For The Fans

: Chapter 31

Slay_is4whors3s: Backwardz_Avi r u Backwardz_Cap??? Where’s Not_Your_Baby?!?!

Slickrick762: BC Eagles QB Kyran Harbor just changed his IG to His_Baby… Do you think…????

The picture I’ve been sketching is gorgeous

And it’s pissing me off.

I’m not usually so annoyed while drawing, but right now, I’m frustrated and the songs playing in my ears are all driving me insane.

Love songs… Lyrics about his haze and his reverie…

But he’s not here. And I’m just… sad. And angry.

Okay, I need to take break… before I snap another charcoal pencil in half.

Ripping the headphones off my head, I toss them down with my pencils, standing up and yanking my hair in my fists. I peer down at the fuzzy blanket on the floor, where Robin is lying, gazing up at me with wide, yellow eyes.

“What are you looking at?” I grumble. She blinks at me. “Mom!” I growl out loud, stalking out of my bedroom.

“Yes, dear?” my mother mumbles from the living room.

I’m in the kitchen in an instant, rifling through the cupboards. “Please tell me we have more Lucky Charms… I’m in need of the kind of comfort only freeze-dried marshmallows can provide.”

Mom sighs, a pitying sound, and I shoot a glare in her direction. “Avi, I say this with love…” she starts, standing up from the couch. “You need to smoke some weed. Because you’re stressing me out.”

My jaw clenches together, in an annoyance that’s been surrounding me like an aura for the past five weeks. “You know I quit…”

“Yea, I know.” She rubs her eyes. “And as your mother, I feel like I need to tell you this… you’ve been way too grouchy the last few weeks. It’s making it impossible to even be around you.”

She gives me a sympathetic head tilt that forces me to pause my rampant ransacking for junk food.

“Well, I’m sorry.” I slam the cupboard door. “I apologize that my attempt at getting healthy is so inconvenient to everyone.”

I know I’m being ridiculous, but I can’t help it.

Not only have I not smoked in five weeks, but I also haven’t gotten laid in five weeks, and between the two, I’ve officially become the most insufferable person in the Greater Boston Area.

I’m aware of it. But unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do to help it.

I stopped smoking for Kyran. And then he left.

And now I’m just drifting through my days… driving everyone I know insane with my moodiness, apparently.

My mother steps over to me, running her hands up my shoulders. “Avi… it’s okay to miss him, you know. If you want to talk about him, I’m more than willing to—”

“That’s just it,” I cut her off. “I can’t talk about him. Because talking about him makes me miss him even more, and missing him does nothing for me. Because he won’t talk to me, I don’t know where he is, and I have no idea if he’s ever coming back.” Stopping to take a breath, I cover my face with my palms. “I don’t know what to do with these feelings… I don’t know if I’m wasting my time waiting for him. I’m just… lost.”

My mom pouts to cover a smile, brushing my hair back with her fingers. “Sweetie, you’re not lost. You’re in love. And I know it hurts sometimes… caring so much for someone and not knowing where they stand.”

I blink at her, the weight of my emotions crushing me into the hardwood floor. “So what am I supposed to do, then?”

She stares at me for a moment before murmuring, “Just keep holding on. If it’s meant to be, then it’ll work out.”

She shows me a small grin, and I roll my eyes. “That’s really comforting. Thanks, Mom.”

Shaking her head, she turns and grabs her coat. “I’m going out for a bit.”

“Where??” I grunt.

“Out,” she repeats firmly, heading for the door. “Maybe by the time I get back, you’ll be a little less… severe.”

She leaves while I’m grumbling, “Unlikely.”

Once she’s gone, I sigh, glancing around our new apartment. It’s a sublet, from some nice lady named Jill, who I guess lives down in Florida half the year to escape the cruel New England winters. I know we’ll probably have to find something else in a few months, but for now, it works.

When my mom moved out of Tom’s house in Somerville, it only made sense for us to get a place together again, since I’m no longer in school. I hate to admit it, but I’ve been drifting over the last few weeks, what with Kyran being gone and all. I’d hoped that working on my art would sustain me, but everything I do just ends up reminding me of him.

Living with Frankie was fun while it lasted, but just like my mom is now, she too got sick of my crabbiness. I guess the not smoking and being devastated over the loss of my sweet, sexy control-freak is turning me into the grumpy pessimist Kyran used to be… Before we fell in love.

