Forbidden King: A Small Town, Brother’s Best Friend Romance (Magnolia Falls Series Book 3)

Chapter 4

“WHAT’S GOING on with you and Selena?” River asked, as we looked out at the water from the dock. There were several chairs on the wood structure, and he and I had just gotten out of the water.

“Nothing, really. It’s casual. She heard you were having a barbecue and asked if she could come.” I shrugged, my eyes moving to where Saylor and Coach Assmunch were sharing a raft. They were awfully cozy lately. The guy just rubbed me wrong. I didn’t know why Hayes wasn’t asking more questions about this guy.

Must I be the one to do everything?

“You’ve been out with her a couple of times, huh?” my brother pressed.

“What is this? An episode of The Bachelor?” I barked out a laugh. “Yeah, dude. I do take women out now and then. I’m not a barbarian.”

“She seems really… invested. I was just checking in to see if you felt the same. Because from where I’m sitting, you seem to be watching Saylor a lot more than the woman you brought here today.”

“For fuck’s sake. Of course, I am. Do none of you see that this guy is a total player? He’s putting on this fake Australian bullshit charm, and he’s wearing a goddamn Speedo for a bathing suit. Am I the only person who sees how crazy this is? I can’t believe Hayes isn’t concerned.”

“I guess Speedos are back in style. Maybe it’s an Australian thing,” he said with a sarcastic chuckle.

“That motherfucker is from Jersey. This is outrageous.”

River raised a brow. “You seem pretty worked up, King. You sure there isn’t something more going on? You’ve been a little edgy lately, and for most people, it wouldn’t be noticeable. But when fucking happy-go-lucky Kingston seems moody, it’s noticeable.”

I rolled my eyes, my gaze moving from Selena back to Saylor. I couldn’t see her dipshit boyfriend’s hands, as they were hidden in the water, and I was two seconds from diving off this dock and finding out what he was up to.

“Let’s see… I’ve got two huge renovations going on, we’re trying to get the bookstore open for Saylor so she can start making money, it’s fucking bee season, so I’m constantly on the lookout, and my brother won’t stop harassing me about being edgy.”

He raised a brow and studied me. “Dude. You were stung by a bee when you were a toddler. Are you seriously going to do this every spring for the rest of your life?”

“Hmmm… I nearly died. I wonder why I overreact to bee season?” I tried to hide my smile because I knew my fear of bees was irrational. But those little black-and-yellow fuckers had me on edge.

And now this muscle man in a Speedo made me want to go all caveman. It made no sense.

“I was there, remember? Your lips swelled, and you got a rash on your face. You did not almost die.”

“Well, Grammie said it was bad. And they rushed me to the hospital, where an actual doctor told her the next time could be worse. Second-time allergies can be deadly. And I don’t remember your law degree coming with a medical license.”

“Then get a fucking EpiPen and stop whining.”

“That is a very insensitive attitude, River.” I tried to act annoyed, but the whole thing did sound slightly comical. “You better check yourself before you think about making a baby with Ruby. You can’t be a dick and a father. It doesn’t work.”

“I’ll work on it,” he said, as everyone started climbing out of the water and onto the dock.

“We’re getting hungry,” Ruby said, as she wrapped a towel around herself and dropped to sit on my brother’s lap.

Selena was next, and she did the same. I never minded a beautiful woman sitting on my lap, but for whatever reason, I just wasn’t feeling it romantically with her. I liked her enough. I wrapped my arms around her when she shivered, and I kissed her cheek. We hadn’t done more than make out, and I knew she wanted more. But something was holding me back. I’d found excuses to cut our nights short every time we went out, usually blaming work.

“Come on, lover boy. You can help me cook the burgers and dogs,” my brother said, as he pushed to his feet, and I helped Selena stand.

“Can I help, too?” Cutler shouted, running toward me as I caught him on a whoosh.

“You know it, Beefcake. And I’m a master on the barbecue, so I’ll teach you my skills,” I said, following River through the yard.

I set Cutler down when we got to the house and used the towel to dry off his hair, and he followed me into the kitchen.

This little dude was basically all of ours. We’d all been in his life since the day he came into the world, and I loved him in a way I didn’t even know possible.

Ruby followed us into the kitchen next and helped River pull out the platters of meat and started making a salad. I grabbed a beer before reaching for the milk and chocolate syrup to make my little dude his drink of choice. We all kept chocolate syrup at our homes for him, because chocolate milk was his favorite.

“I think I want to get a swimsuit like Coach has.”

My head spun around, and I gaped at him. “Abso-freaking-lutely not. Beefcake! You do not want to rock a Speedo.”

Ruby and River’s loud laughter filled the room. But I didn’t find this funny at all. It was our job to mold the little guy, and short-shorts and Speedos were not a good fashion choice.

