Forbidden (Blood Ties Book 7)

: Chapter 28

“That…what you did today was…goddamn impressive.”

I slowly lifted my gaze from the edge of the large command center desk in front of me and met Coulter’s ugly fucking stare. His eyes sparkled, glinting with the hunger men like him come to a place like this for.


He waited while the room fell silent around us, a tiny scowl the only indication that I needed to speak.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” I answered.

My tone was hollow, so fucking hollow I felt numb, like I existed in a drum of depravity. Thoughts of violence played out inside my head. My palm ached for the feel of a gun, or a knife…or anything, for that matter. I wanted to hack and claw and shoot my way through this room, killing everyone and everything.

Then I wanted to burn this entire place to the ground.

And all the fucking cruel things I’d done here.

Then me along with it.

I am your blade now, Daughter. The honed edge of the razor you crave.

…and the drug you can never escape.

Never. Escape.

I’d shattered her mind.

Broken it into a thousand tiny pieces to recreate my will.

What I’d done to her, to someone so full of rage and life and power…could never be forgiven.

My fist clenched at my side.

And it was all because of them.

These fucking vermin.

“Marks still hasn’t returned.” One guard looked up from his cell and spoke. “And he’s not answering my calls.”

Coulter scowled and shook his head. “That’s not like him. I want him located, immediately.”


The sound of a neck snapping rose in my head. The heavy weight of his body surfaced. They wouldn’t find Marks…no matter how hard they looked, not unless they could commune with the dead.

“If he will not answer my goddamn messages, then I’ll use the locator.”

I jerked my gaze his way. “Locator? What locator?”

He didn’t answer, just took a seat in front of his computer, which he’d now set up in the large conference room. He and his men were like locusts, invading and consuming every section of this goddamn place, and slowly choking us out.

“I’ll find him.” Coulter muttered as he typed.

I took a step closer, going as close as I dared. He pulled up a GPS screen on the monitor and, with the strokes of a few commands, brought the map of the compound to life with tiny, moving green dots.

He hovered over one and it instantly revealed the guard’s name and last known location. My pulse sped, filling me with panic. I took a step backwards, turned, and headed for the door.

My fingers shook as I lengthened my strides. My mind raced with all the possible scenarios as I pulled up my messages and typed: They have a fucking tracking system for the guards. MOVE THE BODY NOW!

I hit send, then delete, shoving my cell back into my pocket. My damn hand shook, causing me to clench my fist as I kept on walking. This was sliding through my fingers, all in the space of a matter of days.

Days for me.

But an eternity for her.

I winced and kept on walking, slammed my card against the scanner and pushed through the doors.

You are nothing but my entertainment…

Nothing but a string to pluck.

I rounded the corner and found Walker standing sentry outside her door. He jerked his gaze toward me. The semi-automatic in his hand had nothing to do with any attempt at escape and everything to do with her protection.

After today, she had a target on her back…and on her body.

“Boss.” Walker murmured.

I glanced at the darkened room, then turned to him. “Any problems?”

By problems, I meant with the guards.

“A few came by to check on her. They were told to kindly fuck off.”

I gave a nod, my focus shifting to the dark room once more. She didn’t eat at dinner, nor did she drink. She’d just sat there staring with that same glazed fucking expression. I’d told her not to do this…I’d told her…I’d fucking told her…

“I’ll take it from here.” I said, my heart hurting.

“Here.” Walker handed me his weapon. “Call me if you need me.”

I took the gun and waited long enough for him to leave before I dared step closer. There was no movement inside, nothing more than fucking darkness.

I tried to swallow past the ache in my throat as I unlocked her door and stepped inside. Light spilled deeper into the room and fell across the curled body in the middle of her cot as she faced the wall.

The lock clicked as I closed the door behind me. I waited for a reaction. There was none.


She didn’t move. Was she asleep?

I stepped closer, hating the weight of the gun in my hand.

“I tried to warn you, Trouble.” I murmured.

She turned her head and those empty eyes found mine. I’d done this to her. I’d done this to her. My fingers bucked and danced, trembling as I brushed her cheek. “But you just wouldn’t listen, would you?”

