For The Love of A Wolf

Chapter 25~ For beating me to it ?

Lynette’s POV~

I waltzed into the dining hall at the moment Dianne and Blaze were walking in. She squealed and hugged me “I have missed you! Blaze and I have been so busy answering emails and… well.. and spending new mate time together.. kind of thing, it feels like I have hardly seen you!”

I laughed and told her she could help me and the moms today! We have to arrange tonight’s dinner party menu to welcome all the new council members.. A meet and greet sort of thing. I sat with Lydia and Mom.. talking about it. Lydia said “As soon as I’m done eating, I will grab a few housekeepers and get the formal dining room cleaned and decorated. Are we going with the royal colors.. or something less stately?” I thought about that for a few minutes “You know what.. I would prefer to use the royal colors for affairs of state.. and royal parties. I think for tonight’s dinner, something elegant.. understated. What about medium blue.. aquamarine.. and silver? With bluebells and lilies of the valley? Candlelight centerpieces of the flowers and variegated ivy? Elegant.. but not intimidating?” She beams at me telling me I’m a natural! A natural what.. I’m not entirely sure.. and frankly, I’m afraid to ask!

Turning to Mom and Dianne… “For the menu, I want a simple fare.. pleasing to the eye and easy on the palate. I haven’t met these people.. and I don’t want anyone needing an epinephrine shot to get through dinner!” They all laugh.. like poisoning all these strangers isn’t a real danger! Have they even met me?? “I’m thinking braised whole rotisserie chickens.. oven roasted garlic breaded potatoes..grilled asparagus.. as the entrees. Fresh cobb salad and french onion soup as appetizers..and chocolate lava cake with melted salted caramel centers for dessert? Any suggestions to alter it, are welcome! Enthusiastically!” Dianne smirks “I damned sure don’t want any substitutions! I’m drooling already!”

“Mom can you send down to the wine cellars.. choose a nice Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay to go with the chicken? Maybe a Banyuls for dessert? I want it to go well.. but I don’t want it to seem pretentious! I’m nervous. We are young and I would prefer not to come across presumptuous.” Mom had been listening and taking notes.. she looks up at me “My darling daughter.. the last thing anyone would accuse you of is putting on airs. Your entire demeanor speaks to humility and sincerity. Yes.. you are sassy.. have a mouth that could embarrass a sailor.. but your heart is solid gold and it shines through for everyone to see! I will go to the cellars myself and choose the wines!” I let loose a loud squeal and hug her to me tightly. “I love you sooo much! I have the absolute best team in the world! I honestly mean that! I hope all three of you know… That I Know.. I could not do any of this without you! Dianne.. could you run down to the kitchen real quick and add coffee to the beverage cart we requested? I don’t want to send another whole email with just ‘coffee’ on it!?” And we all laughed…as she scooted out, heading to the kitchen. Mom asks if I had asked for any kid friendly beverages, in case anyone had children to bring.. and.. Well Fuck! I jumped up to follow Dianne to the kitchen.

As I reached the doors to the kitchen I hear “Keep whimpering you ugly bitch! If you tell anyone it was me I will break your other arm!” Stepping through the doors… I see Dianne on the floor, curled up and cradling her arm and Christine’s leg drawn back ready to kick her…again(?).. I link the guys to get their asses to the kitchen NOW! I grab Christine by the hair of her head and slam her face Through the wall (oooops?) and pulling back, I spun her and slammed her forehead into the kitchen counter… I yanked her head back by her hair and side hipped her to the floor..before I could stomp on her chest… the strong arms of my mate pulled me to him whispering “Don’t kill her yet, Cuore Mio! We need the story.. your mom may need help with Dianne” Kneeling on the floor, I pulled my little sister into my lap and started healing her.. Her humerus was broken in two places. Three ribs were fractured and I felt the bruise in her left kidney as I pulled it from her. The tears flowed down my face.. pacing her own! I want to kill that bitch! Screaming in the link for Aaron and Sarah to meet me in Damien’s office immediately.. I turned to Liam “Drag that whore to the office.. Blaze, take Dianne to your rooms and run a warm bath with peppermint oil to aid in any latent aches, then stay while she rests.. Link us with her version of whatever the FUCK this was!”

