Forced Bonds (The Bonds that Tie Book 4)

Forced Bonds: Chapter 25

I don’t remember much of our trip back to the Sanctuary, only my bond happily munching on a soul inside of me. I know that we’re now a hell of a lot safer having dealt with the Trigger. The only bad thing, freaking terrible thing, is that we were unable to recover Unser, the main reason that they’d gone out in the first place.

Everyone feels defeated.

We arrive home right as the sun is coming back up, and I feel that bone weary exhaustion that comes from a lot of hard work all night and after a particularly long day. I need a long soak in the bath and at least three days of sleep. My bond munching means that though I’m sure I’m hungry, there’s no way I can stomach food right now.


When we had gotten to North and Atlas, North had some burns on him but was mostly unscathed, thanks to Atlas’ Gift covering him. My bond had healed him easily and poured some of the extra power from the souls into him for good measure.

I can tell that Atlas is angry at himself for not being able to fully cover him yet, especially after seeing Gabe’s fully formed dragon. Those two have become the sort of friends who are also just a little too competitive with one another. I squeezed his hand, using our mind connection to remind him that North is alive and that’s what counts.

North had refused to have an immediate debrief, very unusual for him, and had instead found an ATV to load me into to get us back to the house together so I didn’t have to walk the distance. I have to admit, I love the man a little more for that move.

Every inch of my legs is sore, a stark reminder of just how many miles I’d covered last night.

I’m tired and a little cranky by the time we pull into the half-finished garage, ready to get clean and pass the fuck out. North swings me up into his arms the moment I step out of the vehicle.

“Aren’t you also tired as hell right now? I can totally manage the walk to my room, no need to kill yourself getting me there.”

He hitches my ass a little higher and mutters, “You healed me, and now I feel as though I’ve just woken up from the best rest of my life. Let me take care of you, Bonded.”

He does.

He gets me inside and into a bathtub in under three minutes, the water set at the perfect steaming temperature as the bubbles slowly rise around me. I groan as I lean back and immerse myself in it. My arms and legs are pretty gross, caked in mud and God knows what else, but North doesn’t care about that as he strips and climbs in.

He slides into the bath behind me, his body taking up more than half of the space, and the water gets dangerously close to overflowing. I’m waiting for him to fuss about it, ever the perfectionist, but he’s only focused on one thing, and that is me.

It’s a special sort of joy to be the complete focus of North Draven and his obsessive ways.

Nothing about the bath has healed my body or rejuvenated me, but at the feel of North’s skin sliding against my own, my bond perks up in my chest. It abandons the rest of the soul, leaving it tucked safely somewhere around my kidneys until it’s ready to come back to it, and it floods me until I let it take over again, surrendering to the waves of desire it has. We share the space in my head, though the bond takes over our movements and what we’re saying. I can still feel and experience everything alongside it.

“What do you need, Bonded?” North says, and my bond turns in his arms to face him.

He doesn’t look worried about the void eyes anymore, no longer concerned about the ramifications of whether or not I’m going to be hurt by what my bond does with him. Honestly, I want the same things as it does.

I want more.

North nods, whether he heard my bond or maybe this is just a part of his knowing ways, but he cups the side of my neck with one one his hands and draws me into a possessive kiss. The type of kiss that leaves no doubt who I belong to, who is kissing me, or who is going to worship me like the god I am.

His free hand slips down my body slowly, stroking and pinching as he teases out the gasps and moans he wants to hear. By the time he reaches my pussy ,I’m rocking against him, desperate for more friction.

His cock is hard and heavy between my legs, the perfect length for some friction as I slide my pussy against it. His hand reaches around to cup my ass and direct my hips, moving me exactly the way he wants me to.

The water splashes over the edge of the tub as I make waves, my bond not caring in the slightest as it kisses North again. It bites his lip until it draws blood, impatient and demanding.

Give me what I want.

“Then tell me what you want, Bonded. You have to say it.”

I can feel the bond’s frustration, the way it pulls at his bond to get its own way, but North holds strong and refuses to give in to its demanding ways.

“Tell me, Bonded.”

I want to whine at the dark, commanding tone he’s using. I want to submit to him and find myself being fucked roughly against a hard surface somewhere in the house while he shows us both exactly how in control he really is.

My bond likes the power play.

It leans forward until my lips are brushing against his and whispers, “Fuck me now, or I’ll go find one of my other Bonded to have me instead.”

He picks me up, standing in one smooth motion and stepping out of the water without any concern that we’re dripping everywhere. I wrap my legs around him so that I’m secure in his arms, and the move gets my pussy much closer to being impaled by his hot, throbbing cock.

