Forced To Be His Bride. Fated To Be His Mate by Eliza Selmer

Chapter 18

An Ally 

[Rosco’s POV] 

I watch as Denali walks away, and once she is out of sight, I turn my gaze toward Roger, who is watching me curiously. If he was aware of what I wanted to speak to him about, he wasn’t showing it. Or he was just doing a damn good job of hiding it. 

“This involves business, yes?” He finally asks when I don’t speak. 

Remaining silent, I look toward where the one named Alexander sits. Was it fine to discuss such things in front of him? 

“He will be joining the family soon,” Roger says, catching onto my thoughts. “So it is fine to talk in front of him.” 

Nodding, I tear my gaze away while my annoyance rises. I didn’t miss Denali’s stepsister’s words earlier. That bastard used to date Denali, but it seemed that he decided to be with Anastasia instead. Clearly, he was a fucking fool, but his loss was my gain; however, even knowing that didn’t quell my frustration over knowing that there was a chance Denali’s heart still belonged to another. 

“Actually,” Alexander says, snapping me out of my head so that I realize I’m glaring daggers at him. “I need to use the bathroom.” 

Getting up, he doesn’t wait for anyone to say anything before making his way in the direction Denali and Anastasia disappeared in. 

“Skittish, isn’t he?” I chuckle, suddenly feeling better. “Are you sure you want someone like that joining your company?” 

“Alexander comes from a good bloodline, and he graduated top of his class in business,” Roger explains. “He will make a good addition and a possible heir for the pack and the company one day.” 

So that was it. I highly doubted that Alexander ever actually gave a shit about Denali; he just wanted a way in, and when he realized she wasn’t the cherished daughter, he set his eyes on Anastasia. 

“I hope that you’re making the right choice,” I murmur, smirking. “Especially to join hands with you on your most recent project.” 

since I’d like 

At my words, Roger’s eyes grow wide and fill with excitement. Of course, this would make him happy. He was taking a step in the tourism industry, and that was what my father and I 


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specialized in. We could help introduce him to some of the biggest names out there and help him get a foot in the door. 

Well, that was what I was sure he would think, but really, this was my way of starting his end. However, neither he nor my father needed to know. 

“You don’t say,” Roger chuckles, leaning forward. 

“Of course,” I begin. “This was the purpose of my marrying Denali, after all.” 

This was the agreement that my father came to with Roger, marry his daughter off to me so that our businesses and packs could even join hands. 

“Of course,” Roger agrees. “Then will you be allowing my company to take care of the new resort opening in the Bahamas?” 

“Sure. But I will also be participating, as I owe Denali a honeymoon.” 

“Sure, sure. I’m glad to see that girl is being a proper bride for you.” 

Proper bride?” I repeat, raising a brow. “And what exactly does being a proper bride entail?” 

For a moment, Roger doesn’t speak as he considers my question. 

“Obedient. Not causing you or your family any trouble.” 

So he was all but saying she was being a good little doll that went along with anything her husband or in–laws said. 

She is a good fit for me.” I agree. “But not for her obedience.” 

I didn’t know why, but Roger’s words rubbed me the wrong way. Denali was a person, not a thing, and to hear her father of all people refer to her like that really pissed me off. 

“Whether or not she is obedient, it doesn’t matter.” I continue, standing. If you’ll excuse me, I need to make a phone call.” 


“Oh, right, sure,” Roger huffs, though he doesn’t bother to hide the anger in his your time. It will give me a chance to catch up with my daughter when she returns. 


Nodding, I begin to move, heading in the direction of the bathrooms, but I stop when I hear 

a commotion. 

Moving forward, I find Alexander and Anastasia squaring off with Denali, who has a look of amusement on her face. 


“Denali!” Alexander growls. “How could you do something so… 

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“Because I’m a monster,she shrugs, seeming truly unphased. “That’s what you’re thinking, right? And what if I said I had nothing to do with it? Would you believe me?” 

Remaining silent, I wait as he considers her question, and when the bastard doesn’t speak, I can’t stay quiet any longer. Moving forward, I clutch Denali’s shoulder while fixing my glare on the ridiculous couple. 

“I believe you, I 

say, turning my gaze to her. “Now and in the future,” I continue, trying to control my anger over Denali being bullied. “But for the sake of being diplomatic, could someone tell me what is going on here?” 

I didn’t need to think too hard about it since Anastasia was involved. I was well aware that she likes to play games, and because of that, she couldn’t be up to any good. 

“Denali tried to hurt Anastasia,” Alexander responds immediately. 

“Did you see it with your own eyes?” I ask, pulling Denali against me so I can wrap my arms protectively around her. “Or is this Anastasia’s words?” 

I saw it,” he snaps. “She pushed her out of the bathroom, and if I hadn’t been there then… 

“Then what?” I growl. “Your fiance would have ended up scratching her pretty face.” 

“She’s pregnant!” Alexander growls, his eyes flashing with rage. “Denali tried to…” 

“Are you certain it was Denali?” I push. “Did you see Denali touch her?” 

No fucking wonder this bastard was so easily tricked by Anastasia. He was so fucking quick to believe whatever was said, he couldn’t see what was going on right in front of him. 

“For someone who will be the alpha of a pack soon, you truly are biased.” 

“Are you saying I’m lying?” Anastasia demands. 

I am,” I chuckle. “And I’m also saying that if you ever try to set up my wife like this again, you’ll regret it.” 

At my words, her eyes grow wide and her mouth falls open, but before she or Alexander can retaliate, I lead Denali back to the table where our parents sit. 

“Denali isn’t feeling well, so we will be calling it a day from here. Feel free to discuss this business venture with my secretary.” 

Not waiting for a response, I begin to lead the still–stunned Denali out of the restaurant and 


back to the car. Only once we are alone does she finally fix her large gaze on me

“You…” she squeaks, as if not sure what to say. “Why did you” 

“Because we are allies.” I chuckle. “Isn’t that what we agreed on?” 

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