Forbidden: Part One (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 1)

Forbidden: Part One – Chapter 44

“Fucking delicious,” Ben said with a grin, pulling his fingers out of his mouth.

I lay on the counter in a daze, still trembling with the aftermath of my two orgasms. At least it had distracted me from the shame I had felt at Ben catching me bingeing. I remembered the one and only time my mother caught me eating late at night in the kitchen. She berated me so loudly that half the house had woken up, causing a furious Jericho to storm down the stairs to investigate what was happening. She had called me a fat pig and told me no one would ever love me if I continued eating. The next day, I came down for breakfast and found a lock on the fridge.

“Hey, precious, you here with me?” Ben asked, pulling me into a sitting position. I realized I had zoned out, lost to my memories.

“You really aren’t mad at me?” I asked, hating how small and unsure my voice sounded.

Ben took a slow breath and looked me in the eye. “Never,” he said, and his voice was so sure, so genuine, that a shard of shame I’d been carrying around all this time fell away.

“Thank you,” I whispered, wrapping my arms and legs around him. Our chests rose and fell together as our breaths synched, the rest of the world falling away as my alpha held me.

After a few long moments, Ben moved in my grasp, and I realized he was trying to shift his hard-on. A shiver of pleasure washed through me and my core clenched, as if knowing it needed to be filled.

It was stupid to feel nervous about initiating sex with Ben when he had just eaten me out and given me two orgasms on the kitchen island, but old insecurities still welled up. I pressed my face to his neck.

“I want you,” I murmured.

“You have me, precious,” Ben said.

Okay, direct approach needed. “Umm, no, like I want you,” I said, trailing my hand down his front until I cupped his cock.

Ben made a noise that was a mixture of a strangled choking sound and a growl.

“I don’t want you to think you have to do anything more tonight.”

“I don’t feel like that,” I said. “I want this. I want to feel you inside me.” I finally met his eyes and what I saw there was pure lust.

A beautiful smile spread across his face and his spicy apple scent intensified. I couldn’t help breathing in thick gulps of it.

“I’ve always wanted to fuck in the kitchen. It’s my favorite room in the house, you know,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eye.

“Who am I to deny your fantasy?”

“Precious, you are my fantasy.”

With that, he pulled me off the counter and grasped my hips, turning me around and bending me over the island. I squeaked as the cold marble pressed on my nipples and Ben’s hands squeezed my ass. He ran his hands up and down my back, soothing me for a moment.

“This okay?”

God, it was more than okay. I loved how his body pressed against mine, the feel of his hands on me, and I wanted more.

“Don’t stop.”

“Fuck, you’re goddamn perfect. You’re going to give me what I want, right, beautiful? You’re going to take my cock like a good girl.”

Who knew Ben was such a dirty talker? His cock slid against my slit. I arched my back so he was hitting perfectly against my clit, my slick dripping down my thighs.

“I need you, alpha,” I whined.

“Fuck, how can I say no to that?”

He lined himself up and I moaned as he eased his way into me, pleasure lighting up every nerve ending. His thrusts were slow and smooth as he wrapped one hand around my hip and the other on the back of my neck, pinning me to the counter.

“More,” I whimpered, my omega taking over with her demands. “Harder.”

He swore and leaned his body over mine, his skin hot against my back. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t. I need you.”

Ben snarled and started thrusting harder, his firm grip the only thing keeping me from sliding forward on the island. His knot ground against me, and I whined with pleasure. Every thrust erased my mother’s harsh words and my hatred towards my body. How could I hate my body when it allowed me to feel this?

I let out a small cry as he continued to slide in and out. With every thrust, his knot pushed against my entrance, igniting my nerve endings. I arched back to meet him, eager for more as he held me secure. On the next thrust, Ben started pushing the base of his knot in me. The stretch was too much and everything I needed. Except I didn’t want to be knotted in the kitchen.