“Why? I think it looks cool.”

“Well, if you want to wear colorful underpants that don’t leave anything to the imagination, I guess it’s a choice,” I grumped as I poured the milk into the glass and stirred in the chocolate.

“Maybe he’s got nothing to hide,” River said, knowing exactly how to provoke me.

“Listen, it’s not about having something to hide. I don’t like the look, that’s all I’m saying. You want to leave a lady guessing, Beefcake. Let your personality do the talking.”

“Uncle River says that you have a colorful personality, Uncle King. I want to have a colorful personality, just like you.”

I handed him his glass of milk and clinked my beer bottle to his. “You’ve got it in spades, buddy.”

“I do like my trunks a lot. And I don’t know if they make those small suits like Coach has with little dinosaurs on them.”

“We can look into it if it’s something you want to try out,” River said, a wicked grin on his face.

“I’d just need to make sure my sea monster fits inside that kind of suit, right, Uncle King?”

“Correct. You need to keep your sea monster real safe.”

“Seriously? You called it a sea monster?” Ruby whispered so only I’d hear. Cutler had moved on to asking my brother questions about the meat he was going to cook.

“What? That’s what I called it when I was young.”

She shook her head and glanced over to make sure River was deep in conversation with Cutler. “So, Selena’s nice.”

“Yeah. She’s really nice. Great girl.”

She raised a brow before turning back and chopping cucumbers like she was a damn sous chef. “What’s your deal with Coach?”

“I told you. I’m not a fan. I don’t trust him.”

“That’s not like you, King. Do you know something that we don’t?” There was concern in her voice now, and I knew she and Saylor were close. Of course, she’d want to protect her friend.

“That’s the surprising thing. You all see what I see, yet none of you have a problem with him?”

She shook her head and smiled before leaning in again and whispering. “You sure you aren’t just jealous?”

I gasped dramatically, because theatrics were kind of my thing. “I don’t get jealous. But I am protective, and I trust my gut.”

“All right. Just don’t be so hard on the guy. He likes her, and she seems like she likes him. She deserves that, you know?”

My chest squeezed. Was I being a total dick? Had I misread the guy?

Am I fucking jealous?

“I’ll try harder. How about that?”

“That would be nice. At least give him a chance. It’s not all that serious, but I think she’s enjoying things right now.”

I took a long pull from my bottle and glanced out the window. Saylor was wearing a pink bikini, her golden skin impossible not to stare at. Her perky tits, which would fit perfectly in the palms of my hands, had my mouth watering. My gaze moved down to her flat stomach and toned, lean legs, settling at the apex of her thighs.

Good Christ. I am losing it.

I quickly shifted to look at Selena. My date. She was gorgeous. Why the fuck wasn’t I scanning her body? She was curvy and voluptuous and sexy as hell.

Why couldn’t I keep my attention there?

Right where it belonged.

It was probably my history with Saylor that made things so complicated. Our connection.

And, of course, I was attracted to her. That was completely normal. She was hot. It didn’t mean anything.

“You all right?” Ruby studied me as she tossed the veggies into the bowl.

“Of course. I’m great.” I kissed her cheek and followed my brother and Cutler out to the grill, and we got to work.

Country music played in the background, and I took it all in. The sun was still shining, and the lake glistened in the distance. Romeo, Nash, Hayes, Slade, Bobby, Coach Junk-on-display, Demi, Saylor, Selena, and Peyton were all playing football out in the yard. They called Cutler over, and I high-fived him before he jogged over to the group.

River and I moved the cooked meat to the platter just as they finished the game. Everyone helped Ruby carry the food out to the big table that I’d built for my brother as a housewarming gift years ago when he’d purchased this place. The two matching benches made it so we could all sit together.

“Where did you find a table this large, mate?” Coach asked my brother, and I made a conscious effort not to show my irritation.

“King made it for me when I bought the place,” River said.

“It’s a nice table.” Coach glanced over at me.

Maybe I was being a dick. I needed to try. Everyone else liked the dude.

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” My gaze moved to Saylor, who smiled in response.

I could do this.

Hayes didn’t seem bothered by the guy, though I knew he’d have a comment about the Speedo later.

Coach’s hand moved to caress Saylor’s shoulder, and he kissed her cheek. There was that anger again.

Yep. I definitely still don’t like the guy.

Or his stupid fucking Speedo.

“Are you sensitive to the sun? I noticed you put your shirt on as soon as you got out of the water,” Selena said, looking up at me from where she sat beside me.

“You checking me out?” I teased, and I looked up to see Saylor watching us before she quickly looked away.


Yeah, I’d made a point to keep my back turned away from Saylor while my shirt had been off. And I’d covered up as soon as I got out of the water. Normally, I liked being shirtless and showing off the goods, but I had my reasons for not doing that today.

