Forbidden (Blood Ties Book 7)

: Chapter 12




Desperation seared through every nerve in my body until I throbbed. She stumbled backwards, her eyes widening. But she never cowered. Oh no, Helene wasn’t that kind of woman. It’s what triggered me, what made her so real. She wasn’t a blur in my head like all the other faces. No, this woman was neon fucking bright.

My steps thudded as I drove her back toward the kitchen. Her eyes darted left. Of course she lunged, trying her best to scurry around me.

I moved fast, grabbing her around the waist. “The hell you do.”

“Get off me!” She bucked, kicking and swinging that fist.

Only now I knew her. Now I expected her, ducking my head for her blow to hit my shoulder before I carried her down the hall, hissing and spitting, into the bedroom.

“I’ll fucking kill you!” she howled.

“Oh, I have no doubt about that,” I answered, throwing her onto the bed.

She hit and bounced, before she was up and launching herself toward the door. I raced forward and reached for her…before she roundhouse kicked me in the head.


That’s all I saw for a moment.

Bright, detonating stars.

Had there been a bombing?

An explosion of some kind?

The bedroom trembled, bright and blurring as I stumbled. But she was gone. She was gone. I shook my head, then cast the hollow thumping aside and turned around.

Go on.

Do your fucking worst.

With a roar, I lunged. Where…where was she? I tracked the sound of her steps, but the woman didn’t just fight like a damn cat, she moved like one as well. “Oh, Hellle-eene!” I called, racing to the garage and the only transport out of here.

The kitchen was a blur. The living room we were just in was empty…even the foyer was bare. I glanced toward the garage and lunged, shoving the door wide to stare at the Range Rover. But it was still there. I strode to the driver’s door, yanked it open, and grabbed the key from inside, then turned around.

She was still inside.

My mind raced at the possibilities…before the throbbing in my head made me wince.

First, she choked me out.

Then, she almost damn well knocked me out.

The woman was a goddamn force.

And I fucking loved it.

I smiled, striding back into the house. “You realize this is only going to make me fuck you harder, right?” Christ, my cock was hard. My whole being felt alive…awakened in a way I hadn’t felt for…ever.

I lifted my gaze to the floor above. To what was actually the primary suite, if you weren’t working for someone like Haelstrom Hale. But I couldn’t afford to be cornered…not in my own damn house. But still the upstairs called me. Was she hiding in a cupboard or under a bed?

My smile grew wider.

Fuck, I hoped so.

Stair after stair, I climbed, until I hit the landing. The main bedroom was at one end, the retreat which opened onto its own private balcony at the other. I stilled as it hit me hard. The balcony…of course, the fucking balcony. I flew toward the room and the glass door leading outside, tearing through the doorway like a fucking madman.

The door was ajar, letting a cool breeze wash over me as I stepped forward. “Fuck!” I roared, my eyes searching for her.

Something sharp pressed against my back. “That’s right, motherfucker. Now, let’s get one thing straight. Nothing happens unless—”

A knife.

That’s what she had.

The damn knife still smeared with her butter that I’d left on the counter

I swiveled around, not even caring if she stabbed me.

Because all that mattered was that she hadn’t left.

“Unless?” I urged and stepped closer, so close the knife dug into my abdomen.

Pain flared, sharp and piercing, then a wet sensation followed. There was blood, that I knew. Still, I didn’t look down, just leaned into it.

But she did. She looked down as the honed tip of the knife dug deeper into my belly. “Go on,” I murmured. “Unless what, Helene? Unless you like it? Unless you come?”

Her eyes widened as her breaths raced. She jerked her focus from the knife to me.

“Unless what?” I whispered. “Unless you say yes? Is that it, Helene? Do you want to say yes to me?”

A tiny shake of her head told me all I wanted to know.

I lashed out and grasped her wrist with the knife as I stepped forward. She had no choice but to stumble back.

“You’ve had so many chances.” I searched for that flicker of panic as she stumbled backwards. “So many times, you could’ve run. But you didn’t…you didn’t…now I’m asking myself why?