Ouch. My chest… I miss him so fucking much, goddamnit.

At least my art projects have been distracting me during the day… But at night, I can’t help but feel so monumentally alone.

Right now, I’m coasting on the money I had saved up from the OnlyFans, and since I no longer need to worry about paying for school, it works. But I suppose I’ll need to find a job soon… One that doesn’t consist of me fucking my boyfriend on camera.

The problem is that my fans are still around, and they’re all just as desperate as I am to get Not_Your_Baby back. It’s making me all the more miserable, because truthfully, I would love nothing more than to get the Fans going again. Those few months were the best times of my life… and I have constant DMs from desperate strangers coming in all day every day to solidify the memories.

Abandoning my search for junk food, I tug my phone out of my pocket and scroll through social media. My Instagram is a barrage of comments and messages since I changed my name… People constantly inquiring about my lost partner.

Where’s Not_Your_Baby??

Will you ever come back to OnlyFans?

When Not_Your_Baby comes back, can we get more sex toy vids?? That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

Yea. I know it was…

But I don’t just miss the sex with Kyran. Of course, that’s just one extremely enticing sugar-dipped part of it. Mostly, I miss him. I miss being with him…

I miss his smell, his soft skin and his sick body, with all those masculine slopes of perfectly taut muscle… His silky dirty blonde hair, the way his pillowy lips feel kissing me everywhere. I miss his hazel glares and little scowls, but more importantly, his smiles. His laughter, and his seriousness.

His hesitance, and his overwhelming past.

I miss all of it. I just miss him, and everything we started to be before he took off.

If I could just get him back, I’d spend every single day putting him together, and not caring one bit about it. I would make it my life’s mission to fix whatever he thinks is broken, if he wanted me to… It would be my honor to be his handyman.

No amount of work will ever be work with Kyran Harbor.

Because I’m an obvious masochist, I can’t help checking his Instagram… just to see if anything new has been posted since I last checked it… two hours ago.

Shortly after he left, Kyran deleted all of his previous posts, which I guess I can understand. None of those pictures captured the real Kyran. It was part of his image, and I guess now he’s done pretending.

But this time, when I check his profile, something is different.

His name has been changed… to His_Baby.

I blink at the screen, my stomach bunching up tight while my pulse thumps in my throat. His name used to say QB 9—Kyran Harbor. But now it says… His_Baby.

Chewing on my lower lip, I scroll down to where it used to say No Posts, and now there is one. It’s a black box of white text that says…

I’m in love with an angel.

Proceeding to read the caption, my chest grows tight as my eyes scan the words…

I’m in love with an angel. And not the kind with wings and a halo.

A human with a heart bigger than a football field.

An angel with talent that knows no bounds, who doesn’t conform to societal norms, because those are for suckers.

Who believes in aliens and cryptids… Conspiracy theories? My angel knows them all, and will tell you just how misguided your truths are.

I’m in love with an angel who is gorgeous and sexy, and has a body that’ll make you weep… And funnily enough, it’s made up almost entirely of sugar.

I’m in love with an angel who uses Twizzlers as straws and gives gummy bears names.

Oh, hello, Bob. Nice to eat you today.

I’m in love with an angel who never stopped believing in me… Even after every bad thing I ever did to him. An angel I used to say hurtful things to, but who still spoke words of encouragement to me when I needed it… Who was there for me when no one else was. An angel who told me it’s not over until it’s over. Because it’s not. I promise, it’s not.

My angel was the last person I thought I could love…

But I came back to him, over and over, because my heart wanted him when I didn’t understand why. And now I do understand it. It’s as clear as the crystalline grayish blue in his eyes.

My angel saved me. He rescued me from hiding. He held me when I needed him, and he loved me when I didn’t.

He’s selfless, real… just a brilliant, beautiful fucking weirdo.

I’m in love with an angel… And his name is Avi.

My heart is aching, throbbing by the time I’m done reading, a tickling pressure in my sinuses making me sniff over and over. I could fall to my knees right now, I’m quaking so deep down to my core.

I can’t believe he wrote this… On his real profile. His profile that everyone knows is his. He wrote this for me.

“Where are you, baby?” I whisper to my phone, bottom lip shivering. “Just come home.”

