Forbidden Queen

Chapter Chapter Two – Royal Training


I slam face down into the ground again, and groan. I look up to see Euan smiling down at me as he says “get up.”

I slowly get to my feet. Every bone in my body is aching, but I am not going to give up. When I asked for this, I knew it was going to be hard work. I move my stiff body into the fighting position that Euan has taught me.

“Attack me again” he instructs.

I force my tired body to move as quickly as I can towards Euan’s right side as if I am trying to attack his right shoulder. At the last minute I turn and try to land a blow to his chest, but as usual he is ready for me. He grabs my arm before I can get anywhere near him and twists it. He pushes me forcing my body round so that my back is facing him. My arm held in a punishingly painful hold. He maintains this position for a minute, as I try unsuccessfully to wriggle out of his grasp. His mouth goes down to my neck and he says,

“And with that I would have torn out your throat. Your moves were too slow and predictable; you have already tried that move on me twice” he says. “You need to catch me by surprise, or you will never defeat me.”

I grimace “easier said than done. This has got be the hundredth time this week that I have tried to attack you and I am still no closer to landing a blow.”

“And we will continue to do it a hundred more times until you get it right” he says with a smile on his face.

I am tired and sore, and at this moment all I want to do is wipe that smug grin of his face.

“Again” he says.

I use my frustration with Euan to energise me. I manage to jump to my feet, quicker than I thought possible, and I notice from the surprise on Euan’s face that he wasn’t expecting me to move so fast. I adopt the fighting stance, but only for a few seconds, before I launch my attack.

I kick my leg out in a sweeping motion, hitting the side of his left knee with all the force I can muster. I am surprised when I watch his leg begin to crumble but he is too strong and experienced a fighter not to recover from the hit.

He moves back, putting his weight on his right leg, as he takes a couple of seconds to regain his balance. I move in with a punch to his stomach. I make the slightest of contact, before he grabs my arm and uses it to propel me round. He pushes me forward, so that I land on my stomach in the dirt.

“Better” he says, “you managed to make contact twice.”

I hear clapping and turn round to see Alex watching us. “She almost had you there” he says to Euan.

“Yes, she is definitely improving” Euan admits. “Miraculously considering we only started training a few days ago.”

“Maybe I was right to insist on being taught to fight” I say to Alex.

“Maybe” he replies. “If you are finished Joseph would like to see you in my office so that he can continue your training.”

I nod and get to my feet.

For the last four days, since our mating ceremony, Joseph has been teaching me about the history of the Royal Pack, and how it is governed. It has been interesting to learn about my past and who my ancestors were. I am overwhelmed by how big the royal pack is and the intricacies of how it is administered.

It is over five times the size of the Lunar Eclipse pack. Joseph has explained that due to the geographical size and the number of wolves who belong to it, it is more accurate to describe it as the Royal Kingdom.

In fact, it was not that long ago that the monarch ruled over all the packs. In the last hundred years, the ties between the packs and the monarchy have loosened. Many alphas strove to be independent of the monarchy. This whole process was speeded up when the Black Moon Pack attacked and killed my parents. Some packs rushed to support the Royal pack as they were expected to do in times of war, while others remained neutral or came out against the monarchy.

In recent years Joseph and the other high-ranking wolves have been trying to form alliances with the neutral packs but it has been slow going, as the Alphas are protective of their autonomy.

I am struggling to see how someone as inexperienced as I am, is going to be an effective ruler of such a large pack. I will have Joseph and Alex to support me, but I am still intimidated by my new role as queen.

When we enter Alex’s office Joseph is already there. He is sitting behind Alex’ desk, and in front of him there is a large sheet of paper which shows an organisation chart.

“Today I am going to teach you about how the Royal Pack is structured. Who the key ranking wolves are and what they are responsible for” he says tapping the organisation chart.

I take a seat next to him and look at the diagram

“As our queen, you are at the top of the hierarchy. All power ultimately resides with you. You do however have a council of wolves to guide and support you in exercising that power. He points to a row of names and titles below mine.

You can see my name here I am your commander. Responsible for the Royal Army and your guards. My duty is to ensure your safety and that of the whole pack.

Next is your chancellor Karen who helps run your civil government. She is responsible for the welfare of your subjects, their health care, employment, and education.

The next role is Pack Inter-Relations which is held by Ruth. She is responsible for maintaining contact and improving relations with the packs loyal to you. She ensures that they have a voice at your court. Ruth is also trying to form new alliances with the packs who remained neutral during the war.

Next is your chamberlain Aaron who is responsible for the management of the royal household. There are thirty wolves in your household.

Lastly is the pack’s spiritual advisor, Kirsty, who is responsible for the packs worship of the moon goddess, and all religious celebrations.”

“Wow,” I say. “There seems to be so many roles, compared to the senior wolves in the Lunar Eclipse Pack.”

“Yes, there are. The royal kingdom is much bigger than this pack, and therefore needs, a larger more complex administrative structure.

Besides the council you also have four royal betas. The kingdom is too big to be run from one central location. Instead, it is split into four territories – north, south, east, and west. Each of these is administered by a Royal Beta.

The Betas are responsible for the safety and welfare of all wolves in their area, providing education, employment, and healthcare for those under their care. They have their own dedicated team of warriors who are responsible for ensuring that their lands are defended from attack.

The Royal Betas will administer justice in their territory, they have responsibility for judging and imprisoning wolves who are found guilty of all but the most serious of crimes. Crimes such as murder or treason will be referred to the kingdom’s central judiciary for trial.

Alex clasps my hand. I know he can feel how nervous I am, hearing about how complicated the government of the royal kingdom is. He is doing his best to try and reassure me. Having him here to support me makes me feel calmer.

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