Flynn (Blue Halo Book 4)

Flynn: Chapter 26

“Flynn, I need to talk to you! I know who killed the twins.” Wind blew in the background, muffling Victoria’s words. It was the most panicked he’d ever heard her. “I’m not even sure why I’m calling you and not the police. Maybe I’m just in shock—”

A muffled voice sounded in the background. A male voice that sounded far away.

“Shit! He’s coming! Call me back as soon as you can.”

When the voice message ended, Flynn clicked out of it and pushed his phone back into his pocket before looking around at his team. He’d already played it earlier for Aidan, Tyler, and Callum before they’d left for Idaho Falls. It was now evening, and the entire team was at Blake’s house. The women sat in the living room while the men were in the study. They’d assured Paul Simmons that, with his stalker being in Cradle Mountain, he and his wife were safe.

“I called her back but she didn’t answer,” Flynn said, folding his arms over his chest. “Callum and I went to her house, but there was no sign of her. We also called the hospital. She wasn’t working this morning.”

“What did Tom say?” Tyler asked.

Flynn frowned. “Apparently, she told some colleagues she was going away for the weekend and may not have reception. There are also rumors she’s been trying to get back with me, so Tom thinks this is part of it.”

Flynn didn’t agree. There had been real fear in Victoria’s voice. A fear he didn’t think could be faked.

A myriad of frustrated expressions crossed the men’s faces.

Logan straightened. “So we find out where she was going and we pay the area a visit.”

“Tom reminded me today that we were to stay out of it—”

Liam scoffed. “Yeah, okay. We should stay out of it, when we’re by far the best chance of catching this guy.”


“At least we know everything we can about the guy who broke into your house,” Jason said.

Flynn nodded. The blood sample identified the guy as Ilias Forman. He was exactly who he’d said he was—a former soldier who’d been dishonorably discharged. His dishonorable discharge was only for desertion—failure to return to his military post. He’d spent one year in military prison before disappearing. That must have been when Hylar picked him up to work as a guard for Project Arma.

Liam pushed off the wall. “Everyone knowing what he looks like will also help.”

“We’ll keep our eyes peeled and stay close to our women.” Logan straightened. “Okay. Let’s get back out there before they come in here.”

Flynn was the first out of the office. He heard her before he saw her. Carina’s soft laugh filtered down the hall. The second his gaze fell on her, heat washed over his torso. She sat on the couch, legs folded beneath her, laughing at something Willow said. Her face was the picture of tranquility. It had everything in him screaming mine.

“It’s almost your bedtime, honey.”

Carina just held in a chuckle at the sad pout Mila gave at her mother’s words. The kid was beyond adorable. And she had this big Great Dane that was about four times her size. Maybe five. She’d named him Winnie after Winnie the Pooh, but honestly, he looked about as far from the cute little bear as possible.

Mila patted Winnie’s head. “But, Mama, I’m not tired.”

To be fair, it looked like the truth. The kid looked as awake and alert as a person could get.

“How about I make you a hot chocolate before bed?” Willow suggested and rose to her feet.

Mila jumped up, her eyes wide with excitement. “Deal!”

Everyone chuckled this time.

Courtney shook her head as Willow led Mila to the kitchen. “That kid has such a sweet tooth. I’d say she’s my best customer at The Grind.”

Courtney sat on the floor beside the coffee table, which held about half a dozen half-eaten pizzas, while Grace sat beside Carina on the couch.

“I was the same at five,” Grace said. “If my dad got me to eat a vegetable, it was his lucky day.”

“Oh my gosh, same.” Courtney leaned over the coffee table, picking an olive off a pizza slice and slipping it into her mouth. “So, what do you think they’re talking about?”

Carina’s gaze flicked to the hall. “I’m not sure. Flynn’s been acting strange all day.”

Grace tilted her head to the side. “Strange how?”

“He disappeared for a chunk of time with Callum and Tyler, while Aidan stayed with me. I tried asking Aidan where he was going, but all he would say was Flynn was chasing a lead on the twins.”