She swallowed hard, her grip on the knife easing just a little. Was it on purpose? Was she begging me to take charge? I didn’t know. I looked down, to where the cup of her bra had slipped below her puckered, dusky pink nipple. All I knew was I was about to come just thinking about it.

She backed up until she hit the wall at the far end of the sunroom, with me crowding her every step. I yanked her hand holding the knife above her head, letting her wrist take the brunt of the impact as I pushed my body against hers.

“Now anyone would think that’s saying yes, don’t you think, Helene?”

Hate flared in her eyes.

The cut in my belly was throbbing, pulling at my focus, but all I wanted was her. “I bet if I spread your pussy, you’d be glistening. Isn’t that right?”

With a snarl, she slammed her hips forward and into mine, driving with full force against my cock.


Agony ripped through me. I grabbed her and hauled her off her feet. Fists and punches followed, but it was all too late as I took both of us to the floor. I clenched my grip, holding her with my other hand at the last minute so she didn’t slam her head into the floor

“Is that it, Helene?” I roared. “I KNOW you can do better than that!”

She whipped her head from side to side, baring her teeth.

Christ, I loved it when she did that.

My breaths slowed, and my voice turned husky. “I bet if I dipped right in there, you’d almost fucking come. Maybe I need to find out for myself?” I moved my hand to grasp her throat. “You fight me and I’ll handcuff you to the bed and do it anyway. Your choice.”

She bucked. Of course, she bucked. Helene was never going to be a woman who didn’t go down swinging. Faces filled my mind of all the Daughters I’d hurt in that place. All the spirits I’d broken. Women who could’ve been exactly like Helene.

But they weren’t, were they?

I hadn’t had a choice. Not then…or there.

I had a choice now.

I shifted my weight, leaving my hand in place. Blood was smeared along a scar across the front of her body. But it wasn’t her blood, it was mine. A sense of relief hit me at that. One I didn’t quite understand. I left my hand around her throat and dipped my head down, licking the blood on her skin. “Yes, I will cuff you to my bed and fuck you six ways to Sunday.”

She unleashed a moan, causing me to inch lower, until was the one who slid my finger under the satin band of her bodysuit. “Open your legs for me, Helene.”

There was barely a fight from her. Her thighs parted, giving me all the access I wanted. Fuck, I wanted it all, I wanted it all. “You fight. You kick. You scream.” I dragged my gaze to hers as I slid my finger down her perfect cunt. “Yet, you’re fucking dripping.”

I curled my fingers, dragging them back up, before pushing into her. She writhed, moaning.

“That’s it, fight it.” I thrust in slowly, spreading her open before I dipped my head down. “Fight with all you have.”

I spread her, tasting her even as I met the rage in her eyes. Panic flared amongst that deep, dark brown. Her shaking head was saying one thing, her body another. Her knees widened. Her hand landed on the back of my head, pushing my mouth harder against her perfect fucking cunt.

I took it all, sliding my fingers along the outside of her clit before I rose. “You’ll come to want this, Helene.” I licked the taste of her on my lips as I worked the button of my slacks before I shoved the zipper down. “In the end, you’ll fucking beg.”

She bared her teeth before she worked her mouth and spat. “Fuck you.”

Spittle landed on my cheek, dribbling down to my jaw. Anger flared, but was quickly smothered with a smirk of satisfaction. I grabbed both her wrists, pinning them above her head as I settled between her legs. “No…” I grunted, driving all the way inside her. “Fuck you.”

Jesus fucking Christ.

I sucked in hard breaths and dropped my head. She moaned, arching her back. Her core clenched around me, sending my pulse racing. She felt…like home. That’s how this woman felt, just like my future. I opened my eyes and lifted my head to meet that rage.

But there wasn’t rage.

Not anymore.

I thrust, driving into her. “You will want me,” I croaked. “You will want me as much as I want you.”

There was no spittle this time, no snarl. She just closed her eyes, her breaths racing as I gripped her wrists, took all my weight on my forearms, and caged her in.

Desire flooded me. I focused on the sensation and the pure hunger for her. I’d never felt anything so goddamn blinding, making me clench my ass as she wrapped her legs around my waist and gripped me tight.

