Forced into Fantasy

Chapter 8 - Tempted


Deciding to keep this new and perhaps dangerous information to myself, I quickly prepared for bed and lay down beside the sleeping beauty next to me.

Even as I moved about on the mattress she didn’t seem to stir and within moments I was out cold.


The new morning light beamed through a tiny crack and caused me to stir as my arms stretched out behind my head and I let out a loud satisfied groan.

Definitely one of the more comfortable night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time, I’ll admit that much.

I don’t get what makes this bed so comfortable. Mine was never this comfortable back home.

As soon as I roll over the air leaves my lungs suddenly and without warning and my eyes fixate on the god-like naked man lying beside me on the mattress.

I can feel my cheeks beginning to heat up and flush with a mixture of embarrassment and arousal as my eyes skim across the endless perks and curves of his muscular body, only modestly covered by a sheet from the waist down.

My breaths are deep and long now. I can feel my mouth watering and before I know it my left hand has lifted, my fingers about an inch from touching the side of his face when he surprises me by grabbing my outstretched wrist.

“What are you doing?” his voice is deep and grumbly as he slowly opens those deep brown eyes and peers at me with a side glance.

“I… I was just…”

I’m unable to reply for some reason. Words have escaped me.

What’s wrong with me?

I’m not afraid, instead a little overwhelmed by this incredible specimen before me. And I thought he looked good with his clothes on!

His body must have been sculpted by the gods themselves and I’m unable to stop myself from perving at him as he continued to hold my right wrist in his powerful grip.

“Are you going to let go of my wrist?” I question.

“Are you going to stop trying to touch my face while I sleep?” he mocks me as his eyes close slowly.

My eyes roll at his sarcastic response as I let out a huff.

“You’re a funny one aren’t you?” I muse.

He smiles at this, his eyes are still closed as he remains laying on his back splayed across the mattress comfortably.

His hand is warm as it remains wrapped around my slender wrist, his hold is firm but not hard enough to cause me any pain or discomfort. Honestly I don’t mind it. In different circumstances perhaps I would invite him to restrain me…

'What – snap out of it Ivy, get your head out of the gutter! This man has kidnapped you for fuck sakes! He threatened to torture you. He’s the enemy here!'

“How did you sleep?” his deepened voice is husky and soothing.

“What?” I question quickly, falling hard back to reality.

“Your sleep… how was it? Did you find the bed to be comfortable enough?” he queried, baffling me with his sudden concern for my feelings or wellbeing.

“Since when do you care about my feelings Adomis?” I snap.

But I immediately learn that it was a mistake.

I am suddenly launched from where I am currently sitting beside him on the bed, pulled over him by his hold on my wrist alone.

“Hey!” I gasp.

His strength is incredible!

Within less than a second I am somehow lying on top of him, straddling him and staring down at his mesmerising dark eyes as they in turn stare back at me, hooded and filled with obvious lust.

My breathing has changed; each of my breaths are now deeper as my lips part on their own accord. It’s as if they are about to defy me and press themselves against his without permission.

'Why can't I control myself around this man?'

My eyes slowly move down towards his mouth just in time for his tempting lips to curve upward into a cheeky smile. Stubble covers his chin, just above his lips and either side of his mouth as his tongue suddenly darts out just slightly in an effort to moisten his dry lips.

‘Fuck that’s hot!’

I can feel myself moisten down below in my very core as I feel the warmth of his skin pressed up against mine. It feels so good. So, so fucking good.

The sexual tension between us is close to unbearable as I swallow nervously and meet his lustful gaze once more.

Then I begin to realise; this is too close.

He is far too tempting.

And then I gasp as I can feel it; his rock-hard member rising to the occasion and pressing against my inner thigh from beneath the sheets that barely cover him from the waist down.

I am amazed at the size of him, though I can’t see it with my own two eyes. I can feel just how big he really is from our bodies being pressed together like this and frankly, I’m stunned. Suddenly it’s hard to breathe as I bite my bottom lip in an effort to prevent myself from allowing this to progress any further. My brows furrow in confusion and uncertainty.

“What are you doing?” my voice is barely a whisper as I ask the question aloud. I’m not sure if the question was intended for him or for myself.

His voice is deep, yet soft as he replies.

“Just go with it...”

I feel his large hand press against the back of my head and he suddenly pulls me in closer. I don’t fight him and a second later our lips suddenly meet in a seemingly passionate kiss, one that makes me forget everything about who I am and what’s happening; one that completely blows my mind.

Now this is incredibly dangerous territory…


Fuck I want her. I’ve not felt his way about a woman in years. The feel of her soft skin, the scent of her hair, the angry little look she gives me when she’s not impressed with something that I’ve done. And now, the taste of her lips against mine...

Fuck, she’s intoxicating.

It’s taking everything within me to hold myself back from ravaging her right here and now on the bed. I long to feel her slick folds wrapped around my pulsing cock, bouncing those perky breasts up and down on top of me as she moans with soothing sounds of pleasure. I begin to stick my tongue down the length of her throat and explore the insides of her mouth as her tongue reciprocates and she moans softly into my mouth.

And she’s an incredible kisser, one of the best I’ve ever experienced. She sure knows how to use that tongue of hers, I’ll give her that!

Just as I am about to take things a little further than we already have there is a sudden ‘knock, knock, knock’ at the chamber door which startles both of us. As we pull apart Ivy gasps with shock, as if she is scared of what she has just done with me. The expression on her face is one of fear as she looks me in the eye for a moment. Her breathing is suddenly faster than it had been before and she turns to face the doorway as a second ‘knock, knock, knock’ sounds.

