
Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

Ella was picking out clothes from the wardrobe, holding them up against Jaden. This suit looks sharp!” 

It was the first time she’d seen anyone wear a white suit so well; others made it look like they were officiating a wedding 

“What’s this for?” His clear eyes met Ella’s, 

“There’s a panty tomorrow. Will you come with me?” she asked. 

“I might embarrass you, Jaden said

“Not at all. There’ll be lots of great food. We’ll just eat the whole time!” She ruffled his hair. Since he was much taller than her, she had to stand on her tiptoes 

Initially, Jaden didn’t like it, thinking, ‘Is it okay to just touch a man’s head as casually as perting a cat or dog? It made him uncomfortable. But now in seemed to matter less

He recalled at the Watson family, whenever guests came, Rose would lock the storage room to prevent him from embarrassing them. He thought it would be the same with Ella–that it’d be better to lock him away, ignore him, and make it easier for him to move around. 

But in reality. Ella took him out whenever she could. She encouraged him to interact more with people. If he didn’t like busy crowds, they would go to the park to mingle with kids, fly kites, or chase butterflies 

She never saw him as a “fool or someone embarrassing. Whenever anyone pointed fingers or spoke ill of him, Ella would snap back fiercely. 

The night of the party arrived quickly. Ella wanted to keep a low profile, but as soon as she stepped out of the car, she was swarmed by people. She shielded Jaden as best as she could. 

“Don’t crowd around me tonight; it’s Harry’s big day. Go and focus on him. My husband is hungry, we’re going to grab some food, excuse us,” Ella 

She led Jaden to the dining area, filled with a variety of pastries. 

“This bunny–shaped one is cute, try it, she said. 

This one is tasty. hold onto it, she continued. 

“How is it?” She looked at Jaden expectantly. 

Jaden had a secret: he had a sweet tooth. But for a grown man to favor sugary treats felt somewhat odd, so he had always suppressed this preference. However, Ella continued to bring him one little cake after another. 

“I don’t like sweets, he grumbled, though not quite meaning it. 

“Don’t like them! I’ve noticed you eyeing even the lule creamers for the coffee. I thought you had a thing for sweets” 

Jaden tensed up, thinking. She has noticed such a tiny detail? He hadn’t realized that Ella was incredibly observant with those she cared about She had caught him glancing at the milk cubes every time she made coffee. It was just a brief look, but she saw it and remembered. 

“Here, try this–it’s delicious. She popped a piece of mousse cake into his mouth. 

It was sweet, smooth, and incredibly tasty. He really liked it. He ate every last bit 

“Do you like it?” 

He hesitated briefly before nodding. 

“I want this one.” He took the initiative and pointed at a mango mille–feuille 

“Let’s share it! 

While everyone else was busy networking, the two of them were sampling one treat after another. Initially, Jaden was somewhat reserved, but he quickly relaxed. He had to admit, the Rhys family’s pastry chef was top–notch, every dessert was exactly to his taste. 

Ella also thoroughly enjoyed herself. She thought, “What is this? The powerful CEO’s pampered husband? It certainly feels like it! 

Later, when Harry made his grand entrance, everyone raised their glasses to toast and mingle, eager to make connections. Ella didn’t bother joining in. Just seeing his face made her nauseous; she much preferred admiring Jaden. 

From afar, Harry noticed that Ella’s attention wasn’t on him, despite his careful preparations. His hand hadn’t fully recovered, and he had spent heavily to set up Ella. 

Chapter 20 

He approached Simon. “Mr. Simon, I didn’t expect Jaden to be so fortunate, congratulations!” 

Simon, who had been all smiles, instantly frowned at this comment. 

Ella was known as the great beauty of the capital. She could claim to be the second most beautiful, and no one would dare claim to be the first. Initially, Simon had scorned her for seeming like a woman hopelessly in love, trailing behind Harry, a bastard, as if she couldn’t live without a man. 

When Rose first called him, informing him that Ella was coming to seek a match, he had scoffed. Rose outlined the benefits the Willow family had no sons, and even if the Willow Group was in decline, it would significantly boost his status if he became the successor. 

Plus, Ella was so attractive, he found himself a bit enticed. Ultimately convinced by that argument, he had rushed home, excited to meet her. But to his surprise. Ella had come for Jaden, the fool. 

Simon was suddenly overcome with a bitter feeling, Initially, he hadn’t been particularly interested in Ella, but after making an effort to woo her, her rejection stung deeply–especially since she chose a fool over him, a move that felt like a direct insuli 

Now, with Harry deliberately bringing up the matter, Simon was so incensed that he downed a shot of strong liquor in frustration. 

“Ella must be blind to choose such men,” Simon said. 

Harry’s face darkened too. Simon’s lack of social awareness was appalling: he didn’t even realize he was offending people. 

“He’s just a fool, not even fit to tie my shoes!” Simon spat out, then approached Ella 

“Ms. Willow, may I have the pleasure of a drink with you?” Simon asked. 

“No,” Ella flatly refused. 

Simon immediately stepped forward, grabbing her arm. “Do you know who I am? I’m Simon, the future heir of the Watson family! I’m better than this fool in every way. Why choose him over nie

you really have such poor taste in men? You pass up a handsome man like me–are you out of your mind?” 

Drunk and disgruntled. Simon blurted out, “Do you know that Jaden used to crawl on the ground and fetch things with his mouth like my dog?” 

Jaden’s complexion soured. He was well aware of these humiliations. 

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Even when everyone had explained to Jaden that such behavior was wrong and they were trampling on his dignity, Jaden had naively asked, “What is dignity? Can you eat it!” 

To Jaden, eating was always the priority. 

But after meeting Ella, Jaden would skip meals to wait for her, would relinquish control of his body during the day just to be by her side. He figured what was so special about Ella. 

She answered that question the next second. Ella grabbed the largest cake from the table and smashed it into Simon’s face, causing him to scream in shock. She then kicked him aside. 

Simon scrambled пр. 

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wiping the cake off his face, his hand clutching his stomach. “You… you dared to hit me!” 

“I hit because I needed to. Should I have picked a better day?” she retorted confidently, clearing her throat. “Let everyone be aware now, Jaden is my husband, the son–in–law of Willow Group. As long as L. Ella, am here, no one can bully him again! Anyone who treats him like a fool will get the same treatment from me!” 

Youare you even reasonable?” Simon stammered. 

“I haven’t been “reasonable‘ for a long time! Want to test me?” Ella threatened. 



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