For The Fans

: Chapter 16

DinoDicks: Search my cave and paint the walls white

Inch3z_aplenty: You’re both so f*cking hot, my zipper is falling for you

NotAStalker: I’d let you fold me like a cheap lawn chair.

“Eat ass, bitch,” I grumble at the screen, my fingers working on the controller to smash a zombie’s head open. I bash him repeatedly with a pipe until his skull explodes into a million pieces.

I chuckle. Because it’s funny.

I’m playing The Last of Us. After that little moment in the locker room, I decided I just wanted to come back to the dorm and be alone, dodging texts from my mom about meeting up for a celebratory burger. I’m not sure if she meant just me… Or me and Kyran. But there’s no way superstar would blow off a keg-sucking party filled with jocks and bimbos to hang out with his family anyway. And I’m just too tired.

Seriously, my eyes are closing while I’m playing, and by the third time I die because I’m half-conscious, I let them flutter shut and I end up passing out on the couch.

There’s a buzzing on the edge of my brain. I can’t tell if it’s happening in real life or in my cluttered dreams. But then the sound of knocking fully wakes me up.

It’s not loud knocking, but it’s definitely incessant. Sitting up, I rub the sleep from my eyes, noting the time on the clock. Two-fifteen.

Padding over to the door, I use the peephole, because I’m not exactly sure who would be showing up at this ungodly hour. Although in the back of my mind, I know who it’s going to be before I even look.

Of course it’s Kyran. He’s standing out there, knocking and knocking, while simultaneously typing on his phone.

Letting out a sigh, I open the door. “Really? It’s the middle of the night, for fuck’s sake…”

He pushes his way past me inside, shrugging out of his coat. “I tried texting you, but you weren’t answering.”

“Because I was asleep,” I mutter pointedly, then cross my arms. “What do you want, Kyran?”

He blinks at me, as if he doesn’t understand the question, and it brings me right back to the same level of frustration from earlier. It’s annoying as fuck that he just shows up here in the middle of the night, in secret, after treating me like a nothing little loser in front of his friends. I don’t know why I’m surprised, but it still irks me.

His eyes fall to his shoes, and I can’t make myself ignore how his sandy-colored hair is more strewn about than he usually allows, and how pink his cheeks are from the cold.

Still, he’s not speaking, and it’s testing my patience. “Did you come here just to sway around in front of me, or is there something you need?”

His chin lifts until our eyes lock. “I… I’m not tired.”

My forehead lines. “Okay…?”

“I just thought…” he starts, then clears his throat. “I thought maybe you’d want to… hang out.”

I narrow my gaze at him. “You didn’t think I was worthy of hanging out with earlier. What’s different now? Oh, wait. I know. Now it’s the middle of the night and your friends aren’t around…”

He purses his lips. “Whatever, Avi. Don’t act like you care. You’ve never been interested in hanging out with football players. I did you a favor.”

“Thanks. You’re a peach,” I grumble sarcastically.

He’s right. I don’t care, about any of this. I shouldn’t feel offended that he only shows up at night, and only comes to hang out when no one’s around. Because that’s the nature of this whole thing.

We’re not friends. We’re business acquaintances. That’s it.

So I force down the strange, uneasy feelings trying to slink up into my chest, and I step closer to him. “I take it you couldn’t get hard again… with your cheerleaders?”

His eyes narrow. “Fuck off. You don’t know shit.”

“Really?” I hum, and move in even closer, until our chests are almost flush, taking his chin between my fingers. “Were you thinking about our little secret in the locker room…?”

He slaps my hand away. “Back the fuck off, dipshit, or I’ll waste you.”

An easy smirk settles on my lips as I spin on my heel. “Fine. I’ll be in the bedroom whenever you’re ready to admit the real reason for your visit.”

Meandering away, I go to the bathroom real quick to freshen up. Because it’s only a matter of time before his stubbornness evaporates and he realizes that I’m right.

In my bedroom, I get the tripod set up and prepare my new video camera for optimal recording. I pick up my phone, checking it for a moment, only to find text notifications at the top. But I choose not to read them right now, focusing on perfecting the lighting.

Business. This is a job. I’m at work.

And I guess in this line of work, it’s totally acceptable to be getting a boner right now.

