Flying Without Wings

Chapter Chapter Twenty One

I landed with a rough thud onto the moor above the caves. I could hear the Angha we had just saved softly landing around me. Breathing in the sweet earth I pushed myself up and slowly freed each restless Angha from their collars and ropes. They stretched their wings and pranced gaily in the cool night air enjoying their newfound freedom. It reminded me of a documentary I saw of chimpanzees that had been used for scientific experiments being released. As they felt the earth for the first time there was nothing but happiness in their eyes. They weren’t spiteful or scared, they embraced nature and felt joy. I didn’t know how long the Angha had been down there for or how anyone could lock up an animal and torture them for self-gain, but I was glad I was there to watch them be free, I just hoped Marvillo was alright. Lewis landed with a loud thump a few meters away from me, he was holding on to another bunch of Angha that had flown him out of the caves too. “What the bloody hell are you still doing here? Move it!” He shouted at me, the side of his face dripping with blood. He took off up the hill roughly pulling his group of Angha with him. I ran and the Angha flew but followed close behind me. The plan was for them not to fly but I couldn’t bear to put another rope around their necks or wings, I just hoped the black cover of the night would hide their obscureness. I ran towards the safe house, my house; we had decided to meet in the hidden basement, both our group and those who went to Zenasia's house, I hoped I wasn’t the first one back. I skidded around the corner of my street and pelted to our house, I could hear the Angha still flapping above me and hoped none of them had fallen behind. My heart was pounding in my chest and I had never been so short of breath I, but I ran for my life and for the lives of the Angha. I didn’t slow down or really breathe until I was inside my front gate. The door was ajar and I was happy someone else was already there. The Angha started landing gracefully around me, they weren’t out of breathe, they were born to fly. I counted them as they landed, 10, 11, 12, 13, none had fallen behind. The biggest Angha, a Great Dane, sniffed loudly towards the door and he pawed at the ground.

“Is it alight?” I whispered to him. His big brown eyes studied mine for a few seconds, I couldn’t believe how intense his gaze was. He snuffed again and walked forward into the house, the rest of his pack followed him. I could hear a stampede of claws in the distance and looked down the street, Lewis and his tribe were bolting down the street too. Not wanting to be seen standing stupidly alone outside the safe house I slipped inside and closed the door. I heard a kafuffle down the hall and could see wagging tales poking out of the kitchen. If the Angha were happy it must be ok, I already trusted them so. Feeling confident I strode into the room and felt a wave of relief, Marvillo was standing on the table touching noses with the other Angha. I cried out overjoyed when I saw him and he flew into my arms. He licked my face and flapped about goofily, the puppy he still was shining through. I looked around the kitchen and saw nothing had been disturbed and somehow I knew Marvillo had come home alone, my heart sank, where was Bastian? Lewis burst through the front door and locked it once his pack of Angha were inside. He his eyes were wide and he held a spotted handkerchief over the gash on the side of his face. He asked me for news without saying a word and I answered.

“Only Marvillo is here.” I didn’t have to check the rest of the house, I just knew.

A puzzled look spread across his face, he opened his mouth then faltered understanding. “Give the pups some water will you.” He said and headed to the basement.

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