Damien lifted me,, wrapping my legs around his waist, he pushes my nose into his neck, as he walks us to the office. He knows I need to calm down. I knew I needed to calm down.. The air outside felt like a hurricane was ready to blow any moment. How many chances are we going to give this pit viper!? She destroys everything she touches!

🐺 Lynnie? 🐺 How is she? What happened? 🐺 she’s resting.. Christine accused her of using our mate bond to keep Damien away from her. Told her is she didn’t help her get him alone.. and help her drug him to set it up for you to catch them together, she would keep abusing her. Lyn.. this isn’t the first time. It’s happened several times before..and it feels to me like Christine is slipping slowly into insanity. You need to find out what’s happening with her wolf. 🐺 Okay, brother! You take care of my little sister! We will keep you updated

I sit here.. staring at Christine.. then I look at Sarah… “Sarah! Why don’t you tell me what’s going on with your daughter? You are with her every day… When did she start slipping into insanity? When did her wolf go into regression? And.. NO.. do not deny it! I can see Charlotte. She is hiding.. deep in the recesses of Christine’s mind.. she has literally forced her poor wolf into darkness. And I see you are doing the same to yours. Do you both wish you were human? Because, I can help you with that. Right here.. right now! Start talking! And I expect to hear the whole truth from both of you today! Christine has lost all rights to Charlotte! She has abused her for the last time.”

Sarah gets a snarky look on her face “You can’t take our wolves. Only the Goddess can! Christine was well on her way to having Damien claim her before you came along. You took him from her! With you gone.. she would be Queen! A better queen! You! A filthy halfbreed… a filthy Bastard halfbreed! Yet, you expect us all to fall at your feet.. worship the ground you walk on! When I contacted your father with the information on patrols and routes onto kingdom lands.. he asked for your mother’s phone number and I gladly gave that to him! He isn’t happy with me now. I can’t get into Aaron’s computer for information… he is threatening to not make me his new Luna.. so I told Christine she needed to step up the game! She’s too stupid to not get caught though! She’s on her own!”

And I started to laugh.. really laugh… “Oh My Goddess! I am so so sorry Aaron! The years you had to spend with this psychotic succubitch had to have been excruciating! She has done us an unbelievable and invaluable service! We now know Devereaux’s plan!” I summon Sierra forward “Sierra! Hello sweetheart! I am so sorry for what you have endured. I can offer you a choice, baby girl. You can live out the remainder of Sarah’s life trapped in her mind.. or I can free you to go home to our Goddess.. where you will be reborn to a good soul.. a kind soul. I will give you time to think about it.. while I speak to Charlotte…. (pulling Charlotte forward) Hello, pretty girl! I love your eyes! You heard what I offered Sierra, yeah? I offer the same to you! You can be free again. Feeling the wind in your fur.. being happy. You think on it a minute or two.. “ She started to cry and crawled to me and I sat on the floor to hold her.. She whispered “I don’t have to think. I want to be free and happy!” I started to cry and reached for Damien’s hand… because anything of this magnitude has to be done together…. I began to chant… repeating it louder and louder.. until I felt a light kiss on my cheeks and a whispered “don’t cry for me” then Christine fell to the floor.. screaming and yelling.. crying and begging.. then she fell silent a minute or two. She screeched “She’s gone! You killed my wolf! You fucking Bitch!” And I said simply “No! You did! I set her free!” She reached to slap me and Damien snapped her neck. Well! Damn! He looked up and said “sorry, Aaron” to which Aaron replied “For what!? Beating me to it?”

I turned to Sarah who stood gaping at her daughter.. “Sierra? Your choice?” She looked at us.. eyes brimming with tears, she stood and walked to Aaron “I’m sorry Dax… I always only ever wanted you!” Turning to me she whispered “I want to go home. I need to be happy again. And I need to refresh my heart and soul. I want to be free.” And I took her hand.. repeating the chant… once Sierra was free.. Sarah sat there blankly for a minute!! Then she screamed “Fuck you! Fuck you all!” And Damien calmly said “You are banished! Now and forever. You have exactly one hour to gather whatever you plan on taking.. and it will only be personal belonging.. then, good luck finding your Alpha! Liam… send two guards with her to watch her every move. I want to know when she has vacated the premises!”

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