His eyes flicker under the harsh bathroom lighting, blue, then black, then back to blue again as his bond struggles to the surface. I want to tell him to let it out, to let our bonds be together because they’ve spent an eternity being together and then torn apart, but my bond won’t let me speak.

It’s too busy trying to slide down onto North’s dick.

He yanks a towel off of the rack and then walks us into the bedroom, the motion of his legs moving drops me down just a little more until the tip of his dick slips into my pussy, more of a tease than a relief.

He throws the towel down on the bed, holding me with one arm and a tendril of shadows as I balance there on the tip of his dick, and then lays me out like a buffet he’s planning on gorging himself stupid on, his hands spreading my thighs wide open. He fists himself roughly, sliding his hand up and down his length as he stares down at my wet pussy that’s on display for him.

I might fucking die if he doesn’t give it to me now.

There’s a murmur of voices further down the hallway, the others all in the kitchen eating together and giving North and I space, but I don’t want it. My bond doesn’t want it.

I want them all.

It’s as easy as breathing to beckon them all into my room, to send out a siren’s call that their Bonded needs something from them all. They all move together as one to find me.


Not all of them.

One of them resists me, but I’m too focused on the others right now to put up too much of a fight about it. Someday, he’ll come to me when I need him. Someday, he won’t resist my call.

Atlas is the first one through the door, his pupils blown wide at my call, and he looks surprised to find North and I still naked here together, but his feet don’t stop as he comes to me. Gryphon is next and he’s not at all surprised, he merely steps into the bathroom and I hear the water turn on as he moves to clean himself up before joining us.

Gabe stops the moment he sees us, and North finally pushes his hips forward, filling me up to the brim and drawing out a low moan from the deepest depths of my chest.

I reach a hand out to Atlas and murmur, my voice stained by the bond, “More. I need more.”

Gabe hesitates on the threshold, one foot still out of the door, and looks at North. “That’s not Oli speaking.”

He replies even as he fucks me in long strokes, never faltering. “It’s not asking for something that Oli wouldn’t want herself. We’re Bonded to both of them. If you don’t want this, then just leave. No one will judge you for going. Especially if you’re concerned about Oli.”

I want to chip in, to tell him that I’m here and I want this. I want everything that my bond is asking for and maybe even more, but my bond has other plans for my mouth, reaching out to grab at Atlas’ pants and help him get them off. He reaches over his head to get his shirt off as well and, being the invincible and untouchable Gifted that he is, there’s barely any sign of the work that we’d done tonight on him.

There’s no damage, only another cock straining towards me as my mouth waters for him. I want the weight of him against my tongue, the grunts and groans that tell me I’m giving him all of the pleasure that my Bonded deserves. And I want to know that he’s eager to give it all back to me.

He looks down at me with hooded eyes, enjoying the sight of my tongue sticking out towards him, lapping against his tip and slowly inching my way down until he’s pushing at the very back of my throat. He reaches out to pinch my nipple, groaning when I moan around him, and when North’s shadow tendrils start to play with my clit, we’re both done for.

I moan and whimper like a harlot, and Atlas really starts fucking my throat, his hips moving faster than North’s as he practically rides my face to get off. I want it so badly. I want to swallow down every drop that he wants to give me. When he pinches my nipple one last time, I come with a gasp, my throat opening up a little more, and he slides in all the way to his public bone as he comes as well, grunting as he shoots straight down my throat.

I swallow every last drop, my bond satisfied for as long as it takes for me to come down from the orgasm. When Atlas pulls away from me to grip my chin with one hand, I smile at him, a little dazed in my afterglow.

He grins back and swoops down to kiss me, chasing the taste of himself on my lips, and I let him lap it up, possessive even in a room full of my other Bonded.

He steps away and into the bathroom, leaving me to focus once again on North, who is still staring down at me like I’m the greatest sight he’s ever seen. I arch my back a little as I reach out to him, giggling as his tendrils wrap around my arms and pull me back down.

“Give me what I want, Bonded,” I whisper, and he leans down to cover me more fully with his body, kissing me with his own dark possession as he takes me higher and higher, his shadows tugging my legs wider and flicking over my clit in the perfect rhythm. Right as he comes, slamming inside of me one last time, I see his eyes shift into the voids, just as my eyes slip shut at my own orgasm.

It’s a little sign that his bond gives me so that I know that it wants me just as desperately as North does.

I know it’s a struggle for North to get up and leave me, to let my other Bonded be with me the way I need them to, and I make my bond press another kiss to his lips before I reach out to Gabe.

