Forbidden (Blood Ties Book 7)

: Chapter 30

Her mouth was stretched wide, just like her legs with my brother’s hand buried deep between them. Kane’s fingers came away slick as he spread her pussy, dragging his fingers around her clit, before he pushed in once more.

“Fuck me.” One guard croaked, staring at the live video from inside the deprivation room.

Fuck me indeed.

Her gaze was fixed on Kane’s. That desperate, tortured need to climax blazing in those dark eyes. He had her hair fisted in his grip, his lips moving in words we couldn’t hear.

Good fucking girl. He mouthed.

She was a good fucking girl.

So…fucking good.

And my brother was using her just how a Daughter should be used. Her senses dulled in there, until there was just him and what he was doing to her.

My nostrils flared and my jaw clenched as I bared my teeth at the low guttural groans in the room.

I should’ve kept her secret and cuffed to my bed. Leaving only the stain of my fingers on her soul and the scent of my come in her cunt. I wanted her…I wanted her.

Harder, she mouthed. Please…please, use me.

Her hair was fisted in his other hand. But it was her beautiful pussy we all stared at. The shine of her come so fucking bright on the camera as she lifted her ass, driving his fingers deeper inside. Until with a silent cry, she shuddered…and collapsed, giving in to the wave of euphoria I could almost feel clamping around my hard cock. And if I felt that, I was damn sure every other male in this room did as well.

But my brother wasn’t done. No, he pulled his fingers from her cunt and worked the button of his trousers. His cock sprang out…hard as a fucking rod, and she knew just what to do.

He drove in all the way, using the fuck out of her mouth. Saliva drooled from her lips until that hunger turned into the overwhelming urge to breathe.

She bucked, jerking out of his hold, beating against his thighs until he pulled out.

Heaving breaths consumed her. She looked up at him with a mixture of fear and pleasure.

It was that look that sealed the deal.

Making the hunter in all of us rise to the surface.

He knew they were all watching.

And this was the only way we had to secure her position with the others and deliver her right where we needed her to be. In the black site where Hale waited.

Heavy breaths were the only sounds in the room. All eyes were on her…and I didn’t like it one fucking bit. My fingers ached to feel the cold steel of a gun, one I’d aim at every ravenous fucking gaze in this room. I clenched my jaw, biting down on my rage as I turned my head.

One guard tried to fix himself and turned away. But it was the steely stare of Coulter fixed on the camera that pissed me more.

Turn your head, motherfucker…while you still have a head to turn.

If it had been anyone else, I would’ve had the bastard against the wall with cold steel pushed between his teeth. But he wasn’t just anyone else, and the longer I watched Coulter, the deeper that desperation moved. His skin looked almost white in the screen’s glow. He was mesmerized, never once shifting his gaze from the display.

“I want her.” He said quietly.

My gut clenched.

What the fuck did he say?

I scowled.

Goddamn motherfucker.

Thoughts of violence filled my head. My body trembled, fighting against the need to launch myself across the room and tear out his goddamn eyes with my fingers. He turned his head in that moment, that stony stare fixed on mine.

“Make it happen.” He commanded like I was his fucking dog.

My voice shook with rage. “It doesn’t work like that. There are contracts and money. Only Hale signs off on—”

He turned and stepped closer, cutting me off. “In case you haven’t yet caught on, Hale Order is under new management…me. So when I say I want something.” He turned his head and stared at Helene in the camera as she sat naked and panting on the floor. “I want it.”

He turned back to me, holding my stare. “So, will you make the arrangements, or do I need to do that myself?”

“I’ll do it.” I forced the words through clenched teeth, my mind racing. “After the Daughter has completed the training requirements.”

His nostrils flared. Hate glinted. “Fine.” He answered. “But not a second longer.”

He looked once more at the screen where she waited, before he turned around and strode from the room.

This wasn’t over. That I knew. Not by a long shot.

I glanced toward where Thomas watched the interaction. His bloody stare followed Coulter, watching his men leave with him, but not before two of them looked back at Helene on the screen.

“We have a problem,” Thomas murmured. “A very big problem.”

I needed her to pass as a Daughter, but not once had I ever thought anyone would want her contract, not like this. Still, I should’ve known. There was something about her, and it was more than defiance. It was power, a lethal mess that was intoxicating.

I should know.

I’d tasted it a number of times.

A nerve twitched at the corner of my eye. There was no fucking way I was having a piece of shit like Coulter anywhere near her. “So it seems.” I answered my brother before I turned and strode from the room.


Goddamn. Motherfucker.

I grabbed my cell as I headed back along the hallway. My fingers raked my hair back. I felt desperate, desperate enough to swipe my fingers across the screen and type out a message:

You’d better have something for me.

Then I hit send, casting it into the black void of nothing.

It may as well be that for all the fucking response I got.

I ground my teeth and stopped walking. The urge to put my fist through the damn wall was overwhelming.

I want her.

Those words swirled inside my head until they were all I could think of. They felt like pebbles thrown into a well, and the ripples echoed in my mind until everything else was stilled.

I want her. I. Want. Her.

My pulse sped.

Her stretched mouth and silent cry of release were all I could see.


I jerked at the sound and looked down to my cell.

They’ve received communication to move them.

They’re moving them? Panic and fear moved in. My fingers trembled as I typed. When?

I waited.

And waited.


Still, there was no response, until.


That’s for you to find out.

“Fuck.” I whispered, my mind racing.

I needed a way in. Something. I kept on walking, heading back along the corridor until I got to my office, then unlocked the door and stepped in.

They were moving them. It wasn’t the time…they knew the structure of the programming. Brainwashing was a very fragile technique. One missed step, one rushed experience could have disastrous consequences.

First we broke them, then we rebuilt.

Maybe they didn’t care about that?

They would when we delivered a shipment of ‘assets’ who were mentally shattered and prepared to kill the man who’d just paid a million dollars for his very own personal whore.

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. As enticing as that might be to watch, the reality was very different, especially now Helene was involved.

I want her.

The smile died.

In case you haven’t yet caught on, Hale Order is under new management…me.

“Let’s just see about that, shall we?” I murmured and started typing, finding my way into the database.

There had to be something here. Some kind of information that would help me out.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I logged into each new file listed and scanned the data of the logged shipments. Nothing.

Every Daughter was listed here, along with where they’d come from. Everything but where they were going. I scrolled until I found the name…Helene.

Her name, her history. Even if it was fake.

Each step, from the time she was a child to the time she’d arrived here. I stared at the details, knowing instantly what the Hunter had done.

I’d asked for her to be put in the system.

I’d asked for her to be hidden.

And he had.

I stared at the screen and the image of the woman who looked almost identical to Helene King…she should be, after all, she was her sister.


Christ, this whole thing was a fucking mess.

We should never have been here…and nor should our sister.

I tore my gaze from the image of Helene superseded over her sister’s details and kept on moving.

The New Order.

I stilled, scowling. What the fuck?

I hit the button.

Access denied.

My jaw clenched. I tried again.


In case you haven’t yet caught on, Hale Order is under new management…me.

“The fuck it is.” I forced the words through clenched teeth and rose.

Rage boiled within me. No one will dare touch a single strand of her hair.

Protect her.

That same savage hunger filled me now as it had before when I’d burst into the apartment to see her at the hands of that fucking guard.

I’d killed for her before.

And I’d kill again. I’d kill them all if I had to…until she and my brothers were the last ones standing.

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