It feels impossible not to call him right now, but I force myself not to, because I just can’t anymore. He hasn’t answered a single one of my calls in almost six weeks, and the only time he’s said anything to me is that text I received weeks ago, telling me he’s okay, and that he’s coming back for me. And for that reason alone, I’ve held out hope.

I need to give him space.

But it hasn’t been fucking easy.

We don’t need to be apart. Because what he doesn’t know is that I didn’t save him… He saved me.

I spent most of my life drifting… never really knowing who I was, or what I was meant to be. Until my grouchy stepbrother came along, and showed me.

I’m a mascot; someone who supports and rallies for others. I’m an artist and an entertainer. I’m a lover, a friend, but most of all, I’m in love with the man who made all of that so painfully apparent to me.

The hot grouchy blonde, with all his internal scars. He took my hand at the edge, and squeezed it. And we fell together.

For only the millionth time since he left, I have to force myself to toss my phone away. Rushing into my bedroom, I locate a joint, hidden away in my desk drawer.

I know I quit smoking for Kyran, and I’m proud of myself for holding out as long as I have. But right now, I just need to get high… to numb myself of all these feelings. To forget about how empty I am without him here.

I’m flicking the lighter over and over, grumbling to myself about how it sucks and I need to get a new one, when there’s a knock at the front door.

I freeze with the joint between my lips, standing still for a moment before I pluck it out and toss it back onto my desk. Stowing my frustrations as best I can, I pad my way through the apartment over to the door, more impatient knocking happening as I reach for the handle.

Without a second thought, I whip it open, barking, “Alright, alright… Hold your—”

But all my rumbling annoyance dissolves with my voice when I’m met with hazel eyes, golden hair, and a puffy pink grin.

“Wow…” Kyran sighs, cocking his head. “You look… distraught.”

My brow furrows, blinking rapidly as my mouth hangs open. I’m gawking at him for a solid three seconds before I’m finally able to stammer, “N-no, I don’t…”

“You do.” His beautiful grin widens, and surely, I’m hallucinating. He’s not really here… This must be a tulpa I’ve manifested in my state of lonesome misery. “You look like you’re doing just… awful without me.”

I’m shocked. Stunned. He’s really here…?


Kyran’s here.

And he’s right. I’m running on fumes, and I know I probably look all disheveled and heartbroken. But there’s no way I can admit that to him when he just showed up and startled me like this.

So I purse my lips and mutter, “Actually, I’m living the dream. Who even are you?? You’re disturbing my lunch of diamond caviar and gold-dipped truffles.”

Kyran laughs, and the sound is an awakening. My pulse is racing, chills sheeting my body as he advances toward me, hands coming to rest on my chest as he sort of just pushes his way inside.

And I’m thrown enough to back up, thrilled and nervous and flying high on pure joy from finally being in his presence again.

The feel of him touching me… The warmth of his hands, the glow of his smile… It’s turning me into a bumbling fool. In an instant, I’m shaking.

I just can’t stop staring at him… and how positively gorgeous he looks, in real life. Not in old pictures I’ve been staring at, or videos I’ve watched a million times just to feel close to him. For the first time in over a month, I’m seeing him with my own two wide eyes.

He’s real. Real Kyran.

“I hope you don’t mind that I just… showed up,” he murmurs, backing me up into the nearest wall. “I got your address from your friends.”

“I… I don’t…” My words won’t even come out right. I’m short-circuiting. “I can’t…”

“I love making you speechless,” he breathes, licking his lips.

“Kyran,” I whisper his name, snapping out of it enough to cup his jaw with my hands. “Is it really you?? I need confirmation, because I’ve had this dream more than a few times…”

He chuckles, leaning in to rest his forehead on mine. “And what happens in these dreams? Are you… happy?”

“Are you kidding?” My lips shiver on his. “There is no happiness for me without you.”

“God, I fucking missed you…” His fingers slide up my neck, and I have to shake my head.

I can’t even believe this is happening. I can’t believe he’s actually here, touching me. Raking his long, perfect fingers through my hair, tucking his face into the crook of my neck and sniffing me the way he used to.

God, I think I’m convulsing.

“Why…” I croak, then clear my throat, as he seals his body to mine, trapping me against the wall. “Why are you here… now?”