After a few minutes, I hear footsteps, and I cover up my triumphant grin with a sigh. I love being right…

Turning to ask him a question, the words dissolve in my throat when I find him already undressed down to his boxer briefs. I can’t help but gulp.

Okay… There’s his… body.

Kyran sidles over to my bed and crawls into it, lying down and letting out a shaky breath. “So… we’re gonna watch this before you post it, right? To make sure I—we don’t look… stupid?”

I nod, lashes fluttering as I try to remember how to speak. “Uh… yea. Totally. Whatever you want.”

Stupid. That was a stupid thing to say.

But he just nods in response, settling into my bed. His leg hits something, and he flinches, moving the comforter to reveal a sleeping kitten.

The look of horror on his face is pretty satisfying. “Can you move this thing??”

Chuckling, I step over and pick Robin up. “What’s wrong…? You don’t like cats?”

“No, actually. I don’t.” He pulls a displeased scowl at the cat while I dangle her in front of his face. “Get it away from me.”

“But she’s so cute!” I grin. “Just pet her one time.”

“No. Come on, Avi, stop fucking around,” he grunts, and I sigh.

“Fine.” I mutter to Robin, clear enough for him to hear. “I told you he’s a grouch.”

Bringing her to the living room, I get her snuggled up in her fuzzy blanket, then return to the bedroom. The lights are all dimmed, minus the one coming from the ring light on my tripod. Still, there’s a bit of ambience in here, which is good.

Nothing worse than doing something you’ve never done before in full brightness.

I think the fact that we’re about to have sex sets in when I press record, because my hands are suddenly all clammy and my stomach is twisting and turning like it’s doing the Harlem Shake. Rubbing my palms on my pants, I drop gently onto the bed by Kyran’s feet.

“So… how are we gonna do this?” I ask, unzipping my hoodie.

He watches my fingers drag the zipper down, eyes lingering on where the material hangs open until I shrug it off my shoulders.

“Um… I don’t know.” He starts to fidget nervously.

I like it. I don’t know why, but I do.

Slowly, I crawl over him, and his eyes widen. But to my surprise, his legs part like an instinct to make room for me.

“How about we call this a test run?” My hand slides up his abs, onto his chest, palm resting above where his heart is jumping aggressively. “Just to see… if it even works.”

Kyran swallows visibly, bringing my attention to his throat as he croaks, “Why wouldn’t it work?”

“I mean us,” I clarify, fighting against trembling eagerness. “Doing this… together. We don’t know what the chemistry is gonna be like…”

He still looks a little shaken by what I’m saying, but he nods, then peeks at the camera. Grasping his jaw, I tug him until he has to look at me.

“Forget about that,” I whisper, submitting to the hunger in me and lowering my mouth to his. “Focus on what we’re doing. And how it feels…”

A small gasp leaves his lips and I swallow it up. It tastes fucking great… Like cinnamon booze and secret lust. Parting my lips slowly over his, I suck on his lower, kissing him gently until I can’t help but hum. How can his awful mouth turn so sweet…?

Kyran is stiff at first, as usual. But when my lips part wider, his follows my lead, and I glide my tongue inside to touch his.

God, it wasn’t a fluke. It feels every bit as good as it did in the bathroom at the party. Only this time, we’re both half-naked. And alone… And he’s in my bed, squirming beneath me while his big cock turns to stone under mine.

My hands are on his face and in his hair, holding him in place as sensual kisses bloom into a carnal chase, panting and the sounds of blankets rustling filling the air around us. Gliding my fingertips down, I caress his hard surfaces, the curves of muscle in his chest and his abs, before slipping them into the waistband of his boxers.

He flinches, tensing as I begin to gradually pull them down.

“W-wait… Avi…” he murmurs into my mouth.

“Wait for what?” I breathe, already burning alive and we’ve barely done anything yet.

“Just… I don’t…” he stammers, lips quivering like the sexiest, most timid angry boy I’ve ever met. “I don’t know if I… can do this.”

Forcing my lips off of his, I peer down at him. “Do you want me to stop?” My fingers brush along his erection, and he whimpers. “Or are you just pretending again?”

His chest bumps mine, as he breathes heavily, biting his lip. It takes him a second, but he whispers, “I don’t want to stop…”

“Good.” I kiss the words onto his soft, fluttering mouth. “Me neither.”