“That’s it, Trouble,” I grunted. “Come for me.”

Her eyes squeezed shut as that frenzied race to the end took over. She was close…so…fucking close.

A moan ripped free, desperate and aching. I drove my cock deep and turned my head, riveted by her mouth…

Kiss her.

The need was overwhelming.

I leaned in until she turned her head away from me and let out a shuddering whimper. My balls clenched at the sound, before I hauled in a breath and tensed.

The rush was blinding as I unleashed a groan and filled her.


That’s all there was.

Heat and power radiated from her.

Still, I wanted more.

I pulled out, looking down between us at the last second. Come coated both of us. But it was just the start, wasn’t it? I met her stare as she turned her head. “You belong to me.”

The corner of her mouth trembled and there was that rage. I couldn’t help but enjoy every second as I reached down and slid the satin band of her panties back in place before I fixed my slacks. “Now, seeing as how you can’t be trusted…”

“Try it and I’ll—” she stared.

But she didn’t have time to finish before I yanked her forward, then bent and lifted her over my shoulder. Her blows were instant, slow this time, and not quite as strong. I took a fist to the side of my head, and one on my ear, which made my head ring. Still, I carried her back down the stairs and through the house toward the bedroom.

“Can’t have you running away now, can I?” I tossed her gently back onto the bed. “Not until I put a tracker in you.”

“Do it, and I’ll bite it out.”

I lifted her hand and locked the cuff around her wrist to tether her to the bed. “You know? You’re the first woman who’s said that who I believe would.”

She glared at me, that hostile stare spewing as much disgust and hate as one could without saying a word, and for the first time in my life, I was struck by the beauty of her. It was stupid, mortifying, really. In my entire life, I’d never found anything perfect. Not by looks, or by attachment.

But she was.

She fucking was.

Her chin jutted up, those perfect lips parting slightly to show her teeth. I could fall for her. The thought chilled me to the bone. “Stay there.” My voice was a croak. “I’ll get you water.”

She said nothing.

Just raged.

Christ, she was cute.

I walked out and stopped just outside the bedroom door. My pulse was erratic. But that was nothing compared to my mind. What the fuck are you doing? Seriously. What if…what if the others found out?

Heat ripped through me, jealousy and anger followed. I didn’t give a fuck…not anymore.

I raked my fingers through my hair and headed into the kitchen, grabbing two bottles of water from the refrigerator before looking at the mess I’d left behind.

How are they?

Jesus, I’d sounded smug.

A little dry, actually.

The corner of my lips tugged a little higher. If anyone else had said that to me, they’d be dead. But not Helene…no, not Helene. I turned, staring at the hallway, hating that seething, savage pull to return to her. I needed to figure this out. I needed time.

Yes, that’s what I needed.

Time…with her.

I gripped the bottles and headed back to the bedroom. I couldn’t think about anything other than her right now. I licked my lips, my cock hardening at the thought. I couldn’t even stay away from her for a second, could I? Not a goddamn second.


Darkness waited as I cracked open my eyes. Darkness followed by the low, throaty moan of a woman beside me. The scent of sex hung heavy in the air. The cloying taste was followed by hunger, hunger like I’d never felt before.

My body came alive, making me search the gloom for the outline of her body. I fucking wanted her so bad it might ruin me. No, so bad, she might ruin me.

I shoved the sheet aside. Cool night air swept over my bare legs as my hand found the warmth of her thigh, then the smooth satin band of the bodysuit I’d forced her to wear.

I’d forced a lot of things.

Still, I couldn’t seem to stop myself, not where she was concerned.

I rolled over, shoved my boxers down low, and reached for her pussy. She woke the moment I yanked her panties aside and pushed my way between her legs.

Her cry was sharp, ringing as I thrust in. I smothered it with one hand, feeling the heat of her breath as I grasped her shackled wrist.

“Shh…” I pushed in deep. “Easy, now. Go back to sleep.”

She bucked, fighting me until my weight pinned her down, letting me drive all the way in. “You fight me…you fight me and it’ll be worse.”