She shifted on the bed, turning her body toward me.

But it wasn’t her…not anymore.

It was the programming and the seeds I’d planted deep inside her brain.

Seeds that would eventually grow into vines and choke whatever might’ve been between us.

I didn’t deserve it, anyway.

I brushed my thumb down her cheek, staring into those vacant eyes. Still, I couldn’t stop myself. Not that I ever could have…where she was concerned.

I leaned down, closed my eyes, and brushed my lips across hers. Warmth met mine. In my head, I still saw her cuffed to my bed in the house in the city, spitting words full of poison and rage.

Ahh…Trouble. Agony ripped through my chest, the kind that made a man like me weak. Because I was weak when it came to her. I’d known she was my undoing the moment she’d stepped in front of my car. My hand drifted down and cupped her breast. She let out a soft moan that spilled out of her throat and into my mouth.

I swallowed that sound, drinking it down like a man dying of thirst. The kiss deepened. My touch grew more desperate, sliding to thumb her nipple. I pulled away from her mouth to lower my head.

“Spread.” I commanded.

She obeyed instantly. There was no fight, no ‘fuck you’, just submission. I couldn’t stop myself, couldn’t slow. I gripped the soft flesh of her thighs as I sank my face between them, licking her through the lace of her lingerie.

Just a taste.

To know she was real.

My balls tightened. My cock swelled.

I ran my thumb along the crease of her pussy, pushing against her clit.

That soft moan turned louder, and I was lost in the taste of her. To the feel of her touch as her fingers slid through my hair, and the sound of that throaty hunger. My fingers didn’t tremble now as I tugged the elastic aside and parted the lips of her cunt.

I needed her.

Like my life depended on it.

Like my entire existence was made for this.

I looked up, staring into that vacant expression as she looked down at me.

Some part of me knew this was wrong, that this wasn’t her.

But I was a bastard.

I knew that.

A. Selfish. Savage. Monster. Not fit for anything as fucking perfect as her.

Not really.

The scales of justice had already weighed my soul…and there was no coming back from hell. I knew that…still…staring into those dark, empty eyes, part of me wished for more.

“Do you…” I croaked and swallowed, trying to wet my mouth. “Do you want me to stop?”

“Never.” She whispered. “I never want you to stop.”

Her fingers lazily touched me, trailing down around to the back of my head, before she pushed me back down. “Do whatever you want with me. Yours to command. Obey. Release. Owned. That’s what I am…I’m owned by you.”

I flinched and yanked my head away, my fingers sliding from the warmth of her pussy as I stumbled backwards.

She followed the movement, scowling and pushed upwards. The elastic cut into the soft flesh of her pussy. I stared at what I wanted and licked my lips.

“Please.” She murmured. “Don’t leave me.”

For a second, that emptiness in her eyes flickered with life. The corners of her mouth trembled as she glanced around the darkened room like she was taking it in for the first time. “Riven?”

Desperation surged, forcing me to lunge forward. I grabbed her, pulling her close. “Trouble.”

“Where…where the fuck am I?”

And just like that, she was back, roaring to life with the tang of disdain in her tone. I smiled, pulling her closer. “With me. You’re safe, baby. You’re safe.”

She gripped my shirt, holding on and lifting her gaze to mine. I felt her body tremble. I felt every goddamn thing with her…maybe a little too much.

“Don’t go.” She whispered. “I need you.”

My will buckled, bowing under the loneliness in those dark brown eyes. I lowered my head, pulling her upwards. “I won’t leave you.”

Tears shimmered in her eyes. I knew it was because of the conditioning. Still, to see her in pain was a knife hacking its way into my chest.

She lifted her head and kissed me, and that same hunger came roaring back, more dangerous than ever before. I lifted her, driving her back against the small cot. The legs squealed against the floor, but it didn’t matter, none of it mattered.

“Lie back.” I urged. “Let me take care of you.”

She eased back onto the cot. I did the only thing I could…I became the monster she needed. The one who’d steal her from this place…if only for a moment. My fingers trailed down her body, dragging over the peak of her breast until they fell further.