“I never wanted to be away from you Avi.” His lips curve into a pout that I can feel while he speaks on my throat. “You have to know that…”

“Tell me why then, Kyran,” I whimper, with his hands sliding all over me, like he missed touching me so bad. It’s bringing me back to life… I’m resurrected.

“Because, baby…” he hums, regretfully. Hesitantly. That Kyran uncertainty that makes my knees weak. “I couldn’t stand the idea of forcing you to fix me. It wouldn’t be fair.”

“But don’t you know that I don’t care??” I huff, lifting his face so that our eyes meet. “Kyran, I want to fix you. Nothing in my life has ever made me happier than to open the door for you every single time you showed up, lost and confused and needing me to show you how good it can feel to let go. I love fixing you, baby, and if you need me to, I will. It would be my greatest pleasure.”

“I know that,” he breathes, our gazes sticking like glue. “And I love you for it. But I needed to learn to fix myself for us to be together. I want you with the real Kyran, baby. Because the real Kyran fell so hard in love with you, Avi Vega. You got me here. You’re my angel…”

“I just saw your post.” I smirk, and he smiles, teasing my lips with it.

“I want everyone to know whose baby I am,” he whispers.

God, I feel like I’m flying. Falling from up high, but floating in the air.

And yes, it’s still scary. Because I’ve never been in love before, and I’m terrified of losing him again. It’s a staggering notion, putting yourself in someone’s hands like this.

But with his hand in mine, this fall is a great dive.

“Please don’t ever leave me again.” I kiss the words onto his sweet, soft mouth that I missed so much I’m about to collapse. “Please, Kyran… Anything you’re feeling, we can work it out together. Just don’t… don’t leave me.”

I hate how vulnerable I sound, but I can’t help it. Having him back is a shot of dopamine I’ve been seriously lacking since he left.

He hums. “In case you haven’t noticed, I have a bad habit of running from you, baby. But I’m done now… Avi, you deserve to be chased.”

My chest is wide open as I cling to him. “It’s not a chase if I’m desperate to let you catch me.”

“Angel Avi…” he purrs and smiles.

No more words. Just lips.

He kisses me first, hard and fast, groaning as he does, like he’s been starved for weeks and he’s finally being nourished again. The reunion of our mouths has my mind going topsy-turvy, heating my blood in an instant. My fingers twitch with need, taking in every surface of him, every curve and dip of hard muscle, every plane of soft skin I can reach. His silky hair and his warmth, and the fact that he’s smiling the whole time.

He’s happy, and I’m soaring.

“I want to tell you everything…” he whispers hoarsely into my mouth while we pant and suck and lick and bite, grinding together rough to make up for the lost time. “So much good happened while I was gone… even though I hated every second of being away from you.”

“I can’t wait to hear about it, beautiful,” I sigh, replete already just from being with him again. I’m finally settled, and it feels like I’ve just waltzed through the pearly gates of heaven. “I could listen to your voice for hours.”

“You wanna talk now?” He smirks, and I mirror it… two sets of already swollen lips from the force of our ravenous kisses.

“If you’re okay with it…” I bite his bottom lip, and he hums. “I’d rather pick your ass up and fuck you against something first.”

“Always giving me what I need,” he whimpers. “My sweet, strawberry angel.”

Bearing myself against the wall, I grab him by the ass and hoist him up on my body. He gasps and chuckles, wrapping his legs around my waist while I carry him toward my bedroom.

“I love being with someone strong enough to lift me up,” he sighs, fluttering his tongue over my lip, then sinking it into my mouth. My cock throbs against his through our pants.

“You wanna get tossed around a little, sexy thing?” I growl, and he groans, nodding and writhing in my arms.

“I just fucking missed you so bad, baby.” He rips my hair in his fists. “I haven’t come since the last time we were together…”

“Mmm… Not even once?”

He shakes his head.

“Me neither.”

I walk us over to my drawing table and lie him down on it. His legs stay around my waist, clutching me to him while I hold his jaw and kiss him so furiously it’s like I’m punishing his sweet, soft mouth.

“You didn’t stroke your big cock while you were missing me?” he whispers.

“Uh-uh.” I shake my head. “I couldn’t. It only wants you.”

“I’m here.” He slides his hand between us to rub my shape over my pants. “Let me take care of you.”

“Are you talking to me… or my dick?” I grin.

