Flynn (Blue Halo Book 4)

Flynn: Chapter 13

Carina watched the muscles in Flynn’s back ripple as he moved inside the house ahead of her. Apart from their steps, there was silence. In fact, there had been almost complete silence between them since Flynn had seen her with Greg.

She walked around him to grab a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water, overanalyzing everything that had transpired. She was pretty sure she knew why he was being so quiet, but—

“How’s the knee?”

Flynn’s question cut into her thoughts as she turned off the tap. It was the only question he’d continued to ask since the scene with Greg. She gave him the same answer she’d been giving all night. “It’s fine.”

She lowered the glass without taking a sip and turned, watching him from across the room.

One small nod, and then that same quiet that had plagued them in the car. The man hadn’t even turned on the radio.

He turned toward the door, and she wasn’t sure if he intended to leave or just drop his keys on the small side table, but she stopped him with her question before he did either.

“Is it because I described you as my patient’s son?”

Another ripple of those back muscles through the shirt. When he turned, his face was annoyingly unreadable. “It’s because that’s all you described me as. To both Greg and Courtney.” He tilted his head. “I think we’re a bit more than that. Don’t you?”

He took a slow step toward her. Why did that step feel like an animal stalking his prey?

Her hands were now clenching the counter behind her, fingers digging into the wood.

“Do you always kiss your patients’ sons?” he asked.

“No. But I was in shock. I didn’t expect Greg to just show up out of the blue. I wasn’t thinking straight.”

Hell, her head still was a mess.

“So that’s not how you feel?”

God, how had the man crossed half the room already? He hardly looked like he was moving.

She swallowed, and her next words came out quieter than the last. “What I feel for you is…it’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt for any other person before.”

That had him pausing. One side of his mouth lifted. “I feel the same, Carina.”

When he finally reached her, his hands went to either side of her body, grabbing the counter to cage her in.

For a moment, words were lost on her. And it had everything to do with his musky, outdoorsy scent surrounding her. That hard, muscular chest almost touched her own.

His head lowered, and the kiss on her cheek was so soft, it had the fine hairs on her arms standing on end. “Where do you see this going, Carina?”

“Um…” Her eyes shut as another featherlight kiss brushed her cheek. What had he asked her? “I can’t think when you’re so close to me.”

Another kiss—this time closer to her lips. “Okay. I’ll tell you where I see this going. I see both of us having all of each other. You getting all of me. Me getting all of you.” Another kiss. “I’m all in.”

She gasped at those last words.

And he dove, taking her mouth with his own, driving his tongue straight between her lips like he didn’t have the time to lose.

A moan slipped from her throat, and her hands curved up his shoulders. Her knees had just started to shake when his hands went to her butt, and she was tugged off her feet, against his body. Her breasts pressed to his chest, cushioning his hardness.

He kissed her like he wanted to devour her whole. Exactly how she needed to be kissed.

Her hands burrowed into his hair, a fiery need growing low in her belly.

One of Flynn’s hands slid up her hip, gliding under her top and up her bare stomach. When it closed over her breast, cradling the soft mound with a calloused palm, her hands stilled in his hair, clutching the strands. Her nipple hardened, and he found it immediately with his thumb and forefinger, teasing the sensitive bud.

Pleasure and need zipped through her body in a hot, heavy rush. The sensations were alive inside her, consuming her, throbbing from her breasts down to her core.

His mouth trailed down her cheek and throat as Carina’s breaths became shallow, sawing in and out of her chest in quick succession.

Air whipped her flesh as he spun them around, lowering her to the kitchen island. She toed off her shoes before he stepped between her thighs, separating her legs. Then he tugged off her sweater. That mouth returned to her neck, but this time the kiss was slower. Gentle. He trailed his lips to her chest.

With one finger, he slipped the strap of her bra down her shoulder, his heated touch grazing her the entire time. It was like a line of fire burning her skin. Then the cup was down. When his mouth covered the tip of her breast, a loud cry tore from her throat.

He alternated between sucking the hard peak and flicking her nipple from side to side.

She was vaguely aware of the button of her jeans popping open. The sound of the zipper. Then his hand slipped inside, one finger grazing her slit.

Her entire body jolted, her cry more of a strangled moan. Heat flared in her core and lower belly. Then it spidered throughout her limbs. His finger continued to move and graze against her clit for endless minutes. Then it moved to her entrance, and her breath caught. Slowly, he pushed a finger inside her, causing a full-body shudder.

