For the Love of Cupidity: A Valentine’s Day Novella (Heart Hassle Book 4)

For the Love of Cupidity: Chapter 1

“You’re glowing again.”

I crack open one eye and groan at being woken up.

“Deal with it,” I mumble into the pillow.

I feel one of my mates pick up my wrist where my cupid boss mark is glowing bright pink. At first, I think he’s about to lovingly caress it, but no. He shoves it under the blankets to snuff out the bright light.


“Too early,” I hear Evert grumble, his voice all scratchy with sleep.

I agree, so I close my eyes again, ready to fall back into the heavy sleep that I’d been in, when there’s a sudden screech that sounds like a banshee being tickled to pieces. A tiny body launches itself onto our bed, landing on one of the guys. I hear Sylred expel an “oomph,” and then the delighted screeching turns to incessant talking.

“Wake up, wake up, wake up! It’s wing day!”

I lift up my head to find our two-year-old daughter sitting on Sylred’s back while she shakes Ronak’s muscled arm and flicks Evert’s face with her red genfin tail. “Come on Daddies! Wing day! Wing day!”

“Good gods, it’s not even sunrise yet,” Evert says, trying to bat away the tail in his face.

“You said if I went to sleep last night in my own bed, then today you’d teach me to fly. You said that.”

I blame myself for her excellent speaking skills at such a young age. It’s a blessing and a curse. She’s been talking in full sentences since before her first birthday. She even talks in her sleep.

“I don’t think you’re gonna get them up this early,” I tell her.

Amorette frowns in thought, and when none of the guys move, she stands up on Sylred’s back and starts systematically hopping from genfin to genfin like they’re stepping stones.

“That’s one way to do it.”

Before our boisterous daughter can hop onto Ronak for the third time, his arm shoots out, and he snags her around the middle and tosses her up into the air. She shrieks in delight.

My heart jumps at the ridiculous height her little body reaches, but that’s always the case with these two. He catches her securely around her middle again and again, and she giggles joyfully. His impressive bicep flexes every time he tosses her up. Seriously, this guy has the best muscles ever. Sometimes I ask him to open jars or cut wood or lift something, even when I don’t really need him to. I just like to watch his muscles flex. The sight makes my vaggie patch bloom.

“Again, again!” Amorette squeals, and her laughter is so infectious that I can’t help but smile into my pillow.

“You females are so demanding,” Ronak says, cocking a brown brow at me.

I lick my dry lips. “We just know what we want.”

He catches Amorette one last time and then gets out of bed, swinging her up and over his shoulders so she can have a piggy back ride. “Wing time?”

“Yeah, wing time!” she says excitedly, her tail flicking behind her. Her tail is adorable. It’s red like her wings with a little tuft of pink hair at the end that matches the ringlets on her head.

Ronak smacks Evert on the head as he passes. “You heard her. Get up. It’s wing time.”

“Fucking asshole,” Evert grumbles, chucking a pillow at him.

“Daddy Ev! You said a bad word!” Amorette scolds.

“Yes, he did,” Sylred says as he sits up from the bed. “And now he has to put more money in the jar.” Sylred gets way too much enjoyment by making Evert pay up.

“Fucking jar,” Evert grumbles, as he sits up and scrubs his hands down his face.

Amorette points at him. “You said a bad word again!”

A laugh escapes me. Evert is forever in debt to the swear jar.

The guys toss Amorette to one another as they pull on shirts, and being the daredevil that she is, she giggles gleefully every time she’s tossed around like a beachball.

With ringlets of pink hair and red-feathered wings like me, she’s so cute that I can’t help but smile every time I look at her. She looks like me, but there’s no doubt that she takes after her genfin daddies, too, and I don’t just mean the tail.

“Wait! I need my sword!”

She hops out of Evert’s arms and goes racing out of the room in search of her favorite toy. Yeah, a sword. Sylred made it for her out of wood, and she carries it around with her everywhere. She even sleeps with the thing. Ronak is oddly proud about it. He’s also been sneaking off to teach her how to use it. He thinks I haven’t noticed.

