Forced To Be His Bride. Fated To Be His Mate by Eliza Selmer

Chapter 25

You’re Good For Him 

[Denali’s POV]! 

I watch as my father fights to control his anger, but in the end, he doesn’t argue any further. Instead, he lets out a snarl while his eyes flash with anger before he turns and storms away. 

It is only when he gets into his car and zooms off that I finally feel myself deflate while Winston watches on. 

You did good,” he murmurs, clapping my shoulder. 

Did good… Did I really? Was staying with a man who clearly loved another and even lied to be with that other better than going back to my abusive home and being sold off to someone else? I didn’t know, but I made my bed, and now I needed to lie in it. 

“I know you may have a hard time believing me,” he continues when I don’t speak. “But there is nothing coming on between Nadia and Rosco.” 

“Even if there is, it isn’t any of my business,” I counter. “This wasn’t a marriage of love from the very start.” 

That was the thing I needed to remind myself of again and again. Rosco and I married for power, not for love, and I had no right to feel possessive. 

Turning, I take in Hamilton’s unreadable expression before nodding toward the mansion. 

“Would you mind if we headed back in?” I ask. “I’m pretty tired and would like a nap.” 

Dealing with my father always exhausted me and added to the stress I was dealing with thanks to Rosco’s carelessness, and I just needed an escape for a little while. 

“Of course,” Hamilton responds gently. “But before that, there’s something I’d like to say.” 


“Don’t give up on that boy.” I don’t know exactly what I was expecting to come out of Hamilton’s mouth, but it most certainly–wasn’t this. “He may seem like he doesn’t care- about much, but he was hurt pretty badly in the past, and I think that you’re exactly what he 

needs to heal that wound.” 

He was hurt. Oh right. He lost his luna and mate, but everyone said that he killed her with his 

own two hands. 

“His mate…” I begin, but stop as Hamilton shakes his head. 


+15 BONUS 

He has never had a mate,he explains. “At least not a mate that the goddess gifted him, but there was someone. However, I ensured that he could never be with that girl, and since then, he has been the man he is.” 

Why are you telling me this?” I ask, keeping my voice respectful. “I’m just an outsider. There’s no reason.” 

“There is, and it may be selfish of me to even ask this of you, but please try to heal the boy and fix the damage that I laid upon him. That’s all,” Hamilton continues. “You’re free to go now.” 

Nodding, I don’t ask any further questions before making my way past him and heading back to mine and Rosco’s room. Letting out a sigh, I throw myself onto the bed and feel something bump against my arm. Reaching out, I pick up my phone and take in the screen. with wide eyes. Twenty missed calls and fifty text messages. 

“Who?” I murmur, clicking on the texts. “Rosco?” 

What in the world was he thinking? Before I can even read a single message, a knock sounds, and I’m jumping up and rushing to the door. Yanking it open, I half expect to find Rosco there, but instead it is one of his maids. 

“I’ve come to help you pack, madam,” she announces when I don’t speak. “Would you allow 

me entrance?” 

“Pack?” I repeat in confusion. “Why on earth would I be packing?” 

Was Rosco kicking me out after all, and that was the reason that he wanted me to pack my things? Honestly, even if it was, I shouldn’t be too surprised given the day’s events, but something in me stings from the thought of being thrown away. 

“For you to go to Italy,” the maid announces, giving me a smile. “Have you not spoken with the master?” 

“Italy? Why would I be going to Italy?” 

“The master wishes for you to join him on his trip,” the maid giggles. “He says that it will be like a honeymoon.” 

Honeymoon. What in the world was Rosco trying to do? Was he only bringing me there to rub that woman, Nadia, in my face? Dammit, what in the world was wrong with this man anyway? 

“Please, madam,” the maid continues when I don’t move or usher her in. “Don’t get me in 


trouble with the master. We have limited time.” 

“Oh, right,I murmur, stepping out of her way. Then please proceed.” 

+15 BONUS 

One hour and two bags later, I’m loading onto a private jet, and once I’m settled, we are taking off. The ride is long enough for me to try to get my wits about me and compose my raging emotions, but one thought remains: what exactly was Rosco getting at, and was this just a way for him to hurt me? 

When we land, I remain in my seat for a moment too long, and before I can even get up, the door to the jet is opening, and Rosco is making his way toward me. 

Gasping, I watch as he undoes my seatbelt and then helps me to my feet. Then he leads me off the jet, out into the bright day, and toward a car that is waiting for us. 

