Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 8


A few hours later, Skye wakes up and Sebastian isn’t in the room with her. A few minutes after she wakes up, he comes bursting into the room. “Skye!” he blurts out, “Sorry, I had to speak with my mother about you. I came back as fast as I could.”

“Y…your mother?”

“Yes, you’ll meet her at breakfast.” Skye whimpers softly in response.

“O…okay,” she eventually answers. She stands up and limps towards the walk in closet in her room. “Erm, I’m g…going to c…change.”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you outside your room.”

Skye quickly changes into casual clothing. After she’s changed, she limps out of her room and finds Sebastian waiting for her in the hallway. “I’m r…ready,” she whispers.

He takes her hand and guides her to the dining room, where his mother is already waiting for them. “Mother,” he says softly, “this is Skye, my mate. Skye, this is my mother, Charlotte.”

“Hello,” his mother says.

Skye looks at Sebastian, looking flustered. “H…hello,” she whispers.

Sebastian walks her over to the table and pulls a chair out for her. She sits down in it. He sits down next to her.

Breakfast is brought out by the omegas. Sebastian and his mother begin to eat once the food is served. Skye begins to pick at the food, too nervous to eat.

“Skylar,” Sebastian says softly, “stop picking at your food and eat.”

She blushes and begins to nibble on the food nervously. “So,” Charlotte says, “according to my son, you’re half witch, is that true?”

Skye chokes on the food that she’s eating. Sebastian gently hits her back, allowing her to breathe again. “Y…yes,” she answers.

“And your witch side is stronger than your wolf side?”

“Y…yes, I’ll be a…able to s…shift o…once...if S…Sebby m…marks me.”

“What type of magic are you able to use?”

“M…most k…kinds, I m…mostly use s…summoning and t…taming m…magic t…though.”

Charlotte looks surprised. “Taming and summoning magic?”

“Y…yes, the a…animals I t…tame a…are m…my f…friends. I t…tame them and t…then I make t…them into m…my f…familiars.”

“You mean the manticore that was with you when you were found is one of your familiars?”

“C…Cairo? Y…yes.”

“How many familiars do you have?”

“L…let me t…think….” Skye begins to count on her fingers and mumble to herself. “There’s Cairo, Haku, Ash, Shadow, Talon, Faye, Fluffy…”

“Wait, wait! What creatures do you have?”

“Haku is a w…white l…liger, Ash is a p…phoenix, Shadow is an e…ebony horse, T…Talon is a griffin, F…Faye is a f…fairy, F…fluffy has t…three h…heads….”

“How on earth did you find all of them?”

“Erm, I m…moved a…around a l…lot…”

“What do you mean you moved around?” Sebastian asks.

“Urm, A…Alpha Nathan h…had me d…doing a l…lot o…of e…errands.”

“What errands?” Skye mumbles something so quietly that neither Sebastian nor Charlotte hear her. “What? I can’t hear you!”

“I h…had t…to k…kill p…people…” Skye whispers, looking ashamed.

“Like an assassin?”

“Yes, I s…suppose s…so.”

Sebastian glances at his mother, who has the same expression as her son. “Why’d you have to assassinate people?” Charlotte asks.

“A…Alpha N…Nathan didn’t g…give me a c…choice. If I d…didn’t d…do w…what he told me to, h…he’d…”

“What would he do to you?”

“W…whip m…me. S…sometimes, he threatened to w…whip G…Gray and T…Theo.”

“Is that why you have so much scarring on your back?” Sebastian asks, “From being whipped?”

“Y…yes, A…Alpha N…Nathan n…never l…let i…it h…heal p…properly.”

Sebastian’s expression softens. “Do they hurt?”


“Are you able to summon your familiars now?”

“N…now? Y…yes, if y…you want m…me t…to.” Skye waves her hand and Cairo, Haku, and Ash appear. Cairo and Kohaku softly chuff at her before rubbing themselves against their master.

“They’re smaller than I thought they’d be.”

“O…oh, t…they can c…change s…sizes. I…it u…uses m…my mana when t…they change sizes, but doesn’t b…bother me u…usually since I h..have an abnormal amount of m…mana.”

“Abnormal amount?”

“Erm, it b…broke the m…mana measuring c…crystal…”

“Broke it? That’s definitely abnormal.”

“Y…yeah, m…may I be e…excused?”

“Of course, dear.”

“E…excuse me.” Skye gets up and retreats to her bedroom.


“So,” he asks his mother, “what do you think of her?” “She’s not at all what I thought she’d be like. She seems very…”

“Nervous and shy?”

“Yes, I supposed that’s warranted considering what she’s been through.”

“Will you accept her then?”

Charlotte sighs. “Yes, for now. You let me know if she causes any trouble though.”

“I will. I doubt she’ll start trouble on purpose though. I’m going to go check on her. She was really nervous about meeting you.”

He walks upstairs and knocks on her bedroom door. “Skye?” he calls out, “Are you in there? Are you okay?”

“I’m okay!” Skye answers.

“May I come in?”


Sebastian walks into the room. Skye is laying down on the bed. “Skye? You look pale. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Y…yes, I t…threw up, t…that’s all.”

“What? If you threw up, you aren’t okay! Come with me!” He grabs her hand and takes her downstairs to his mother.

“Sebastian?” Charlotte asks, sounding confused, “What’s going on?”

“Mom,” Sebastian begins, “do you know what helps with morning sickness?”

Charlotte looks surprised. “Why are you asking about morning sickness?” Skye blushes and looks away. Charlotte’s eyes narrow. “Sebastian, is she pregnant?”

“Yes, she is.”

Charlotte sighs, “Is the baby yours? Sebastian, this is something you needed to tell me when you first told me you found your mate!”

“It’s not his,” Skye whispers softly, “I…we…erm…”

“It’s Alpha Nathan’s.”


“Mom, it isn’t what you think! She…she…”

Skye blushes again and refuses to make eye contact with Charlotte. “I…I’m s…sorry,” she whispers.

“The two boys that were with her are also his. Their names are Gray and Theo.”

“How far along are you?”

“13 weeks…with twins…”



Charlotte sighs again. “I take it you’ve been quite sick?”


“And Angela has prescribed you medication to help with the nausea already?” Skye nods her head again. “Try to eat smaller meals throughout the day and avoid smells and foods that you know you’ll react to.”

“O…okay, I’ll try.” She begins to limp out of the room.

“Skylar?” Charlotte says.

Skye stops and whispers, “Y…yes?”

“You’re limping.”

“Y…yes, erm…I i…injured leg when I was y…younger. I…it wasn’t able to h…heal p…properly.”

“Has Angela looked at it yet?”



“I’ll have Angela look at it for you.” Sebastian says, “okay?”


“Come, let’s go find Angela.” He takes her hands and begins to lead her somewhere. She follows him quietly.

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