Forced into Fantasy

Chapter 29 - Located


It only took two hours for us to reach the mountain range we had set out to find and once we landed both Zarkin and I set off on foot to follow the map to Ivy’s exact location.

We were close now, but this space was quite large and we were quickly running out of time. The sun was due to set in less than two hour’s time.

As we walked along the rocky terrain I couldn’t get thoughts of the four mysterious amulets out of my head. The ultimate power that they possess. And out of curiosity I decided to just come out and ask him.

“Haven’t you ever thought of uniting all four amulets yourself?” I asked him with intrigue as we continue along. “I mean, think of all that power… don’t tell me it’s never once crossed your mind?”

“I won’t lie….” Zarkin replied. “The thought has crossed my mind once or twice in the past. But luckily, I’m wise enough to know that it’s not my place.”

“Your place?” my left brow rises in question.

“No one man should ever possess such an incredible amount of power. I have learnt the hard way what that kind of power can do to anyone. Power of that magnitude… it easily corrupts, my lord. Like an addiction, you require more and more over time. It never ends well.”

“Fair enough.” I agreed.

It was in that moment that I came to admire my mage, Zarkin just a little bit more than I had before. I admired his honesty and his beliefs. It was clear that this man has a good heart, and I was glad that he was on my side in all of this.

My eyes suddenly flicked across upon noticing a faint glow coming from what I assumed to be a flame torch off in the distance.

We were not alone.

My hand shot out and grabbed Zarkin by his shoulder. My other pointer finger immediately raised to my lips as our gazes met; I was signalling that Zarkin should remain silent for the time being. We didn’t want to spook whoever it was.

He nodded silently in response.

The Mage and I continued to creep in closer towards the brightening flames of the torch, hiding in the shadows of the surrounding trees and rock formations.

I popped my head out for a moment and saw the two figures who appeared to be standing guard by an entrance into some kind of cavern buried deep within the mountain side.

What were they guarding all the way out here? If the map we have been following is correct, I know exactly what they are guarding, or rather whom.

I turn to face Zarkin and speak in barely a whisper.

“I’ll take out the guards and then we head into the cavern. We locate Ivy and get her out of there. Understood?”

“What if she’s not in there, sire?” he questions.

“She’s in there. I have no doubt whatsoever.” I assure him.

Zarkin nods to show he has understood.

I turn back to face the guards and prepare myself for what I need to do. It’s time for me to get my hands dirty.

It takes a matter of seconds for me to surprise and knock out both of the guards, one by one. I stand over the second one as Zarkin finally decides to step out and join me. His expression seems to show bewilderment at what I had just done.

“Come on.” I command, already jogging in through the cavern’s entrance with one of the flame torches in hand.

Zarkin grabs the other torch and follows me inside.


I am beginning to fall asleep again; my eyelids are extremely heavy and my vision is blurred in the surrounding darkness. The weight of my body slumps down to the ground as I lean my head back against the stone wall and succumb to some much needed rest.

I only get a short moment’s rest before I begin to hear the approaching footsteps getting closer and closer towards the door. I fight to try and open my eyes as the door opens inwards to reveal…


My eyes widen with disbelief as I blink several times to try and confirm that this is not some kind of a strange dream.

“In here, I found her.” he announces with a big smile as he walks into the room and stops just in front of me.

I see a second figure enter the room after him and recoignise that one also. It’s the Mage, Zarkin and he too looks pleased to have found me.

Both men carry a flame torch in their hand and I watch Adomis place his on the floor as he looks into removing my restraints.

“Adomis, is it really you?” I ask, my voice is as weak as the rest of me.

“Yes, it’s me. Don’t worry Ivy, you’re safe now. I’ve come to take you home.” he speaks in a calm and reassuring manner. I assume this is to help prevent me from panicking.

“We need to get going, sire.” Zarkin seems a little panicked himself now as he glances back and forth from the open doorway leading into the corridor.

I see the shackles encasing each of her delicate wrists and I quickly unsheathe my dagger, intending on either pick the lock or bust it open. But Zarkin’s hand suddenly grabs onto mine to stop me. I turn to him with a puzzled expression.


“Allow me, sire.” he suggested kindly. “Unless you would rather cut her hands off?”

With that I lean in towards the Mage as he takes his turn to lean in and inspect the shackles. He then reaches into his robes and pulls out a small brown leather pouch tied up with a thick piece of string.