Only once we are inside does Rosco fix his gaze on me. 

Listen,he says earnestly. “I know that there is a lot of shit going around in the media right now, but…” 

“It doesn’t matter,” I offer, too exhausted to discuss this. “You are free to do as you want. We are only husband and wife by name and not by relationship. If you have another woman, 


“Then what?” He growls, leaning in toward me. “You’re fine with it?” 

Fine with it? Of course, I was fine with it. He wasn’t mine to possess, and we were simply partners in his scheme to get back at my father. Who was I to stop him from being with who he truly wanted to be with? 

“I thought you were better than that,” he continues when I don’t speak. “But to hear that you have such little respect for yourself that you’re fine being with a man who has someone 

else is…” 

“Are you insulting me right now?” I snap, annoyance flaring. 

Dammit, why couldn’t I control my emotions or my mouth when it came to this man? After years of remaining composed and simply allowing people to think what they wanted, I couldn’t bear the thought of Rosco being the same. What in the world was wrong with me? 

“Am I wrong?” He challenges. “Leaning in even closer. You’re the one that was saying that it was fine for me to have another woman.” 

“You’re too close,” I murmur, trying to get away only to be stopped by the door. “What exactly is wrong with you?” 


+15 BONUS 

“Isn’t it obvious?” He asks, coming so close that his breath tickles my skin and causes my insides to start doing weird things. “I went through all the trouble to bring you here so that there weren’t any misunderstandings between us, and that’s what you say to me. I’m hurt.” 

“That makes two of us,” I whisper and then gasp. With wide eyes, I look to Rosco to find that he heard what I said and was actually amused by it. “I mean… 

“I get it,” he chuckles, reaching out and running his hand along my cheek. “Listen, because I’m only going to say this once. While we are together, you will be the only woman that I am with, and I need you to believe in me and trust that my words are true.“. 

“But that woman, Nadia?” I counter. 

“Is the daughter of my father’s business partner? He is the one I came here to see, not her.” 

Right. He came to do business, but then why in the world was Nadia speaking as if they were in the middle of something while Rosco was on the phone with me? Even if he didn’t have feelings for her, it was clear that she had some for him. 

“You can also be a bit more selfish,” he continues. “We are partners in crime, and as such, we are all the others right now, and because of that, you can ask more of me.” 

“Ask more,” I say slowly, trying to make sense of his double meaning. “But I don’t quite understand what you mean by that.” 

If you 

you want me to only see you and no other woman, say it. If you don’t want me alone with any other women, say it. Be selfish and say what you want, princess.” Rosco chuckles. “And likewise, I will be the same with you.‘” 


Today’s Bonus Offer 



+15 BONUS 

Meet The Other Woman 

[Denali’s POV] 

I don’t speak as Rosco’s words begin to race around in my mind. Be more selfish. How could I possibly? He wasn’t mine to do that with, but somewhere deep down, I found that I wanted to do just that. But as quickly as this thought appears, I push it away. 

“It’s fine either way.” I shrug, keeping myself composed. “Just keep your private matters private.” 

Immediately I know that what I’ve said is wrong just by the look of disdain that crosses Rosco’s features, but before he can say anything, the car around us stops and the driver says something in Italian. 

“Times up,” Rosco grumbles, handing the man some money. “Come along, princess. 

“Where?” I ask as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the car after him. Where are we and what are we doing?” 

Frowning, I take in the building in front of us with its name written in Italian, and when the smell of food reaches my nose, I understand that we are at a restaurant. 

Looking down, I take in the simple dress shirt and pants that I’m wearing, then look back up at Rosco, who is watching me curiously. 

“Worried you’re going to embarrass me?” He asks, chuckling. “Don’t worry, this isn’t that fancy, but I do have a business meeting, and since there isn’t enough time to take you back to the hotel, I figured I would bring you along.” 

“Business meeting,” I squeak. 

“Don’t worry,he chuckles, beginning to lead me inside. “It won’t take long, and then we can do whatever you want.” 

Unable to argue, I keep my gaze fixed on Rosco’s ack as he leads me toward a table where man with salt and pepper hair and hooded eyes sits with the woman from the photos. I had to admit that she was a lot prettier in person, but her sharp gaze makes me feel less than, and I’m sure it is because even I know that I’m not a fit for someone like Rosco. 

You’re good for him. Hamilton’s words flash in my mind, causing me to falter for a second and then shake off the inferiority that I’m feeling. Straightening my shoulders, I meet her gaze head–on. 