“Well, I think it’s harder for bees to sting you through your clothing,” I said, my voice light.

“I have a nephew who’s allergic to peanuts, and my sister has to carry an EpiPen with her. I get it. It’s scary when your body has a reaction to something like that.”

“Thank you. My brother’s a real cocksucker about it, and the guys always razz me. But this time of year has me a little on edge when I’m outside.” I shrugged.

“That makes sense. I hate bees, too.” She batted her lashes.

I didn’t hate bees. I feared bees.

“When do I get to get my Ride or Die tattoo, Pops?” Cutler asked, just like he had many times before.

“We’ve talked about this, buddy. You can’t get a tattoo until you’re old enough to make a decision like that.”

“But I want to match you and all my uncles.”

“You all have the same exact tattoo?” Peyton asked, setting her corn on the cob down on her plate.

“Give or take,” River said. “We each chose different fonts and styles. And of course, King went and threw a flower on his.”

Fucking River. The guy never has much to say but manages to say exactly what he shouldn’t.

“I saw that on your shoulder before you pulled your shirt back on. It’s a yellow flower, right?” Selena asked.

“It’s a weed,” Nash said over his laughter.

I rolled my eyes and reached for my beer. “Says the guy who knows nothing about flowers.”

“It’s a dandelion,” Cutler said proudly. “Uncle King told me so.”

Keeping something under wraps in this group was next to impossible. When I got the fucking tattoo, Saylor didn’t live here, and no one was the wiser. It was my thing.

Just for me.

Maybe a little for her.

I looked up, and my gaze locked with hers briefly just as Ruby led Cutler from the table and turned the sprinklers on for him. He was running around the yard in the water as we sat there sipping our drinks, and I wanted to change the subject.

“Anywho, it’s bee season, and we should all be aware,” I said.

“I think it’s very manly to be honest about your fears,” Selena said, and I internally groaned because that was like leading a horse to water. She lined that up perfectly for the guys.

“Are we talking about King’s fears?” Hayes said with a cocky grin. “He’s got three fears, and we all know what they are.”

“That doesn’t make you a genius, you dicksicle. I’ve been telling you what they are since we were kids.” I rolled my eyes but found it hard not to laugh.

“Well, not all of us know them. What are they?” Bobby asked, and he seemed a little too excited about hearing what they were, and I shot him a glare.

The guys were all laughing now because they loved to give me shit.

“There’s no shame in being fearful of things. I think we all are,” Saylor said in my defense.

Atta girl.

This girl always had my back, and I’d always have hers.

“Agreed. But King’s fears are not what you’d expect,” River said over his laughter.

“Bees are clearly number one.” Nash nodded confidently. “And I don’t fuck with bees either, so I get it.”

“And clowns, which is fair. They used to freak me out, too,” Romeo admitted.

“Dude. Have you seen that movie where the serial killer is a clown, and he’s worn the makeup for so long that it never washes off his face? It’s stained to look like a fucking killer clown for the rest of his life.” I shivered, and everyone laughed some more.

“I like clowns,” Coach said.

Of course, you do. You also like Speedos, so we aren’t going to trust your judgment.

“Good for you. I hope you don’t find yourself in a dark alley with a serial killer clown and invite him in for a beer.” I raised a brow.

“I’ll keep that in mind, mate. What’s the last one?”

I never hid who I was. I was the life of the party. A perpetual good time. I’d also throw down and fight for the people I loved. I’d fought dudes much larger than I was and walked away without a scratch. I worked hard to build my business, and I put in long hours.

But I didn’t hide the fact that there were three fucking things in this world that I did not care for.




“White vans. Our boy can spot a white van from a mile away,” River said.

“I drive a white van,” Coach said. “I haven’t used it much because I can walk everywhere in Magnolia Falls. Why don’t you like white vans?”


There you go.

My work here is done.

If I had a mic, I’d be dropping it onstage right about now.

This fucker likes clowns and drives a white van.

Saylor’s head fell back in hysterical laughter, and everyone followed suit. It must have been the knowing look on my face.

Coach is clearly a serial killer.

“Are you going to tell me you have a part-time job as a beekeeper, and you have a clown suit hidden in your white van?”

“You’re hilarious, mate.” Coach chuckled.

I wasn’t fucking kidding. And he wasn’t fucking Australian.

“Uncle King, come and chase me!” Cutler called out from a few feet away, and I was on my feet and jogging toward him.

I ran into the water with him and scooped him up, bringing us both to the ground to wrestle. He was giggling, and he pushed me over so he was kneeling beside me and started tickling me.

I rolled onto my stomach and laughed, just as a sharp pain poked me in the groin.

It only took seconds to register what had happened.

I’d been stung by a motherfucking bee.

Hell hath no fury like a man under attack.

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