Continuing with my removal of his clothes, I slide his boxers down, and he actually lifts his hips so I can get them off. Then he pushes my sweats down, and I kick them away, leaving us fully naked and my body… between his legs.

“Ky,” I hum, sucking on his puffy lips. “Did you already get off tonight?”

“Why does it matter?” he grunts, trailing curious fingers along my chest to trace my pectorals. “Are you jealous?”

“No,” I rumble. I’m not. “I just don’t want to be getting some ditz’s sloppy seconds.”

His jaw clenches as he glares up at me. “But it’s just business, right…? So what difference does it make?”

He has a point. I don’t even know why I’m asking him this stuff.

“Prime recording time is when you’re all wound up and needing a release,” I breathe over his mouth. “That’s what the fans want to see…” That’s what I want.

Kyran’s face flushes. “I haven’t been with anyone, okay? Can we just… do this?”

My hand squeezes his hip as I drag my aching cock along his. “Tell me you want it.”

Fuck you, Avi,” he growls, and my limbs tremor with the thrill that always comes from fighting with him. I don’t understand it, but it lights me the fuck up. “You know why we’re doing this…”

“Tell me…” I lower my lips to his jaw and bite him. “Or you don’t get what you came for.”

He hums like he’s fighting for irritation, but the feel of our heated flesh and stiff cocks rocking together, my teeth nipping his sensitive skin, has arousal winning out.

He whispers, “I want to feel you—it.” He corrects himself quickly, then clears his throat, his whispers taking on a nervous shake. “Just… fuck me, Avi. I want you to… fuck me.”

That’s what I wanted to hear.

Humming, satisfied and so fucking ready, I drop more slow kisses on his mouth, biting his lips while reaching for the lube I stashed beneath my pillow. I drag the bottle down his arm to his hand while we grind our big, swollen dicks together, ragged breathing becoming the perfect soundtrack for this illicit moment.

“I want you to do it,” I tell him, working my mouth down to his throat so I can nip that precious Adam’s apple. “Make us both wet.”

Kyran’s hands are shaking so bad, he can barely hold the bottle. But he gets there, uncapping it and squeezing some lube onto his fingers. Honestly, I think I might love how afraid he is…

This is a guy who thrives under pressure. Who whips balls fifty yards while fifty thousand people scream around him. He’s not easily shaken. Yet doing this, with me, turns him into a twitchy, uncool… virgin, I guess, for lack of a better word.

I’m kind of obsessed with it.

Exploring his chest with my mouth, I flick my tongue over his nipple, sucking it between my lips until his hips buck and he purrs.

There’s that noise again… Fuck me sideways.

“How’s that feel?” I ask, lapping at his pebbled flesh some more, pulling and sucking it into a sexy little point that’s dripping with my saliva.

“God… good,” he hums, reaching for my cock with his lubed hand. “It feels so good… I didn’t know that would feel—uhhmf… good.”

A smirk graces my lips. He’s so fucking cute.

God, help me.

Moving over to the other one, I repeat the lustful torture, sucking harder, latching onto his nipple and tugging it with my teeth until he’s moaning out the sweetest sounds I’ve ever heard. His fist wraps around my cock and he strokes it slowly with a firm grip to match the painful pleasure my mouth is giving his chest. He covers my length in lube from tip to balls, jerking me so good I’m leaking on him.

“Put some in your ass,” I whisper, and his hand slows. “The lube… Get your hole nice and wet for me, baby.”

“What did I say about baby…” he growls, hooded eyes glaring at me while he squirts more lube onto his fingers.

I pout. “But I like it.”

“I don’t care what you like,” he huffs. “I’m not some girl, Avi. I’m a fucking man.”

I can’t help but chuckle. “So guys can’t be called baby?”

“No,” he insists firmly.

“Why not?”

“Because I said so.”

“Well, what am I supposed to call you then…?” I bite my way down his abs until his cock is right by my face.

Peering up at him, I give it a nice lick, lapping at the taste of his arousal as it seeps from the head. His lashes flutter, eyes falling shut while I wrap my lips around his cock and suck just enough to have him melting beneath me.

I know I’ve never sucked any other dicks before, but I really like his. I love the fact that it’s uncut… The foreskin is so fun to play with, and when I push it with my tongue, his whole body trembles.

“Just call me… ah, fuck, that feels good…” He rambles nonsense, fingers brushing through my hair. “Call me by my name, you unbearable nuisance.”