+15 BONUS 

“Rosco,” she whines when we reach, and Rosco helps me into a seat. “Why did you bring an outsider to our meeting?” 

As she speaks, she gives me a pointed look, but I just continue to keep my gaze straight with a polite smile on my face

If I wanted to play the part of the perfect wife for Rosco, I needed to get over my own issues. From the very start, it was my family that made me feel so low, and it had nothing to do with me. 

This was my turning point. I already stood up to my father and took the first step in gaining control of my own life and future. This was just another hurdle that I needed to get over. As the wife of the future alpha of Crystal Fang and Torres Industries, this was the least I would 

need to do. 

“She isn’t an outsider,” Rosco snaps, placing a hand on mine and giving it a squeeze so that comforting warmth starts to radiate through me. “She is my wife, and as such, she has every right to be here.” 

For a moment, Nadia doesn’t speak as she takes me and Rosco in in disbelief, but when she finally composes herself, she just gives a smile. 

“My apologies,” she purrs, leaning forward to get a better look at me. “I wouldn’t expect that the wife of such an important person in the world of business and wolves would care so little about her appearance.” 

“Nadia,” Rosco warns, his voice dripping with ice. “Mind your words. 

“No,” I counter, giving him a smile. “She’s right. I do apologize for my current appearance, but it was somewhat of a spur–of–the moment thing that I’m here. You see?” I continue, leaning into Rosco while giving Nadia a look of triumph. “My husband missed me so much that he had me flown out here without warning, and I’ve just arrived.” 

Fine, if she wanted to try to push my buttons, then she couldn’t blame me for pushing back 

At my words, a bark of laughter escapes Rosco before he gives me a look of approval. 

“She’s right,” he chuckles, turning his attention back to Nadia, who I can only assume is her father. “It’s like that.” 


“Right,” Nadia says slowly, attempting to compose herself once more. “I apologize for my rudeness. If you’ll excuse me, I need to use the ladies.” 

No one speaks as she gets up from the table and heads toward the back of the restaurant. 

+15 BONUS 

Only once she is out of sight does her father finally let out a sigh

“I do apologize for my daughter’s behavior,he says, giving me an apologetic look. She has been spoiled since she was young, and she and Rosco used to be close.” 

Used to be close. Past tense. Meaning that they weren’t close now. But did that mean that she wasn’t the only one with lingering feelings? I didn’t know, but I couldn’t stop my curiosity. 

I’ll answer whatever you ask when we get back to the hotel,” he says quietly, seeming to read my mind. “As for now, shall we discuss our cooperation? I don’t mean to rush, but I’m sure my wife is tired and would like to shower and nap before our dinner reservations this evening.” 

Of course,” 

“Nadia’s father chuckles. “I won’t hold you up too long. I’ve already caused enough trouble for the two of 


Nodding in agreement, Rosco gets comfortable and motions for the man to begin. For the rest of their exchange, I zone in and out until Nadia returns. Her eyes are puffy, and her makeup is slightly smeared, but she works to remain composed and looking perfect. I had to admit that I felt for her. As someone who also had her heart ripped out by the one she thought was meant to be with her forever, I understood her pain. 

A low rumble of a growl snaps me out of my head and makes me realize that I’m staring, but I keep my gaze locked on hers while wondering if Rosco finding his mate was what ended their love story. 

“Denali,” gasping, I tear my gaze away and fix it on Rosco to find that he’s getting up. We’re finished here,” he continues, reaching out a hand and waiting for me to take it. “Let’s 


Remaining silent, I give Nadia one last look to find that there is promise in her eyes. I was sure that this wouldn’t be the end of her, and I needed to be on guard, but with Rosco, I felt safe and wouldn’t let myself worry too much. 

“Alright.” I smile, grabbing his hand and letting him pull me to my feet. “It was nice meeting the both of you.” 

“Like wise,” Nadia’s father chuckles, while Nadia remains silent. “I’m sure we will see each other again soon. 

“Of course you will, Ted,” Rosco confirms. “As my wife, she will be present for most of our cooperation so that she can help with the decisions. This resort that we are opening is meant to be a present for her, so I want it to be up to her standards.” 


At his words, my eyes grow wide as a bark of shock escapes Nadla. 

“It was meant to be a surprise,” Rosco murmurs close to my ear. “But since you were present for some of the discussion, I thought now was the time to tell you.” 

“For me?” I ask, still unable to belleve what I’m hearing. “But why?” 

“Because I owe you a wedding gift.” 

+15 BOHUS 

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