For the Love of Cupidity: A Valentine’s Day Novella (Heart Hassle Book 4)

For the Love of Cupidity: Chapter 17

“Holy fooking baws, the little shiteheads aren’t completely useless, aye?”

I’m watching the ceremony like a hawk. Sev is rotating them out on my orders, while I whisper instructions from our spot beside the dais. Since they’ll be doing most of their work in the Veil, it’s best to have them practice there now.

Elder Mortel gave us a little alcove to use that’s close enough to see what’s happening, without being too near to be distracting. Except, you know, the troll-cupid who’s pretty much distracting no matter where he’s standing. I keep him in the Veil.

I have to admit, so far, everything is going well and we’ve only had a few hiccups. The first was when the nerdy cupid accidentally tripped at the start of the ceremony. He caught himself on the genfin female’s boobs. Her soon-to-be-mates weren’t happy. I pushed him back into the Veil before they could clobber him.

Then, ballgown cupid went and blew way too much Lust at the first covey during their ceremony. At least two of the males came in their trousers. There were wet spots.

But, with my help, all ten of those genfins were successfully hit with Love Arrows. When I say hit, I mean they were pretty much shanked by my trainees, since shooting with a bow is still too expert level for them. But hey, cupid baby steps. And anyway, the cupids were in the Veil, so no genfin was harmed during the Love Arrow shanking. In fact, they went from only slightly sharing affection for each other, to having some solid desire and tenderness.

Now, we’re down to the last covey.

“Alright,” I say, giving whispered instructions to cell phone cupid and goth cupid. “Your team members primed this covey up really well. All you have to do, is seal the deal with Love Arrows,” I tell them.

Goth cupid is a bit arrow shy since Amorette stabbed him, but I hand him a full quiver and pat him on the shoulder. “You got this.”

He holds it as far away from himself as he can. Cell phone cupid rolls her eyes and sighs at him. “Such a newb.”

“Okay, go on,” I say, and then I push them into the Veil.

The other cupids and I watch the covey as they go through the rituals being led by the elder. As the vows are exchanged, I put out my cupid senses. Even though I can’t see them in the Veil, I feel it the moment a Love Arrow hits its mark.

Love pulses in the air, and all of the trainees standing with me visibly shudder from it. I smile when I take in the expressions of the genfins on the dais. The males’ expressions soften on their female, and she loses some of her nervous tension and relaxes under their touch when they clasp hands.

“Okay, you two,” I say, pointing to the troll and the cupid in the leather get-up. “You guys are up. After they drink out of the ceremonial chalice, blow some Lust at them.”

As soon as the cupids nod in understanding, I push them into the Veil.

“I think you actually fooking managed it, boss. You managed to train this lot, after all,” Sev says in an impressed tone. I’d be a bit offended if I weren’t surprised myself.

“Thanks, Sev,” I say, my eyes facing forward.

I feel the Lust eeking out at the dais, and I sigh a bit in relief. This is actually turning out alright. Then I feel a bit more Lust. And more. And more. And…

“Shit!” I whisper-hiss. “Sev, the damn troll is breathing too much out!”

“On it,” Sev says, before disappearing into a puff of pink.

I watch anxiously, but it’s pretty much too late. The troll cupid must have breathed way too much of the stuff, and considering he’s so big, it’s leaking out over the entire gathered audience.

I wince at the change of the genfins in the seats. Simultaneous purring breaks out. Tails are obscenely wrapped around mates. Hardies are clearly visible. I’m pretty sure a few people with front row seats moan.

The genfin males on the stage cut Elder Mortel short when they down the rest of the contents in the chalice, and then toss the female over their shoulder to hussle her off the stage. She giggles in delight as the five of them run off to go nest for the heat that has clearly been jump-started.

“Good grieving hearts,” I mutter.

Sev pops back next to me along with the troll and the leather cupid. I place my hands on my hips and shake my head. The troll looks down at his feet. “Sorry, miss boss.”

“Just be more careful next time.”

“Yes, miss boss.”

I blow out a breath and look back to the rest of the cupids, flinging my arms up. “Well, that was completely, utterly, totally…” They all cringe as my words taper off. I grin. “Fantastic.”

The cupids’ eyes flash to mine, and I see the relief spread across the group. “You guys did so well for your first assignment. Apart from the few mishaps, I’m confident that you guys will do great on earth for Valentine’s Day.”

“Really?” the nerdy guys asks, pushing his glasses up his nose.

“Really. I’m very proud of you all.”

I can tell they don’t want to like my praise, but a few smiles escape, anyway.

“You can have the rest of the night off here,” I say, and I get a collection of whoops and claps. “ I’ll send you back to earth tomorrow. Make it the best Valentine’s Day ever for those humans, alright?”

They all nod and break off, while Sev and I stay behind.

Sev bumps me playfully with his shoulder. “Good fooking job, you.”

“Thanks, Sev. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“We’re alrigh’ at this love shite, after all, aye?”

I smile. “Aye.”

And yeah, we might have seven hundred genfins around with boners and wet undies, but it’s a small price to pay for three new, happy genfin matches.

Cupid boss win.

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