I pop off his dick to laugh softly. “I’m gonna call you whatever the fuck I want, superstar. Get used to it.”

“Fuck you…” he breathes, returning to his task of lubricating himself.

This one’s a bit trickier… Because it’s clear he’s never touched his own ass before. He’s a macho, manly football player, bro. They don’t play with their assholes.

Except that I’m sure they do, because it feels good, hence why the second Kyran’s fingers slip behind his nuts, his eyes flutter shut again, and he lets out a quiet mewl he tries to cover up with more throat clearing.

Positioning myself between his legs, I grip his thighs, pushing them open wide and lifting him enough to see what he’s doing. His fingers are sort of swirling around and around on his hole, and as hypnotizing as it is to watch, he needs to slip one inside before I combust.

“Do you have to watch me like that?” he grunts.

“Yes, because you’re not doing it right.” I grab his hand and use it to probe his ass with his own finger.

Fffuck,” he gasps, his entire body flushing as I help him finger himself.

Opening the lube, I squirt some more onto us both, stroking my erection slippery with my other hand.

“That’s cold, you bitch,” he shivers.

“Just for a second,” I mumble, guiding his finger in up to his knuckle. “Are you relaxed enough yet? I have to get inside you before I die…”

He bites his lip, chewing on it for a moment before he murmurs, “Yea… mhm.” He nods. “I think… I am.”

I release his hand, wedging myself between his legs. Hovering over him, I press a slow kiss on his mouth and breathe, “For the fans?”

“For the fans.”

Gripping my cock, I aim the head, nudging it between his cheeks. He’s immediately trembling, most likely from all the nervous anticipation I can feel radiating between the two of us like scorching electric waves. When my crown pushes up to his hole, I’m met with resistance.

“Relax for me,” I croon, moving my mouth down to his ear to suck on the lobe the way he likes.

It gets his muscles to ease up just enough, and I give him a gentle shove, urging just the tip of my cock into his ass as easily as I can manage when all I want is to fucking plunge myself in.

Kyran’s face contorts in discomfort, but he doesn’t tell me to stop. He simply chomps down on his lower lip to contain the whining noises, digging his fingers into my chest while he struggles to relax.

Sucking on his ear some more, I hum, “You already feel incredible…” Hoping the praise will help. Which it does.

His body eases up even more, enough for me to keep nudging, and before I know it, the entire swollen curve of my head slips inside him.

“Ahh-vee,” he cries a soft and strangled version of my name, fingers launching into my hair to tangle in it.

“That okay, sexy?” I push in a little more, just an inch, while he breathes like he’s fighting through the burn of wide penetration.

I knew my two fingers weren’t exactly a proper match for the size of my dick… And now I feel bad because he’s practically choking. But he’s still not telling me to stop. He’s yanking my hair and whimpering… But his dick is engorged beyond belief, leaking out so much precum it looks like he had a mini orgasm.

“Ohhfuuckme…” His words melt together as they pour from his mouth. And then his hips wiggle. Just a little… But it’s enough for me to tell that he likes it.

“Want more?” I ask hoarsely while sucking his ear, biting his neck, driving my cock deeper into the sweetest, tightest, searingly hot place ever created.

There’s no possible way I could have prepared for what this would feel like. It’s earth-shattering. With only about half my dick inside him, I’m buzzing all over and seeing fucking stars.

Fuck, Avi…” he rasps through quivering lips. “Fffuuck, you have no idea… how this… feels.”

“So you’re glad I’m fucking you, then?” I grin on his sticky flesh, pumping my cock in deeper, and deeper, dragging back just a bit, then gliding in some more.

“Don’t push it,” he growls. But then his head tips back on the pillow and he gasps, “Holy fuck, oh my God.”

Shoving into him the rest of the way, I pause to marvel at where we’re connected, and his cheeks resting on my pelvis. It’s the most incredible sight of my life… My eyes could come, if that were possible.

Running my hand down, I brush my fingers along his balls and he mewls.

“So… deep,” he yammers. “You’re… so fucking deep.”

“I know… It’s amazing.” I draw my hips back, then push in again.

Kyran’s eyes roll back in his head. “Fffuck, Avi, that was it…”

“Right here?” I barely move, and he shudders again.

“Yes! Yes, yes… oh God, don’t stop.”

Those damn words turn me into a fucking machine.