I opened my mouth to tell him to wait, but he had already thrust forward, seating his knot fully inside me. It seemed to inflate even more, the angle making him feel impossibly huge. It was too much, too many sensations. I let out a whimper and tried to shift away, but he curled his body over me and whispered as he placed tender kisses down my spine.

“I’ve got you. Such a good omega taking my knot.”

That was what I needed to transform the overwhelming pressure into pleasure. He rocked against me in small movements, grinding against my clit and slick gland until an intense orgasm rippled through me. I came with a scream as he shouted my name and scraped his teeth against my neck in a promise of the bond mark he wanted to place there.

We both lay pressed over the counter, breathing heavily, until Ben stood up and tried to pull away, putting intense pressure on my core as my sex clenched around his knot.

I squealed. “Stop, stop, stop! What’re you doing?”

There was a long pause. “Fucking shit. We’re locked together.”

I choked out a strangled laugh. “Yes, you knotted me. What did you think would happen?”

I heard the hesitation in his voice. “I didn’t think we would be stuck together. I guess I thought when people said they were locked together, they were speaking metaphorically. Like, you know, now we’re locked together emotionally.”

I looked over my shoulder, taking in his shocked expression and the blush working its way across his cheeks.

“Ben, you have a massive balloon at the base of your cock inflated in me, and you thought people were speaking metaphorically?”

Ben leaned over me and grabbed my hips so we were firmly tucked together.

“Fuck, I’m so sorry, precious. I really didn’t think we were going to be literally stuck together. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I wanted our first time to be romantic, but instead, I knotted you over the kitchen counter.”

The ridiculousness of the situation took away my residual distress from earlier in the day. I couldn’t believe my alpha hadn’t understood what knotting meant. I laughed so hard that little contractions rippled through my core. Suddenly, Ben grunted as he came again, which set off my orgasm. I moaned into the counter with pleasure.

“Did you just fucking make both of us come through laughing?” he asked incredulously, making me laugh harder. Finally, he joined in, the two of us caught up in giggles, folded over the kitchen island in the middle of the night.

Once our laughter settled down, Ben ran his hands gently down my spine. “I can’t believe I did this. Are you in pain? Am I crushing you?”

“I’m fine, definitely not in pain,” I said as I pushed back against him, and pleasure lit up my insides. “I hope you know I won’t ever let you live this down, though,” I teased.

Ben groaned and leaned forward, resting his head on my shoulder. “How long are we going to be stuck like this?”

“It depends,” I said, resting my head on my arms with a smile. This position was definitely not the most comfortable for an extended time, but being connected to Ben made me feel giddy and safe.

“Depends on what?” he asked, his hips jerking in another involuntary thrust. “Did Theo knot you?”

“Mmm, yeah, he did. I’m not sure how long we were locked together. I fell asleep. But maybe like thirty minutes?”

“You’re kidding me. Why didn’t people explain knotting to me more clearly?”

“I mean, I think they did. You’re the romantic one who thought they weren’t being literal.” I wiggled my ass at him, and he moaned. “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. Grab my hips and hold me to you. Then slowly lean back and use the wall to help lower yourself down. Then we’ll both be sitting, which will be more comfortable.”

Ben grumbled, but he did it. His hands wrapped around my hips so hard I knew I would bruise, but I loved it. I wanted his marks all over me.

I groaned and whined in pleasure as he moved me into a seated position in his lap, and his knot tugged and ground against my most sensitive parts. Once I was seated on his lap, he banded his arms around me—one around my waist and the other around my breasts.

He murmured in my ear, “I’m so sorry. I really had no clue it would be like this.”

I smiled. “So, I’m guessing you’ve never knotted anyone.”

“Obviously,” he groaned out.

“Do you… do you like it?” I asked, suddenly feeling unsure. I was realizing how much praise my omega needed—that I needed—to feel secure.