She unleashed a tortured, carnal sound and stilled, her breaths panting as I fucked her. I turned my head, finding that hateful stare. She wasn’t broken. I knew broken when I saw it. No, she was giving in.

I smiled, curling my spine to drive into her harder. “I warned you before, Helene, I have to have you.”

“Fuck you,” she gasped, but widened her legs for me.

I didn’t even wait for her to come. Just smiled and thrust, holding onto the feral rage in her beautiful eyes. Something shivered inside me. My pulse raced…my heart clenched as I stared at her and in an instant slowed my thrusts.

I fully intended to leave her desperate. But one look…one piercing stare, and I drove upwards, watching her breath catch and her eyelids flutter. Christ, I wanted to hear her moan, wanted to know she wanted what I did to her. “Can’t seem to help myself where you’re concerned,” I murmured. “Why is that?”

“Because…” she panted. “You’re a sick fuck.”

was a sick fuck.

Especially where she was concerned.

I didn’t just fuck her.

I punished her.

Thrust after thrust, until she thrashed her head from side to side, fighting what her body craved. I lowered my head, finding the peak of her nipple. My breath was warm, blowing back on me as I grunted, driving deep. “Come for me, Helene…come,” I commanded.

Her body convulsed.

Her core clenched.

I slammed my eyes closed, overwhelmed by the feel of her, and shuddered all the way down to my core. Her hand clutched the sheet, her legs spread wide open under me. But it was her eyes that transfixed me. Wide. Glassy. Like she was stripped raw, exposed, and completely and utterly surrendered.

I eased out of her, brushing her wrist and the metal cuff with my thumb. I’d never wanted to kiss someone so badly in my entire life. This was more than a need to connect…this was a need to belong.

“Sleep, Helene.” I searched her eyes, brushing a strand of her hair aside. “I’m the only monster you need to worry about tonight.”

She did, closing her eyes, mumbling. “You’re bad enough.”

I was…only the longer I was around her, the deeper this monster was starting to fall.

She shifted, making me move back from her body. I waited for her breaths to deepen, until I was sure she was under, and rolled over, grabbed the key from the nightstand, and unlocked the cuff around her wrist.

A murderer.

A rapist.

A shell of a fucking man.

That’s all I was.

I eased her hand against her body, watching her chest rise, then fall.

She smelled like me.

Like my wants and desires…and my future.

The room lit up with a ghostly green glow. I rolled carefully, snatched up my cell, and glanced at the caller ID before answering. “I’m here.”

“It’s time,” Harmon spoke tersely. “New shipments will be there by morning. I want them prepared as quickly as possible, do you understand?”

My pulse spiked, thundering in my ears. “Yes.”

“And I expect you’ll show my men the same respect you’d show me?”

I forced the words through clenched teeth. “Of course.”

“Good. Remember, this is your one and final warning, Cruz. Step out of line and you’ll find yourself and your brothers staring down the barrel of a gun.”

I swallowed hard, turning my head to stare at the sleeping form in my bed. “Understood.”

“By morning,” Harmon finished.

But I didn’t need to respond, because he was already gone, leaving me staring into the dark once more.

My teeth clenched until my jaw bulged.

I closed my eyes as a wave of hopelessness hit me. I shook my head, my soul in torment as I grasped the drawer of my nightstand and eased it open. The soft glow of the keypad was all I needed to steady me, allowing me to punch the code into the lockbox and pull the gun free.



What the fuck had I thought was going to happen? I winced and turned around, finding the slow rhythmic rise of her chest. That I could play happy fucking family with a woman I’d drugged and held prisoner for the rest of my goddamn life?

This wasn’t me.

It wasn’t anything I deserved.

I stood and stepped toward the foot of the bed. It wasn’t what she deserved, either.

I lifted my gun and rounded the side of the bed before I froze. Her lips were parted, her eyes closed. I loved her hate…but when she was like this, she looked so peaceful.

One pull of the trigger and it’d be over.

It was better this way.

For me.

For her.

She’d never know.

My hand shook as the gun rose.

She’d never know.

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