Wetness met the tips as I pushed against the lace between her legs. I didn’t even have to command her. Instead, her legs opened, her knees crooked to gain an extra inch. She wanted to be open for me, parted and dripping.

I broke the stare and looked down, to find my fingers disappearing into her body. I couldn’t stop them trailing upwards to find the proud hood of her clit. “So swollen.” I murmured, meeting her stare.

Moisture dripped from between her thighs. Fuck, she was slick. My circular motions made her shudder.

“Please,” she panted, grabbing hold of my forearm. “Please.”

“Please what, Trouble?” I moved, craning my neck to dip my head between her thighs.

Her ass clenched and tendons strained, driving her legs as far apart as they’d go. Such a needy little thing. “You ache to be fucked, don’t you?”

Her fingers speared through my hair as I tugged the sodden elastic to the side.

“Wider.” I commanded, reaching down to grasp under her knee and lift.

I angled my body sideways, spreading her wide with my fingers as I licked all the way along her slit.

“Oh, God. Don’t stop.” She moaned, driving her hips higher.

I sucked her clit, drawing it gently into my mouth. “Don’t worry.” I speared her with two fingers, driving all the way inside. “I don’t plan to.”

My cock jerked, making me desperately thrust against the cot. I pulled my fingers out and reached for my belt. Slick fingers slid against the leather as I fumbled and yanked, shoved the button open, and opened my pants.

One yank on her parted thigh and I pulled her half off the cot. One crooked leg held her in place as I shoved my boxers down and thrust, driving all the way inside.



Sweat beaded along my brow. I couldn’t slow, couldn’t stop…even if I’d wanted to.

And I didn’t want to.

Not anymore.

“You’re mine.” I grunted, holding her stare as I drove all the way inside her.

I was like a man possessed.

A man ravenous with a hunger far more powerful than money or greed.

I wanted her.

All of her.

Her body.

Her mind.

Her soul.

I wanted it all.

“Tell me.” I grunted, desperately yanking out of her to drop my head. “Tell me you’re mine.”

I licked and sucked, my tongue stroking until she whimpered. “I’m yours. Please, I’m yours.”

I roared like an animal, bucking my hips until her warmth closed around me. “Come for me, Trouble…come…for…me.”

Her eyes were wild, full of panic and pleasure. “Make me come.” She whimpered. “Please, Principal. Make me come.”

One last thrust.

She clamped tight around me.

I was too far gone, even as I registered the name.

She’d called me Principal. I moaned as I drove deep inside and stilled. She’d called me…Principal.

I slammed my eyes closed and spilled inside her.

It didn’t matter. None of it mattered. Only this…only her…only us.

But what if she talked?

I opened my eyes, finding her empty stare again and her parted lips.

I unleashed a low moan. I hadn’t thought about that. Hadn’t even imagined she might be so conditioned now that she’d tell anyone everything. I pulled out of her and gently grabbed her chin. “You won’t say anything to anyone about this. Do you understand?”

She stared at me, then slowly nodded her head.

Some part of me didn’t believe her. I looked down to where my come shone against the insides of her thighs. Christ, she reeked of sex…our kind of sex. I tucked myself away. My mind raced, trying to figure it out. But I was a conniving bastard, and I knew there was no way I could ever leave her alone.

I wanted to fuck her.

And keep fucking her.

Until I forgot the bastard I was.

And the things I’d done to her.

“Repeat after me. I won’t tell anyone about what we do.”

“I won’t tell anyone about what we do.” She whispered.

I eased back, tugging her red lingerie back in place.

I’d need to take better care. Watch her more. Be fucking vigilant.


My cell chimed, breaking the spell.

I reached down and grabbed it, reading the text.

All taken care of. We need to be more careful.

We did. I met that desolate stare and knew I couldn’t do this on my own.

She flinched as I leaned closer and kissed her forehead. “My brothers and I will take care of you, Trouble. Do you understand? No one will hurt you here. We’ll make sure of it. Do you hear me? We’ll make sure of it.”

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