Forbidden by Fate

Chapter 5

**Callum’s POV**

My lungs burned with the need for oxygen as I hunkered down to the ground, pushing myself harder and faster through the opening in the forest. Alpha O’ Connor stood just ahead, watching intently as we breached the clearing. The rumble of the earth beneath my feet told me the others were fast approaching. Not today, I thought to myself as I sucked in a sharp breath.

I had spent the last six agonizing months forcing myself into my training, hoping beyond reason it would dull the ache of grief that now permanently resided in my chest. But nothing eased that pain. Nothing except a blue-eyed, curly haired beauty that was absolutely off limits. Emersyn’s smile as she walked away from me last night would be permanently etched into my mind forever.

She was giving up on me. I couldn’t blame her. I had spent the last few months avoiding her. I couldn’t imagine losing anything else, especially her. So, I did what I thought was reasonable and distanced myself from her. I could see the hurt in her eyes, but I couldn’t risk anymore heartaches. I was barely hanging on since losing my parents.

“Get your head out of your ass, Murphy!” Maverick said as he shot past me with a huge grin.

I silently cursed under my breath, picking up my pace to match his. “No fucking way, you prick!”

We both were pushing our bodies to their full potential as we fought desperately to outmaneuver one another. Alpha watched intently as we both crossed the finish line simultaneously. I muttered under my breath, cursing myself for getting distracted.

“I had you,” Maverick said, sucking in sharp bursts of air.

“Did you?” I said, grinning back. “Because I am pretty sure you about got your ass handed to you.”

“Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades,” Maverick joked.

Alpha O’ Connor smiled, patting us both on the backs as he said, “Boys, we all know that if I was out there, I would have whooped both your asses.”

Maverick snorted as he replied, “Callum, you hear this old man talking shit?”

I laughed as Alpha shot back, “Old man, huh? Want to put your money where your mouth is?”

“Nah, I wouldn’t want to embarrass you in front of the pack!” Maverick said with a flawless smile spreading across his face.

Alpha arched a brow, “What’s that I smell? Yep, bullshit!”

Maverick and I both broke out in laughter as we waited on the remaining warriors of the pack to cross the finish line. “It’s alright Mav. We will see who’s in the back of the pack tonight?”

“You’re damn right, I think it’s going to be our fresh meat!” Maverick said as he wiped the sweat from his brow. “I can’t wait to see how my future brother-in-law measures up.”

I tried to hide the pang of jealousy that was clawing its way into my chest. “I doubt he is here to impress you. He will have other things on his mind tonight.”

“Speaking of our new friend, I need you boys to make him feel welcome.” Alpha O’ Connor said, leveling his gaze at the both of us.

“You want us to baby sit?” Maverick nearly whined.

“Maverick, I want you to do your duty as Alpha heir and get to know the man that will marry your sister. Besides, Emersyn will need to prepare for this evening’s events.” Alpha said in a no-nonsense tone.

“Alpha, you don’t need me to do that,” I pleaded with him. “I am just the orphan kid of the pack, I am nothing special.”

“Callum, never underestimate your value to this family or our pack. You are and will always play an important part. I am not asking either of you.” He said as he caught my gaze.

“Yes, sir.” We both responded in unison.

“Good, he will be here shortly. Both of you go wash up, you smell like dogs,” He said laughing as he pointed towards the packhouse.

Maverick and I began the trek back to the house in silence as my mind wandered how the hell I had gotten myself roped into this. It wasn’t bad enough that Emersyn drove me mad, but now I had to play nice with the man who was meant to take her from me.

Maverick glanced at me from the corner of his eye as he mumbled, “What’s your deal today, man?”

“Nothing,” I lied to my best friend. “I just don’t want to entertain some Alpha heir prick.”

Maverick arched a brow at me as he responded, “Well, you do a good job of keeping this Alpha heir entertained.”

“Sorry, man. I didn’t mean it like that,” I said, chastising myself for my choice in words. “I just don’t know why I am needed.”

Maverick reached out, stopping me, “Callum, he is right. You are important in this pack. One day, you will play a huge part.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” I asked, half annoyed.

“When the time is right and I take my place as Alpha, you will be my beta.” He looked at me with a serious look. “I couldn’t imagine taking on the task of becoming the Alpha without you by my side to keep me in check.”

My heart dropped as I looked back at Maverick, “Are you serious?”

“Yes, and to be honest, I am not sure why you are surprised! You are one of the best warriors in our pack, and you are more like a brother than a friend. Father approves as well,” Maverick said with a half-smile.

He knew that his father’s approval meant the world to me. I fought the urge to choke up at being offered the honor of becoming his beta. “I couldn’t imagine doing anything else with my life.”

Maverick smiled as he turned, walking towards the packhouse, “Let’s go babysit this prick!”

I laughed as I followed behind him, my mind racing with all the possibilities of how this could go wrong. I didn’t want to welcome Liam Maxwell. I wanted to rip his heart from his chest and take what was mine. But deep down I knew that it could never happen, and to be honest, I wasn’t sure Emersyn even wanted me anymore.

Once again, I had royally screwed this up. Maverick grinned as he started to run towards the house, “Bet you can’t beat me to the house!”

“The hell I can’t,” I said, heaving a sigh as I pushed myself as hard as I could to surpass him.

Leave it to Maverick to distract me from my problems, I thought to myself, laughing internally. I passed by him with ease as I reached the stairs first.

“What’s that I hear?” I said mockingly. “Victory chants!”

“Oh, shut up, you got lucky is all!” Maverick said with a gloomy look on his face.

I laughed as I rolled my eyes, “You, my friend, are a sore loser.”

Maverick grinned back as he said, “That’s because I’m always winning!”

Emersyn’s laughter floated down from the open window above the courtyard. “You two are like children,” she called out.

“Two devilishly handsome children,” I said, smiling back at her.

Her cheeks flushed as she replied, “Yeah, okay. If you say so!”

But her smile didn’t falter as she eyed me appreciatively. I grinned back at her, knowing that she was taking me in like a glass of water on a hot summer’s day. Maverick cleared his throat as he looked between the both of us.

“Well, this got weird,” he said as he ran his fingers across the stubble on his face. “We have to get ready for your new boy toy. See you tonight, Em! Let’s go, Callum.”

I gave her a faint smile as I followed Maverick into the house. He turned on me as soon as we reached the hall, “What the hell was that?”

I kept my face stoic as I asked shamelessly, “What are you talking about?”

“Murphy, she is promised to another! Whatever is going on between the both of you, cut it out!” Maverick said with anger apparent in his tone.

“There is nothing going on,” I said honestly.

“Good, keep it that way!” Maverick shot back.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I walked ahead of him before turning around, “You know I know my place, Maverick. I have done nothing.”

And I hadn’t… yet. But anger was welling in the pit of my stomach as we spoke and as I walked to the room to get ready to meet Liam fucking Maxwell, I knew I was about to do something stupid.

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