Totally done with the warm-ups, I begin to move in him, rocking my hips to massage my cock with the unbelievable tightness of his ass. I’m keeping a leisurely pace, because honestly it feels amazing this way. No need to fuck hard or fast when his body is gripping me like a scorching hot fist. Grabbing his hands in mine, I slap them onto my ass, and he takes over, squeezing me while I pump my cock in him over and over.

Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” I drop my mouth to his, kissing him and swallowing up his sounds. “The way your greedy little ass swallows my dick is… fucking euphoric.”

Rising just a bit, I grip his chest, playing with his nipples while I ride his hole, slow, but deep, aiming for his prostate as best I can, even though I don’t know exactly where it is. But I can tell when I hit it because he cries out garbled versions of my name and his thick, pink cock leaves a puddle on his abs.

Kyran’s ankles lock atop my ass, holding me to him as my thrusts pick up, my lancing into him becoming ravenous. His body is jerking up and down, the bed thumping against the wall. I’m sure we should probably be quieter, but I can’t even help it.

I’m lost… High as fuck on this hot, slippery, forbidden sex I’m having with my stepbrother. The dude who hates me… who’s never liked me, not even a little… is letting me tear his ass apart right now.

And my balls are so tight, throbbing so hard, I think I’m about to come.

“Avi…” he whimpers, strangled and breathless, like I’m driving all the air out of his lungs. “Avi Avi Avi… Why do you fuck so good…?”

My head is spinning, pulse pounding, dick leaking inside him as I drop my mouth to his. “Because… I’ve always wanted to fuck you in the ass.”

He cries and his hole clenches on my cock. “Yea…?”

“Yea…” I breathe in between sucking and biting his lips, pinching his nipples with my fingers and slamming my cock into his warm, tight, dripping wet ass, hard enough to grace us with that salacious slapping sound. “Gorgeous, sexy, awful human being… your ass feels like heaven, baby.”

“Are you… gonna come in me?” He chokes out the words, aiming a dazed gaze up at me. He’s all hooded eyes, blushed pink cheeks, and swollen lips.

I nod fast. “Yes. I’m gonna pour every pulse of my orgasm inside you, Ky.”

His dark lashes flutter as his hands fly up to my face, pulling my mouth to his. “Fuck, I’m gonna come. Avi, I’m coming.”

He says the words like he’s shocked that it’s happening, followed immediately by harsh sobs and fast, warm pulses of slick cum hitting me in the abs.

“Fuck me, that’s so fucking sexy,” I gasp. “Spray me down, Kyran. Soak me…”

He whines, but my hips don’t stop. I ride him through it, fucking the cum out of him until I can’t hold it for one more second. Chills sheet my sticky hot flesh as my balls nearly burst, streams of my orgasm throbbing as deep inside him as I can get.

“Baby, I’m coming inside you. I’m coming in your ass…” I breathe the gravelly words into his mouth, sucking and biting his lips, fisting his hair, writhing our sweat-and-cum-slicked bodies together while I fuck us through mutually mystifying pleasure.

I don’t even know what I’m doing… If this is what I should be doing or not, but I don’t care. It feels like I’m claiming him; leaving my mark. Stuffing my dick in him so deep, my nuts are about to slip inside while I feed his ass every single drop until I’m fucking spent.

I might have blacked out.

But when I come to, we’re kissing. Softly, passionately panting together… surviving on one other’s exhales. His hands are gripping my chest and mine are on his face, in his hair. And we’re kissing so hard and needy, my lips have gone numb.

“Ky…” I whisper his name on a groan in between sounds of wet suction.

“Yea?” His fingers drag over my pecs like he can’t get enough; can’t stop touching and feeling. He’s all sensation, and I get it.

So am I.

“That was the best sex of my life,” I purr on his mouth, my hips gradually stroking in him some more, because it still feels incredible, and I don’t want to stop. I want to stuff my cum deeper. I want to live moving in him like this.

Our kisses slow to a halt, and I inch back to stare down at him. I just have to take this in… The starry-eyed fascination on his face. He looks like a completely different person right now.

I know it won’t last. In the blink of an eye, he’ll be back to regular old Kyran; my mean, grouchy stepbrother. He’ll remind me that we’re doing this for the money, and I’ll agree.

But right now, just for a moment, I have to stare… to savor this version of him.