Without another word she quickly climbs off of me, the evidence of her embarrassment showing with her flushed cheeks as she nervously brushes away a strand of her golden hair and tucks it behind her left ear. She won’t meet my eyes now as she glances everywhere but in my direction.

Frustrated and feeling the urgent need to release all of this built up sexual tension, I answer the knock at the door with a grumbly tone to my voice as I sit up in the bed and watch to see who it is brave enough to interrupt us in such an intimate moment.


The door creaks open and a familiar figure steps just inside, bowing his head before he begins to speak. Up early and fully dressed in his combat armour, Captain Khalan looks the very part of a warrior. He is after all a truly reliable and honourable man; one I am proud to have serving under me.

“My Overlord, I apologise for the interruption but it is time for your morning training session. I have the men down in the courtyard and ready for your scheduled arrival.” he reported, “Should I perhaps…” he pauses, glancing at Ivy sitting beside me on the bed before continuing, “ you a visit a little later?”

I shake my head to signal ‘no’ as I gather up the bed’s blanket to cover myself from the midsection down and stand on the fur rug covering the floor beside the bed.

“No, no. I will be down shortly.” I announce with a nod to excuse him from my presence and he gets the hint, bowing and exiting the room. The door closes and we are alone once more.

She still won’t look at me.

As I make my way across towards the washroom to get myself ready I can suddenly feel Ivy watching me. It’s incredibly strange and hard to explain; I feel that I couldn’t explain the feeling even if I wanted to. It’s as if I can almost sense what she is doing, feeling, seeing and even thinking. And it’s been that way since the bonding occurred between us yesterday evening. I feel beyond close to this woman, as if she is now a part of me.

But that’s crazy... right?


What is the matter with me? Why am I feeling this way towards a man like Adomis? I can’t stop thinking about him, no matter how hard I try not to. As soon as he is gone I feel myself craving his scent; his firm arms around me, comforting and warm. It’s like I’ve gone insane!

Figuring that I need to distract myself from him entirely somehow, I decide to go and have a warm and relaxing dip in the heated pool I recall visiting last night before being forcibly dressed and locked away in Adomis’ chambers.

I wait until he has left for his morning training session and am then escorted down to the heated pool by the two soldiers standing at the chamber door.

It didn’t take much to convince them to allow me out of the room, which I have to admit had me surprised. Just a simple ‘please’ and here we are at the pool area.

It’s beautiful here. A large pebble stone below ground pool strikingly similar to the ones we have back home. I can visually see the hot steam rising up from the water’s liquidy surface and long to be bathing in it. There are several trees which have been planted around the room, surrounded by rocks and decorative flowers and bushes. It’s more like a garden than a pool.

I’ve decided this will be my sanctuary, whenever I am stressed, or anxious, or afraid. This is where I will go to relax and unwind.

Once the soldiers turn away and post themselves at the doorway we originally entered through, I glance around to see if I am indeed alone. The coast appears to be clear and I begin removing the crimson dress I had been wearing one strap at a time, allowing the material to slide down the length of my body until it has pooled around my ankles.

Strangely enough, I’m not wearing any underwear which I have to admit feels quite strange, though oddly liberating. I can’t help but giggle as I recall first being told by the handmaidens that dressed me that they did not know what ‘underwear’ was. At first I was worried, scared even. But then after a while I decided to just see how it felt and I’ve been the same ever since. Comfortable without it. I wonder why they don’t wear any.

I am now standing fully in the nude, slowly making my way across the pebbled floor towards the warm water’s gracious invite. My long golden hair cascades down the length of my back and I hold my left arm over my breasts, only managing to cover each of the nipples.

The sensation of the warm water’s embrace is indescribable as I test the temperature first with my toes and then the rest of my leg. As I slowly step down into the water my entire body is soothed by the sweet-smelling liquid surrounding me and I can’t help but let out a long and relieving sigh.

“Oh… my… god…”

This feels incredible!

Closing my eyes and with a great big smile I lower the rest of my body down beneath the water’s surface and tilt my head back to dip my hair in. I can feel as the water soothes my scalp and warms my head, it’s almost sensual.

After washing myself off with the warm water and having a look around at the room from my position in the pool, I have to admit I could get used to this. And that’s where I stay, rested up against the side of the heated pool with the back of my head leaning on the stone edge, my eyes gently closed and my breaths long and slow.

I am finally at peace.


Training went well, as per the usual. I went through the motions beat the living shit out of all of my combatants and completed all of the tasks set for me. But something still felt slightly off for some unknown reason. I noticed that I had started feeling this way since I first stepped out of my chambers this morning, as if I had left a part of myself behind. Makes no sense whatsoever I know, but the feeling was inescapable.

Just how strong was this bonding link supposed to be?

Striding down the castle corridors I am headed down to have a nice relaxing bathe in my pool and wash all of the concerns away. Maybe I’ll fuck one of the handmaidens while I’m at it, who knows. Perhaps that’s all I need to get all of this sexual desire out of me; a good hard fuck.

Turning the last corner and stepping in through the doorway I continue for the pool but suddenly halt frozen in my tracks at the mere sight of her bobbing around in the silky water before me.

“Fuck…” I mutter under my breath as I force myself to close my gaping mouth.

It’s Ivy, the beautiful, mysterious woman I am infatuated with and what’s worse… she’s completely naked.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’

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