For The Love of A Wolf

Chapter 18~ Let the fun begin

Damien’s POV~

Opening my eyes, the very first thing I realize… my head is on our pillows, but my feet are hanging off the foot! Lynette’s tiny body beside me.. her feet stopping just below my knees.. where she used to reach mid-calf. I link my mom 🐺 Mom? I don’t think I have any clothes! 🐺 Yeah? Join the fucking club! I am struggling to find pants for your father! And I haven’t heard from Liam or Blaze yet! But I do have a tailor coming in an hour.. I suggest you all meet him in your office. He’s bringing some ready to wear.. we may find something temporary. For now.. basketball shorts!!! No one wants to see the King’s TallyWhacker flapping in the breeze!

Oh Goddess! Please don’t let my mother repeat those words to anyone! Lynette stirs beside me.. opening her eyes, she smiled so beautifully “Good morning, My King!” Well now! She can call me that…anytime she wants! I swoop in and kiss her deeply whispering “Good morning, my beautiful Queen!”

I get up, pulling her with me and before I can step towards the bathroom she hollers “Holy Fuck! Did we end up in the land of the Jolly Green Giant! How tall are you???” I laugh and say “Yeah.. I’m not sure. But, apparently, my dad has the same issue! Have to meet the tailor shortly!” We hurried through our shower and reached my office, just as the tailor was arriving. I walked in and Liam sat in a pair of cutoff sweat pants, but Blaze didn’t bother cutting his. Which looked loke capris pants.

The tailor took our measurements. My dad had increased by 3 inches in height.. while Liam and Blaze were taller by four inches. I had grown by a half foot in height and 14 inches across my chest and shoulders. Lynette demanded she be measured.. but stomped out when she learned she is still 5’3. Muttering about walking fucking trees and a goddess damned mountain she would have to climb just for a kiss. Quite funny.. actually.

After the tailor had left us with at least jeans and tee shirts, shoes that actually fit our feet.. Aaron joined us. Stepping in the door his eyes widened “Well! That was unexpected! You’re going to need a larger… well.. everything.. but maybe start with your office? Damn!” We all laughed! That the other three went down for 72 hours, and grew larger was a surprise! Aaron filled us in on everything that had transpired in the past three days.. and the council has tried every day to contact the kingdom. And the wards had held.

Liam recommended we all get to the training center and test our strengths. “ Damien , your strength is going to be off the charts! It’s obvious the mantle has settled on your shoulders.. from the breadth of your chest.. your neck alone is nearly 21 inches around! Fucking insane, dude!” I just shrug “I don’t know who I can spar with.. this could be dangerous!” And Blaze clapped back with “Let’s start with five of our best, at once!” Nodding.. we walk toward the center.

Dad suggested he and Aaron start making phone calls.. asking when I want to set up a meeting with the current council. I reply “Have you given thought to whom you want to appoint on your board? I would like to have an idea of their replacements.” Lynette was walking up, at that moment.. “I had a thought.. there are too many packs to support an unbiased council.. what if you ran an election for each district.. say three representatives from the districts… divide the districts by region. North, south, east and west? That would allow for twelve council members.. and Dad being the tiebreaker in any given situation.? Just an idea?” My dad grabbed her and swung her round and round saying “My beautiful little genius!” And walked away. She looked at me and asked “What just happened?” I laughed, telling her she just proved why she is my Queen!

Lynette and I decide to spar together. She’s like this tiny little ninja.. bouncing off walls.. using the ring ropes to launch herself into the air and land behind me, taking out my legs. She’s fast.. hard to get ahold of.. and I love it!! I ended up sparring 8 of our best warriors at a time, and still not one landed a blow. We are going to be a force to be reckoned with! Even more than we realized, I think!

Dianne walks in and the girls are hugging and spinning in circles.. she has decided to move to the castle permanently when she turns eighteen in a week. Her father hasn’t given up drinking.. he just think he’s hiding it better. It’s probably going to come down to more drastic measures. But he’s lost his well his mate… and Dianne may have been the only thing holding him earthbound. Sad.. but it happens!

Dad linked…asking me to meet him in his office.. so I showered and ran up there. He was standing in front of a white board while Aaron read off the pack names from each area. Dad writing them in. He looked up and said “ There’s too many for only three representatives. I think I want to go with five. The prerequisite for qualifications are Rank born… retired at least ten years… I want them to have been long enough away from pack politics. There is no room for partiality or biased. I have drafted the initial email and am awaiting your Beta’s approval of it before it is sent. The reason I asked you here.. I want to keep Aaron as my right hand. In the book on the monarchy.. it states I can initiate him in by sharing blood in a standard acceptance ceremony of slicing palms. Is that okay with you?”

I smile… “Of course that’s okay! Aaron has always been family, dad. And you know that, Aaron! You’ve always been like an uncle to me!” Aaron smiled “I told him I wouldn’t accept unless he spoke with you first. I didn’t know how bad Christine had fucked things up between us!” I shook my head “You didn’t allw, encourage, or force Christine to do what she did! She did that all on her own! I would never hold you responsible or accountable!” He stood.. pulling me into a hug, he thanked me! That girl could really have fucked some shit up!

Dad’s phone rang.. and he answered “Senior Counsel to King Damien, Paul Richardson speaking “ and I grinned from ear to ear… That is a mouthful! His jaw clenched… putting his phone on speaker and said “I’m sorry, Councilman Lewis..would you repeat that?” On the other end, a voice sounded “I said, I don’t know how you were able to trespass into the now defunct kingdom.. but it is quite presumptuous of you to appoint your own son King!” My dad nods.. replying “I see you are still relying on misinformation, lies and exxagerations.. as usual, Phil. I didn’t appoint anyone. Our Goddess did. She blessed and anointed the monarchy. Watch it tonight.. it will be aired across all networks at 8 p.m.”

The guy spoke “I don’t know what game you’re playing… but rest assured.. the council will not recognize this false monarchy!” Dad laughed.. “Foolish man! You have it backwards! This monarchy does Not recognize Your council!” And he hung up the phone.. Grinning at me “Let the fun begin!” We all laughed and I looked from Dad to Aaron “Get your ceremony done.. the ceremonial knife is in the throne room! We don’t know how long he will go down for.. and we are going to need all hands on deck!”

Aaron said “Can we do this now? That call is bothering me! Lewis was privy to information that isn’t due to be released until tonight’s telecast. And I want to find who leaked it!” And fuck me… if he isn’t right! Mother fuck! I responded “We can eliminate anyone from the existing kingdom. They are still learning the ins and outs of modern day living..and the odds of them knowing how to contact the council are slim to none. Aaron.. would you mind if we bring Christine in for questioning? I am not accusing her.. but I worry her childish threats of making me regret turning her down may have gotten her in a little over her head.” And he got pissedddd! He looked at Dad.. said “Let’s get this done! I want to get my nap over with so I can beat her immature ass all over this territory! Have the Queen question her! I can’t keep cleaning up her messes! This shit started in middle school and has only escalated!”

Dad stands and says “Let’s get ‘er done!” And claps Aaron on the back.. laughing. I link Liam and Lynette…letting them know what we suspect, and having them meet me in my office, because I already told Blaze to bring Christine to my office!

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