Grabbing his hand in mine, I use his fingers to swipe through the cum on his abs. Then I bring them up to his mouth. And to my surprise, he parts his lips, allowing me to push them inside. He sucks the cum off, and I pull them back, licking up the rest before kissing him again, filthy and fucking full.

After a moment, we pry apart, and we both blink. Somehow sharing the same thought, our heads turn slowly to the tripod where my camera is recording.

Oh yea… Totally forgot about that.

Kyran clears his throat, face flushing an even deeper red as he starts to squirm.

“I’m gonna pull out…” I murmur. Not sure why… Maybe I just feel like he needs to be walked through this, because he looks a little terrified again.

Tugging my dick out of him slowly, he groans and bites his lip, wincing as he props up on his elbows. And I’m staring at my cum as it drips from his ass. Fucking wild.

Reacquainting myself with reality, I hop up on legs like jelly, rushing to shut the camera off.

Kyran is staring down his frame, gawking like he’s never seen it before. Like in one of those Freaky Friday situations where you wind up in someone else’s body…

Slinking back to the bed, I sit down next to him, trailing my fingers over his shoulder. “Do you want to take a shower?” His eyes spring to mine. “Alone, I mean. Not like… with me.” I breathe out steadily and shake my head. “I’m just saying, if you want to take a shower, you can.”

He stares at me for a moment before nodding. “Yea… Thanks. I think that would be…” His gaze falls to the puddle of cum between his legs, and he gulps the word, “Helpful.”

Sliding off the bed, he trots, walking sort of awkwardly toward the bathroom. He goes inside and closes the door… But I don’t hear the distinct click of the lock. Which is interesting.

“God, what the fuck…” I shake my head.

Deciding that I need to move, to distract myself from thinking about the insanity of my first time having sex with a man, who also happens to be my stepbrother, I flit around, busying myself with cleaning up. But the whole time I’m stripping off my sheets and replacing them with clean ones, I’m so very aware of Kyran’s presence. I hear the shower running, and I just can’t help but wonder what would happen if I went in there…

If I got in and stood behind him with the water running over our bodies. If I wrapped my arms around his waist, and maybe… kissed his neck a little.

Fuck, man. I am so screwed.

Why am I thinking about this??

Shut it down, Avi. Lock it up in the safe and forget the combination.

He’s in the shower for a solid half-hour, and I can’t stop picturing him sitting on the floor in there, hugging his knees to his chest. I guess my first time having gay sex has turned me into a total nut job, because by the time he emerges, with fresh skin and wet hair all tousled about, I have to actively keep reminding myself to calm the hell down.

Kyran pads quickly over to the rest of his clothes and gets dressed while I just flutter in the middle of the room.

“So… When do you want to watch it?” I ask, and he peeks at me. “You know, to make sure it… came out good?”

He chews on his lip for a few seconds before muttering, “I think it came out fine. I don’t want to watch it…”

My brow furrows. “Are you sure? You were pretty gung-ho before…”

“Yea, well, I changed my mind,” he snaps.

“Okay…” I hold my hands up. “Sorry.”

He huffs out a tired breath. “It’s just… late. I’m exhausted, and I don’t feel like watching gay porn right now.”

My lips twitch. “I didn’t say we had to watch it right now…”

“Fine. I guess you can send it to me.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Maybe I’ll watch it tomorrow. After the dust has… settled.”

The dust has settled?? What the hell does that even mean?

I take a few slow steps over to him, and he backs up. I roll my eyes. “Are you freaking out?”

“No. I’m not freaking out,” he grumbles. “I’m fine. I’m just tired. I played the most intense game of my career tonight.” His eyes flick to the clock. “Well, technically, last night. Jesus, it’s almost four a.m. I gotta go.”

Nodding, I step in front of him as he goes for his coat.

He huffs and blinks hard. “Avi, please don’t fuck with me right now. I’m tired.”

“I’m not fucking with you, I just…” Pausing, I consider what I’m trying to say. “I want to make sure you’re alright.”

His jaw ticks. “Yea, I’m fucking peachy. I just had secret gay sex with my stepbrother. I’m living the dream.” Grabbing his coat, he whips it on like he’s having some sort of tantrum.

“Kyran… It’s okay to be bi, you know…” I murmur, curling my face to try to meet his eyes.

