Forbidden Queen

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One – The Queen’s Judgement


I managed to come up with an excuse to get Alex to leave me alone after dinner. I feel bad about lying to him, but I know that when he finds out who Anna is he will immediately want to kill or imprison her. He won’t wait to hear what she has been through, or to find out if she is a good person. The only thing that would matter to him is that she is Lucius’ daughter, someone to be killed or used against him.

I want to get to know her, to judge for myself whether she is telling Daniel the truth or if she is just like her father.

I don’t hate every wolf in the Black Moon pack, not everyone on the enemy side can be evil. Within his pack there has to be some good wolves. I just need to find out if Anna is one of them.

Daniel appears at the entrance to my tent, with Anna. I can see the hope in his eyes, and the terror in hers. She knows that this conversation is literally going to be a matter of life and death for her. I begin to feel sympathy for her. She is about the same age as me and facing a terrible predicament that no teenager should ever have to go through.

“Hi Anna” I say to her smiling, trying to put her at her ease. “Daniel, you need to leave now so that I can talk to Anna alone. Come back in an hour.”

He nods, turns to look at her. I can see that he is trying to encourage her as he squeezes her hand, and whispers in her ear. “I love you. Trust Katy.”

“Sit down, here next to me” I say gently.

She nods and moves closer, taking a seat.

“So you are Lucius daughter? Tell me about your life in his pack.”

“My father is obsessed with battle, and war. He admires strength and aggression. The warriors are the most important wolves in the pack, and everything is geared towards making sure we are the strongest and most brutal pack. I don’t fit into that mould, but as a shewolf I was not expected to. My duty was to be obedient, and eventually mate whichever wolf my father picked for or me.”

She stops speaking but I nod, encouraging her to keep going,

“It is what my father did when he mated with my mother. He sought a mate who would help him form alliances and benefit the pack. I have known for a long time that that was what was expected of me, but I wanted more. I wanted to be a true healer; I wanted to find my destined mate, but most of all I wanted to get away from all the hatred and the violence.”

“And now you are travelling with the queen and packs that are loyal to me. Do you feel hatred towards me and my wolves? We are the sworn enemies of you father; he has killed many of our friends and family members. Can you be loyal to us, knowing that we are intent on killing Lucius and any of your pack who stand against us?

“I feel some conflict” she admits. “He is my father, and I grew up in the pack, but he has never cared for me. The pack never made me feel welcome. If I was to be taken back to them now, I know that my father would torture and then kill me. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself if he knew that I was here, travelling with you.”

I nod I can see that she is speaking the truth. I believe her. Now though I have to work out a way to tell Joseph, and worst of all Alex, without them killing her.

“I can see that you are being honest, and I believe it when you say that you mean us no harm. It must have been terrible growing up in your pack. I will help you but now I need to think about what to do next. It will take a lot for me to convince Alex and Joseph to give you a chance.”

When Daniel returns, I tell him. “I believe that your mate is telling the truth. BUT I need to work out the best way to tell Alex and Joseph without them freaking out and killing her. Give me some time to think about how best to approach this. I promise that I will ensure no harm comes to her.”

“Thank you. I am so glad you are going to help us. With you on our side I know this will work out and Anna will be safe”

I nod but he is more confident than I am. I believe Anna and I can imagine how terrible it must have been for her growing up with Lucius as a father, in the Black Moon pack, but I am not sure that Alex and Joseph will. I am going to have a fight in my hands to persuade them to give her a chance.

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