Forbidden Queen

Chapter Chapter Fifty-Two – The Coronation


The sacred circle is a large flat circular glade in the centre of the royal forest. It has been filled with hundreds of chairs all facing toward a white platform upon which Kirsty stands waiting forme. Each chair has been filled with ranking wolves from the royal kingdom, and our allied packs.

As I step into the sacred circle, a trumpet sounds, and the guests turn to stare at me. I keep my eyes focussed on the dais where Kirsty stands. I make my way slowly towards her.

She stands there, her face solemn. She watches me closely as I reached the steps to the platform.

“Your highness” she says pointing me to a large throne facing the audience.

I move forward and take a seat on the throne. It is uncomfortable to sit on. It is covered in gold and semi-precious stones which dig into my skin.

Kirsty begins to chant in a language that I have never heard before, her eyes closed, a serene smile on her face. After a minute she stops, but other voices take up the chanting, until the sound reaches a crescendo. I look around trying to see where the sound is coming from but everyone in the crowd is silent, their mouths closed.

Kirsty lifts her arms, and the chanting immediately stops. She speaks, her voice amplified so that it can be heard by everyone within the sacred circle. “We are here today to witness the coronation of Katherina, the heir to the throne of all werewolves, to watch her pledge her loyalty and obedience to the moon goddess. We ask that the moon goddess judges this wolf fairly and decides whether she is worthy of this high honour. If she deserves to be our queen.

I ask you Katherina to pledge your loyalty to our one true deity, the moon goddess.”

“I pledge my loyal to the moon goddess” I respond solemnly.

“Do you promise to worship her as the one true deity and observe all of her teachings?”

“Yes, there is only one true deity, the moon goddess. I promise to worship her as the true goddess of all werewolves, and to ensure that all my subjects adhere to her teachings.”

Kirsty turns away from me and looks up at the sky. I call on the moon goddess, to judge this wolf, to show us, your loyal worshippers, if she is worthy of the high office that she seeks. If you have any objections to her becoming our queen, please show your displeasure now.”

This is the point at which I have been warned that the moon goddess is expected to give us a sign, to make her disapproval clear if she thinks that I am unworthy to rule. If nothing happens then I will be crowned. I wait anxiously. Up until now I haven’t believed Kirsty when she said that the moon goddess could intervene, but caught up in the ceremony, I am truly worried that I may be judged and found wanting.

A minute passes, nothing happens. Kirsty lowers her hands and turns to face me again. Suddenly there is a loud crack of thunder, it is the middle of the day, but the sky darkens. I look up to see a silvery light, moonlight bathes the sacred circle. There are gasps from the crowd, and I turn to look at Kirsty, I am terrified. This must be a sign from the moon goddess. Is this her way of showing her displeasure?

Kirsty turns to look at me. A huge smile on her face. “The moon goddess has spoken, never before has she given so clear a sign of her favour. She has marked Katherina as the one true Queen of the werewolves.”

I am shocked, how does she know that that is what the moon goddess meant? I look out into the crowd, and I can see some of the older wolves nodding in agreement.

Kirsty leans down and dips her hand into a chalice, her fingers are now coated with a scented liquid which she rubs into my forehead. She then walks away to the side, where I can see a gold crown covered in precious stones lying on top of a red velvet cushion. Kirsty picks up the crown and moves towards me. “With the approval of the moon goddess I crown you queen of all the werewolves” she says placing the crown on my head.

“Long may you reign under the protection of the goddess” she shouts turning to face the crowd.

Suddenly hundreds of voices repeat with her “Long may you reign under the protection of the goddess.”

She turns back to look at me, and after one last smile walks away.

My advisors climb on to the platform. “Time to go” Alex says quietly “we can discuss this further when we are back in the carriage.”

“So, this was not a normal coronation?” I ask quietly.

“No” he says as he ushers me down the stairs.

I pass by the guests they are speaking in hushed whispers. They stare at me as I walk by.

When we reach the coach, Alex waits until Joseph, Aaron, Ruth and I are inside, and the door is closed before he speaks.

“What just happened was that really the moon goddess?”

“I really think it was” says Aaron, looking at me solemnly. According to the legends passed down throughout werewolf history, hundreds of years ago, when the kingdom was new, the Moon Goddess would show her favour for a new monarch by shining a burst of moon lightly directly upon the chosen one. For those lucky few this would signify that theirs would be a long and successful reign, and their subjects would prosper. I have always considered it to be just a story, it must be almost one thousand years since anyone recorded this sign at a royal coronation. Now though……”

I am gobsmacked. This is the last thing I expected to happen today. I just hoped to get through the ceremony without making a fool of myself.

“Well, this should help with the alliances” Ruth says smugly “they will be desperate to ally with you now after the moon goddess has shown you so much favour.”

“It should make Lucius pause as well” Joseph predicts.

“Why don’t we discuss this tomorrow? We still have the coronation dinner and ball to get through today” Alex suggests.

I nod I agreement. Today has already been overwhelming, and it isn’t over yet. I needed time to think about what this rare display of divine approval really means. I was sure it was going to be the only topic of conversation at the ball.


I am relieved when we finally make it back to the palace. The streets were crowded with onlookers as we passed through the town again, and I did my best to smile and wave. Although it was difficult to concentrate. I couldn’t keep my mind from going over and over the events of the coronation ceremony, and the sign from the moon goddess.

I desperately wanted to talk to Kirsty about what it had all meant, but she has disappeared. Aaron has told me that traditionally after a coronation she would leave, and nor return to the royal court for weeks, sometimes months. I was really hoping that she would make an exception this time.

As soon as we are back inside the palace, I rush up to my rooms to change. We only have a short period of time before the guests arrive. As soon as I enter the room, Lily shrieks and runs towards me, pulling me into her arms for a hug.

“I knew you were special, and now everyone else knows it too” she exclaims proudly.

“What are people saying?” I ask.

“That you are the first ruler in a thousand years to have been shown such favour by the moon goddess, and you will bring back peace and prosperity to all werewolves.”

“Wow that is going to be difficult to live up to.”

“I know you can do it.”

“Euan and I were approached by several of the pack alphas after the ceremony. They know that we are close to you. They all wanted to ask us questions about you. I think we will have many more allies after this. Lucius will really have to watch out now!”

“I hope you are right. But now I need to get changed for the ball. And so do you.”

“I will see you later your highness” she says as she walks out the room.

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