“Do I like it?” he asked incredulously. “This is by far the hottest, sexiest fucking thing I have ever experienced. Your pretty little cunt is gripping my knot so hard I’m on the verge of coming again just sitting here. If we weren’t in such an inconvenient location, I would see if we could beat the record for longest time locked together because I never want to leave the heaven of your sweet pussy.”

My lips parted in a small gasp as slick gushed around his knot at how turned on I was at his words. I wriggled in his lap, needing friction.

“If you don’t want to be here all night, you need to stop moving, precious. That feels too damn good.”

I ignored him and kept rocking against him. “It makes me really happy that I’m the first person you’ve knotted.”

“Me too. Nothing could feel as good as you do right now.” He kissed the back of my neck and cupped my breasts.

I experimented with trying to bounce up and down on his knot. “I’m pretty comfortable right now, actually. And you feel so good, alpha.”

Ben growled, grabbing my hips and guiding my movements, thrusting as much as he could with the way we were locked together. Pleasure shot through me like little lightning bolts. After a few moments, Ben snaked a hand around to play with my clit, quickly building my orgasm.

“So beautiful, my perfect mate.”

His praise pushed me over again, pleasure rushing through me. His hot cum burst in me and I collapsed back into him, my orgasm so intense I felt like I was floating. He ran his hands gently over my skin, massaging my arms, shoulders, and thighs.

“You back with me, beautiful?” he murmured.

“You’re trying to kill me with orgasms.”

Ben grasped me underneath my knees so I didn’t have to hold myself up, and I relaxed further into his hold.

“If we don’t come again, your knot should go down in a few minutes,” I said, snuggling my face into his bare chest.

“At least our first time will be memorable,” he grumbled.

“Ten out of ten for memorability. Two out of ten for location choice,” I said cheekily.

“And what about pleasure?”

“Five hundred.”

Ben let out a purr.

“What about for you?” I asked.

“Five hundred thousand for sure,” he said, stroking a hand through my hair. “Can’t believe how lucky I am right now.”

“Same,” I said quietly.

His spiced apple scent was delicious as it swirled around me. We sat in comfortable silence, Ben’s warmth keeping me from getting cold. I felt myself drift off, even though his knot was still in me. I guess five orgasms will do that.

I jolted awake slightly as Ben spoke. “Josie, do you want to see someone to help with everything you’ve gone through? Like a therapist or something?”

I stiffened. My parents were firmly against mental health help and always acted like I was being dramatic. But Ben wasn’t saying there was anything wrong with me. He was actually seeing me and wanted to help.

“I don’t know,” I said, unsure if I could talk to a stranger about what I’d gone through. “But I love you for asking.”

He nuzzled the back of my neck, breathing deeply. “Let me know, precious. You know we’ll do anything to support you.”

I let out a soft sigh, which turned into a whimper as Ben’s knot deflated enough for him to lift me off of him. I shifted forward on all fours, my legs still too weak to support myself. A gush of fluid rushed out between us, and I giggled at Ben’s exclaimed, “Woah.”

“Wait there. I’ll get a towel to clean you up.”

I flinched as Ben pressed a warm towel to my sex.

“You sore?” he asked as he tenderly cleaned me up.

“Just a bit, but not in a bad way,” I mumbled, my eyelids heavy.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

I curled my arms and legs around him as he carried me upstairs. The scent of my other alphas reached me as we neared the bedroom.

“About fucking time,” said a disgruntled Cam. “What took so long? Did you knot her in the fucking kitchen?”

I giggled as Cam pressed against my back.

“You fucking didn’t,” Theo said, laughter in his voice. He moved to my side and pressed his face into my hair. “How are you doing, love?”

“Good,” I said, smiling. “Let’s go to bed.”

“Fucking finally,” Cam growled, stealing me out of Ben’s arms and carrying me into my room. The four of us piled onto the bed, and I was pressed firmly between them.

“You better now, baby girl?” Cam murmured in my ear, playing tenderly with my hair.

“All good with my alphas around me.”

I breathed them in as I drifted off to sleep.

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