
Chapter 3

Chapter 3 

Ella was floored by Jaden’s sharp tongue. Before she could process it, he loosened his grip. 

“Why are you in my bed?” he asked, clearly confused. 

Ella snapped back to reality, wondering if her nerves had made her imagine things. But there was no way he was faking it, the Watsons must have tested him thoroughly. 

“Uh, do you know what happens on a wedding night?” Ella asked awkwardly. 

Jaden shook his head. 

Ella cursed herself silently for relying on a fool at such a critical moment. She’d have to take charge. Her hand trembled slightly as and touched his abs. She couldn’t help but wow soundlessly at his impressive physique. 

ly as the re 

reached out 

Jaden looked calm on the outside, but inside, he was a tightly wound spring. He was sickened by her shameless acts and determined not to let her have her way easily 

Ella was flustered, 100. Just as her hand reached his belt, Jaden’s eyes flashed with anger. 

But to his surprise, she quickly pulled back, jumped out of bed, threw on her clothes, and ran off without a word. 

He sighed, relieved that she had stopped before things went too far. 

Suddenly, a figure scrambled up and over onto the balcony, asking respectfully, “Mr. Rhys, are you okay!” 

Jaden sat up, blinking slowly as he pondered. “I’m fine. How did you get in?” 

The figure replied, I sneaked in through the back door and avoided all the cameras. I’ve been following you since you left the Watson Villa. 1’11 place a few more spies around here. If you want to leave, I can arrange it” 

“Not now, Jaden said, deciding not to alert anyone. “Stay prepared. I’ll contact you if I need anything 

“Yes, sir.” The figure vanished into the night as silently as it had come, leaving no trace. 

After Ella’s interruption, Jaden couldn’t sleep. He had always seen Ella as the rich girl who did whatever she wanted, even going to extreme lengths to pressure Harry into a commitment. Given that Ella’s intense relationship with Harry was well–known, her sudden marriage to Jaden–a fool- was even more shocking. Knowing that Ella had done it all deliberately to disrupt his plans, Jaden found himself disliking her even more. 

At the same time, Ella stood in her bathroom, splashing cold water on her face to regain her composure after such a wild night. She couldn’t bring herself to sleep with a stranger. And Jaden, bless him, was so innocent that he made her feel like a desperate cougar. 

“Take it slow, get to know him first, she muttered, trying to pep herself up. 

Ella had a restless night, burdened with guilt and embarrassment. The next morning, she looked worn out but went to visit her grandpa in the nursing home. Sadly, Devin was unconscious and deteriorating fast. He might have a year left, perhaps even less. She stayed by his side all morning. finding it hard to say goodbye 

As she left, she spotted Harry by his car, deep in conversation on his phone. 

Tl talk to Ella about it. She can’t just plan a wedding without me. I won’t let you down, I promise,” he said. 

Upon hearing this. Ella was stunned. Just five days ago, they were on the brink of engagement, and now he was making promises to someone else Furious at his callousness, the stormed past him and headed to her car. 

Harry spotted her and called out abruptly, “Ella, wait!” 

stopped in her tracks but didn’t look back

Harry raughat up with her and pressed on, “Sending out wedding invites without clicking with me? You can’t just go ahead and decide everything 

in not coming, so cancelar. You’re only muking a fool of younr||” 

Ella spoke calmly, but her heart was hurting. “Now you care about my pride, huh? You left me at the engagement party, making me a laughingstock. in Andien Gary Did you remember that? 

Harry momentarily agreed that she had a point, but soon brushed the idea aside. Based on his experience, he believed she would come around rerntually, just like before. His strategy was clear first address tirace’s emotional state, then propose a five year marriage of convenien e in secure the Willow farmily’s wealth before living happily with Grave and Iraving Ella barbund 

“I know I hurt you, but Grace attempted suicide because of our engagement. Slur’s your sister. Doesn’t that mean anything to you! She nearly lost 

Chapter 3 

Ella felt disgusted. Devin had brought Grace home and even gave her the surname Willow, treating her 

g her like family. However, Grace, who seemed sweet but turned out deceitful, had stolen Harry away and played the victim perfectly. Since discovering Grace’s affair with Harry, Ella made Grace revert to her original name. 

“She’s not my sister. Clear! I’m my parents‘ only child,” Ella said coldly. “If she really wanted to die, she wouldn’t have been saved. You’re the only one falling for her act.” 

“Ella, you’re cold–hearted. She always stood up for you and treated you like a sister. You’ve really disappointed me. Harry snapped 

The words stung, but Ella swallowed her pain, silently mocking herself for being blinded by love and spoiling this man enough for him to walk all over her. She turned to leave, unwilling to argue further. 

Harry was taken aback by her silent departure, as Ella had always fought back before pleading for his forgiveness. Uneasy about her unusual quiciness, he grabbed her arm in a panic. “Hey, just cancel the wedding. We can get married later. 

“Okay, but when“” Ella asked, not really expecting an answer, just curious how big his empty promise would be… 


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