He rumbles a sexy little laugh. “I missed you both equally.”

A desperate whimper leaves me as I suck off his mouth just long enough to gaze down at him. I don’t think he realizes he’s lying on top of a pile of drawings of him… but it’s a marvelous sight to behold.

I’ve been sketching nothing but Kyran for weeks… The only thing my hands seemed to want to do. And now he’s here; the real Kyran, my baby. Lying on a background of his eyes, and lips and muscled torsos. His beauty captured on paper, which does no justice to the gorgeous being gazing up at me.

Ripping my shirt over my head, I toss it fast, then do the same to his. We’re scrambling out of our clothes, fingers chasing, rushing and exploring, fevered breaths echoing around us within the muggy heat of a lust returned home.

“Where’s your mom?” he asks as I peel his pants and boxers down his legs, running my hand up the length of his giant, swollen cock.

“She went out to get away from me,” I hum, and he laughs. “Apparently, I’ve been difficult to be around these past few weeks.”

His lashes flutter as he bites his lip, taming the wild smile that won’t leave his mouth. “You mean even Mr. Blasé himself was getting a lil moody?”

“Yea,” I growl, shoving my pants and boxers down my thighs. “No weed, no sex, and no Kyran for over a month turned up the grump-o-meter.”

His eyes sparkle up at me. “You haven’t been smoking…?”

My chin dips as I trace his abs with my fingertips. “I quit before the Rose Bowl.” He blinks at me, and I clear my throat. “I… I didn’t want to be foggy with you, baby. Plus, you’re a better high than any drug could ever give.”

He looks like he’s stunned and elated by what I’m saying, his wide chest moving up and down with panting breaths.

“Angel…” He sighs, using his feet to push my pants down lower. “Get all the way naked for me. Get naked and fuck me the way I need you to…”

Of course I do, giving him exactly what he wants, because nothing makes me happier than pleasing him. Giving him what he needs.

Peering over my shoulder at the bedroom door, which isn’t closed anywhere near enough, I mumble, “If my mom comes home early, she’ll be scarred for life.”

We both chuckle, kissing and melding our heated flesh together.

“Well… remember Christmas?” he rumbles, and I nod. “The potential of getting caught is a kink I love exploring with you… bro.”

I laugh into his mouth, grinding my cock on his, tips all sticky, balls brushing in slow strokes. He touches my chest, gripping my pecs and teasing my nipples. It feels so sensual, erotic, the way we’re coming together with nothing in the way.

It’s Kyran and Avi uncensored. Real sex, real love.

“If the fans could see us now,” I mumble on his mouth, reaching around for some lube I know is in one of these drawers.

Kyran stops our kisses, and I blink down at him to find him flushing up at me, lust-drunk and so goddamn beautiful. “We should record it. For old time’s sake.” I cock a brow at him while he bites his lip. “Show them that we’re back together. We owe it to them, after all… Us.”

My stomach flutters at what he’s suggesting. All this time, I thought Kyran regretted the OnlyFans. I thought he saw it as something that could harm his reputation, and I blamed myself for getting him mixed up in it.

But as it turns out, we were doing this for the fans… Because we turned out to be fans, too.

“What about… the NFL?” I ask, and he shrugs.

“If they really want me, they’ll get over it.” He traces my bottom lip with his finger. “Just one last hoorah… What do you think, my Backwardz Angel?”

I grin and bite it. “I think it’s about to be real obvious whose baby you are, superstar.”

He makes a hungry sound while I reach down for his pants, pulling out his phone. He unlocks it for me, my lips dancing on his. “For the fans?”

He grins, kissing me softly. “For the fans.”

Kyran holds the phone while I pour lube all over my fingers, stroking it onto my dick, then swiping some between his cheeks. He gasps as I massage the lube on his rim, slipping a finger inside him.

“For us…” I kiss his neck, fingering his hole nice and slow.

“Always for us,” he purrs.

“Action,” I hum, and his laugh turns to a groan when I slide in a second finger.

Kyran holds up the camera, recording me while I kiss all over his chest, fluttering his nipples with my tongue, my fingers pumping in and out of him, drawing out frantic breaths.

“My baby’s back.” I suck and bite the words onto his chest, making hickeys on his flesh that cause him to grumble.

“You’re not wearing the hat,” he snickers breathlessly. “They might not recognize you.”

