor do I like the pink. Of course the wolf girl assumes I'm interested in whatever “costume’ I'll have to wear in the morning, like I actually care about this forced marriage.

"Maybe yellow? I think the lemon yellow will suit you perfectly!” Triss gushes, holding yet another shred of fabric against my exposed bra.

I remain a statue, allowing her to measure and work without flinching. Fighting will onlymakethis so much worse, and I've been humiliated enough.

"I'd like to wear white.” I finally speak up after a while of silence.

Triss stares at me, briefly before nodding."That's fine, what about this?"

She holds up a piece of her flimsy fabric, like the few centimetres are going to cover all of me. Blankly, I shake my head.

"It's tradition for every bride to dress this way. Every wolf will want you, and every female will want to be you, and yet you will belong to the Alpha. Don't you think it's beautiful?" Triss smiles, almost wistfully.

Is she serious?

"No, I don't.” I state bluntly, my voice icy. Call me bitter, who cares?

Triss's shoulders fall as her smile deflates, the best thing I've seen since coming here. Perhaps now she'll feel a fraction of what I do, maybe now she will understand that I don't see sunshine and rainbows in this pack.

"The Alpha chose you for a reason, Katalayha, and if I'm honest I can see why. You're young, beautiful, and untouched by another." Triss says, offering a small gentle smile as if she hears the questions swimming around my head.

"Beautiful?" I whisper, my heart twisting painfully. Is this what beauty is to them? Bruises and scars? "Yes, very much.” She nods firmly, not seeing that I didn't expect nor want an answer.

Part of me felt the urge to refuse her still, to deny her choices of dress. Yet the larger part of me simply didn't care, hanging on a thread of hope that I might still get away, I couldn't think about a stupid dress or sparkly outfit. Starting tomorrow, I'll be trapped forever.

Is it a mistake to even consider running, knowing who I'm running from? Is it even worth it?

Taking my silence as a go ahead to continue preparing the dress, Triss pushes me into wearing the “traditional’ choice of clothing. I didn't bother arguing it, merely because I realise how little I care for this wedding. My dress, or Triss's dress, won't change anything simply because of appearance.

"Is it ok if I go for a walk?" My almost silent voice dares not to raise, knowing well that if she tells her Alpha I'm even asking to go outside, it won't end well.

"I just need you to pick a colour, I suppose a few minutes break won't hurt.” Triss smiles at me. Slight surprise fills me, I hadn't expected her to so quickly agree. Is she not worried I might run? "Yellow." I say softly, already inching my way to the door across the room.

Triss flashes me a beaming grin, ecstatic that I'm willingly taking part in this whole thing. I suspect that every other she-wolf on the planet would feel like they've won the lottery, if they found themselves in my position. I've heard very few stories of Alpha Hardin, and while I pay no mind to the words of wolves, women have spoken of his wealth, and his beauty. Some would kill to be in my position, like he's some kind of god.

Perhaps he is, the devil is basically a god, and Alpha Hardin has cursed me.

Forever. How do I survive forever, with a monster?

"You coming?" Triss asks. Blinking, I give a faint nod and head over to the door that she holds open. No words are spoken as we walk back down the hallway, ascending the huge stair case. Triss remains close, a little too close for my liking but I know she's expecting me to run. Her close proximity only annoys me, mostly because running won't solve anything, I'd be hunted by Hardin, by his pack and his enemies. Being young doesn't make me naive, I know what happens to lone she-wolves, they never make it to the other side of no mans land.

Even with Triss glued to my every step, I don't let it stop me from enjoying the freedom of being outside. For me outside is a safe zone, my parents always made the house feel like a prison. Every bad thing that ever happened to me, has happened behind closed doors. As a wolf I naturally seek the woods, a kind of freedom even if I know I'm once again trapped.

"Can I ask you something?" Triss speaks up after a while of walking through the woods.

I give a slight nod, glancing at her briefly before returning my eyes to the beautiful greens surrounding me.

"Why did you stand for it?" She frowns at me. For a moment I stare blankly, uncertain of whatshe means.

"The abuse." Triss says softly.

Turning my eyes elsewhere, I feel my heart ache.

"You could have ran, why didn't you?" She presses

I'd never thought about why I didn't run, the amount of times I could have fled are endless. Outside the pack I had no one, no friends, no family, no allies. I would have been a lone she-wolf born of Alpha blood, vulnerable to the cruel rogues that always lurk.

"Any family is better than none.” I murmur, offering a small slight forced smile.

Triss stares at me. "Even us?”

Not wanting to offend her by telling her what I really think, I merely fall silent and look back to the forest. Triss doesn't understand why I don't want to be here, after all I can bet she was either born into this pack or transferred here willingly.

"The pack won't hurt you, not without good reason.” Triss says, as if she feels the need to comfort me.

Given her words, I didn't feel the least bit better. I've never heard of a member attacking the Luna or even Alpha, so the fact that this pack allow that to happen, tells me they're either under weak leadership, or a greater understanding of respect and strength that most wolves. Given that this pack has Alpha Hardin ruling them, I very much it's due to lack of leadership.

For a short while we walk, Triss questions like the curious person she is, to most of which I simply blank. Call me rude, but I don't feel like sharing my life with someone I don't know. I'm in the mood to make friends, nor am I willing to tell her anything about me.

The sun begins to fade behind the mass of tall trees, casting a looking shadow over the land and pack house, bringing darkness with it. I felt it in my bones, the terrifying reality of what dawn will bring.

It isn't just a marriage, I'll be his wife, his chosen mate, I will belong to him. My freedom is his to control,and Ididn't dare question him.

"Come, we have wasted enough time." Triss states, dragging me away from the distant vaguely visible sunset.

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