
Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

Ella quickly pulled Jenny into the backyard. “Hey, you can’t say things like that in front of him!” Ella said. 

Jenny, confused, asked, “Why did you marry him? I mean, with your looks and everything, you could definitely find a better guy. And does your grandpa know about this? If he found out…” 

Ella cut her off, looking at Jenny seriously. “I think he’s great. He listens to me and doesn’t cause any trouble. If I come home late, he’ll wait up for me so we can eat together. To me, that’s the ideal man: loving, faithful, and supportive. Sure, he’s mentally challenged, but he understands a lot, like a teenager would. 

“Knowing he’s waiting for me at home gives me more motivation to come back every day. When my grandpa wakes up, I’ll take him to see him. I’m just scared my grandpa won’t wake up.” 

“He will wake up, I’m sure of it!” Jenny said, hugging Ella tightly. 

Ella was often seen as arrogant and rude, but that was just a facade. Deep down, she was insecure, afraid of being alone, and had never had any bad intentions

“Well, it’s your life, so you make the decisions. If you like him, stay with him. And it’s not like you can’t change your mind. If one day you don’t love him anymore, you can marry someone else,” Jenny said with a smile. 

“Hmm, let me think. If I ever want to marry someone else, I’ll go for a bad boy. After all, I’ve already tried the nice guy type,” Ella joked. 

Jenny laughed, and the two of them chatted away, not noticing Jaden approaching. He had come to call Ella for dinner but overheard their conversation. He frowned, thinking, ‘She wants to ditch me and marry a bad boy? She’s just a slut!‘ Jaden thought in fury. 

Just then, Ella saw Jaden standing at the door and ran over to him enthusiastically. “What are you doing here?” 

“Come eat, or the food will get cold,” Jaden replied. 

“Okay, let’s go eat,” Ella said with a smile, taking Jaden’s hand and heading to the dining room. 

Jaden glanced down at Ella’s hand, sneering internally. Jenny, who didn’t have a place to stay, had to live at Ella’s house for the time being. 

“What? You want me to pretend to be you and talk to Denison Group as the designer?” Jenny asked, surprised. 

Ella nodded and explained, “Yeah, exactly. Remember, you accepted that award for me last time. Plus, you’ve been abroad for years, so you can say Lucia is your Kividish name. Don’t go to the company. If they have any design requests, make sure they talk to you online.” 

“Will that work?” Jenny asked, unsure. 

Ella replied, “It’s my only option now. My reputation was so bad back then, that Denison Group didn’t really want to work with me. If they find out I’m the designer, they might refuse to cooperate. Anyway, they already think you’re me, so I need you to help me keep up the act for a while. Also, I need you to pretend to be me when talking to the Rhys family. I need to trap Harry.” 

Harry and Grace teamed up to hurt Ella badly, and she was determined to get revenge. 

“Alright! Leave it to me.” Jenny agreed with a smile. 

Jenny was usually reliable, so Ella felt confident she could handle it. 

That night, Jenny and Ella lay on the same bed. Suddenly, Jenny thought of something and asked curiously, “Have you guys done it yet? How was it? Is he good?” 

“We haven’t done it yet.” Ella sighed. “My grandpa’s health isn’t great, and I want to have a baby soon so he can meet his great–grandchild. But, Jaden doesn’t know how to… you know.” 

“That’s terrible. Doesn’t it make you sad?” 

Alright, stop talking about it.” 

“Why? Are you embarrassed?” 

Just then, Ella’s phone rang. She saw the caller ID and immediately sat up. It was her grandpa’s private doctor, Henry Davidson. 

“Ms. Willow, you need to come here quickly. Your grandpa has complications and a high fever that won’t go down! He might not make it through the night!” Henry said urgently. 

Ella was shocked. She quickly got out of bed but moved too fast and felt dizzy. She almost fell, but Jenny caught her. Seeing Ella in this state, Jenny decided she wasn’t fit to drive and took it upon herself to drive Ella there. 

In the car, Jenny tried to comfort Ella. Stay calm, maybe it’s not as bad as it seems.” 


4:04 PM 

Chapter 27 

“Jenny, go to the maternity hospital around the corner up ahead!” Ella suddenly said. 

“Why?” Jenny asked. 

“Don’t ask, just go!” 

She had a friend working there who could help her get a fake document. 

They went to the maternity hospital first, then to the nursing home. By the time they arrived, it was 4 AM. Ella’s grandpa’s fever had gone down, and he was slightly conscious. He was wearing an oxygen mask, his cloudy eyes looking at Ella. He wanted to speak but couldn’t make a sound. 

Ella didn’t want her grandpa to know about her troubles with Harry, so she didn’t tell him the truth. She pulled out an ultrasound report showing a tiny silhouette. 

“Grandpa, look, you’re going to be a great–grandfather! I’m pregnant. The baby is ten weeks old and very healthy. You have to hold on so you can meet him,” Ella said. 

Hearing this, her grandpa’s breathing quickened. He struggled to reach for the report, but his hand wouldn’t lift. 

Ella quickly put the report in his hand and raised it to his face. He tried hard to stay conscious, his eyes tearing up as he read the report. 

“Congratulations,” her grandpa managed to say. 

Ella had to press close to his oxygen mask to hear him. She choked up and wiped away her tears. 

“Grandpa, you have to stay strong. You can’t leave me!” Ella said. 

Ella stayed by her grandpa’s side all night. The next day, he showed signs of improvement. His fever was gone, and his heart rate was stable, but he remained unconscious, as if asleep. The doctor advised Ella to go home, saying, “I think your good news helped his condition. He’s much better, and his ECG is more stable than before.” 

“Really?” Ella was overjoyed. 

“Come back in a week and update him on the baby’s progress. I think it’ll give him more motivation to hang on.”. 

“Okay, I’ll come back next week.” Ella nodded and smiled. 

Ella got back in the car and finally let out a sigh of relief. She wasn’t really pregnant; the report was fake. But she felt that in this situation, the truth of the report didn’t matter. As long as her grandpa believed it was real, it was fine. 

“You should go get some sleep. You’ve been up all night and look like you need rest. I’ll contact Mr. Donovan for you today,” Jenny said. 

“Jenny, you should rest too,” Ella replied. 

“I’m good, just dealing with the jet lag. Not tired at all, actually feeling pretty awake.” 

Jenny dropped her off, reminding her to eat a bowl of cereal before resting, then left. Ella was so exhausted she fell asleep immediately. 

Jaden thought Ella hadn’t eaten breakfast yet, so he made her a bowl of cereal. He brought it to her door and knocked, but there was no response, so he went in. 

He saw Ella sleeping in a strange position. She had kicked the quilt to the side, was hugging a pillow, and was curled up into a small ball, looking very insecure. 

He sighed and covered her with the quilt. 

“Hey, you should eat some breakfast,” he said, poking her cheek a bit roughly. He liked the feel of it and poked her again. 

“Leave me alone, I’m so tired. I need to sleep,” she mumbled, turning over to continue sleeping. 

“Alright, Jaden said, ready to leave, but he tripped over something. 

Ella’s bag was on the floor, its contents spilled everywhere–lipstick, cushion compact, and a very noticeable pregnancy report. Jaden frowned and picked up the report, seeing it said Ella was ten weeks pregnant. His face instantly darkened. 



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