Carina rocked her hips, her fingers clutching his shoulders. “Flynn…”

The finger moved out, then slowly back in again, his thumb swiping against her clit the entire time. It was torture. When her nipple eventually popped from his mouth, his lips trailed back up her throat. When he reached her mouth, he kissed her one more time. Then he looked at her, his eyes stormy.


His finger was still moving rhythmically inside her, his thumb pressing and rubbing at her clit.

It took a moment to make her voice work, then she breathed the single word. “Yes.”

If possible, his eyes darkened further. His finger slid out of her slowly. She wanted to cry. Then he was lifting her against his chest, and the air shifted around them until they stepped into the bedroom.

With one hand, he undid her bra, allowing it to fall to the floor with a whisper of a thud. A small growl vibrated from his chest when her breasts sprang free.

Gently, he laid her on top of the bed. She watched as he tugged his shirt over his head, his muscles rippling. Then he slipped his jeans down his legs.

Her mouth dried. The man was all power and sex.

He leaned onto the bed, gently removing her knee brace. Then he tugged her jeans and panties down her thighs. His eyes never left hers.

She’d thought she’d feel self-conscious being bare before him. Maybe want to cover herself. She didn’t feel any of that. Not with the way he looked at her. Like she was all he needed. All he’d ever need.

Flynn bent down, pressing a kiss to her ankle. Then, slowly, his mouth trailed up her leg. When he reached the apex between her thighs, her heart skidded to a halt as he separated her legs.

At the first swipe of his tongue against her clit, her body jerked. It was like a bolt of lightning crashing through her system.

He swiped again, and her back arched, a moan slipping from somewhere deep inside her.

As his tongue continued to swirl and glide, the room around her hazed and darkened. Her mind became a red fog of heat and desire. Her chest moved up and down quickly. It was like there wasn’t enough air reaching her lungs.

“Flynn, please!”

One more swipe, then those lips finally left her core, skimming up to her navel, her chest. He took a nipple into his mouth and sucked before allowing it to pop from his lips, then moved up her neck until he reached her mouth.

Then he went back to kissing her again with that same fiery need. Like if he stopped or slowed, they’d both disintegrate into nothing.

When she felt his hardness between her thighs, she reached down, slipping her hand into his briefs and wrapping her fingers around him. His body hardened and stilled. He was thick in her hand and continued to thicken as she tightened her hold. Slowly, she began to explore him, moving her hand up and down his length, loving the way his eyes clenched shut as if he could barely contain himself.

She took her time, relishing every rasping breath from his chest as she moved her hand from base to tip. Too soon, he was growling and rising from the bed, grabbing his wallet from his jeans and tugging out a condom.

When his briefs dropped, her mouth gaped. Feeling was one thing—seeing was another. The man was huge.

Her gaze trailed up to Flynn’s, and his eyes were still as dark as ever. The expression on his face… It claimed her. Destroyed her.

Once he’d donned the condom, he slid back over her body and settled between her thighs, his length right there, pressing at her entrance.

He leaned down, whispering words against her cheek. Words that were lost to the roaring blood between her ears. Then he pushed inside—and every single muscle in her body seized.

His mouth claimed hers again, his tongue dancing with her own as he began to thrust, filling her completely before pulling out again.

Carina’s eyes closed in pleasure. Every time he returned to her, that pleasure built, tipping her closer to the edge. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders, and when his hand once again cradled her breast, pinching her nipple, she bucked and shuddered. She was holding on for dear life, every tilt of his hips brought her closer to the edge.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, tugging his body back to her on each thrust.

He rolled to his side and pulled her with him, his thrusts never stopping, now driving into her from a new angle. It was both heaven and torture. Her body rioted against the sensations flooding her core.

Her eyes clenched shut. It was too much. All of it.

When the hand around her waist tugged her closer, and he took a pebbled nipple between his lips, her body finally spasmed, clenching and rippling around his length.

A deep growl reverberated from Flynn’s chest as he claimed her lips once again, a hand replacing his mouth on her breast. He thrust harder. Deeper. Prolonging her orgasm, drawing it out.

Then he tensed, his body tightening.

Oxygen moved in and out of her chest in slow, deep breaths as he stilled. When she opened her eyes, it was to see Flynn looking at her like he was seeing her for the first time.

“You’re incredible,” he whispered, the hand on her breast still grazing her peak.

She swallowed, leaning her head against his and just breathing. “That was…”

“Everything,” Flynn finished when she couldn’t.

Yes. It was everything.

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