Forbidden Queen

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Eight – Spiritual Advisor


After my meetings have finished, I catch up with Alex. I have missed him this morning. We spent so much time together while we were travelling that I had found it difficult to be without him now. He must feel the same way because as soon as I enter our rooms, he sweeps me into his arms, and holds me close.

“Being without you this morning was torture.” he tells me before smashing his lips against mine, I can feel the raw hunger in his kiss, and I respond in kind. I feel like I cannot get enough of him.

We stay like this for a few minutes, before I reluctantly pull away. “I have missed you so much, but I really need to have lunch. I have less than an hour before I need to meet Kirsty.”

He laughs. “That should he fun. She is a special kind of crazy.”

“Really? What is she like? She seemed a bit odd when we were introduced to her yesterday, it felt like she was keen for more war and bloodshed.”

“Yep, she is not like other people, and you never know quite what she is going to say next. Some believe that she is the way she is because she spends so much time communing with the moon goddess. Personally, I don’t believe that she has ever spoken to the moon goddess. She is just a bit insane.

“Great. As you are so keen to spend more time with me, maybe you should come too.”

“No” he says laughing. “You should meet her alone. She is your spiritual advisor not mine. Anyway, I need to catch up with Daniel and find out how he and Anna are settling in.”

“Let me know how they are. We should invite them to spend an evening with us once we are a bit more settled. I would like to get to know Anna better.”

“Of course, but not for at least a week. I might not be able to spend all day with you, but I am not sacrificing our evenings alone together for anyone. Not yet anyway.”

“OK. Let’s get lunch and you can tell me all about your morning.”

“It won’t be as interesting as yours. I have been making sure that my warriors have settled into their accommodation and discussing defensive strategies with Joseph” he says leading me to a small dining table laden with sandwiches, fruit and cakes.


After lunch, I feel more refreshed and prepared for my meeting with Kirsty. I hope that she isn’t as crazy as Alex seems to think she is.

When I arrive back at my office, she is already there waiting for me. She sits on the comfortable sofa with a gentle smile on her face staring into space.

“Hello” I say quietly trying to catch her attention, but she doesn’t respond.

I try again, much louder this time I say. “Hi, Kirsty”

She finally turns round and looks at me “Oh hi…. Hello your highness.”

“It is very nice to meet you, Kirsty. I have never met a spiritual advisor before. We were all brought up in the Lunar Eclipse pack to believe in the power of the moon goddess, but there was no one to direct our worship of her.”

“Yes, a lot of packs now pay lip service to revering the moon goddess, but they show no real devotion. That is why the world is in such chaos, and we are at war with each other” she tells me earnestly. “Now that you are finally returned to us, we can restore the old ways of worshipping the moon goddess, and the balance will be restored.”

“Of course, but what does that actually mean to restore to the old ways?” I ask.

“Well for a start we need to bring back the monthly full moon celebration, when we run as a pack, in praise of the moon goddess. The moon temple is in a terrible state of disrepair and needs to be restored. It is essential that it is renovated so that I and my disciples can continue to worship the moon goddess on the behalf of the pack. In time you should also bring back the true mate festival where young shifters can meet in the hope of finding their destined mates.”

I nod my head. I need to check with Aaron and Joseph but none of these requests sound unreasonable.

“And of course,” she continues. We need to hold your coronation. You need to be formally crowned in the sacred circle, on holy ground in front of your royal subjects, and our allies. Only when you have sworn the sacred oath to dedicate your life to the moon goddess can you truly be queen.”

“Is that customary?” I ask. I am not keen on the formality of a coronation.

“Of course, for the last 800 hundred years every monarch of the Royal Kingdom has been crowned in the Sacred Circle. Until you are crowned thee you will never be secure as our queen.”

“OK” I hadn’t realised that. I wonder why no one else had mentioned it. Again, another question for Joseph. Perhaps even Alex will know.

Suddenly Kirsty grasps hold of my arm a wild feverish look in her eyes. “The goddess has shared with me the future that awaits you. You will be a great and noble queen, but before that you must overcome the violence and danger that stalks you. Your future, and the wellbeing of every wolf in the Royal kingdom will not be secure unless you can vanquish Lucius.

I am unnerved by the way she has suddenly switched from her previously calm detached demeanour into this agitated state.

“Of course, thank you for sharing this with me.” I am keen to bring this meeting to an end. Kirsty is strange. I don’t think there is any harm in her, but I find her changes in mood unsettling.

She relaxes and gives me a warm smile before saying “It has been wonderful to spend time with you, my queen. I will begin organising your coronation today. I will commune with the moon goddess and ask her to choose an auspicious day for the ceremony.”

“Thank you” I say as she slowly walks out of my office. I am not sure what to make of what her said. Is she really going to speak to the actual moon goddess to select the date for my coronation?


Not long after Kirsty has left my office, there is a knock on the door, and Joseph enters. “Have your meetings finished?” he asks me.

“Yes, Kirsty has just left.”

“And how did you find them?”

“Very informative. But… Kirsty was a bit strange.”

Joseph tries to suppress a smile. “Yes, she is unique, but very devoted to the moon goddess, and to the monarchy.”

“Do you think that she really is in communication with the moon goddess?”

“Who can say for certain, but her advice is always sound.”

“She mentioned a number of religious ceremonies that she would like to reinstate, and my coronation.”

“Good” Joseph replies. “Without a reigning monarch many of the ceremonies that we have observed for centuries have fallen into abeyance. We should reinstate them. They will only add to your authority and proclaim your legitimacy. Besides they were celebratory and the whole pack used to enjoy them.

As for your coronation that is a must. Until you are crowned you are not truly our queen.”

“OK” I say. “Kirsty has already started organising the ceremony.”

“Kirsty will be responsible for the spiritual elements of the ceremony, but all your advisors and the entire household will need to be mobilised to plan the event properly. It is a sacred ceremony that must promote the majesty of the monarchy. This will be no small thing. Thousands of wolves will travel to watch their queen being crowned.”

I can feel myself start to panic. I am slowly beginning to get used to not being kept in the shadows, but this event sounds like it will be on a whole other level from what I have experienced so far. “Does it need to be so grand?”

“Yes. You are the queen, and this is the most important ceremony that you will ever take part in.” He can see my discomfort. “Get through this, and you will never be asked to do anything on this scale again, but your coronation must be a grand occasion.

“OK, I understand how important it is and I will do my best to meet everyone’s expectations. Could we forget about it for the moment, I want to continue with my training.”

“Of course, we need to make sure that you spend time every day training. I will take you to the guards training grounds. We have all the facilities you will need there”

“Great give me ten minutes to get changed.

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