Peeking up at the camera, I smirk. “This is Backwardz_Cap, reporting live from in between Not_Your_Baby’s legs.” He chuckles, then whines when I touch his prostate. “Mmm… capture that, babe. Look at how wet your dick gets feeling me inside…”

He aims the camera at his cock, resting on his abs beneath mine, all engorged and pulsing out pearls of precum. I have to take a second to play with it, slipping my thumb into the skin and swirling it around his head with all the slickness.

“Please hold,” I grunt, crouching and draping his knees over my shoulders. “This needs to be licked.”

Using my tongue on his dick, I slip it inside the skin, sucking and sucking his head out like one of those push-pops.

“Ohh… Avi,” his words flutter. “I missed your tongue teasing me like that…”

“I missed sucking on this pretty pink head,” I growl, and he whines, fingers twisting in my hair while he records me loving up on his delicious cock.

My fingers continue to stroke in his ass, a third being added to the mix that clenches his abs.

“You wanna get fucked, superstar?” I tug at his nuts until he’s shivering.

“Yea… yes, please,” he whimpers, spreading his legs wider, arching his back like he’s offering his hole up to me. “Fuck my ass, baby. Fuck it like you missed it.”

God, I fucking missed it…”

Pulling my fingers out slowly, I stand back up, wedging myself between his legs and wasting no time sinking my cock between his cheeks. Kyran is holding the camera, but I’m not even paying attention to it. As usual.

My eyes are on him, on his eyes wanting to droop shut when my crown slips in, his parted plush lips quivering. His Adam’s apple that I just love biting and sucking, dips in his throat as I feed my dick into his greedy hole. And he swallows me up… Every. Aching. Inch.

Snatching the camera away from him, I capture the visual of me barreling in all the way, holding his balls and moving them to get the perfect view.

“Fffuuuck, Avi…” He reaches for my waist while I pull back and push in, the sensation of being inside him again sheeting my body with manic shivers. “I love you… I love… your big… thick cock.”

“You missed this dick, baby?” I groan, and he nods fast, his ass gripping me while I slide, working up a rhythm in his hot, quivering body.

“I missed this dick…” His fingers dig into my sides. I pump harder, jostling him up and down on the table with my increasingly sturdy thrusts. “I missed this perfect dick fucking me so good.”

“This dick was made to fuck you, beautiful.” My head is spinning as I melt over him, kissing his lips and recording myself doing it. “We fit together so well.”

“You make me whole,” he whispers into my mouth.

“I love you,” I croak, driving into him harder and harder, grabbing a handful of his ass and holding him to me. “Stay with me forever, baby…”

“I’m yours, Aviel,” he sighs, and my heart is breaking through my chest. “Just yours. Always.”

Setting the phone down for a moment, I pick him up and flip us around, so that my back is on the table, and I’m holding him up on my waist. His eyes widen at the sudden position change, and I’m obsessed with the look. Kyran sitting astride my lap, his knees braced on the table, sweat-slicked skin flushed and glistening, golden hair all tousled and hanging in his face.

“Ride me, gorgeous,” I plead up to him. “Show me how much you missed fucking my cock.”

His head drops back, and he groans, pawing at my chest while his hips move, working his hot, tight hole up and down my shaft. He’s a revelation, this man. I could get off just watching him.

I get it, fans. I totally see it.

“Uhh… Avi,” he cries softly, his dick bobbing while he chases the high, swiveling and rocking on me. The table is creaking beneath our weight, banging against the wall. “Fffuck, it feels amazing. I’m gonna come so soon…”

“Make yourself come on me, baby.” I grip his hips, helping him ride. “Fuck that sweet spot with my dick.”

Mmmfff… you’re like… all over it.” He clenches on me, muscles tightening visibly as he climbs and climbs.

“You want me to come on it?” I grab the phone to capture just a bit of this because it looks so damn crazy fucking good.

“Yea, baby. Ohh, angel… come inside me.” He bounces harder, lost to the sensation. “Soak my prostate with your hot cum…”

“Jesus, your mouth is fucking filthy,” I roar, pushing my hips upward to meet his thrusts, our bodies jamming together rougher and faster. “Give me all your dirty words… Tell me how you wanna come, my beautiful, big-dicked slut.”

“Ohhfuck… oh fuck oh fuck… Avi, I’m a slut for your cock.”