Courtney shook her head. “Something he’s not even supposed to be doing.”

Winnie rose from his place on his mat and came to Carina before dropping his head onto her legs. She smiled as she stroked the big dog.

“Why would he hide what he’s doing from you?” Courtney asked.

That was the question, wasn’t it? “Maybe he thinks I can’t handle it. I was shaky and had a nightmare after I shot that guy in his house.”

“Which is an understandable reaction,” Grace said.

“True. Now I’m kind of thinking he’s trying to protect me.”

Courtney scoffed. “You don’t need protecting from information. You know the twins are dead. You shot a man. You’re in this. And you deserve to know all the facts. If you want,” she continued, “I can force the information out of Jason and pass it on.”

Grace scoffed. “And how would you force the information out of Jason?”

Courtney’s brows waggled up and down.

Grace shook her head. “Okay. Don’t answer that.”

Carina laughed right as the guys walked into the room. Flynn was the first man she saw. The only man. His gaze went straight to her, and God, but it was intense. Everything about him was.

She swallowed, only looking away when Logan stepped up to Flynn and said something to him.

Winnie burrowed his head farther into her lap. She looked down, smiling at the big dog. “Do you need to go outside for a second, honey?”

His tail wagged. She chuckled, rising from the seat and heading into the kitchen. “I think Winnie needs a bathroom break.”

“Oh.” Willow went to step forward, but Carina shook her head. “I’ll open the door.”

She opened the back door, and Winnie ran straight out. She took a step outside, but only the one, knowing Flynn wouldn’t want her going far.

The night air was refreshing. And having a moment by herself felt good too. She’d never minded time on her own. Time to collect herself and think. These last few days, always having someone watch her…she was grateful, but it was also a bit stifling.

Suddenly, thick, warm arms curved around her waist. She recognized the body immediately. Recognized his scent. She leaned back against him with a little sigh.

“You shouldn’t be out here by yourself,” Flynn said quietly, pressing a soft kiss to her neck.

Her skin tingled at his touch. And when his breath brushed against the sensitive spot behind her ear, a shudder coursed down her spine. “I’m only a foot out of the house.”

Another kiss, this time on her shoulder. “Ilias Forman is like me. He doesn’t need much opportunity to take you.”

His words were like a bucket of ice water on her head.

She must have tensed, or maybe her ragged breath gave her away, because his head paused before another kiss was pressed to her neck, his arms tightening. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t—”

She turned in his arms. “No. I want to know. I want you to share everything.” His face was shadowed, so she touched his cheek, needing that connection. “I don’t want you to shield me from anything. I forget sometimes what you can do, and therefore what…he can do.” She didn’t want to say his name. Carina stroked her thumb across Flynn’s cheek. “Tell me what’s going on.”

When he remained silent, she slid both her hands to his neck and held him.

“I can handle it. I promise. What I can’t handle is secrets from the man I love. Secrets that involve me or the twins or this town.”

He blew out a long breath, eyes skirting above her head for a second before dipping back to her. “Victoria left a voice message on my phone. She said she knows who killed the twins.”

She jerked a little in surprise. “That’s good, isn’t it?”

When he didn’t answer right away, her stomach dipped. Why was it not good?

“We can’t find her,” he finally said.

“You mean she’s missing?”

“Not technically. She told colleagues she was going away for the weekend and might not have reception, so Tom won’t classify her as missing until Monday.”

“Monday? So much could happen in that time.”

He nodded. “We’re going to look into it.”

“Okay.” She grazed the warm skin beneath his ear. “I want you to keep me updated.” When he was silent, she frowned. “I know the other night was hard for me—”

“You were terrified.”

“I know. But it will be worse if you shut me out. I’ll imagine the worst.”

Another moment of silence, then his hands lowered to her butt and tugged her up his body like she weighed nothing. She wrapped her legs around him.

“Okay.” His head lowered to hers. “But promise to stay close. No going outside without me or one of the guys.”

She nudged her nose against his and shut her eyes. “Thank you.”

Then he kissed her, and that tightness in her chest that she’d felt all night finally eased.

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