“You need anything?” Sylred asks, coming around to plant a kiss on my head.

“I’m good,” I tell him with a smile. “Watch her, though. Ronak gets too crazy. Don’t let him just drop her from the sky. I don’t want her to be scared.”

Sylred chuckles, but Ronak scoffs. “Our daughter is fearless.”

“Okay, fine. But don’t encourage that fearlessness too much. I don’t want her getting hurt during her first flying lesson. She’s brave, but sometimes she’s too brave for her own good.”

Ronak comes stalking toward me, and even though he has a shirt on now, the fabric still strains over his bulging muscles. I’m tempted to run my hands up his abs and pecs.

“I would never let anything happen to our daughter,” he says, looking down at me sternly. He has his hot alpha voice on, and by the smug look on his face, he knows how much that tone gets to me. I shift my thighs together, wondering if I can possibly steal him away for a few minutes, but then Amorette comes sprinting into the room, and all my thoughts of a quickie go out the window.

We have to sneak off for sex nowadays. There’s a system. It’s a lot like passing the baton, but in our case, we pass a toddler to one of the guys while the rest of the guys sneak me out for a little hurried hoopty. They consider it a challenge to see who can make me orgasm the quickest.

“I’m ready!” Amorette says, wooden sword in hand. The thing is as tall as she is.

I smile. “Can I have a kiss first?”

She comes bounding over, little lips puckered as she lands one on my cheek. “Morning, Mommy!”

“Good morning, baby.”

Excited, she grabs Sylred’s and Ronak’s hands and starts pulling them away. “Come on!”

“Be careful!” I call as the four of them disappear out of the room to go start her promised flying lessons.

I snuggle back under the covers, happy to get a few more minutes of blessed sleep, but of course, that’s when I get the urgent need to pee.

With a defeated sigh, I throw the covers off. “Damn you, bladder.”

Okot comes strolling in then, his bright red mohawk wet and slicked back from bathing. I smell his spicy scent mixed with the pine needle soap that Sylred makes.

When I bring my feet over the edge of the bed, he comes forward and takes my hand, helping me up.

As soon as I’m vertical, I huff out a breath like I just ran a marathon. “Getting out of bed is hard,” I say.

Okot smiles and rests his large hands on my hugely pregnant belly. I look down at it and shake my head. “I was not this big with Amorette. It’s got to be your fault that I look like I’m growing a baby who’s part giant.”

He runs his palm over my belly button, caressing me with both adoration and awe. I’ll never get sick of that. Under his touch, the baby kicks, making both of us smile. “That was a strong one,” he muses.

“Gets stronger every minute. It’s like he or she is practicing kickboxing in there.”

“I’ll make you breakfast, my beloved.”

My stomach grumbles at the mere suggestion. “Mmm food. Yes, please.”

“Same thing as yesterday?” he asks.

I nod. “Yeah, but can I have extra garlic on the toast? And maybe some lime slices? Oh, and one of those eclairs. But not the cream-filled one.”

He nods, not even blinking at my strange food requests as he moves to help me down the hallway.

I shuffle inside to the toilet and pee, and the relief is so intense that it makes me shiver. Peeing is such an event when pregnant. I feel like my whole life revolves around my bladder these days. I even have to plan ahead of time for it. We want to go somewhere? Gotta pee before we leave. We get there? Have to use the bathroom. About to leave? Nope, I need to go sit on the toilet first. Even if I don’t feel like I need to pee, it’s a bold, bladder-faced lie. I sit down on the toilet, and pee comes out regardless.

I pee day and night, and am constantly in a state of, Oh my gods I need to go, or I’m gonna wet my pants. It’s all very hectic. It really keeps the guys on their toes, too. The moment we get somewhere, they’re in a panic, making sure they find a toilet ASAP. I would laugh…except that would probably make me pee.

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