My Shifter is still looking a little unsure about this.

I don’t think he’s struggling with the group sex or being put on display the way he will be the moment he steps up to me. Nope, it’s definitely my void eyes and the way my bond keeps demanding things from them all.

He’s loyal to me, to the very end.

I want to take full control of myself again, to reassure him and coax him into giving me what I need, but my bond won’t let go.

It’s waited long enough for them all.

Instead, it reaches into him and calls out to the shifter inside of him, his bond that takes the form of a dragon, and beckons it out to play with us. His eyes begin to burn brighter, shifting to the amber-gold of the dragon, and I inch my way further back onto the bed as he stalks forward to me.

The dragon kisses me like it wants to eat me, none of the playful fun of the man left behind, and it’s not hard to convince the dragon to fuck me.

No, it rears up and away from me for only as long as it takes to tear away the pants and shirt, revealing the body still streaked in blood and dirt.

I want it all.

It fucks me hard and deep, like it wants to tear me in half. I take it all, my body begging for more as my fingernails dig into his back hard enough to draw blood. When his mouth drops down to my shoulder, his teeth pressing into the soft flesh there, I think for a second that he is actually going to take a chunk out of me But as he bites down hard enough to bruise, my pussy clenches around him as I come for him, riding the line between pleasure and pain until I think I might shatter.

He roars as he comes, never breaking the fierce pace his hips have set as he takes his own pleasure in our Bonding. His eyes shift back to the human when he’s done, blinking as though he’s come into the light and isn’t quite sure what’s going on.

I smile up at him like he’s the sun, letting him curl around me for another, far more sedate, kiss.

When Gabe finally steps away, his cheeks still flush as his eyes drift down to my pussy, cum leaking out of me already from where they’ve been pumping me full. I can feel it slipping out, and the memory of North’s bond scooping it up and shoving it back inside of me pops back into my mind.

If I were capable of blushing right now, I would be.

Gryphon finally comes to me, dropping the towel away and climbing onto my body, ready to fuck me exactly how I need him to. There’s still an ache inside of me for him, an ache I know won’t ever be fulfilled until I’ve had them all. The use of my Gift has left me feeling empty and needy, desperate for them to help me balance back out.

Gryphon doesn’t waste time, slamming into my abused pussy in one stroke and setting a fierce pace as he pounds into me.

I writhe underneath him, my nipples so sensitive that even the lightest brush of them against his chest has me wanting to weep, and he leans down to whisper in my ear. “Is this greedy Bonded pussy going to come for me too, Bonded? Are you going to squeeze me so tight as you gush for me, stain these sheets with your cum like the perfect Bonded you are?”

I nod, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in closer as I do exactly as his filthy mouth asks, shaking and sobbing as I come apart.

He murmurs to me, “That’s my good girl,” as he comes too, his hips stuttering a little as he rides out his own waves of pleasure.

I could die happy.

I think I just might.

Gryphon rolls off of me, pulling me with him so that I can curl up on his chest, but North is quick to see just how close to passing out I really am and bullies me into cleaning up first.

Gabe is already snoring on the far side of the bed when I get back in there, his shifting draining the energy out of him. Atlas looks as though he’s minutes away from doing the same. I climb up into the middle and let him pull me into his arms so that we can fall asleep wrapped up in each other.

It’s been too long.

North comes to bed last, leaving the bathroom light on as he makes his way over, and once we’re all settled down, I let myself finally get some rest.

The girl goes off to sleep in our mind, sated and exhausted from the long day and night we’ve had, but there’s an itch under my skin that hasn’t yet been cured.

I need more.

I slip out of the bed, careful not to disturb any of my sleeping Bonded, and step out of the bedroom covered only in one of the robes that my Dark Bonded One had brought here for me, the lapels of it barely covering my chest. I find my Damaged Bonded One stepping out of his room with a book in his hands.

We stare at each other across the hallway.

I want him.

I want his bond to come to my room and fuck me on my bed, to leave his scent behind for me, to use me for his own pleasure until we can fix some of the cracks in the man’s soul. I want all of them, every last piece of each of my Bonded.

His eyes flash black as he looks back at me, but the man fights it, furious that we’re trying to be together now, in this way.

His eyes flash back to blue as he turns away, walking down the hallway, and then I hear the front door slam shut behind him as he leaves us entirely.

I understand why.

I do not like it.

My Dark Bonded One steps out of the bedroom, sliding an arm around my waist as he kisses my neck. “Leave him, Bonded. You don’t need to chase after someone who can’t love you the way you deserve when you have four other Bonded desperate to fulfill your every need.”

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