“Yea, you are, baby.”

Tense, sweating, squirming, and losing my fucking mind, my back has papers stuck to it, sliding up and down on the table while he rocks my fucking world.

“Fuck the cum out of me, Daddy,” he chokes, and I rasp a breathless chuckle, watching his eyes roll back in his head. “Fuuuck… fuck my ass. Fuck… my… tight… Oh God, I’m coming!”

I can barely even hold the phone, but I make sure to capture him coming because it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. His huge, rock-hard cock pulsing out streams all over me while he humps my fucking brains out. He’s fucking himself on me so hard, the cum is just spraying all over the place, his wet cock slapping on my abs while he sobs and mewls and pinches my nipples until I just can’t take it anymore.

Dropping the phone onto the floor, I grip his back, holding him to me as trembles rack my loins and I explode into a meteor shower of an orgasm.

“Baby… I’m coming in you,” I whimper, pulling him down to me. “K-kiss me. Kiss me, Kyran, oh my God, I love you.”

He collapses onto me, our teeth clashing while we suck and lick and bite each other, groaning and grunting into each other’s mouths.

“Avi… Ahhh-veee, angel, I feel you coming in my ass… Fuck, it feels so good.”

“Y-yea? You feel me spilling in you, love?”

“Your cum feels so good in me. I love you, baby. I love how you fuck…”

Holding his jaw, our bodies grind together in a big sweaty cum-drenched pile of muscles. I lick his bottom lip, sucking it hard, devouring the dirty words as they pour from his luscious mouth.

“I fucking missed you.” I shudder as we finally stop moving, limbs shaking, hearts leaping into one another.

“I missed you like crazy.” He lifts his face enough for us to lock eyes.

The love flowing between us is palpable, like an explosion of chemistry; a force that will never die down. It’s always been this way with us… An unexplainable draw that pulls us together.

We spend a few heavy seconds petting each other, my fingers in his hair and his trailing from my jaw down my throat. And we’re just staring, feeling it.

We’re finally here. Snapped into place. Whole.

Kyran kisses my bottom lip a few times while I just lie here breathing, fuzzy and warm all over. Happy, for the first time in weeks. Because my man is back, and he feels good. We made it. We won the game.

He moves back, and I hold his hands, pulling out and helping him stand up. He bites his lip, pressing his legs together, and it’s somehow the hottest and most adorable thing I’ve ever seen, watching him squirm at the feel of my cum gushing out of him. Standing up slowly, I take his hand and kiss his palm.

He grins, eyes shifting to something behind me. His brows furrow, and I realize that he’s noticing all my drawings.

“Oh… yea,” I mumble sheepishly as he reaches for the pictures. “I did those… I mean, I was just missing you, so I…” My voice trails off, and I gulp.

“Avi…” he breathes, sifting through papers that are now all rumpled, covered in our sweat. “These are incredible.”

I scoff, shaking my head. “They’re just sketches.”

These are just sketches??” He gapes at me. “Look at the lines… Wow.” He keeps flipping through all the drawings I did of him while he was gone. And some I did before… back in the dorm, when we were still theoretically fucking for the fans.

Some are just his eyes, or his mouth. Some are his full face, some just his body. I have ones of him sleeping and ones of him smiling, scowling, fucking, and coming. There are probably close to fifty sketches of Kyran Harbor, proving once more that I’ve been obsessively into him for so much longer than I cared to admit.

“You’ve been drawing me the whole time… haven’t you?” he whispers, blinking shimmery eyes at me.

“Kind of…” I murmur, and he grins. I love seeing it so much that I sigh, “Okay, yes. I’ve been in love with you for a while… clearly.”

Kyran pouts and throws his arms around my shoulders, draping himself on me. And like the only real instinct I’ve ever had, my arms circle his waist, and I hold him.

“I’m sorry for all the time I wasted being scared,” he whispers.

I shake my head. “Don’t ever apologize for that. You’re worth all the time in the world, baby. I would’ve waited years for you.”

He kisses my cheek, then my neck, breathing softly as he asks, “Can I keep the pictures?”

I chuckle. “I can do better ones for you…”

“I like those.”

And his words give me an idea.

Pulling back, I cup his jaw in my hand. “Let’s go get cleaned up, baby. I have something to show you.”

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