“What’s that?” I enquire with a frown.

“Explosive powder.”

I suddenly freeze, my eyes go wide and I grab at his arm as I reply in a panicked tone.

“What? Did you say explosive, as in it blows up?” I reiterate. “What the hell are you planning on doing with that?”

Zarkin chuckles at Ivy’s obvious concern and begins to work on freeing her from her shackled restraints.

He pinches a tiny amount of the dark powder between his fingers and slowly lowers it down towards the iron shackles. Aiming his fingers right above the locking mechanism he carefully sprinkles it inside the key-sized hole.

“Are you sure there’s no other way to do this?” I question, this time a little more frantically.

I watch as he then takes her shackled wrists and hits them hard with his free hand. Upon impact there is a soft ‘boom’ sound and Ivy gasps in both shock and surprise. I can see that the shackles have come apart and are now visibly leaking smoke from the tiny keyhole.

“Whoa!” she sits staring at the smoky restraints.

“See, that wasn’t so bad now was it?” Zarkin jokes, looking between both Ivy and I with a smile.

“That’s incredible!” Ivy speaks with astonishment, though it is clear that she is extremely weakened in her current state.

I waste no more time, crouching down to her side as Zarkin stands and heads to the doorway to keep watch.

I help her remove the shackles from around her worn wrists, revealing large coloured bruises and several scratches in their place. Some are quite deep which worries me.

A growl escapes me before I can manage to supress my true feelings but Ivy somehow senses my angered struggle within and puts her hand onto my shoulder in a form of reassurance and kindness.

She gives me a smile and I can’t help but give her one in return.

“Come along, love birds. We don’t have much time.” Zarkin warned us, glancing back out into the corridor of the cavern.

“Can you walk?” I ask her with furrowed brows.

“I think so…” she replies meekly.

I assist her to stand up and her legs wobble in place. She seems confused by this as she stares down at them in frustration.

Suddenly they give way entirely and with a startled gasp she begins to fall back down towards the ground.

“Oh shit!” she curses on her way down.

But I am incredibly agile and see it coming before it happens. I catch her in my arms just before she hits the ground.

I then decide to pick her up bridal-style and carry her out of the cavern instead as Zarkin follows along behind us.

After a bit of walking, I begin to see the soft moonlight painted against the large cavern walls and realise immediately what it means.

We did it, we’ve escaped!

We are almost free of this place!

Coming around the last bend that by memory, should lead us out through the cavern’s entrance we are suddenly forced to halt in place at the sight of the figure blocking off the only way out.

Ivy looks up and sees him and she gasps as her entire body becomes rigid with fear.


I growl his name as my eyes narrow with such spiteful hatred.

“Oh shit.” I hear Zarkin curse behind me as he steps around to my side to meet eyes with our enemy.

“Leaving so soon Ivy?” Ronaar taunts with a sadistic smirk forming at the corner of his mouth. “And here I was thinking that you rather enjoyed my company.”

Ivy glares daggers back at him.

“You’re deluded, do you know that?” she snaps angrily.

Ronaar merely shrugs his reply and takes a step forward in an effort to close the gap between us.

I immediately go into protective mode and carefully place Ivy back down onto her own two feet. Zarkin quickly moves to her side to help hold her up as I step in front of them and unsheathe my long sword.

“No matter what happens here Zarkin, you must make sure that Ivy gets back to the safety of the castle. Is that understood?”

I speak softly, while not once breaking eye contact with my enemy now standing only 8 feet in front of me.

“But sire-” Zarkin begins but is cut off by my voice.

“-DO IT!” I snap viciously.

I hear a frustrated grunt from behind me, Zarkin is clearly not fond of my command.

But then I hear her voice… that sweet, angelic voice that makes me crazy.

“Wait, Adomis don’t do this.” Ivy begs.

“Please, just let us help you.”

It takes everything I have within me to ignore her innocent pleas and remain focused on Ronaar but somehow I succeed in doing so.

Ronaar grins as he too reaches down to grasp at the handle of his long sword, unsheathing it intentionally slowly just to infuriate me a little more. And it works.

‘The fucking bastard…’

‘I cannot wait to end him once and for all!’

Even in my furious state of mind, being forced to face off against my greatest enemy, I know that one thing is certain…

Only one of us will live to see the next sunrise.

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