For The Love of A Wolf

Chapter 5~ You need a time out !

Lynette comes downstairs to grab coffee before headed out to school. She sees her mom sitting at the table..and walks around to start her drink to-go..She says “I thought you’d already be gone for work” Colette replies “I wanted to talk to you about last night..and I” Lynette interrupted her and a very small voice “ I can’t handle when you are ashamed of me. I knew I was in the right and what I did was justified. Instead of having faith in me..and believing I would never intentionally hurt someone without reason.. you apologized for me. You just assumed my ‘Alpha temperament’ kicked in and I just..what?… threw my weight around to prove a point? That’s not who I am, Mom. That’s not how I would ever react. Yes..I have my father’s blood running through my veins but that doesn’t mean I am like him. I love you, Mom! I would do anything…Be anything you asked of me. I feel like you are always waiting for the other shoe to I’m going to hurt you like he did.. and I tiptoe around you…never wanting you to feel that way again! I just want you to know…I would never do anything to embarrass you.I’m going to be late. We will sit down tonight and you can talk about what you’re feeling..turn about is fair play..right?” And she kissed her mom on the cheek…walking out the front door.

Colette reached the clinic to find a message had been delivered..asking her to go to the Alpha’s office, so she headed on over… fighting a feeling of dread. She was already feeling like shit for not having faith in Lynette and wasn’t sure how to make it up to her. She knocked on the Alpha’s door and Lydia opened it..pulling Colette in for a hug. She whispered “you should be so proud of your daughter..I sure am” and Colette looked at her questioningly when Paul said “come..sit We want you to see this video” They sat quietly together and watched the entire video. When it finished, Colette dropped her face in her hands and cried.

Alpha Paul cleared his throat…not certain why Colette was crying..but waiting it out. He finally spoke “Your daughter did nothing wrong. In fact, I am hoping she’s done a great thing. I am going to ask her to tell this story in front of all her classmates…with Christine absent… and hopefully, we find out how far this bullying goes. You should be very proud! You have raised her to be a strong, compassionate young woman..and that speaks highly of you, as a mother!”

Colette sat a few minutes..when she wasn’t what was expected. “I let her down. I didn’t let her explain to me in private. I immediately jumped to apologize for her, and, in doing so, I humiliated her. I made her feel like I was disappointed in her! Goddess! What have I done!? She’s right…she told me this morning that she isn’t her father…that she would never hurt me like he did…and she’s right! I am projecting all the hurt and pain I felt from her father onto her. I had somehow convinced myself…because she is Alpha..she would rip my heart out, as well! I have to beg her to forgive me! I have to apologize and make her see that I am proud of her! And I am not ashamed of her.”

Lydia smiled and said “As mothers, we always want our kids to behave..we want to place them in little cookie cutter molds and do exactly as we want. That only works until they are about two. Then, we best throw that mold away. They have their own thoughts, attitude, and opinions. We soon learn we are only their guides…showing them right from wrong… but allowing them to become who they are…and praying to our Goddess that our guidance was enough. In Lynette’s case.. I believe you have done an excellent job with helping her become a strong young woman with upstanding morals! You need to be very proud!” Colette hugged Lydia and asked if that was all..she said her boss was a stickler for schedules and she didn’t want to get fired..causing them all to laugh.

Lynette had made it through the day without incident…and now, here she stands in the a uniform that fits, by the way. She’s waiting for Dianne to reach her with the baton, so she can finish the last leg of the relay race. She’s developed a slight headache behind her left eye and just wants to be done. As she takes the last turn on the track, she scents the most amazing smell.. coffee with a sweet vanilla twist..and she nearly stumbled. She asks her wolf..Lacey? What is that? Lacey comes back with 🐺 I’m not sure. It’s heavenly..but I just am not sure. Could it be our mate? We’re not far from being 18…so we could be scenting him 🐺 Lynette told her we didn’t smell it yesterday..and I don’t see anyone different here today.. we have just over six weeks..maybe we are close enough to our’s possible? She just shrugs and lies down. And the scent was only there a second.

. Finallyyyy! School is out! Lynette love everything about physical activity…but after a shitty night…and this thing with her mom…and now the scent! It’s too much today! She dropped Dianne at the diner and headed home. She had that old Chinese disease dragginass and just wanted a hot bath and her bed….but that was not to be! As soon as she stepped through the door, her mother had her engulfing in a huge hug and just held her there…whispering “I am so so sorry! You were right! What you said this morning? You were right. I have been waiting…expecting you to just leave me…so I pretended you still need me…to fix your messes…to kiss your boo-boo…anything to make you not want to leave… In doing that, I have failed to notice the amazing young woman in front of me. I am so used to people just quitting on me…my own mother...your father…then, my’s formed a pattern on my heart. But, I promise you! I am proud of you! And I love you….so so much!”

Lynette, crying from the halfway point..leaned back and said “Can we start over? Hi! I’m Lynette!!” And they both laughed. Just like that it felt like normal! She asks if she smelled lasagna and Colette nodded…pouring them each a glass of wine. They laughed about their day…with Colette finishing about a pup who shoved a bean up his nose. Lynette asked Colette to come sit in the living room..she had some questions about mates and her mom is the only one she can talk to about it.

Lynette tells Colette about the scent…then she asks “Is it possible we are scenting our mate? I haven’t felt sparks when I have touched anyone…I haven’t felt a pull…Well…I have felt a pull to Liam, but it’s best friendly or brotherly. And I feel a pull to Dianne…but that’s more of a protective instinct. This smell though…richest coffee and vanilla!! That’s my new go-to! It was so strong!! My knees gave out! I stumbled. It was crazy!” Colette says “I suppose it’s possible…although I have never heard of she-wolf scenting their mate before their birthday. And I know only a few times of an Alpha finding theirs early…but that was because the Alpha shifted young…Tell you what! I will discuss this with Alpha Paul and see if he knows more. I’m not a wolf…and while I have tried to educate myself completely, for your sake…there is still more I don’t know! But I want to help!

Lynette throws herself against the back of the couch….crying “I’m doomed! It’s over! My life is ruined! Is this what I’ve become? I’ve reduced myself to taking advice about mates and wolves from the wicked witch!? Stick a fork in me….I’m done” And Colette started laughing…she says “You ungrateful, overly dramatic monkeybutt! To your room!!! You need a time out!”

And they chased each other up the stairs…laughing hysterically

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