Forbidden by Fate

Chapter 15

Liam's POV

The last time I was at the Crimson Night Packhouse, I was a child, still blissfully unaware of how life was going to truly be. Since then, I had matured into a man with responsibilities and expectations weighing me down at every corner. I had learned that life was just a series of choices and consequences. Last night was a consequence of my past actions, but it only fueled me with determination to make Emersyn see I wasn’t here to simply play games anymore.

Although I still knew how to have fun and was completely willing to do whatever it took to make her smile, I needed her to understand that time was of the essence. I knew she was younger than most mated pairs; she seemed to have an old soul. Something that I couldn’t help but to admire.

I pull her chair out for her, allowing her to sit, before sliding in the seat across from her. “Did you sleep well?”

I see a flash of panic cross her face, and I worry that I have asked the wrong question. But she answers quickly, maybe too quickly, “Like a baby. And you?”

I push the thought aside, unsure of what leads me to feel a pang of suspicion before I reply, “I slept well. I dreamed I was standing naked in front of an entire group of unsuspecting pack members. Oh, wait nope, that was reality.”

Her blue eyes light with amusement as she jabs back, “Well, maybe you shouldn’t have messed with my favorite dollhouse.”

“Noted,” I say, laughing aloud. “Do you still have that old thing?”

She almost glares at me as she responds, “No, apparently the worms liked it so much they made it their new home. My father moved it to the pond, and we made the worms their own castle.”

I suppress a snort of laughter as a sly grin spread across my face, “So, you’re telling me that I gave those sweet creatures a new abode, and you resent me for that?”

She laughs as she replies, “Yes. Yes, I do.”

“Well, I will have to do my very best to make it up to you then.” I say, instantly forming a plan in my head.

Emersyn’s eyes search mine with uncertainty as she states, “I must warn you; I am hard to impress.”

I had no doubts, but she was underestimating me. “Good, there is nothing I love more than a challenge.”

A vivid smile spreads across her face as she arches a brow playfully, “You are certainly confident.”

“You have no idea,” I state honestly, keeping my gaze locked with hers as I hope she picks up my not-so-subtle hint.

I watch her swallow hard as she nervously laughs before picking her fork up and changing the subject, “The food is delicious. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

Disappointment rears its head as I smile to myself. She may not be ready to take the bait yet, but if I have my way, it won’t be long. Everything about her is intoxicating. Her scent. Her body. Her hair. And those eyes. She doesn’t realize it yet, but she is mine, and I have never wanted to claim a woman more in my life.

My eyes must linger on her longer than I meant for them to, because she nervously fidgets with a stray curl that lays upon her cheek. “Do I have something on my face?”

Laughter escapes my pursed lips as I answer slyly, “No, I was just thinking how beautiful you are.”

Her cheeks flush with a vibrant red tint at my compliment as she bashfully replies, “Thank you.”

She puts her hand back down anxiously before she asks, “What would you like to see today?”

I swallow hard as the image of her naked body standing before me last night flashes into the forefront of my mind. I definitely had some ideas about what I would like to see, but I knew that wasn’t what she meant. I clear my throat, pulling my thoughts back to the reality of the situation.

“I want to see the pack through your eyes,” I say with a grin, knowing I have chosen the right words.

She studies me for a moment as she smiles and says, “Be careful what you ask for.”

My stomach drops as I realize she is going to do her best to torment me. I hesitate, knowing I may eat these words before replying, “Hit me with your best shot.”

A grin reaches her eyes as she answers, “If you say so.”

As we finish eating, I stand, picking up our plates and taking them towards the kitchen. I can feel Emersyn’s eyes on me as she asks, “Are you always such a gentleman?”

“My mother taught me well,” I say honestly.

Emersyn smiles with admiration as she replies, “Well, she has done an amazing job. I don’t mind taking that to the kitchen.”

“I know, but I hope that this gets me in your good graces, and you realize I am not the same boy that tormented you our last visit.” I grin at her with a coy smile as I turn to walk towards the clanking sound of dishes being washed in the kitchen. “Besides, your mother asked that we come see her before we head out.”

Emersyn’s eyes light with a playful smile as she follows, “You are making it harder to want to torture you when you keep apologizing!”

A sly smile reaches the tips of my lips. “Then my master plan is working.”

“Don’t count on it.” Her eyes dance with joy as she winks at me before planting a broad grin on her face and walking into the kitchen. “Mother, you requested my presence?”

Luna O’ Connor and my mother are standing by the sink washing the morning’s dishes chuckling over something that Emersyn and I were not privy to hear. “What’s so funny?” I ask.

They exchange a bemused look before my mother answers, “Nothing you want to hear about, son. We were just reminiscing about memories of the past.”

It makes me happy to see my mother smiling. It’s rare that she can truly open up and enjoy herself, a fact that I resent my father for. My wolf growls from within, reminding me that he too loathes the man. I push the thoughts down into the box I am forced to keep them in, steadying the tremble of my hand.

Emersyn must see my subtle reaction and a glint of suspicion plays across her flawless face. I chastise myself for allowing my emotions to get the better of me, before flashing her a reassuring smile.

“Well, we are about to head out. Luna, you requested we speak to you first?” I change the subject flawlessly.

She smiles back at me effortlessly as she says, “I just wanted to be certain that you kept your clothes on.”

I nearly choked on the laughter that escaped my lips at her mother’s brazen words as Emersyn shrieks, “Mother!”

I am nearly doubled over in laughter as I reply, “Yes, ma’am.”

Emersyn’s shocked expression only further amuses me and I can’t suppress the guffaw that bursts from my lips. Her mother’s expression goes from stern to realization as she bursts into laughter as well.

“I didn’t mean it like that! I only meant we don’t want to repeat last night’s show!” Her cheeks are flushed as she tries to backtrack her last statement.

My mother is hysterically laughing by this point, wiping the tears of joy from her cheeks, as she holds her stomach from the strain. “Lorryn, stop talking.” She pleads through the laughter.

Emersyn is clearly still in shock as she replies, “Okay, if that’s all. We are leaving now!”

She shakes her head as she walks away from the pair. They hold their laughter in until we leave the room, but as soon as we grace the hallway, they burst into another fit. I watch as Emersyn bolts towards the front door and can’t help myself as I reply, “Well, that takes that off the list.”

She glares at me over her shoulder, “Well darn.”

“So, you enjoyed my performance?” I jab back. “Good to know.”

If she wasn’t going to torment me before, she sure was now. But it was worth it to see the look on her face as she replied, “You, my friend, are going to regret ever coming here.”

“Oh, am I?” I say, beaming brilliantly.

And if the look she gave me was any inkling of what the day had in store for us, it was going to be glorious.

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