He glares at me. “I’m not bi, I’m broke. And the sooner you get that through your head, the better off we’ll all be.”

Okay… and we’re back to asshole Kyran. Great. Love that guy.

Stepping dramatically aside, I hold my arm out, gesturing to the door. “You’ve made your point, dickhead. Have a great night.”

He nods at me, standing still for only another moment before he stomps past me.

“Congrats on the game, by the way,” I mumble sarcastically, rolling my eyes at his back.

He pauses and turns around, staring at me. I stare back at him. And we stare at each other in silence for a solid five seconds, during which no one speaks and I’m wondering why the hell he isn’t just leaving if he can’t wait to get away from me.

His lips part. Then they close. Then they part. Then close again. He takes a step forward, then a step back.

What the fuck is he doing… Dancing?? Is he waiting for me to do something??

Finally, he breathes out a long exhale and bites his lip. Inching over hesitantly, he kisses me on the jaw and mumbles, “I’ll text you.”

Then he spins and darts out of the dorm room like he just dropped a bomb on my face.

I stand in that one spot for far too long, gaping at the door. When I eventually wade through my state of bewilderment, my hand lifts to my face, fingers brushing my jaw.

What the hell was that…?

Blinking out of it, I wander into the bathroom and take a shower. I’m in there until the water runs cold, my mind whirling through images that are now accompanied by hectic sensations. Once I’m out and dressed, I fidget near my video camera.

I should wait to watch the video… Wait until the dust has settled.

What the fuck dust needs to settle, anyway?? It’s sex.

We had sex. That’s it. No dust.

Sure, it was both of our first times doing it with a guy, but it doesn’t have to mean anything. It’s just physical, and it’s for money.

So then why can’t I stop thinking about his lips on my goddamn jaw??

I’m way too wired now to fall back to sleep. Grabbing the bowl I keep in my nightstand packed with an indica that works to relax my mind, I take a couple of hits, pressing play on our cherry-popping video.

And my eyes are instantly wide, because it looks… Well, there’s no other way to put it. It looks fucking bonkers.

From the start, it’s like we weren’t recording at all. It’s just chemistry, from the first kiss, to the first moment I push inside him, to the way his toes curl in his socks—yes, he apparently left his socks on… I hadn’t even noticed—right before he starts to come.

It doesn’t look like porn… Because it’s real. Like a hidden camera capturing two stepbrothers succumbing to mutual, lust-drunk desire.

Whether or not that’s what it actually is remains to be seen. But the fact is that this video we just made is by far the hottest thing I’ve ever watched with my own two eyes.

Goddamn… It literally looks like I’m making love to him.

I’m not sure how Kyran is going to react to seeing this, but I know without a shred of doubt that the fans are going to blow their lids. Hell, my cock is rock solid myself, and I’m in the video.

You’d think watching a video of yourself fucking would be embarrassing or contain at least a moment or two that makes you cringe. An awkward facial expression or a weird noise. But this one has none of that… From start to finish, it’s fucking fire.

Breathing out slowly, I stop it at the part where I’m watching cum seep from his ass. I grab my phone, making a mental note to incorporate some POV shots next time when I notice the texts from earlier. From Kyran.

Tapping on them, I tug my lip between my teeth.

Kyran: Hey…

Kyran: Are you up?

Kyran: Ok that sounds booty-callish. Sorry I was just wondering if you’re awake…

Kyran: Can I come over? This party is dumb and I was thinking about what you said…

Kyran: About the jackpot.

Kyran: Whatever. I decided that I might want to… So can I see you?

Kyran: Avi… Are you ignoring me?

Kyran: I’m here

Kyran: I’m outside. Let me in.

Kyran: Don’t be a dick just open the fucking door

Kyran: I’m sorry about the locker room…

Kyran: You were right ok? I liked it…

Kyran: Do I need to say the magic words or something?? Jesus… I want you to fuck me Avi. Ok?? Satisfied?? Open the fucking door

Kyran: Wow that was stupid. Delete that text please.

And that was the last message… The one he was sending when I came to the door.

Swallowing feels exceptionally difficult as I stare at the phone screen, biting away the smile that’s trying to cross over my lips.

This thing was already complicated as fuck before. But now, with these stupid butterflies bounding around in my gut, it’s just turned into the biggest mess of my life.

He bottomed… But I feel like I’m the one who’s fucked.

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