Forced To Be His Bride. Fated To Be His Mate by Eliza Selmer

Chapter 29

Tease Her 

[Rosco’s POV] 

Soft moans escape Denall’s lips as her tongue moves with mine. They’re intoxicating, and they make me want to know what other noises she was capable of making. Pressing myself harder against her, I let my hands begin to trail along her exposed back, down to just above her ass, but when I’m about to take things a step too far and touch her ass, she pulls away and stares up into my eyes. 

For a moment, she looks almost confused, but when her eyes widen and she turns to hurl, I know that any moment we may have been having is over. 

Reaching out, I lift her hair and hold it while I rub soothing circles against her skin until she manages to compose herself a bit. 

“Why don’t you go sit down, and I’ll have our waiter bring you some water?” I murmur, beginning to lead Denali back to the table. 

“Don’t wanna,” she mutters, giving me a defiant look. “I’m…” 

She doesn’t get to 

finish her words before she is doubling over and heaving again. Rolling my eyes, I help her as much as I can until she is unable to get anything else up. 

Come on, light weight,” I chuckle, lifting her into my arms. “Let’s get your cleaned up and changed.” 

“No!” She argues, beginning to fight against me. “I’m fine.” 

“Sure, sure,” I agree, making my way toward the room that had been prepared for us for the evening. “You’ll be even better once you’ve brushed your teeth and changed into something comfortable. It may be a good idea to get some hangover medicine into you so that you don’t feel like shit in the morning as well. Come along.” 

Ignoring Denali’s protests, I continue to move until I reach our room and then carry her inside. 

“Stay here,” I order, placing her on the bed. “I’ll be right back.” 

Turning, I make my way into the bathroom and begin to run the shower. Once it is the perfect temperature, I go back into the room and help Denali get off the bed. 

“Are you planning on oining me?” she asks, looking toward the bathroom. “I don’t remember giving you permission.” 

I’m not,” I assure her. I’m just making sure you don’t fall and smack your face.” 

+15 BONUS 

At my words, Denali’s eyes narrow, but she doesn’t say anything. Instead, she allows me to lead her into the bathroom. 

I’ll be just outside if you need anything,” I assure her before turning and heading out, then closing the door. 

Sighing, I lean against the wall and listen to the sounds of Denali getting undressed and then stepping into the shower, and when I’m sure that she is properly washing herself, I strip out of my shirt and pants, which still smell strongly like Denali. 

Once I’m comfortable, I lay down and curse the universe for ruining such a good moment. I was finally making some damn progress, but fate had other things in mind. 

“Bastards,” I grumble, just as loud thump sounds from the bathroom. “Dehali!” 

Jumping up, I 

Toward and yank open the door to find Denali sitting on the shower 

floor, looking both confused and in pain. 

“Are you alright?” I ask, rushing forward while forgetting that she’s completely naked in front of me. “Did you get hurt?” 

I wait as she examines me, as if she doesn’t quite know what to think of me. 

“You,” she says slowly, her eyes growing wide. “GET OUT!” She shrieks, chucking a bar of soap at me. “GET OUT, YOU PERVERT!” 

“Are you alright?” I repeat, dodging the arial. “I’ll leave once you answer me.” 

As I speak, my eyes begin to trail along her body, taking in every inch of it to make sure that she doesn’t have any new injuries. Once I’m sure that she is fine, I begin to let myself examine other things. 

I knew that taking in her exposed curves wasn’t going to work well for me, but dammit, I was a man. A man who had been inches from taking things a step too fucking far, and now that she was like this in front of me, I just couldn’t stop. 



Denali shrieks again, wrapping her arms around herself. “STOP EYE–FUCKING 


“Eye..” I begin, feeling a wave of amusement rush through me. “Did you just say fucking you?” 

I’m eye- 

I’m not able to stop the laughter that escapes me after that. To hear such a thing from a 

+15 BONUS 

woman who was trying so hard to come across as prideful and strong was hilarious, and it was adorable. Every fucking thing about her was adorable, and I could feel myself falling for her with each passing day. I was really in trouble, especially given our current standing. 

I’ll demand a divorce if you don’t get the hell out of here right now!” 

Instantly, I stop laughing and feel shock rush through me as that single word ‘divorce‘ rings in my ears. If she thought I would let her divorce me, she had another thing coming. 

“Don’t ever use that word again,” I growl, turning and storming out of the bathroom. “The only way you’re getting rid of me is in a pine box.” 

Completely sober and stewing, I throw myself onto the bed again and wait until Denali finally exits the bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around her. And when she spots me, she slowly moves forward with a look of apology on her face. 

“What?” I ask when she doesn’t speak and continues to just stare. “Why are you looking at me like that?” 

“I…” she begins, seeming uncertain. “I’m sorry.” 

“Sorry?” I repeat, shock rolling through me. “And what exactly are you shocked about?” 

“I…” she continues, worriedly biting her lip. “I shouldn’t have told you I was going to divorce you.” 

“So even you realize that your words were too harsh?” I ask in surprise. 

“I do,” she whispers. “I was just angry.” 

As she speaks, she slowly lays down beside me and then curls up against me. 

Freezing, I wait to see exactly what she is doing, and when she doesn’t move and soft breaths escape her, I know that she has fallen asleep despite being in a damn towel and directly beside me. 

“You really don’t know how unfair you are,” I huff, rolling over so I can take her in. “And you have no sense of danger. For that, it is only right that I punish you.” 

Leaning forward, I press my lips against Denali’s collarbone and then bite down. For a moment, I don’t move as I wait to see if she is going to wake up, and when she doesn’t, I begin to suck. When I finish with my revenge, I pull away and take in the large hickey. 

“Let’s see how you feel about that in the morning,” I grunt. Coming out in nothing but a towel after kissing me. You’re going to be the death of me. Consider what happens tomorrow morning as compensation for your actions.” 

+15 BONUS 

Reaching out, I wrap my arms around Denali and pull her against me. And after giving her forehead a quick kiss, I let myself drift off to sleep. 1 

+15 BONUS 

Take Responsibility 

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