Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 24


Meanwhile in the kitchen, Sebastian hands Gray and Theo glasses of milk. “No!” Gray shouts, “Don’t want!”

“Gray, drink the milk,” Sebastian says, “You need to calm down. We aren’t going back until you do. You’re stressing your mother out.”

Gray sniffles and wipes his tears away. “Mama?” he whispers.

“Yes, your mama.”

Gray takes the milk and sips on it, slowly drinking it. Once he finishes it, he looks up at Sebastian and asks, “See mama now?”

“Have you calmed down enough?” Sebastian answers. Gray nods. “Alright, let’s go. Theo come with us.”

Gray takes Theo’s hand and they return to the living room, Sebastian follows closely behind. Their mother is sitting on the couch, with her eyes closed. Charlotte has Silas and Celeste on the floor. Gray wanders over to her. “Mama?” he murmurs, “I sorry.”

Her eyes open. “It’s okay, G…Gray,” she whispers, sounding tired.

He climbs onto the couch and rests his head in her lap. “Mama tired?”


“Mama sleep?”

“I d…don’t…”

“Skylar,” Charlotte interrupts, “rest, it’s okay. Alice and I will keep an eye on the children.”


“Skylar, don’t argue with me.”


“Gray, why don’t you and Theo play together, so you’re mom can rest.”

“Okay!” Gray slides off the couch and begins to play with toys. Theo sits down next to him and begins to play with him.

Skye curls up on the couch and tries to sleep. Sebastian sits on the couch and allows her to rest her head on his lap. “S…Sebby,” she murmurs, “s…stay.”

“Shh, sleep,” he whispers, “I’ll be here when you wake up.” She nuzzles her face into his abdomen before falling asleep. Sebastian sighs and runs his fingers through her hair. “Mom? Do you think she’s a good mother?”

“Who?” Charlotte answers, her attention completely on Silas and Celeste.


Charlotte’s expression softens. “Yes, I do. She has a lot to learn though.”

Sebastian continues to softly speak to his mother about Skye as she sleeps. After two hours, Silas and Celeste start to fuss again. “What’s wrong with them?” Sebastian asks.

“They’re probably hungry again.”

“They ate two hours ago!”

“Babies eat more often than you and I do. It’s normal.”

“Should I wake Skye up?” Charlotte nods as she tries to calm Silas and Celeste down. He gently shakes Skye. “Skylar, wake up.

After a few shakes, her eyes open, “S…Sebby?” she mumbles sleepily, “What’s going on?”

“The twins are hungry again.”

“O…oh.” She slowly sits up and rubs the sleep out of her eyes. Charlotte brings Silas and Celeste over to her and she begins to breastfeed them again.

Charlotte watches quietly as Skye feeds the twins. “You look exhausted,” she says softly, “Honey, have you eaten today?”

“N…no,” Skye whispers.

“Sweetheart, you need to eat more if you’re going to breastfeed. You’ll make yourself ill if you don’t.”


Charlotte nods. “Your body won’t produce as well if it doesn’t have enough fuel.”

“That m…makes sense. I d..didn’t eat w…well w…when G…Gray and T…Theo were b…born. I s…still p…produced m…milk t…though.”

“Really? How did you feel while you were breastfeeding?”

“Really tired. I g…guess m…maybe e…eating more m…might help.”

“It will, trust me. Now, I’m going to get you something to eat. I’ll be right back.” Skye nods and watches as Charlotte leaves the room. By the time Charlotte returns, the twins are finished eating. “Here, honey, switch with me.”

Charlotte takes Silas and Celeste from her and gives her a plate with some salmon and potatoes on it. Skye begins to eat quietly. She watches Charlotte as she rocks the twins to sleep. “C…Charlotte?” she whispers while eating.

“What is it, sweetheart?” Charlotte answers.

“Are….I…am…” Skye looks flustered.

“It’s okay, honey. Take your time.”

“E…Erm, is there a…any w…way t…that I c…can s…store…store…” She blushes, unable to finish her sentence.

“Your breastmilk?” Skye nods, still looking embarrassed. “Sweetheart, there’s no need for you to feel embarrassed. It’s a natural part of life.”


“Now you can store your breastmilk in the freezer. It’s best if you try to set up a pumping schedule, so other complications don’t arise.”


“You don’t know what that means?” Skye shakes her head. Charlotte sighs. “Let me think of a comparison….you know how we get milk right?”

“From cows.”

“We have to milk the cow to get the milk. It’s sort of like that.”

“D…does it h…hurt?”

“No, it shouldn’t. If it does, you need to decrease the suction on the breast pump.”

Skye still looks uncertain. “W…what if I c…can’t f…figure it o…out?”

“That’s why I’m here.”

“I’ll t…try.”

“Great, I’ll order you a breast pump. Once it’s here, I can show you how to use it.”

Skye nods. “Are you okay, Skye?” “Sebastian asks softly.

“I’m just tired,” Skye responds.

“Finish eating and you can go back to sleep.” She quietly finishes the plate of food and sets the plate aside before laying down again. She falls asleep rather quickly after she lays down.

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